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Voellig Entdecktes, &c. i. e. The Secrets of Nature revealed, both with respect to the Work of Generation, and the Method of accomplishing the Defire of the Parents with refpect to the Sex of their Offspring. By M. JOHN CHRISTIAN HENCKE, Organist of the Church of Hildesheim. 8vo. Brunswick. 1786.


FTER a laugh, or at leaft a fmile, which will naturally be excited by the contrast that there is between the title of this work and the profeffion of its Author, we fuppofe that many of our readers will expect, from this title, a waggifh publication. If it had been fuch, we should not have announced it; that it is not fuch we immediately prefumed from even the lift of fubfcribers that is prefixed to the work, among which we find no lefs than fixteen German univerfities. On examining the work, we perceived that it was a very ferious business on the part of our organist, and that it is by no means his design to put us off with ¿a jig, a canoni, or a hornpipe. With refpect to his discovery of the fecret of Dame Nature, we fhall leave it where we have found it, becaufe, of whatever confequence it may be, we cannot draw it forth to view without fullying our page and our fingers. We have, however, been induced to announce the work for the fake of anatomical connoiffeurs, though, if we are not mistaken, there are obfervations upon record that ftrike at the foundation of our Author's fyftem; a great part of which, befide, is not new.


Winke, &c. i. e. Advice to good Princes, to thofe who are charged with the Education of Princes, and to the Friends of the People. By M. EHLERS, Profeffor of Law. 8vo. Keil. 1786.

HERE is a great quantity of good advice in the five differta


tions that compofe this volume, and the fubjects difcuffed in them are by no means trite or vulgar. The curious question, how far it is advisable to carry the inftruction of the people, and in what refpects their being well informed is ufeful and expedient is the fubject of the first differtation. The fecond treats of feveral dangerous confequences that may arife from fome inconfiderate regulations that have taken place in the Greek Church, and in fome Proteftant Churches in Germany, with refpect to toleration. It is well known, that the extraordinary privileges and advantages that have been granted to the ex-Jefuits by the Emprefs of Ruffia, have proved favourable to the introduction of the Roman Catholic belief and worship into feveral places where they were before unknown. The fame effect has been produced, though in a lefs degree, by the unmodi fied liberty of public worship, and even the privilege of efta


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blishing miffions, that have been granted to the Romanifts in fome Proteftant tates. The learned and judicious Profeffor expofes the inconveniences of these measures with a public-fpirited zeal, that is by no means unaccompanied with knowledge and charity. The fubject is delicate, as every plan of prefcribing limits to toleration requires the acutenefs of a clear head, joined to the liberal feelings of a generous and benevolent heart. If the Roman Catholic fyftem (and we may form hopes that such a revolution is beginning to dawn) could be divefted of the lordly fpirit of defpotifm, and the wicked fpirit of perfecution and intolerance that has been blended and identified with its very effence, through a long courfe of ages, the subject of toleration would be no more a matter of difcuffion; all difficulties would vanish. Our Author is a perfect mafter of this fubject, which is connected with that of his third differtation. In this, to prevent the introduction of fuch religious doctrines as may be pernicious to the well-being of the ftate, he produces a confeffion of faith, which, he thinks, ought to be adopted by perfons of all communions who fettle in any country, and claim a toleration and the free exercife of their religious worship. This confeffion is formed upon a large and liberal plan, and excludes none from the rights and privileges of citizens, who embrace thofe great truths of natural religion, which are connected with the effential interefts and well-being of civil fociety; fome of its articles are, however, ambiguoufly expreffed, fo as to be in the interpretation fufceptible of a degree of latitude that might defeat the end for which it is propofed. As to Atheifts, even they are deemed by our Author objects of toleration, provided they neither propagate their opinions in converfation nor in their writings, nor form themselves into feparate fects and communities, nor combat the doctrines that are generally received. The fame fubje&t is continued in the fourth differtation, in which the Author gives us another form of a general confeffion of faith, and fays many fhrewd things on the expediency and utility of fuch forms and confeffions. The fifth and concluding differtation of this volume, contains the principles and maxims that ought to determine the degree of toleration, that may be granted to the focieties which are diftinguifhed by the denomination of religious orders. This fubject, which the prefent crifis of ecclefiaftical and monaftic polity in the empire and elsewhere renders seasonable and interefting, is difcuffed by the acute and judicious Author with the moft candid impartiality.

Another volume of our Profeffor's good advice is promifed; and those who have read this, expect it with a degree of impatience that does him honour and juftice.



Ursprung, &c. i. e. On the Nature and Progrefs of Science, of Writing, and of a Sacred Language among the firft Inhabitants of the World. or, an Explication of the Fables and obfcure Traditions concerning Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jofeph, and Mofes, defigned to illuftrate feveral important Symbols, and mytterious Doctrines, both of ancient and modern Times. 8vo. Breflau. 1786.


HE difcoveries made by the learned Author, in this inveftigation, do not seem to repay the labour and erudition they have coft him, by their merit and importance. He points out to us, indeed, certain epochas, in which ancient hiftorical records were fymbolically interpreted; but he does not carry us back to the fource, nor fhew us how they were understood by those from whofe primitive relations they were tranfmitted down from age to age. He throws, it is true, fome new rays of critical light upon the Kabaliftic fables; and this will be probably confidered as the most interesting part of his work, at least by the philologifts.


GEORGII RUDOLPHI BOHMERI Commentatio Phyfico-botanica de Plantarum Semine, i. e. A Phyfico-botanical Differtation concerning the Seed of Plants. By M. Geo. R. BOHMER. Wittemberg. 1785. 8vo.

ALL that has been faid by ancient and modern authors on

the fubject here announced, is compendiously contained in the compals of 390 pages of this judicious work. We fay judicious; for M. BOHMER is not one of thofe compilers and bookmakers, who need no more than a pair of fciffars to furnish us with heavy, voluminous, folio publications. He compares, appreciates, and often rectifies the obfervations of the authors which he has here collected concerning the germination and duration of feed, the manner of augmenting their fecundity, and many other objects relative to this branch of botany and natural history. He has alfo fubjoined to this work, a curious Differtation concerning the cellular tiffue of vegetables.


Avis au Public, i. e. An Advertisement addreffed to the Public. By M. PALLAS, Member of the Imperial Academy of Petersburg.



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HIS eminent Naturalift, already fo well known by his celebrated voyages and learned publications, announces here a vaft and arduous defign conceived by the Empress of Ruffia, the execution of which is undertaken by her order. This illuftrious Princefs is always aiming at great things. Her plans of empire, of commerce, of civilization, and literary improve


ment, are all formed upon a grand fcale. She has extended her dominions from the Frozen Ocean to the borders of the Euxine, and feems to ftand there on her tiptoe, ready to ftep over to the other fide. How many languages are fpoken under her fceptre ? This question brings us to the fubject of M. Pallas's advertisement, which is the publication of an Univerfal and comparative Gloffary of all Languages, under the aufpicious protection and encouragement of CATHARINE II. The Ruffian empire can reckon within its boundaries above a third of the languages that are spoken on the furface of our globe, and a great number, with which even the learned are hitherto unacquainted. Within the narrow district of Caucafus, which is inhabited by feveral fmall nations, eight or nine languages, and twenty-two dialects, are fpoken. In Siberia, the languages and dialects are still more numerous, and Kamfchatka furnishes nine dialects of three different languages. Those who are charged with the execution of this immenfe plan have begun their work, and the languages and idioms of the Ruffian empire are the firft objects of their inquiries. Among other things, we are told that the true pronunciation of the words will be indicated and expreffed in this gloffary, with the utmost accuracy and certainty (which is no eafy matter), and that a preliminary difcourfe concerning the languages, and their filiations, analogies, and affinities, will be prefixed to this GREAT WORK.


Natur-Hiftoriche Briefe, &c. i. e. Letters concerning the Natural History of Auftria, Saltzburg, Paffau, and the adjacent Provinces. By M. PAUL SCHRANK. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1785. THESE letters are agreeably written, and contain excellent obfervations on the natural productions and riches of countries little known, even with respect to the manners and cuftoms of their inhabitants.


Uber de enftehung des Nordlichts, &c. i. e. Concerning the Origin of the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. By M. J. ANTHONY CRAMER, Profeffor of Mathematics in the Ducal College of Hildefheim. 8vo. Bremen. 1786.


T is in the phlogifton, collected about the pole, that M. CRAMER thinks he has perceived the true caufe of the ATora Borealis; of which he explains all the phenomena in, at least, a probable manner, on this principle.

all by


e; except art. 35.



To the REMARKABLE PASSAGES in this Volume.

N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, Jee the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.

ABfraction, in metaphyfics, what, 333.
Acbard, M. his exper. on air, water,
&c. 482. On the property of rotten
wood fhining in the dark, 484.
Acid, acetous, directions for obtaining,
448. Component parts of, 449. Ni-
trous, 450. On the action of phofphoric
acid upon oils, and the combination of,
with fpirit of vitriol, 497. Nitrous,
capable of diffolving gold, 508.
Acids. See Berthollet.
Agaric, of the oak, fome account of, 507.
Agaricus conicus, poisonous effects of, 535.
Aikin, Dr. his remarks on the different
fuccefs, with respect to health, of fome
attempts to pass the winter in high
northern latitudes, 252.

Air, fixable, acetous, acid, &c. theory of,
450. Experiments relative to air, by
M. Achard, 482. Other exper. 483.
On the combination of nitrous with re-
fpirable air, 501. Affinity of pure air
with fire, 518.
Air Balloon. See Baldwin. See Jeffries.
See Monnier.

America, her treaty with Pruffia, claufes

in, replete with uncommon benevolence
and philanthropy, 309.
Anatomy, abftract of the history of that
fcience, 325.

Anderdon, Mr. his experiments on grow.
ing turnips and beans, together, in al-
ternate rows, 170.
Antrim, coaft of, its natural, &c. curiofi-
ties, 278. Remarkable ancient col.
liery difcovered there, 279. Giant's
causeway, 280.

Arbalefrier, Chev. on the cure of the ve
nereal disease, by a plant growing in
Canada, 535.
Aræteus, account of, and of his writings,
101. His treatife on acute and chronic
diseases tranflated from the Greek, ib.
Arr. Rev. Vol. LXXV.

Editions and translations of this Author,
102, the note.

Ariftotle, character of, and of his writings,


Arithmetic, invention for enabling blind

perfons to perform operations in, 422.
Arts, the affinity between the feveral
kinds of, confidered, 344.

Aurance on lives, the Equitable Society
for, recommended, 405.

Aftori, M. his inventions and improve-
ments with refpect to the art of encauf.
tic painting, 540.

Attraction of cohefion, an experiment rela
tive to, 406.

Aufavre, M. on miliary fevers, 537.
Aurora Borealis, caufed by the phlogiston
collected about the pole, 576.

Baldwin, Mr. his entertaining account
of his very fuccefsful experim, in an
aeroftatic machine, 218.
Bark, Peruvian, inquiry into the nature
and qualities of the red, 483.
Barnes, Dr. his rem. on education, 254.
On the nature of poetry, 343. On the
affinity between the Arts, 344. On
the pleasure which the mind receives
from contemplating scenes of diftrefs,
347. On the influence of the imagina
tion and paffions on the understanding,
408. On the voluntary power of the
mind over bodily fenfation, 415.
Bartley, Mr. his experiments on the culture
of buck wheat, 172.
Beauties, of Authors, the prefent rage for
extracting them ridiculed, 42.
Beauty, apoftrophe to, after death, 369.
Beguelin, M. mem, by, on the barometer,
&c. 485.

Bell, Dr. Memoirs of, 415.
Bernoulli, M. his correfpondence, 481.
His account of the Georgium Sidus, ib.

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