
Whiteball, Feb. 9.

Intelligence has been received, that war has been declared in France against Great Britain and Holland.

which he will be enabled to take the command of any foreign fhips of war, to act in conjunction with the British fleet.

In the House of Lords lord Grenville delivered a message from his majesty, which was read, and is as follows:

"His majefty thinks proper to acquaint the Houfe of Lords, that the affembly now exercising the powers of government in France, have, without previous notice, directed acts of hoftility to be committed against the perfons

His majefty's order in council is, that all packet-boats and bye boats, whether British or French, employed in the conveyance of letters and paffengers between this country and France, or the countries occupied by the armies of France, be permitted to pafs and repafs, as heretofore, with their refpective complements of men, and that fuch French Packets or bye-boats, as may now be within any of the ports, har-and property of his majefty's fubjects, bours, or roads of this kingdom, into which it has been ufual for fuch French packets or bye-boats to come, be not detained, notwithstanding any thing contained in his majefty's order in council of the 4th inftant.

in breach of the law of nations, and of the moft pofitive ftipulations of treaty, and have fince, on the most groundless pretences, actually declared war against his majefly and the United Provinces, Under the circumftances of this wanton The following arrangements took and unprovoked aggr flion, his majesty place in the high law departments on has taken the necellary steps to mainSaturday last, viz. the lord chief baron tain the honour of his crown, and to Eyre was appointed lord chief juftice of vindicate the rights of his people; and the court of Common Pleas; the at- his majefty relies with confidence on the torney-general, Sir Archibald Macdo-firm and effectual fupport of the House nald, to fucceed the lord chief baron; of Lords, and on the zealous exertions fir John Scott, follicitor-general, to be of a brave and loyal people, in profeattorney-general; and John Mitford, cuting a juft and necessary war; in enefq. one of his majefty's council, a deavouring, under the bleffing of ProWelch judge, and Member for Beeralf-vidence, to oppofe an effec.ual barrier ton, in Cornwall, to be follicitor-general. to the further progrefs of a system which A chain of beacons is ordered to be ftrikes at the fecurity and peace of all immediately erected along thofe parts independent nations, and is purfued in of our coalt which are oppofite to that open defiance of every principle of moof France. deration, good faith, humanity, and juftice.

The Pearl, of Plymouth, and two Dutch hoys, are captured by the French and carried into Calais.

Several privateers are fitting out at Calais, and feveral are cruifing in the mid-channel, filretching towards the English coaft.

11. A very ftrong fleet for the Mediterranean is ordered to be equipped with all poffible expedition: another goes to the West Indies, with as much hafte as poffible.

A very large number of cruizers are ordered into Channel service directly, to protect trade and our fea coaft and fubordinate ports from the infults of privateers, &c.

The particular fhips which are to compofe lord Hood's fquadron, for the Mediterranean ftation, are all nearly ready for fea. His lordship will go un der a fpecial comillion, by virtue of

"In a cause of such general concern, his majefty has every reafon to hope the cordial co-operation of thote powers who are united with his majesty by the ties of alliance, or who feel an intereft in preventing the extenfion of anarchy and confufion, and in contributing to the fecurity and tranquillity of Europe."

The houfe ordered the meffage to be taken into confideration to-morrow.

Plymouth Dock, Feb. 12. The Perfeus, of 20 guns, captain Palmer, lately arriyed from the Weft Indies, came into harbour to be paid off; but yesterday an order came down to refit her with every difpatch; and the is ordered, as well as all the reft of the craizers, into the Channel immediately, with orders to burn, take, fink, or deftroy, every French fhip they meet with.

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inftead of John Llewellen, of CaftlePiggen, efq.

William Owen, of Pencraig, efq. to be sheriff of the county of Carnarvon, in the room of Richard Lloyd, of Trallion, efq. deceafed.

Whiteball, Feb. 13. A convention,
for the final adjuftment of the Nootka
claims, was this day figned at White-
hall, between fir Ralph Woodford, ba-
ronet, commillary and plenipotentiary
on the part of his majefly, and by
Don Manuel De Las Heras, his catho-
lie majefty's commiffary and plenipo-be

His royal highnefs the duke of Cla-
rence is to have his flag on board one of
the hips deftined to compofe the grand
Channel fleet, of which earl Howe, ad-
miral of the white, is to have the com-
mand. The number of flag fhips will
be fix, viz. the commander in chief,
three vice-admirals, and two rear-ad-

14. The Felicity, Wickham, belong. ing to the Sierra Leone company, is just arrived off Dartmouth. The governor is landed, and fet off for London. Capt. Wickham has a quantity of ivory and gum on board for the company. He had a fix weeks paffage, and left the inhabitants very healthy.

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David Pugh, of Brynderwen, efq. to fheriff of the county of Montgomery, inftead of Thomas Powell, of Llanbrimnair, efq.

And John Higgon, of Scolton, efq. to be fheriff of the county of Pembroke, inftead of John Bartlett Allen, of Creffelly, efq.

And his majefty was alfo pleafed to make the following amendments upon the roll:

Bedfordfhire, Thomas Crofs, to be Thomas Croffe, of Bramingham, efq. Gloucestershire, Chriftopher Cottington, to be be Chriftopher Codrington, of Doddington, efq.

Yorkshire, Richard Beaumont, to be Richard Henry Beaumont, of Whitley, efq.

Sheriffs appointed by his majefty in council, for the year 1793, for the following counties, viz.

The following is his majefty's anfwer
to the addrefs of the House of Lords:
"My lords, I return you my hearty
thanks for this very dutiful and affec-field Broad Oak, efq.
tionate addrefs.

“I receive with the greatest satisfac-
tion the affurances of your firm and ef-
fectual fupport in the profecution of the
juft and neceflary war in which I am
engaged, in confequence of the unpro-
voked aggreffion of France; and I trust
that, by the bleffing of Providence, my
efforts will be rendered fuccefsful for
maintaining the rights of my people,
preventing the extenfion of anarchy, and
contribute to the future tranquillity of



Effex, Staines Chamberlayne, of Hat

Oxfordfhire, John Caillaud, of Afton,

18. The right hon. the lord mayor held a wardmote at Cordwainers-hall, Diftaff-lane, for the election of an alderman of Bread ftreet ward, in the room of Brafs Crofby, efq. deceafed; when Stephen Langfton, efq. one of the common-council of that ward,.was chofen without oppofition.

20. Government are about to appoint packets to pafs conftantly from Falmouth to the Groyne, for a more certain and fpeedy communication with Spain, during the war with France.

16. About 270 of the royal artillery embarked on board the Woolwich, of 44 guns, capt. Parker, at Spithead. 25. The three battalions of guards, One company are to be landed at Gib- deftined for foreign fervice, were drawn raltar, the remainder are for the Wind-up upon the Parade before the Horfeward Islands.

Orders were sent to Portsmouth, Plymouth, Chatham, and Sheerness, on Saturday, directing that confiderable numbers of troops fhould be taken on board all fhips of war, now defined for Service.

His majefly in council was this day pleafed to appoint

John Williams, of Wennalt, efq. to be theriff of the county of Carmarthen,


guards. At feven the king, attended by the prince of Wales, the duke of York, and feveral general and other officers, came down the Mall from Buckinghamhoufe. After his majelty had been about half an hour upon the Parade, the bat alions pafled him by companies, moving by flow time, the officers faluting as they paffed. They then went off by Storey's-gate, and took the road to Greenwich. When the whole had


paffed, his majefty, with his fuite fell in, in the rear of the battalions, and accompanied them to the place of their embarkation. His majefty came upon the Parade with the prince of Wales, who was in the uniform of his regiment of light horfe, on his right hand, and the duke of York, in a lieutenant general's uniform, on his left. The duke and prince Willian of Gloucester, in the uniform of the 1ft. regiment of guards, received his majesty on the Parade. The concourfe of people was very great, and his majefly was received by them with loud and repeated acclamations. The Kent road was lined with fpectators, and his majefly, as he paffed along, was faluted with the moft animated fhouts of applaufe. The march was honoured with the prefence of the queen and the three elder princeffes. The duke of Clarence, in a coach and fix, likewife accompanied the march of the battalions. Amongst the attendants of the king, were the duke of Montrofe, fir William Fawcett, lord Mulgrave, &c. The embarkation was to take place immediately on their arrival at Greenwich.

27. Lord Auckland's difpatches are faid to be highly fatisfactory. The Dutch are vigorously arming by fea and land to oppofe the French.

The transports with the troops on board, for Holland, failed from the Nore yesterday morning, under convoy of the Syren frigate, two other men of war, and a cutter. Williamfladt, where they are to difembark, is on the Meufe, about 20 miles above Helvoetfluys, and is the next place to Breda, from whence it is diftant about 16 miles.

Another detachment of the guards marched, yesterday morning, to embark at Greenwich for Holland. Two companies of artillery are to be embarked at Woolwich, for the fame def tination.

The two regiments of foot, which were intended for Holland, have received counter orders.

Portsmouth, Feb. 27. This evening arrived the fhark floop of war, captain Barker, with a French brig, laden with falt, &c. which he took yefterday. She is not yet come into harbour. Dover, Feb. 28. The dotchefs of York paffage veffel, captain Rogers, which has been detained at Dunkirk,

ever fince the commencement of hoftilities, was releafed and failed from thence laft Thursday, but after she had been out a few hours, was taken by a privateer, and carried into Graveline: the municipality ordered her to be released, and the captain of the privateer to pay for detaining her, and the arrived here laft Monday evening with several passengers. At half past three o'clock, the king, attended by the duke of Montrofe and the earl of Galloway, proceeded in his ftate coach from St. James's to the Houfe of Peers, where lord Loughborough received his majefty with the ufual ceremony, when the king gave the royal affent to five public and feveral private bills.

Feb. 28. Arrived the Ganges Eaft Indiaman.

March 1. The general faft, for fuccefs upon the British arms, is, by his majefty's proclamation, to be kept on the 19th of next month.

His majefty in council was this day pleafed to appoint Edwin Martin Atkins, of Kingston Lifle, efq. to be sheriff of the county of Berks, in the room of Thomas Goodlake, of Barton Regis, efq. deceased.

Portsmouth, March 1. Arrived his majesty's fhip Spitfire, captain Durham, from a cruize, with the St. John, a French privateer, of 28 guns, having driven on fhore three French privateers off Havre-de-Grace, one of which they fet on fire.

The Savage floop of war has captured the La Culline, a French lugfail privateer, of Dunkirk, with eight swivels, fmall arms, and 24 men, and taken her into Yarmouth.

The Greyhound revenue cutter has captured and fent into Cowes, the l'Active, a French privateer, of 30 tons and 30 men.

His royal highness the duke of York landed at Helvoet fluys on Wednesday evening; and on Thurfday morning captain Bridge, of the Prince of Orange packet, met the tranfports, with the guards on board, about ten leagues off the coaft of Holland, ftanding in with a fair wind.

A few days ago an English veffel was taken by a French cruizer, between Dunkirk and Helvoetfluys. The French took out all the hads but one, and put three of their own men on board, but on ac

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zount of bad weather, and the unskil- longing to the veffels laid under an emfulness of the Frenchmen, the English-bargo, were to be employed in the gunman, who was admitted to be pilot, boats now getting ready for fervice.

ran the veffel into Schevengen, where the three Frenchmen were fecured, and the veffel retained or its owners.

6. The Rezolution, Sheckerley, from Holland, and the Agnetta Lauringa, Wallerecht, from Nantz, are captured by the French, and carried into Oftend. The Alarm frigate, of 32 guns, is appointed to convoy the linen thips from Belfast to Dublin,

The 19th and 37th regiments of infantry, now in Scotland, are ordered to

embark at Leith for Holland.

The 35th regiment of foot, now in Ireland, is ordered to be in readiness for


The 42d regiment is to remain in Scotland, and to be encamped during the fummer with the fencibles.

In the House of Lords, lord Grenville delivered a message from the king, the fubftance of which was, that his majefty had thought it advisable to take into pay a portion of his electoral troops, in order to affitt his allies the the States General of the United Provinces, and that he trufted to the zeal and loyalty of their lordships, to enable him to fulfil that engagement.

The Dutch mail brought the first authentic intelligence of the fafe difembarkation of the guards. They landed on Saturday at Helvoetfluys, when they were to march for the Hague.

The re-building of Drury-lane theatre is about to re-commence, and will be purfued with all practicable expedi


The mutiny and militia bills were paffed by commiffion. The commiffioners were the lord chancellor, the archbishop of Canterbury, and the duke of Montrofe.

8. It is in the contemplation of government, it is reported, to have a filver coinage of pieces of feven fhillings each, and that preparations will speedily commence for carrying the project into £ffect.

9. The Royal Sovereign, of 112 guns, is put into commiffion at Plymouth, and the command of her given to captain Nichols. This fhip is intended as the flag of admiral Graves.

The Dutch papers mention, that all the English feamen at Rotterdam, be


February 20.

THE lady of James Santiloe, of Nottingham, efq. of a fon

March 2. The lady of Frederick Dawfon, of Perfhore, Worcestershire, of a daughter.

Lincoln's-inn-fields, efq. of a fon. 6. The lady of J. Anftruther, of 10. The lady of Henry Wyatt, of Barnflable, efq. of a fon.

19. The lady of Francis Comber, of Billericay, Effex, efq. of a fon.


Feb. 16. Sir Bourchier Wray, bart. to mifs A. Ofborne, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Oborne, of Monk'shill, Gloucestershire, efq.

23. John Charles Middleton, of Hinton Amptner, Hants, efq. to mifs Charlotte Beckford, of Portman-fquare.

John Pickering, of Watling-treet, efq. to mifs A. Wood, of Laytonstone.

The hon. Thomas Windfor, brother to the earl of Plymouth, and captain in his majefty's navy, to mifs Bagnall, daughter of John Bagnall, of Early, court, Berks, efq.

Anthony Bushby Bacon, of Cardiff, Glamorganfhire, efq. to mifs Rambottom, of Alderfgate-treet.

Waters, of Old Bond-ftreet, efq. to mifs Fielding, youngest daughter of the late admiral Fielding.

Richard Samler, of Bridge-ftreet, efq. to mifs S. Law, of Leeds, Yorkfhire.

James Moore, of Lincoln, efq. to mifs, of Norwich.

March 2. The rev. John Kemble, rector of Folkington, Suffex, to mifs Dalby, of that place.

Jonathan Kendal, of Old Burlington-ftreet, efq. to mifs Williams, of the fame place.

Richard Griffith, of Millicent, in the county of Kildare, efq. to mifs Mary Hefter Burgh, daughter of the late right hon. lord chief baron Burgh.

Michael Eaton, of Crutched-friars, efq. to Mifs Martin, of John-street.




[blocks in formation]


Henry Abbott, of Woolverhampton,

[blocks in formation]

Kenfington, efq.
Stephen Pitt, of Campden-house,

John Goodman, of Calne, Wilts, efq.
Charles Stewart, of Stafford-ftreet.
the county of Cavan, efq,
Dublin, representative in parliament for

Francis Roger Lucadou, of Throg

33. The rev. Dr. Aylmer, preben-morton-ftreet, efq. dary of Bristol, and rector of Bradford, Wilts.

Thomas Early, of Folkftone, efq. Peter James Bennett, of Friday-street, efq.

Richard Holford, of Ilford, efq.
John Cuillemard, of Tottenham, efq.
Francis Williamfon, of Liverpool,

The baronefs dowager Boetzlier.
Lady Dover.

March 2. Gouldfton Bruere, of Southampton-row, Bloomsbury, efq.

Barbara countefs dowager of Caith


Lionel Vane, of Ferry-hill, Durham,


Thomas Edmond, of Landough-cafdle, Glamorganfhire, efq.

6. Lord Barrymore.

William Collett, of Saxmundham,


James Price, of Burton upon Trent,


Edward Sanders, of Sunderland, efq.
Thomas Norris, of Wifbich, efq.
Henry Paget, of Dunftable, efq.
Richard Lowe, of Richmond, Surry,


William Smith, of Newington-Butts,


Dr. George Monro, of Edinburgh,
late his majefty's phyfician at Minorca.
Charles Clare, of Coventry, efq.
Thomas Grainger, of Totnefs, efq.
8. William earl of Besborough
Philip Landrey, of Canterbury, efq.
Henry Lee Smith, of Sundridge, efq.
James Moules, of Cockermouth, efq.
Thomas Knight, of Ivelchefter, efq.
Edward White, of Aldborough, csq.
William Smith, of Newcastle upon

Tyne, efq.

12. Edward Atkins, of Weft Smith

field, efq.

Nahum Clarke, of Cranborne, efq. Richard Smith, of Stamford, Lincolnshire, efq.

James Harris, of Kendal, efq.
William Wright, of Totteridge, efq.
Edward Brown, of Monfwearmouth,


Leonard Cole, of Potton, Bedford

fhire, efq..

John Paine, of Newburg, efq.
John Thomas, of Wallingford, efq.
Jeremiah Page, of Kettoring, efq.
Samuel Bower, of Horncaftle, efq.
John Corrie, of Hoddefon, Herts,

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