
Bakuens, the aborigines of the country. On halting I instantly proceeded to the tree, soon mounted the aerial abodes, and to my astonishment counted no fewer than seventeen houses, and part of three others unfinished. On reaching the topmost hut, about thirty feet from the ground, I entered and sat down. Its only furniture was the hay which covered the floor, a spear, a spoon, and a bowl full of locusts. As I had not tasted any food since morning, I asked a woman who sat at the door with an infant in her arms permission to eat. She cheerfully consented, and brought me some more of the same provision in a powdered state. This seemed to be the only kind of food in their possession. Several other persons came from the neighbouring roosts to see the stranger, who to them was as great a curiosity as the tree was to him. I then visited the different habitations, each of which was fixed upon a separate branch. An oblong scaffold is formed of straight sticks about seven feet long, placed transversely across the boughs. On this the conical house is formed also of small straight sticks, and neatly thatched with long grass. A person can stand nearly upright in the

centre, and the diameter of the floor is about six feet. The house stands on one end of the oblong platform, so as to leave a little square space before the door. These are the humble though lofty domiciles of the poor aborigines, who are destitute of every thing like cattle, and who live on the fruits of the field, and on the chase. They adopt this plan in order to escape the lions, which often prowl under the tree.

"In the course of the day I also passed a village containing at least forty houses, built on the tops of poles, about seven or eight feet from the ground. These form a circle, and each house stands distinct from the rest. A forked stick or branch of a tree is planted at the front of each habitation, for the purpose of ascending. In the centre of the circle was a large heap of bones and horns of the game they had killed."

WEST INDIES.-EXTINCTION OF COLONIAL SLAVERY. SURPASSED only in intensity by the grateful and absorbing interest with which the religious public of this country anticipated the approach and celebration of the first of August in the West Indies, as the day when the full light of liberty would arise on thousands of fellow-beings in that portion of the globe, was the pleasing hope, mingled with deep solicitude, entertained as to the temper and spirit in which this great festival of freedom would be observed by the large population whose condition was about to undergo so great a change. In relation to that portion of the apprenticed labourers who were manifestly under the influence of religion, a happy confidence, founded on the experience of their past exemplary course, was felt that their conduct, amid all the hilarity of spirits and temptations to excess inseparable from the approaching jubilee, would prove not unworthy of their profession of the name of Christ, nor fail to evince their prac tical regard for the salutary and affectionate counsels of those who have long laboured to promote their temporal and eternal welfare. The first of August, 1838, the day to which so many looked forward with intense and blended emotions, is now past; it rose in joy and set in peace; and all anxiety respecting the manner in which it would pass is now at rest.

The confidence cherished in our newly emancipated fellow-subjects has not been abused or betrayed. The tens of thousands of various classes of coloured labourers, who were held under the galling bondage of the apprenticeship, have received the boon of liberty with overflowing gratitude to those through whose instrumentality it has been secured; and many of them have also piously and

thankfully acknowledged the hand of God in this long-expected consummation of their hopes, accepting it as a token of the favour of Him without whose blessing no earthly possession can prove truly and permanently beneficial.

The Missionaries labouring at the Society's stations in the West Indies have had the hallowed pleasure of sharing in the triumphs of the first of August. It had been their anxious and constant endeavour duly to prepare the minds of the apprentices for the greatly altered condition on which the latter have now entered; and hitherto the brethren have had the high gratification of beholding the object, thus earnestly and prayerfully sought, fully realised. The day which brought to a close the dreadful scenes of human wrong and suffering, continued through various changes, and under diversified forms, for nearly three centuries in the West Indies, and ushered in a new era of justice, humanity, truth, and freedom, has been unstained, at least we have reason to believe among the religious portion of the liberated population, by a single act unworthy of the principles in which they have been instructed, or inconsistent with the new duties and relations to which they have been introduced. Not even in the first burst of transport, when the rising sun declared the day, after which they never again could become slaves, did they swerve from the manifestation of a spirit becoming Christian men.

No intemperate mirth or profane exultation-no disposition to brood sullenly and angrily over past injuries and sorrows-no desire to make any use of their newly-acquired privileges at variance with the interests of those who still continue to require their labours, was manifested. Contrary to all this, the prevailing spirit of the people was that of gratitude, and hope, and joy. So far as their proceedings partook of a festive character, they were conducted with order, decorum, and sobriety, and the whole of their conduct at this memorable crisis supplied abundant evidence of a willingness to forget and forgive all that is past, and a desire to go forward in the career of liberty as faithful subjects of the Crown, The good members of society, and consistent professors of the Gospel of Christ. greater part of the most recent communications from the Society's devoted Missionaries in this part of the world naturally relate to the subject of the emancipation, and to the manner in which it has been celebrated by the members of the churches and congregations under their immediate care; and with feelings of extreme satisfaction, we now invite the attention of the friends of humanity and religion to the annexed extracts of the letters with which we have been favoured, in reference to a topic so deeply interesting and important.


In the Missionary Magazine for September, we were enabled to state that the termination of the apprenticeship, on the first of August, had been resolved upon by the Jamaica House of Assembly, early in June; but it was not then positively ascertained, though fully believed, that the colony of British Guiana had followed the example. The cheering intelligence has since arrived, that a similar bill was introduced there on the 12th of July, when the Court of Policy consented to give unqualified freedom to every negro in British Guiana, on the first of August. Respecting the celebration of the day, and other incidental circumstances connected with it, the Rev. S. S. Murkland, stationed at the Ebenezer Chapel station, West Coast, Demerara, thus writes:

A royal salute from the fort ushered in the day of freedom; and as soon as the sun arose above the horizon, our emancipated brethren began to assemble in the chapel,

to return thanks to God for the great deliverance. The morning service was peculiarly interesting, several appropriate hymns were sung, the 103rd Psalm was read and

expounded, and some of the negroes prayed and spoke to their brethren in language so pathetic, that to convey an adequate description of the effect produced, I find impossible. We commenced the other service at noon by singing the jubilee hymn, "Blow, ye the trumpet, blow;" and closed with the hymn, "Jesus shall reign where'er the sun." The chapel was crowded to excess, and many were obliged to stand outside. In the morning the weather was unpromising, but after 12 o'clock a favourable change appeared. To induce the liberated young apprentices to avail themselves of education, we selected a number of the dayscholars to read the 107th Psalm before the congregation, which had a good effect.

The first day of freedom passed away without the least disturbance; every countenance wore a smile, and "We free" was the watchword of the day. The teachers

on their respective plantations held religious meetings in the evening, and even the wicked did not venture to assemble their companions to drink and dance, as they usually do to express their joy. May the goodness of God lead such to repentance!

The Governor visited this coast on Saturday last, and spoke to the people at different places; he looked into our school as he passed, and promised to come and examine it soon. What he said to the people had a good effect. The Governor seems anxious to promote education; his first act in this colony was to sanction and sign the bill which gave freedom to the negroes. It was in contemplation to erect a monument to the memory of the late Sir James Carmichael Smyth. I have more than 100 guilders, which the people collected for it, chiefly in bits.

Demerara being the earliest field occupied by the Society in the West Indies, naturally invites attention first, though the intelligence received thence, to the period at which we write, is more limited than from the other divisions of the Society's operations in this quarter of the globe. Communications are fully an ticipated from Messrs. Rattray, Watt, and Taylor; and a pleasing assurance is cherished, that these will be equally gratifying with the portion of information above stated.


The state of mind induced among the negroes by the approach of the first of August, the submissive, docile, and pious spirit evinced by them in view of the approaching change, is so well depicted in the following passage of a letter from the Rev. S. Haywood, of Blyendaal station, in the Canje district, that although it is only anticipatory of the occasion referred to, being communicated under date of 4th July, we cannot omit its introduction into the present series of exMr. Haywood observes:


The time is very near, and we are somewhat anxious, but not at all fearful. We are persuaded all will be well. Thousands are looking to the Missionaries to direct them in all their affairs. They venture not to stir or speak without advice. Although the agitation has only been commenced within a few days, I have been visited by people from all parts, and their first question is, "Massa, what must we do? Any thing Massa tells us we shall do." They look with entire confidence to us. Oh that we may have wisdom profitable to direct.

My own people seem prepared for the change. They view it as it approaches with calm and sincere joy. When I told them the news, and asked them who had done this great thing for them, they burst into tears of joy, and only answered by pointing up to heaven. It has been suggested to them as a part of their duty, that every man, woman, and child, should bring their first earnings, in a free state, an offering to God. They were truly delighted with the idea, and I have no doubt that this will become general in all our congregations.

The Rev. D. Kenyon, stationed at Albion Chapel, on the Corentyne Coast, has furnished a truly pleasing account of the observance of the day. After referring to the ordinance and proclamation of the Governor, by which the enfranchisement of the prædial or field labourers was fixed to take place simultaneously with that of the non-prædial class, he thus proceeds :

A few days previous to this Mrs. Kenyon and myself, conceiving it probable that all the people would be free on the 1st of Au

gust, invited our church members to drink coffee with us in the school-room. The object of this social meeting was to ascertain

their views and intentions, supposing them to be in a state of liberty; and at the same time, to impress upon their minds the necessity of cultivating industrious habits in order to promote their comfort and respectability. The number of church members is now increased to 85, who were all present on this occasion; and I consider that their example in the measures they adopt will be followed by the whole Coast, as they are the most intelligent and influential among the people. I was pleased to hear them mutually express their willingness and desire to labour for their present employers, and attach themselves to the localities where they have been for so many years, provided they meet with good treatment, and equitable arrangements can be made for the interests of the servant as well as the master. One of the church members observed, "Massa, we Neger get punish too much before time, but we no remember dat story again. We heart no hot no more, for suppose we no forgive men dere trespasses, our heavenly Father shall no forgive we." I am sure

the Directors would have been delighted to have been present at this meeting, and to have heard the frequent references the people made to the blessing of the Gospel as the ground of all their anticipations, privileges, and enjoyments.

On the first day of August the people began to assemble themselves in the Chapel by seven o'clock in the morning. Scarcely a negro was left on any of the estates, so that the house of God was soon filled, and, indeed, surrounded with hearers. Divine service was commenced with a tribute of praise and thanksgiving to the Most High for deliverance from the yoke of bondage, and the realisation of this civil freedom which the people had never before enjoyed. May they all be brought into the glorious liberty of the sons of God! In the middle of the day my hearers were addressed from John viii.


From the Ministers of the London Missionary Society Berbice, to his Excellency Henry Light, Esq., Governor of British Guiana, &c. &c. &c.

"SIR,-We the undersigned, Ministers of the Gospel in connexion with the London Missionary Society, desire to avail ourselves of your Excellency's visit to this part of British Guiana, to express the pleasure we feel at your appointment to the government of this important Colony, at a period so momentous, not only to the inhabitants themselves, but, as we conceive, to the whole civilised world.

"We beg leave most respectfully to congratulate your Excellency, that you are

36, "If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed;" and in the evening we opened a new chapel and school-house on Plantation Hampshire, which the negroes of the estate erected with their own hands, and at their own expense. At the close of the service a collection was made for the London Missionary Society. There are now two chapels which the Negroes have fitted up themselves, and this enables me to perform Divine service occasionally on the Plantations where they reside. The whole of the 1st of August was devoted to religious purposes, and the strictest decorum was observed. I am not aware of any person being in a state of intoxication; nor was there a single dance on any of the estates, which was a matter of surprise to some of the proprietors.

The next day, the negroes in almost every part of Berbice prepared a dinner, to which they invited their employers. Some of the latter made presents of an ox or a sheep to their people, and others wine or porter; for I am told in all cases where rum was offered it was refused. On one plantation the proprietor gave his negroes a cow and a sheep, and said they might have rum and sugar to make as much punch as they could drink, but the headman came forward, and said, "We thank Massa very well for the cow, and we thank Massa very well for the sheep, but we no want to drink rum and get drunk this time. If Massa shall please give we a few bottles of wine, we shall say, Thanky', Massa, and drink Massa's health."

"A great reformation," continues Mr. Kenyon, “has taken place among the people in this respect. Comparatively few are now known to indulge to excess. Since the Gospel came among them they are ashamed of this practice; and by the religious and intelligent class of negroes the drunkard is avoided."

called upon to administer the laws to a colony of free men; vast numbers of whom have been called to liberty' under your government, and with your approbation. We congratulate you, Sir, that one of your first public acts was to sign that document by which so many thousands of our fellowmen received the blessing of freedom.

"As ministers of the Gospel, and as freeborn Britons, we are truly delighted at the auspicious change, and raise our hearts in grateful acknowledgments to God, who has caused such a mighty work to be accomplished.

"It is our earnest hope that all suitable means may be adopted to meet the important alteration which has been effected in the circumstances of such a large class of

people, so that religion, education, and good order may, by the Divine blessing, flourish abundantly in this important colony of the British empire, believing as we do, that righteousness exalteth a nation, while sin is the reproach of any people.' For ourselves, as ministers of the Gospel, we beg leave to assure your Excellency, that we are most solicitous, and quite prepared to promote, to the utmost of our power, the best interests of our fellow-men, whatever may be their colour or their rank. It was this, and this alone, which induced us to leave the land of our fathers, the land of our earliest and best associations.

"By the blessing of God upon our exertions, in connexion with other ministers and friends of religion and education in the colony, we trust the time is near at hand, when our labouring population will be raised in the scale of being, and exhibit to the world a phenomenon at once delightful and satisfactory: men, formerly in bondage, invested with civil rights and privileges, with honour to themselves, and safety to the state of which they form a part. This, in our opinion, will tell most powerfully upon a world's destiny, and tend effectually to accelerate a world's liberty.

"We regard the proceedings of the first of August as a happy omen for the future. Our places of worship, as well as others in the colony, were crowded; and the peaceable, devout, and grateful demeanour of the liberated negroes will never be forgotten by those who were privileged to behold it. We look forward with pleasure to the time when schools and means of religious instruction shall be more extensively provided, to meet the moral and spiritual wants of the labouring population; in the promotion of which good work we shall ever be ready to co-operate, sustained, as we are sure we shall be, by the religious and enlightened public of our native land, the Directors of the London Missionary Society, and the wise and good of this free and prosperous colony, at the same time animated and encouraged by the promise and support of Almighty God. Our views are not sec. tarian-we have no sinister designs to promote-no worldly nor political objects to attain-' peace on earth, good-will to men, and glory to God in the highest,' are the doctrines we preach, and the truths we enforce. It will afford us great and unfeigned pleasure to be honoured with your approbation and confidence, as well as that of other good and enlightened men.

"As loyal subjects of her Majesty Queen Victoria, (whom may God long preserve and bless,) we delight to uphold good government, and to give honour to whom honour is due. We hail your Excellency as the friend of civil and religious liberty; and we beg

most respectfully to express our earnest hope, that invidious distinctions among sects and parties in religion will find no place in your administration; persuaded as we are that such distinctions must ever be injurious to religion, and detrimental to the best interests of men.

"We beg leave to address your Excellency, not only as ministers of the Gospel, but likewise as agents of the London Missionary Society-a society which has been remark ably favoured with the blessing of God, and the countenance and support of the religious public in Great Britain. The Mission in this colony was commenced by an eminent servant of God, the late Rev. John Wray, who laboured long, and laboured well; and whose exertions God blessed for a period of nearly 30 years, to an extent most remarkable and pleasing. He is gathered to his fathers; but the Mission which he was honoured to establish, and whose interests be lived to promote still survives; yea, at no period of its history has it exhibited more indications of vigour, or given greater cause to its friends to be encouraged and gratified.

"That God may bestow upon your Excellency every temporal and spiritual favour, and make you a long and lasting blessing to this important colony, and its interesting inhabitants, is the ardent wish and earnest prayer of

"Your Excellency's

"Most obedient and humble servants, "SAMUEL HAYWOOD, Minister, Orange Chapel.

DANIEL KENYON, Minister, Albion Chapel. GILES FORWARD, Minister, Lewis Chapel. H. S. SEABORN, Minister, Mission Chapel. JOHN EDWARDS, Minister, Hanover Chapel. "Berbice, 23rd August, 1838."

HIS EXCELLENCY'S REPLY. To the Ministers of the Gospel, in connexion with the London Missionary Society.

"REVEREND SIRS,-In returning you thanks for your congratulations on my arrival at Berbice, and on my assuming the Government of this important colony, of which this county is a part, it is an agreeable duty, first, to express my satisfaction at being so cordially received by those, who, though of an Independent church and ministry, look on me as the friend of all religious sects, and as disposed to promote their laudable exertions in the cause of religion and civilisation.

"It has been, indeed, a subject of selfcongratulation, that my first public act has been to abolish the last remnant of slavery; and the same pious feelings, which have caused you to offer up acknowledgments

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