
the corps of emigrants under the command of prince de Conde.

the committee of general defence, of the, nufacturing cartouche-boxes, which are military fituation of the island of Corfica; no fooner finished, than they are expeand that the fame committee fhall con- dited to the various armies. The most cert measures to fcreen it from an invafi- urgent orders are given for transporting on on the part of England. the baggage of the generals. It is cerCagliari, in Sardinia, Jan. 30. In tain, that the emprefs of Ruffia has apconfequence of the rumour which pre-propriated a fund towards maintaining vailed, purporting that the French defigned to invade this ifland, our govern ment has made vigorous preparations for a defence. The militia are embodied, not only in the capital, but alfo throughout the island. This corps, with the re-plan now finally adopted is this: gular troops, will form a body of 100,000 men, ready to repel any foreign attack. The Sardinians are attached to their prefent fovereign, and are by no means advocates for a revolution. In confequence, however, of the present circumstances, trade fuffers, as very few veffels arrive during this uncertain flate of affairs.

Hague, Feb. 5. They work day and night in the arfenals of Cologne, in ma

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Hague, Feb. 9. It is decided there fhall be no Ruffian troops fent to the borders of the Rhine this fummer. The

The emperor is to march all his forces towards France, except 25,000 men. The emprefs of Ruffia is to protect the imperial territories with her troops, which are to be ftationed on the borders of Germany, to render their affistance, should any unexpected event require it.

The Portugueze have ordered fix fail of the line and four frigates, to be immediately got ready for sea.


London, Jan. 12.

THE admiralty board fit now daily, Sundays only excepted, on account of the very great accumulation of business in the naval department.

was put in poffeffion of his lot) was begun in confequence to be withheld. The rains being over, and the health of the colony reftored, a confiderable progrefs in clearing the ground was making.

The company's fhip Felicity, from London, bringing cattle from the Gambia, was fpoke with in the mouth of the river of Sierre-Leone.

The Effex navigation committee met at Chelmsford, and finally concluded on their plan for making the river Chelmer navigable, from that town into the arm It does not appear that any progrefs of the fea, called Blackwater, below the had yet been made in collecting African port of Malden; the fubfcription of produce to be fent to England, the colo31,000l. for the completion of this pub-ny's attention having been confined to lic work, was immediately filled, prin- its own immediate wants. cipally by the gentlemen of the county: pointment which the company has fufThe disapmore than fifty perfons attended out tained in refpect to their commercial of Leicestershire, for the purpose of sub- agent, the great fickness and the mortafcribing-but a preference being given lity which prevailed among the Whites. to the inhabitants of Effex, they were during the first rains, the general diffinot able to procure many of the shares ; culties of the colony in its outset, and thefe shares are tool. each, and no per- the scarcity of labourers, appear to have fon is allowed to hold more than three. been the occafion of the company's not having yet received information of any expected returns. One of the company's fmall veffels was ftationed in the neighbouring river Caramança for the collection of live ftock; the others were as yet lying in the river Sierre-Leone, being found neceffary for the prefervation of the ftores and accommodation of the colony,

13. Difpatches were received by the Sierre-Leone company's floop Ocean from that fettlement, dated Nov. 19, conveying a favourable account of the further progrefs of the colony. Several lots of lands were laid out, and the company's allowance of provifions (which was continued to each fettler until he


until the buildings on fhore could be compleated.


occafion. The guns in the Park and
at the Tower were fired at one o'clock.
In the evening there was a ball at court.
and illuminations and other public de-
monftrations of joy in London and Weft-

14. Two cutters are ftationed in the
river, below Gravesend, to examine all
the outward-bound veffels, and to pre-
vent the exportation of any of the arti-
cles prohibited by the late proclamation. Leicester, Jan. 18. On the 17th of
15. Arrived at the general poft office, December laft was difcovered in a mea-
a mail from Lisbon, by his majefty's dow, at Foleshill, belonging to Mr. Jo-
packet the Howe, capt. Braithwaite, af-feph Whiting, of that place, in ligging
ter a paffage of fix days from Lifbon.
The Howe was dispatched exprefs
from Lifbon at a few hours notice, and
when the left the Tagus, 10 fail of the
Spanish line of battle fhips were order-
ed to be prepared for fea with all poffi-
ble difpatch, the general with in Spain
being for war against France.

a trench, about two feet below the furface, an earthen pot, containing upwards of 1800 Roman copper coins, prin cipally of the emperors Conflantine, Co nitans, Conftantius, and Magnentius: inoft of which remain in the poffeffion of Mr. Whiting, for the infpection of the curious. And on Saturday laft, in continuThe Prince of Wales, a new feconding the fame trench, he found another rate, of 98 guns, which has been fome earthen pot, containing a great quantity years on the flocks in Portsmouth-yard, of larger coin; but the latter were in is ordered to be launched early in the greater prefervation. fpring: the like orders are fent to Plymouth, for the Cæfar of 80 guns.

The ftore fhips ordered to carry out the additional forces to the Weft India iflands, and the men of war that accompany them, are to be ready by the 10th of next month.

Manchefer, Jan. 19. On Wednefday laft the firft fod of the Lancaster canal was cut, in the prefence of the committee, and many thousand fpectators, who looked forward with ardour to the benefits likely to attend the completion of this grand scheme.

The Trent has, in many places, over- 19. At eight o'clock in the morning, flowed its banks, and inundated the adas his royal highnefs the duke of Clajacent country. The road from Not-rence was fepping into his carriage, at tingham to the Trent bridge is rendered impaflable. A furgeon of Nottingham was, with his horfe, drowned on Wednesday last, in attempting to go that


A fplendid monument is about to be erected in the cathedral of St. Paul, to the memory of the late fir Jofhua Rey-a nolds, by the countefs of Inchiquin.

The Lion man of war, of 64 guns, capt. fir E. Gower, which failed fometime since with lord Macartney and his fuite on board, in company with the Hindoftan Eaft Indiaman, as a florefhip, is bound, with her partner, to the port of Yielcaph, in the Yellow Sea, which is the nearest to Pekin, the capital of China, from whence it is diftant less than jo leagues.

St. James's, Jan. 18. This day being appointed for the celebration of the anniversary of the queen's birth-day, there was a very numerous and fplendid appearance of the nobility, foreign miafters, and other perfons of diftinction, to compliment their majefties on the

Mrs. Jordan's, in Somerfet-ftreet, his
highness miffed a ftep on the defcent,
and had the misfortune to break his left
arm; his highness now lies much indif-
pofed at his apartments in St. James's.

A further improvement for the pre-
fervation of ship's rudders, was tried on
veffel fteered by a wheel, which failed
from Deptford yesterday, down the river,
and was found to answer the highest

21. The number of perfons at present under fentence of tranfportation in the kingdom exceeds one thousand.

22. The various new collieries now opening on the Wigan Canal, afford us a happy profpect of a redundancy of that useful article coal, for the united purposes of domeftic comforts and our manyfactories. One gentleman, arrong others, has lately bought an eftate of fome hundred acres, abounding with it.

Advice is received at the war office, that the 54th and 59th regiments were fafely landed on Saturday morning in Jerfey and Guerr.fey.


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Brifol, Jan. 22. A fcheme is under confideration to make a navigable canal from this city through or near the towns of Bath, Bradford, Melksham. Chip- | penham, Wotton Baffet, Swindon, and the fertile Vale of White Horfe, to join the river Thames near Abingdon.

23. In the house of common of Ireland, on the 14th inftant, it was refolv ed, without a divifion upon the question, that on that day three weeks they would, in a committee of the whole house, take into confideration the reprefentation of the people.

24. There was a board held at the admiralty-office, Charing-crofs, when the Illuftrious, of 74 guns, was put into commiffion, and the command given to capt. Frederick.

Feb. 1. An embargo took place in the fea-ports of France on all French, Englifh, Pruffian, Dutch, and Austrian veffels, except the packet and bye-boats employed for the conveyance of paffengers.

Extract of a letter, received by a gentleman at Highgate, from Major Grofe, the deputy governor of New South Wales, dated Sydney, April 2, 1793.

"I landed with my family at this place the 14th of February, and to my great comfort and aftonishment, I find there is neither the fcarcity that was reprefented to me, nor the barren fands I was taught to imagine I fhould fee; the whole place is a garden, on which fruit and vegetables of every defcription grow in the greatest luxuriance. Nothing is wanting here but corn and black cattle; within five miles of my habitation there is food in abundance for many thousand head of cattle, and we have not 20 cows in the colony. Could we once be fupplied with cattle, I do not believe we hould have occafion to trouble Old England again.

"I live in as good a house as I defire, and the farm of my predeceffor, which has been given to me, produces a fufficiency of every thing for my family. The climate, though very hot, is not unwholefome; we have plenty of fish, and there is good shooting. I receive every attention and accommodation from the governor which is in his power to render ine. In short, I have no complaint to

make, excepting that I am rather farther from England than I wish.

"P. S. You may reft affured, that hunger and misery attack none here but those who are too idle to help themselves."

Newcastle, Feb. 2. The mayor and common council of this corporation, on Wednesday laft, ordered a bounty of two guineas to every able fearnan, and one guinea to each ordinary feaman, who shall voluntarily enter into his Majefty's fervice before the termination of this month. This fpirited determination was followed by the voluntary offer of an addition of one guinea to the firft hundred able, and half a guinea to fuch ordinary feamen, as fhall enter with Peter Rothe, efq. his majefty's regulating captain at this port, by the commit tee of the Newcafle affociation. The fubfcription was chearfully and rapidly encreafing when this account came away.

Falmouth, Feb. 3. This day at noon arrived here the Infanta, a Spanish man of war, in 50 hours from Corunna, with a courier on board, having difpatches from the king of Spain to his ambassador at London.

The courier arrived at Corunna on Thursday evening laft, the 31ft ultimo, at which time the man of war was at anchor, but had no ballaft on board; however, in 15 hours fhe was ballafted, and ready for fea; and on Friday morn ing, the ift inft. fhe failed for Falmouth, where the arrived this day at noon. She had a gale of wind the whole paffage, but as fair as it could blow. She is to wait the return of feignor Pedro Arauf the courier,

The captain fays that the greatest ef farts and preparations are making for war in Spain, and that 60 fail of the line are ordered to be got ready with the utmost expedition: and the courier fays, that when he left Madrid, the news of the execution of the unfortu nate monarch of France had not reach ed that city.

4. Two detachments of artillery, con fifting of four twelve-pounders, two howitzers, and feven ammunition wag gons, with officers and men in propor tion, were fent from Woolwich, one Hythe, the other to Brighton.



From the Gazette.

Prefent, The king's most excellent ma

jefly in council.

Whereas his majefty has received intelligence that fome hips belonging to his majefiy's fubjects have been and are detained in the French ports; his majefty, with the advice of his privy council, is thereupon pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that no fhips or velfels belonging to any of his majesty's fubjects be permitted to enter and clear out for any of the ports of France, or for the ports of any country occupied by the armies of France, until further order: and his majefty is further pleased to order, that a general embargo or ftop be mide of all French fhips and vessels whatfoever now within, or which hereafter fhall come into any of the ports, harbours, or roads within the kingdom of Great Britain, together with all perfous and effects on board the faid fhips and veffels; but that the utmost care be taken for the prefervation of all and every part of the cargoes on board any of the faid fhips, fo that no damage or embezzlement whatever be faftained:-and the right honourable the lords commiffioners of his majesty's treafury, the lords commiffioners of the admiralty, and the lord warden of the cinque ports, are to give the neceffary directions herein, as to them may ref. pectively appertain.




Jan. 12. Lady Rodney, of a daugh

20. The lady of James Rayner, of Northallerton, efq. of a fon.

26. The lady of William Powers, of Chefter, efq. of a fon.

Feb. 9. The lady of Leonard Fewes, of Uxbridge. efq. of a daughter. The lady of Smith Knight, of Durham, efq. of a fon

The lady of Thomas King, of Lynn, efq. of a daughter.

The lady of James Lee, of Norwich, efq. of a fon.


Jan. 11. Jofiah Wedgwood, jun. of Etruria, in Stafford fhire, efq. to mifs Allen, eldeft daughter of John Bai riet Allen, of the county of Pembroke, efq.


[blocks in formation]

Jofeph Strutt, of Derby, efq. to miss Douglas, daughter of Archibald Doaglas, of Sandy-brooke, efq.

The rev. Dr. Radcliffe, prebendary of Ely, to mifs Gooch, daughter of the rev. Dr. Gooch, prebendary of Ely.

John Lloyd, of the ftamp office, efq. to mifs Duplan, of Walworth. John Leefon, efq. nephew to the earl of Milltown, to mifs Ryley, only daughJohn Ryley, of Suffolkfreet, Cavendish-fquare. The rev. Dr. Turner, dean of Norwich, to mifs Derbyshire.

ter of the rev.

19. Henry Stoner, of efq. to mifs Harrold, only daughter of general Harrold, of Duffeldorf.

26. Major William Charles Madan, fon of the bishop of Bristol, to mifs Falconer, daughter of the rev. Dr. Falconer, of the Clofe, Lichfield.

Thomas Chambre, efq. a folicitor in chancery, to mifs Fitzroy Croftes, eldest daughter of the hon. and rev. John earl of Orkney.

Feb. 2. John Stark, of Kinfale, efq. to mifs Margaret Alexander Dick, youngest daughter of the late fir Alexander Dick, of Prefton-field, bart.

Henry Jones, of, efq. to mifs Davifon, eldest daughter of Dr.Davifon, of Leeds.

John Staniforth, of New Broad-street Building, efq. to mifs Pitts, of Bridlington-quay.

Stephen Groombridge, of WestSmithfield, to mifs Treacher, niece of fir John Treacher, of Oxford.

John Buckle, of Norwich, efq. to miss De Hague.

4. William Ruffel, of Powick, Worceftershire, efq. to mifs Packington, daughter of fir Herbert Perrott Packingion, of Weftwood, in the fame county, bart.

Matthew Goffet, efq. vifcount of Jerfey, to mifs Grace Frankland, youngeft daughter of the late admiral fir Thomas Frankland, bart.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Francis Stuart Crawford, of Milton, Scotland, efq.

James Caftaigne, of Canterbury, efq. James Bromfield, of Cockermouth, efq.

Edward Hynds, of Hales Owen, efq. 28. Lord Camelford.

29. The rev. Coote Leicester, vicar of Hempnal, Norfolk

Thomas King, of Southampton, efq. Smith Lee, of Shoreham, efq. Richard Downwell, of Crediton, efq. James Smith, of York, efq. Lewis Leigh, of Chefterfield, efq. Henry Clarke, of Sandwich, efq. 31. Anthony Henderfon, of Parkrow, Bristol, efq.

Edmund Dyer, of Canterbury. efq. Feb. 1. Vifcount Barrington, Matthew Wilfon, of Dame-ftreet, Dublin, efq.

2. Samuel Markes, of Corke, efq. John Smith, of Lynn, Norfolk, efq. Francis White, of Scarborough, efq. James Daffet, of Leeds, efq. William Smith, of Prefton, efq. William Knight, of Kinfale, efq. John Browne, of Edinburgh, efq. Martin Leary, of Waterford, efq. Daniel Prince, of St. Albans, efq. John Cave, of Yarmouth, efq. John Dunton, of Salisbury, efq. Jeremiah Robinfon, of Appleby, Weftmoreland, efq.

Captain De Burgh, of the ift regiment of guards

John Taylor, of Paddington-green,


[blocks in formation]

Frederic Towers, of Lichfield, efq. Thomas White, of Doncafler, efq. Richard Wright, of Appleby, Weltmoreland, efq.

Phillip Saunders, of Stratford-uponAvon, Warwickshire, efq.

John Ward, of Cottenham, Cambridgefhire, efq.

Samuel Dyfon, of Great Yarmouth, efq.

Henry Vere, of Bedford, efq. William King, of Canterbury, efq. William Petty, of Dunstable, efq. Richard Bridge, of Honiton, efq. Walter Lamb, of Bewdley, efq. Jafper Cole, of Manchefter, efq. Peter Smith, of Bury St. Edmunds, efq.

John Smith, of Namptwich, eq.

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