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1. ic, at the end of words, sounds ik, in cub'ic, somnif'ic, sudorif'ic, magic, logʻic, public, angel'ic, academ'ic, astronom'ic, pan'ic, tyran'nic, fabric, rhetoric, emphatic, arc'tic, poet'ic, crit'ic, eclip'tic, elastic, domestic, &c.

2. d is pronounced like t when the ed is preceded by f, k, p, s, sh, ch, or any sharp consonant, thus, ingraff'ed, quaff'ed, cuff'ed, puff'ed, ingulf'ed; creak'ed, cloak'ed, track'ed, ran'sacked, attack'ed, deck'ed, help'ed, decamp'ed, cramp'ed, jump'ed, trump'ed, developed, depress'ed, oppress'ed, confess'ed, profess'ed, bless'ed, wit'nessed, abash'ed, refresh'ed, estab'lished. pub'lished, eng'lished, fam'ished, impeach'ed, encroach'ed, detach'ed, stretch'ed, enrich'ed, branch'ed, &c. (blessed, when an adjective, is, in grave subjects, pronounced in two syllables, thus-a bless'ed reward.) The ed is pronounced as a distinct syllable in learn'-ed, curs'-ed, wing'ed, when adjectives. The ed in aged always makes a distinct syllable, as an ag'-ed man; but when this word is compounded with another, the ed does not form a separate syllable, as a full-ag'd horse. The ed is pronounced as a

distinct syllable in the following adverbs, though it is contracted in the participial adjectives from which they are formed.for'cedly, enfor'cedly, unveil'edly, deform'edly, feign'edly, unfeign'edly, design' edly, resign'edly, restrain'edly, refin'edly, unconcern'edly, undiscern'edly, prepar'edly, assur'edly, advis'edly, compos'edly, disper'sedly, diffu'sedly, confu'sedly, unperceiv'edly, resolv'edly, deservedly, undeservedly, reser'vedly, unreservedly, avow'edly, perplex'edly, fix'edly, amaz'edly, fork'edly. The participial termination ed must never be pronounced as a distinct syllable, unless preceded by d or t, except in the language of Scripture.

3. in ed, a verbal termination, the e is not sounded, and the d is joined to the preceding syllable, in mov'ed, prov'ed, approv'ed, disapprov’ed, improv'ed, believ'ed, disbeliev'ed, imbib'ed, inscrib'ed, transcrib'ed, obliged, disoblig'ed, engaged, incag'ed, convey'ed, survey'ed, &c.

4. ed forms a separate syllable when preceded by d or t, in commended, recommended, mould'ed, fold'ed, disband'ed, command'ed, expand'ed, brand'ed, avoided, hat'ed, anʼimated, abstract'ed, affect'ed, lim'ited, deposited, revolt'ed, anoint'ed, &c.

5 old, s. öld, in bold, cold, scold, fold, blind'fold, bi'fold, infold', unfold', gold, hold, behold', withhold', inhold', uphold', sold, told, retold', untold', mistold', wold. (old, s. öld) three'fold, man'ifold, pin'fold, marigold, free'hold, house'hold, thresh'old, cop'yhold. (old, s. uld, in scaf'fold.)

6. ind, s. ind, in bind, find, hind, behind', kind, gav’elkind, mankind”, wom'ankind, humankind', unkind', blind, pur'blind, mind, remind', rind, grind, wind (v.), unwind. (ind. s. ind, in) abscind', rescind', prescind', discind', interscind', diffind', tam'arind, tind, whirl'wind, wind, or wind, (n.)

7. e final, s. e, in ac'me, anem'one, dias'tole, epit'ome, extem'pore, le the, nepen'the, paragoʻge, sim'ile, u'tile, dul'ce, apostrophe, antis' trophe, hyperbole, syn'cope, syn'drome, synec'doche, tem'pore, sys'tole, prem'unire, enal'lage, hypal'lage.

8. ibe, s. ib, in imbibe', gibe, kibe, bribe, scribe, ascribe', misascribe' subscribe', describe', rescribe', prescribe', circumscribe', transcribe', inscribe', proscribe', superscribe', interscribe', tribe.

9. ice, s. is, in ad'dice, jaun'dice, bod'ice, cow'ardice, prej'udice, ben'efice, ven'efice, of'fice, ed'ifice, lan'ifice, or'ifice, pont'ifice, art'ifice, su'perfice, &c. (ice, s. is, in) ice, bice, dice, splice, slice, mice, nice, spice, bespice', rice, grice, thrice, price, trice, entice', vice, advice', device', twice. (ice, s. ïs, in) tice, cock'atrice. (ice, s. iz, in) suffice', sice, (ice, s. ïz, in) sac'rifice. (ice, s. es, in) police', caprice'. (oice, s. oys, in) choice, rejoice', voice, in'voice, outvoice'. -plaice, s. plās—juice, s. jûs—ver'juice, s. ver'jús—sluice, s. slūs. 10. ance, s. ans, in disturbance, guid'ance, attend'ance, abundance, bal'ance, appear'ance, remem'brance, fra'grance, en'trance (n.), &c. ance, accented, or in monosyllables, s. ăns, in) bechance', perchance', mischance', enhance', askance', elance', romance', finance', &c. dance, chance, lance, glance, prance, trance.

11. ence, s. ens, in in'nocence, acquies'cence, ca'dence, con'fidence, depend'ence, pru'dence, defici'ence, effici'ence, insuffici'ence, sci'ence, &c. 12. scence, s. sens, in connas'cence, crubes'cence, turges'cence, quies' cence, coalescence, invales'cence, convales'cence, adoles'cence, &c.

13. duce, s. dūs, in traduce', abduce', obduce', subduce', educe', deduce', reduce', seduce, induce', superinduce', conduce', reproduce', introduce', produce (v.) (uce, s. us) in the noun produce.

14. ide, s. id, in bide, abide', decide', incide', coincide', diffide', confide', hide, chide, elide', glide, collide', slide, &c. (ide, s. ïd, in) de'icide, regʻicide, stil'licide, hom'icide, tyranʼnicide, lap'icide, soror'icide, parʼricide, matʼricide, fratʼricide, vat'icide, infan'ticide, su'icide, &c. 15. lude, 8. lud, in acclude', reclude', preclude'; seclude', include', conclude', interclude', exclude', elude', prelude' (v.) allude', illude', collude'. (lude, s. lud, in) prel'ude, in'terlude.

16. ee, s. ē, in bee, fee, refugee', kee, lee, flee, glee, appellee', assignee', knee, epopee', decree', free, agree', disagree', degree', three, tree, see, fricasee', foresee', oversee', lessee', fusee', legatee', guarantee', &c. (ee, s. è, in) cof'fee, feof'fee, ap'ogee, tro'chee, spon' dee, prith'ee, jubilee, pedigree, commit'tee, lev'ee.

17. age, s. aj, in cab'bage, herb'age, ad'age, bond'age, cord'age, vas' salage, pil'lage, assemblage, dam'age, imʼage, manʼage, spin'nage, patronage, &c. (age, s. āj, in) age, cage, incage', gage, engage', pre-engage', disengage', page, ti'tlepage, rage, sage, presage (v.) stage, assuage', wage. (iage, s. ij, in) carʼriage, miscarriage, mar'. riage, intermarʼriage.

18. dge, s. j, in trudge, grudge, judge, budge, lodge, parʼtridge, abridge', ridge, wedge, knowledge, sledge, pledge, fledge, hedge, &c.

19. arge, s. ârj, in barge, charge, recharge, overcharge', surcharge', discharge', large, enlarge', overlarge'. (arge, s. ǎrj, in) lith'arge. 20. able, s. a-bl, in ap′plicable, forʼmidable, com'mendable, peace'able, agreeable, per'ishable, so'ciable, magʻnifiable, a'miable, pit'iable, &c. (able, s. abl, in a'ble, fa'ble, ga'ble, ena'ble, una'ble, sa'ble, disaʼble, ta'ble, staʼble, instaʼble, unstable.

21. ible, s. ė-bl, in evin'cible, invin'cible, doc'ible, forc'ible, iras'cible, deduc'ible, cred'ible, exten'dible, au'dible, legʻible, &c. (ible, s. ibl, in bi'ble.-oible, s. oy-bl, in foi'ble.)

22. uble, s. u-bl, in soluble, res'oluble, irres'oluble, insoluble, dis'soluble, indis'soluble, vol'uble. (ouble, s. ubl, in) double, redoub'le, sem'idouble, troub'le.

23. ile, s. il, in flab'ile, nu’bile, fac'ile, crocodile, doc'ile, ag'ile, ju’venile, fe'brile, pu'erile, vi'rile, tenʼsile, misʼsile, &c. (ile, s. ïl, in) rec'oncile, e'dile, cham'omile, se'nile, in'fantile, pan'tile, gen'tile, pen'tile, turn'stile, ex'ile (n.) (ile, s. īl, in) ile, bile, file, defile', while, awhile', some'while, erewhile', oth'erwhile, mile, smile, pile, compile', tile, stile, vile, revile', guile, beguile', wile, exile' (v.) (ile, s. il, or ēl, in) inhabile', imbecile', profile'. (ile, s. ēl, in) mobile'. -ile, s. èle, in sim'ile, u'tile; when utile is used as an adjective, it is pronounced in two syllables, with the accent on the first. 24. stle, s. sl, in cas'tle, fore'castle, nes'tle, tres'tle, wres'tle, this'tle, whis'tle, epis'tle, bris'tle, gris'tle, jos'tle, pos'tle, thros'tle, bus'tle, jus'tle, nus'tle, rus'tle, (stle, s. stl, in pes'tle).

25. some, s. sum, in some, glad'some, whole'some, long'some, dark'some, irk'some, toil'some, bur'densome, light'some, &c.

26. sume, 8. sūm, in absume', desume', consume', assume', reassume'. (sume, s. zūm, in) resume and presume'.

27. ine, s. in-in sab'ine, med'icine, fes'tucine, smarag'dine, imagine, engine, myrr'hine, amaran'thine, terebin'thine, hyacin'thine, &c.

(ine, s. ïn, in) can'nabine, carʼabine, wood'bine, columbine, jacʼobine, car'bine, &c. (ine, s. în, in) combine', vic'ine, calcine', saline', decline', recline', incline, disincline', underline', interline', undermine, countermine', canine', repine', opine', supine' (adj.) divine', provine". (ine, s. in, in monosyllables and words compounded of, or derived from them) wine, swine, twine, untwine', intertwine', nine, pine, sine, shrine, shine, moon'shine, outshine', fine, define', refine', &c. (ine, s. ēn, in) fascine', gabardine', haberdine', sordine', machine', chioppine', tambarine', marine', ultramariné', submarine', transmarine', tabourine', quarantine', colbertine', routine', magazine', (essoine, s. essoyn'.)


28. ire s. ir, in ire, dire, fire, hire, mire, admire', bemire', quagʻmire, spire, aspire', respire', transpire', inspire', conspire', perspire', &c. (ire, s. ïr, in) wild'fire, bon'fire, pisʼmire, em'pire, um'pire, ac'rospire, grand'sire. (ire, s. ir, in) cam'phire, sam'phire, sapph′ire.—sa'tire, s. sā'tĕr-solitaire', s. sol-e-tār'—shire, s. shīr or shēr-conge-d'elire', s. kōn-je-de-lēr′-escargatoire', s. es-kar-ga-twâr'—scrutoire' s. skru29. sure, s. zhur, in pleas'ure, displeas'ure, measure, outmeas'ure, treas'ure, intreas'ure, incis'ure, expo'sure. (ssure, s. shur, in) press'ure, impress'ure, sciss'ure, fiss'ure, contrafiss'ure, commissʼure. (sure, s. zhur, in) ra'sure, lei'sure, clo'sure, enclo'sure, disclosure, compo'sure, discompo'sure, dispo'sure, clau'sure. (sure, s. shŭr, in) cen'sure, ten'sure, ton'sure, compress'ure, coun'terpressure, express'ure. (sure, s. shûr, in) ensure', unsure', assure'.

30. ture, s. tur, in ju’dicature, du'plicature, fea'ture, crea'ture, ligʻature, min'iature, abbre'viature, entablature, prel'ature, legʻislature, na'ture, &c. (ture, s. tur, in) mature', premature', immature'. 31. re, preceded by a consonant, s. ĕr. in sa'bre, ver'tebre, fi'bre, om'bre, a'cre, wise'acre, mas'sacre, lu'cre, the'atre, amphitheatre, elec'tre, spec'tre, me'tre, &c.—parterre', s. părtār'.

32. ise, s. ïz, in crit'icise, cir'cumcise, ex'ercise, ex'orcise, merchandise, meth'odise, cat'echise, mon'archise, eter'nalise, nat'uralise, &c. (ise, s. īz, in) demise', premise', surmise', presurmise', despise', rise, (v.) arise', sun'rise, reprise', &c. (ise, s. iz, in) fran'chise, affran'chise, enfran'chise, disfran'chise, amor'tise. (ise, s. is in) prom'ise, break'promise, an'ise, tortoise, trea'tise, prac'tise, diver. tise, moi'tise. (ise, s. ïs, in) parʼadise, impar'adise. (ise, s. is in) precise', rise (n.) concise'. (oise, s. oyz, in) noise, poise, e'quipoise, coun'terpoise, o'verpoise. (aise, s. āz, in) chaise, fraise, praise, appraise', dispraise'.-bruise, s. brûz.-chevaux-de-frise, s. shev-o-defrēz'.

33. ciate, s. sheat, in gla'ciate, congla'ciate, ema'ciate, depre'ciate, offi'ciate, provin'ciate, enun'ciate, annun'ciate, consociate (v.), associate (v.) disso'ciate, cru'ciate, excru'ciate. (ciate, s. sheat in) consociate (n.), associate (n. or adj.)

34. lute, s. lut in lute, salute', elute', flute, dilute', pollute', volute', (lute, slut, in) ab'solute, res'olute, irres'olute, dis'solute. 35. ue is silent in league, colleague, plague, vague, intrigue', fatigue, harangue', tongue, pedagogue, dem'agogue, syn'agogue, di'alogue, cat'alogue, prologue, rogue, &c. (ue, s. u, in) a'gue, ar'gue, redargue, val'ue, undervalue, overvalue, av'enue, rev'enue, detin'ue, ret'inue, contin'ue, discontin'ue, statʼue, vir'tue. (ue, s. ū, in)

blue, flue, glue, unglue', mue, sue. (ue, s. û, in) rue, congrue', true, untrue'. (ue, s. ŭ, in) con'strue, miscon'strue, iss'ue, tissue. 36. ive, s. iv, in give, forgive', olive, to live, outlive', evaʼsive, sua'sive, dissuaʼsive, adhe'sive, deci'sive, repulsive, expan'sive, defenʼsive, apprehen'sive, pen'sive, &c. (ive, s. iv, in) five, hive, bee hive, live (adj.), alive', slive, connive', rive, drive, overdrive', derive', shrive, thrive, deprive', arrive, contrive', strive, revive', connive', supervive, survive', wive (v.).

37. g before n in the same syllable is silent in impregn', campaign', champaign', deraign', arraign', deign, indign', condign', feign, reign, sov'ereign, for'eign, inter-reign', malign', benign', sign, &c.

38. ing, s. ing, in amaʼzing, dy'ing, say'ing, know'ing, deserv'ing, bring, last'ing, writing, bless'ing, hearing, mourn'ing, mornʼing, o'pening, alarm'ing, changeling, lord'ling, &c.

39. inging, s. ingin, in clingʻing, flingʻing, ringʻing, spring'ing, string'. ing, wring'ing, singʻing, stingʻing, wingʻing, swingʻing, slingʻing, bringʻing.


ong, s. ong, in thong, diph'thong, triph'thong, long, along, oblong, head'long, end'long, &c. (ong, s. ung, in) tong, among', amongst'. 41. ough, s. o, in furlough, bor'ough, head'borough, third'borough, her'borough, thor'ough. (ough, s. ō, in) dough, though, although', (ough, 8. ow, in) bough, clough, a cleff; plough, slough, a deep mire; sough. (ough, s. of, in) cough, hoopingʻ-cough, chin'cough, clough, an allowance in weight; trough. (ough, s. uf, in) chough, slough, a cast skin; enough', rough, tough. (ough, s. ok, in) hough, shough, lough-ough, s û, in through-ough, s. up, in hic'cough. 42. th, s. tħ, in death, heath, sheath (n.), breath, wreath (n.), path, wrath, breadth, fifth, length, strength, ze'nith, herewith', there with', wherewith', forthwith', &c. (th, s. th, in) sheath (v.), unsheath', beneath', underneath', seeth (v.), with, booth, tol'booth, smooth, sooth (v.), mouth (v.)

43. cial, s. shal, in special, judici'al, benefici'al, official, artificial, superficial, provin'cial, social, commercial, fidu'cial, &c. (cial, 8. sheal, in) gla'cial, cru'cial.

44. tial, s. shal, in initi'al, solstiti'al, substanʼtial, circumstan'tial, creden'tial, providen'tial, prudenʼtial, &c. (tial, preceded by 8, sounde tyal in) bes'tial, celes'tial, subceles'tial, superceles'tial.

45. ful, s. ful, in dread'ful, need'ful, hand'ful, peace'ful, grace'ful, change'ful, venge'ful, revenge'ful, guile'ful, tune'ful, hope'ful, &c. 46. form, s. fârm, in form, deform', reform', efform', tri'form, len'tiform, multiform, inform', misinform', conform', perform', transform', platform.-form, s. fârm, in u'niform.

47. en. s. n, in deaf'en, * beech'en, rough'en, ash'en, fresh'en, heath'en, length'en, weak'en, tak'en, sick'en, &c. (en, s. en in monosyllables) as fen, hen, then, when, ken, glen, men, pen, tren, wren, ten, wen; and in such words as twig'gen, kitch'en, hy'phen, a'lien, woollen, a'men', &c.of'ten and sof'ten, s. ofn and sofn.

48. sten, s. sn, in has'ten, fas'ten, unfas'ten, chas'ten, lis'ten, glis'ten, mois'ten, chris'ten. (sten, s. stn, in bur'sten.

49. ain accented, or in a monosyllable, s. ān, in ordain', disdain', regain”,

• When a vowel is not sounded in the verb, it is silent also in the participles derived from it.

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