
399; education, 400, 401; friends | Lewes, G. H., 500, 501, 505.
and acquaintances, 402; his sen- Leyden, John, 279, 280
sitiveness, 403, 404, 410; Endy-
mion, 404; attacked by reviewers,
404, 405; and Fanny Brawne, 405-
407; consumption, 405-409; Lamia,
Isabella, Eve of St. Agnes, Hype-
rion, 408; death, 409; bibliography,

Life and Death of Mr. Badman,
Bunyan, 121.

Kelly, Fanny, 342.

King, Edward, 97.

Kingsley, Charles, quoted on Ralegh,

Kirke, Edward, 46, 47.

Life of Schiller, Carlyle, 435.
Lines on an Autumnal Evening, Cole-
ridge, 313.

Lines Written above Tintern Abbey,
Wordsworth, 301.

Literature and Dogma, Arnold, 470.
Lives of the Poets, Johnson, 223, 227,

Lloyd, Charles, 318, 337.

Lockhart, J. G., 276, 284, 288-290.

Kittredge, G. L., on Chaucer, 2, Logic of Political Economy, The, De

13 n., 14.

Klosterheim, De Quincey, 355.
Kubla Khan, Coleridge, 319.


Lady of the Lake, Scott, 281.
Lamb, Charles, on Coleridge, 310,
312, 313, 315, 323, 324, 326; and
Coleridge, 318; men whom
meet in his writings, 331; lovable
quality of, 332; childhood, 332,
333; education, 334, 335; in Little
Queen Street, 335; The Old Fa-
miliar Faces, 336, 337; life with
sister, 337, 338; writings, 338; his
flavor of the past, 339; personal
appearance, 339, 340; convivial-
ity, 341; stuttering, 341; and
Fanny Kelly, 342; Elia, 342-344; |
Letters, 343; death, 344, 345;
anecdotes, 345, 346; bibliography,

Lamb, Mary, 336–338.

Lament of Tasso, Byron, 377.
Lamia, Keats, 408.

Lang, Andrew, on Scott, 277, 278.
283, 291.

Lara, Byron, 371.

Laud, Archbishop William, 100-102,

Lawes, Henry, 96.

Lay of the Last Minstrel, Scott, 280.
Lay Sermons, Coleridge, 326.
Lays of Ancient Rome, Macaulay,

Lectures, Coleridge, 324, 325.
Lee, Sidney, on Shakespeare, 80, 83.
Legende of Good Women, Chaucer, 12,

Letter to a Noble Lord, Burke, 255.
Letters, Lamb, 343.

Quincey, 355.

London, at time of Shakespeare, 73,
74; in the eighteenth century, 140,

London, poem by Johnson, 216.
Lovel the Widower, Thackeray, 494.
Lowell, J. R., on Milton, 94; on
Keats, 399, 403, 405; on Carlyle,

Lucas, E. V., Life of Lamb, 345.
Lucy, Sir Thomas, 72, 73.
Lucy Gray, Wordsworth, 301.
Lycidas, Milton, 95, 97.
Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth and
Coleridge, 301, 318.

M. B. Drapier Letters, Swift, 170.
Macaulay, T. B., on Archbishop Wil-
liam Laud, 100; on Milton, 103,
107; on Bunyan, 116, 117; on Ad-
dison, 182, 183, 185, 189; on
Steele, 189; on Holland House,
189; his life of Johnson, 210; on
Johnson, 225; no lack of interest in
his life, 414, 415; without spiritual
interest, 414, 415; birth and par-
entage, 416; boyhood, 416, 417;
childhood writings, 417; educa-
tion, 417-419; youthful letter, 418,
419; essays, 420, 421; as a talker,
421; personal appearance, 421,
422; family life, 422, 423; in poli-
tics, 423, 425; in India, 423, 424;
his reading, 424, 425; his memory,
425; Lays of Ancient Rome, 425;
The History of England, 425, 426;
death, 426; estimate of character,
427; bibliography, 544.
Macbeth, Shakespeare, 77.
Mac Flecknoe, Dryden, 135.

Letters on a Regicide Peace, Burke, Macready, William, 528-530.


Maid of Athens, Byron, 370.

Manfred, Byron, 376, 377.
Marino Faliero, Byron, 378.
Marlowe, Christopher, 75, 78, 82.
Marmion, Scott, 280.

Martin Chuzzlewit, Dickens, 481.
Mary in Heaven, Burns, 263.
Masques, 87, 96.

Masson, Professor, on Milton, 95,
104; on De Quincey, 356, 357; on
Carlyle, 429, 430.

Maud, Tennyson, 517, 518.
Maxims of State, The, Ralegh, 38.
Mazeppa, Byron, 377.

Measure for Measure, Shakespeare,

Medal, The, Dryden, 135.
Meditations upon a Broom-Stick,
Swift, 169 n.

Memoirs of a Cavalier, Defoe, 151.
Mercator, Defoe, 149.

Mercurius Politicus, Defoe, 150.
Meres, Francis, on Shakespeare, 80.
Merope, Arnold, 468.

113; the man and the poet, 113,
114; bibliography, 541.

Minto, Mr., on Defoe, 144, 148, 152.
Mist's Journal, 150.

Modern Painters, Ruskin, 453.
Modest Proposal, A, Swift, 171.
Moll Flanders, Defoe, 151.
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 201.
Morritt, Mr., of Rokeby, 280.
Morus (More), 107.
Mother Hubberd's Tale, Spenser, 48,

Mr. H., Lamb, 338.

Mrs. Leicester's School, Lamb, 338.
Munera Pulveris, Ruskin, 455.

Narrative of the Frenzy of J. D.,
Pope, 186, 198.

Necessity of Atheism, The, Shelley,

Neilson, Dr., on Milton, 88.

New Discovery of an Old Intrigue, A,
Defoe, 145.

Merry Wives of Windsor, Shake- New Poems, Arnold, 468.
speare, 77.

Middlemarch, George Eliot, 504.
Midsummer Night's Dream, Shake-
speare, 77.

Newcomes, The, Thackeray, 492.
Newspapers, the beginnings of, 140.
Nichol, Professor, on Byron, 382; on
Carlyle, 440.

Mill on the Floss, The, George Eliot, "North, Christopher," see Wilson,

Milton, John, on Spenser, 44; his love
of the beautiful and his service of
duty, 90; Paradise Regained, 90,
112; birth, 90, 91; boyhood and
education, 92, 93; early poems, 93,
94; personal appearance, 94; dis-
position, 94, 95; why he did not
take orders, 95; at Horton, 95, 96;
poems composed at Horton, 96;
Arcades and Comus, 96, 97; letters
to Diodati, 96, 97; Lycidas, 97;
traveling abroad, 98-100; Para-
dise Lost, 100, 111, 112, 129, 130;
return to England, 100; his rela-
tion to Puritanism and Presby-
terianism, 102, 103; pamphlets on
church government, 103, 104;
marriage and treatises on Divorce,
104; Education and Areopagitica,
105; The Tenure of Kings and
Magistrates, 106; in the Common-
wealth, 106, 107; second marriage,
108; sonnets, 108, 109; under the
Restoration, 109, 110; third mar-
riage, 110; his undutiful daughters,
110, 111; productions of his last
years, 112; last days and death,


Northern Farmer, The, Tennyson,

Norton, C. E., suggested Ruskin's
Præterita, 459.

Novel, form of prose composition in
eighteenth century, 142; in Vic-

torian Age, 412.

Novum Organum, Bacon, 64.
Nut-Brown Maid, 20.
Nutting, Wordsworth, 301.

Ode on Intimations of Immortality,
Wordsworth, 306, 307.

Ode on Solitude, Pope, 193.
Ode on the death of Dean Stanley,
Arnold, 470.

Ode on the Morning of Christ's Na-
tivity, Milton, 93.

Ode to Dejection, Coleridge, 322, 323.
Ode to France, Coleridge, 319.
Enone, Tennyson, 510.
Old Blind Margaret, Lamb, 338.
Old Familiar Faces, The, Lamb, 336,

On Having Arrived at the Age of
Twenty-three, Milton, 93, 94.
On his Blindness, Milton, 109.

On the Death of a Fair Infant Dying
of a Cough, Milton, 93.

On the Late Massacre in Piedmont,
Milton, 109.

On the New Forcers of Conscience,
Milton, 103.

On Time, Milton, 96.

On Translating Homer, Arnold, 468.
Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire,
Shelley, 385.
Ossoli, M. F., 535.

Paracelsus, Browning, 527, 528.
Paradise Lost, Milton, 100, 111, 112,
129, 130.

Paradise Regained, Milton, 90, 112.
Paraphrases of Psalms CXIV and
CXXXVI, Milton, 93.
Parasina, Byron, 371.
Passion, The, Milton, 93.

Past and Present, Carlyle, 440.
Pastorals, Pope, 193.

Pater, Walter, 257.

nature, 194, 195; physical and men-
tal weakness, 194, 195; friends of,
195; quarrel with Wycherley, 196;
Essay on Criticism, 197; life at
Twickenham, 200-203; and the
Misses Blount, 201; and Lady
Mary Wortley Montagu, 202; Es-
say on Man, 203; and Curll, 207;
death, 207, 208; character, 208,
209; on Johnson, 216; bibliogra-
phy, 542.


Praed, on Macaulay, 421, 422.
Præterita, Ruskin, 449, 456, 459, 460.
Prelude, Wordsworth, 301.
Pre-Raphaelitism, Ruskin, 454.
Prerogative of Parliaments,
Ralegh, 38.
Presbyterianism, 102, 103.
Princess, The, Tennyson, 515, 516.
Prisoner of Chillon, Byron, 376.
Prolusiones Oratoria, Milton, 94.
Prometheus, Byron, 376.

Promise of May, The, Tennyson, 521.

Pattison, on Milton's first treatise on Prothalamion, Spenser, 45, 53.

Divorce, 104.

Pauline, Browning, 527.
Pearl, 19.

Pendennis, Thackeray, 492.
Penseroso, Il, Milton, 96.
Petrarch, and Chaucer, 7.
Phillipps, Ambrose, 186, 198.

Phillips, Milton's nephew, on Mil-
ton's first treatise on Divorce, 104;
on Milton's inspiration, 111.
Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin

of our Ideas on the Sublime and the
Beautiful, Burke, 247.

Pickwick Club, Dickens, 478.
Pictures from Italy, Dickens, 481.
Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan, 115,

Poems by Two Brothers, Tennyson,

Poet's Epitaph, A, Wordsworth, 301.
Polite Conversation, Swift, 171.
Pollard, cited, 20.

Pope, Alexander, on Bacon, 55; on
Shakespeare, 81; on Defoe, 146; on
Swift, 158; on Addison, 180; quar-
rel with Addison, 186-188, 197-
199; quarrel with Dennis, 186, 196-
198; Rape of the Lock, 186, 187, 197,
198; Homer, 187, 199; unique
position of, 191; birth, 191, 192;
education, 192; precocity, 192,
193; the Pastorals, 193; the Dun-
ciad, 194, 204-206; of quarrelsome

Puritanism, 87-90, 100-103, 115.

Queen Anne Age, 142.

Queen Mab, Shelley, 389.
Queen Mary, Tennyson, 521.

Ralegh, Walter, his versatility, 22,
23; birth and parentage, 23; early
life, 24, 25; in Ireland, 25, 26; at
the court, 26, 27; interest in colo-
nization, 27, 28; warfare against
Spain, 28-32; and Spenser, 28, 49,
51; as a poet, 29; and Elizabeth
Throckmorton, 30; his pride and
unpopularity, 30, 31; expeditions
to Guiana, 31-33, 39-41; Discov-
ery of Guiana, 31; attack on Fayal,
31, 32; governor of Jersey, 33; and
Essex, 33; in last years of Eliza-
beth's reign, 34; and James, 34, 35,
37; and Lord Cobham, 34-36;
trial and imprisonment, 36-38;
works written in prison, 38; His-
tory of the World, 38, 39; second
trial and execution, 41-43; Apology
for the Voyage to Guiana, 41; bib-
liography, 541.

Raleigh, Professor, on Shakespeare,
72, 85, 86.

Rambler, the, Johnson, 218, 219.
Rape of Lucrece, The, Shakespeare, 76.
Rape of the Lock, Pope, 186, 187, 197,

Rasselas, Johnson 223.
Ready and Easy Way to Establish a
Free Commonwealth, Milton, 108.
Reason of Church-Government, The,
Milton, 95.

Recluse, The, Wordsworth, 308.
Reflections on the Revolution, Burke,

Religio Laici, Dryden, 136.
Reminiscences, Carlyle, 443, 444.
Remorse, Coleridge, 318, 324.
Report of the Truth of the Fight about
the Isles of the Azores, Ralegh, 29.
Restoration, the, 128, 131.
Retaliation, Goldsmith, 243.
Review of the Affairs of France, Defoe,

Richardson, Samuel, 238, 239.
Ring and the Book, The, Browning,
538, 539.

Rival Ladies, The, Dryden, 132.
Robespierre, Coleridge and Southey,

Robin Hood cycle, 19.

Robinson Crusoe, Defoe, 151.
Romanticism, Age of, 256-258.
Romaunt of the Rose, Chaucer, 11.
Romola, George Eliot, 502.
Rosamund, Addison, 181.

Roundabout Papers, Thackeray, 494.
Rowe, on Shakespeare, 72.
Roxana, Defoe, 151.

Ruined Cottage, The, Wordsworth,

Ruines of Time, Spenser, '51.
Ruskin, Jo on Carlyle, 445; his
sensibility, 447, 448; Fors Cla-
vigera, 447, 448, 455-457; birth
and parentage, 448, 449; Præterita,
449, 456 459, 460; education, 449–
452; on the Continent, 450, 451;
and Clotilde Domecq, 452, 453;
Modern Painters, 453; Seven Lamps
of Architecture, Pre-Raphaelitism,
Stones of Venice, 154; marriage and
dissolution of, 454; Professor at
Oxford, 455; Unto this Last, Mu-
nera Pulveris, Ethics of the Dust,
Sesame and Lilies, Crown of Wild
Olive, 455, 456; attacks material-
istic philosophy, 455, 456; insti-
tutions founded by, 457; increased
querulousness in later years, 458,
459; last years and death, 459; a
prophet, 459, 460; bibliography,

Ruth, Wordsworth, 301.

Sacheverell, Dr., and Defoe, 148.
St. Irvyne or the Rosicrucian, Shelley,

St. Paul and Protestantism, Arnold,

Salmasius, Claudius, 107.

Samson Agonistes, Milton, 112, 114.
Sand, George, 535.

Sardanapalus, Byron, 378.

Sartor Resartus, Carlyle, 430-432, 437.
Satan in Search of a Wife, Lamb,


Satire, of Dryden, 134, 135; in eigh-

teenth century, 142; of Defoe, 143,
145, 146; of Swift, 154, 170, 171;
of Pope, 187, 194, 198; of Byron,
369, 370; of Thackeray, 488, 492,

Saved by Grace, Bunyan, 121.
Savoy Marriage, The, Ralegh, 38.
Scenes from Clerical Life, George
Eliot, 501.

Sceptic, The, Ralegh, 38.

Schiller, Carlyle's Life of, 435;
quoted, 445.

Scholar-Gypsy, The, Arnold, 464.
Scogan, Henry, 2, 15.

Scott, Walter, on Dryden, 132; on
Swift, 158; on Burns, 261; his
power of love, 274; youth, 275,
276; education, 276-278; personal
appearance, 278; first love, and
marriage, 278, 279; Border Min-
strelsy, 279; Lay of the Last Minstrel,
Marmion, Lady of the Lake, 280, 281;
biographies of Dryden and Swift,
281; at Abbotsford, 282-284; chil-
dren, 284; other poems, 285; nov-
els, 285-288; Life of Napoleon, 287;
financial loss, 287-289; last days
and death, 289, 290; his life a justi-
fication of genius, 290, 291; biblio-
graphy, 543.

Secret History of One Year, The, De-
foe, 149.

Sesame and Lilies, Ruskin, 455, 456.
Seven Lamps of Architecture, Ruskin,

Shakespeare, William, our know-

ledge of him not scant, 69; spelling
of the name, 69 n.; birth, 69; par-
entage, 70; education, 71, 77; mar-
riage, 72; children, 72; flight to
London, 72, 73; theatres and plays
in the time of, 73-76; and Mar-
lowe, 75, 78, 79, 82; at first an
adapter of old plays, 75, 76; Venus

and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece,
76; sonnets, 76, 80, 82; acquaint-
ance with nobles, 77; order of
plays, 78-80; plays not to be taken
as evidence for his life, 80-82; life
in London, 82; and Jonson, 82, 84,
85; as a business man, 83, 84; re-
tirement to Stratford, 84; death,
85; personal appearance, 85; why
called the prince of poets, 86; Mil-
ton's Epitaph on, 93; bibliography,

She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith,


Shelley, P. B., and Byron, 376-379;
on Byron, 382, 396; personality,
383; birth, 383; education, 384;
early poetry, 385; his atheism, 386,
387; and Harriet Westbrook, 388,
390-392; Queen Mab, 389; and
Mary Godwin, 390; Alastor, 391,
395; his humanity, 392, 393; and
Hunt, 393; writings in 1817-18,
393; leaves England, 393; travels,
394, 395; writings at Pisa, 395, 397;
friends at Pisa, 396; death, 397,
398; bibliography, 543.
Shepheard's Calendar, Spenser, 45-48.
Scherer, on Byron, 361.

Sibylline Leaves, Coleridge, 325.
Siege of Corinth, Byron, 371.
Silas Marner, George Eliot, 502.
Sketches by Boz, Dickens, 477.
Sohrab and Rustum, Arnold, 467.
Some Gospel Truths Opened, Bunyan,

Song on a May Morning, Milton, 96.
Sonnet on a Nightingale, Milton, 96.
Sordello, Browning, 530.
Southey, Robert, 315.

Spain, Ralegh's warfare against, 28-


Spanish Gypsy, The, George Eliot,

Specimens of English Dramatic Poets
Contemporary with Shakespeare,
Lamb, 339.

Spectator, The, 182-185.
Speech on Taxation, Burke, 251.
Spenser, Edmund, and Ralegh, 28,
49, 51; Faerie Queen, 28, 44, 49-52,
54; the poets' poet, 44; birth and
early education, 44-46; Shepheard's
Calendar, 45-48; at Cambridge, 46;
intimacy with Edward Kirke and
Gabriel Harvey, 46, 47; and the
court, 48; Mother Hubberd's Tale,

[ocr errors]

48, 51; in Ireland, 49, 51, 53; minor
poems, 51; marriage, 52; sonnets,
52; death, 53; elements of interest
in his verse, 54; bibliography, 541.
Stanley, Dean, Ode on the death of,
Arnold, 470.

State of Innocence, Dryden, 130.
Stebbing, W., on Ralegh, 34, 35.
Steele, Richard, at Charter House,
176; at Button's, 179; and the
Tatler, 182; and the Guardian and
the Englishman, 185; raised to the
knighthood, 186; quarrel with
Addison, 188, 189.

"Stella," see Johnson, Esther.
Stephen, Leslie, on Swift, 170; on
Pope, 196, 205; on Thackeray, 486;
on George Eliot, 501.
Sterling, John, 441, 513.
Stevenson, on Burns, 264, 265.
Stones of Venice, Ruskin, 454.
Strafford, Browning, 529.
Strait Gate, The, Bunyan, 121.
Strayed Reveller, The, Arnold, 466.
Strode, friend of Chaucer, 14.
Suspiria, De Quincey, 356.
Swift, Jonathan, and Dryden, 138,

139; on Defoe, 144; his solitariness,
154; injustice done him by biog-
raphers, 154-156; and Stella, 155,
160-163, 168-171; and Hester
Vanhomrigh, 155, 166, 167; his
attitude toward women, 155, 159,
160, 164, 167, 168; birth, 156; edu-
cation, 157; personal appearance,
158; at Moor Park, 158-161; at
Laracor, 161, 162; at London, 162;
his arrogance and brutality, 163-
165; Dean of St. Patrick's, 165,
166; Gulliver's Travels, 170; insan-
ity, 171; death, 172; on Addison,
180, 186; on marriage, 372; bibli-
ography, 542.

Swinburne, A. C., 519, 520.
Symonds, J. A., on Shelley, 392.

Table Talk, Coleridge, 327.
Taine, H. A., on Swift, 156, 170, 173;
on Addison, 174; on Pope, 204,

Tale of a Tub, A, Swift, 160, 162.
Tale of Rosamund Gray, A, Lamb,

Tales from Shakespeare, Lamb, 338.
Tatler, the, 182.

Taxation no Tyranny, Johnson, 227.
Teares of the Muses, Spenser, 51.

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