
Effect of the Gospel on the Female Na


After sunset, I was closely occupied for some hours, listening to, and conversing with, candidates for the inquirers' meeting and baptism. They were in number nearly 30. The greater number were females. It is surprising to see the impression the Gospel makes upon the native women, when once their attention to it is awakened. They are the last to come and listen, but when they have heard, they act the most decisively. This was remarked at Griqua Town, when first the revival began among the Bashutos there. Heathenism every

where seems to have depressed the female sex to a state very little above that of the beasts of burden. Among the poorer classes of heathens, the dog fares much better. Their total exclusion from all rational conversation, seemed almost to have eradicated their ability and courage to converse. But the Gospel comes and addresses all, without distinction, on subjects of the highest importance, and it also represents women as amongst its admirers and zealous supporters: when the heathen woman hears this, she is astonished; she hopes, she desires, she believes; she comes and takes hold of the hope set before her, and fills her rank in the church and in society.

Aged Converts to the Truth.

A second thing I could not but remark among the inquirers, was the presence of some very aged persons. The Missionary wisely looks to the youth of his sphere for a general harvest, and for efficient agents to extend his labours and to carry out his plans, so as to penetrate and embrace the whole of society. But then he seldom obtains access to the children, before some impression be made upon the parents and upon the heads of the nation. Hence my joy in being able to point out these as among the trophies of the Gospel within our district. Among the old men inquiring the way to Zion, was one named Motlangke, well known formerly as a determined enemy to the Gospel among the Bechuanas. I could not but muse over the tale of sinful degradation, heathenish error, Satanic deception, Gospel wonders, and gracious power, upon which he will hereafter expatiate amidst the company of heaven; if, indeed, he perseveres, and goes on unto perfection. His age is nearly 70 years, and almost to the present time he has lived unto himself, and devoted to the cause of heathenism. When Makame and his associates brought the Gospel to their homes, the said Motlangke was a resolute opposer of the truth. His mockery and persecution knew no bounds, particularly as

his own son was among its supporters. Now, however, he seems to sit at the feet of Jesus as a little child. Of course the struggle in his mind will be great, and may require considerable time to decide in favour of the Gospel; but our hopes are excited, and our prayers increased in his behalf. During my stay, he visited me three or four times every day, to converse entirely upon religious subjects. When at any time the conversation, either by accident or in the course of business, turned upon temporal matters, he was the first to complain, and bring it back to its scripture bearings.

Preference of the Natives for Pictorial Instruction.

Another circumstance which I remarked, was the style or manner of the subjects which so universally attract attention among the Bechuanas. They were almost exclusively historical, drawn principally from the parables of our Saviour. I frequently felt disappointed, though much instructed, by observing how little they seemed to benefit by an effort of the speaker upon any doctrinal text didactically treated. While among the Bechuanas, I was impressed more than ever with the wisdom with which the Bible has been compiled. Its mingling of doctrine with history, and thus illustrating its principles by facts, meets the native mind at once.

The parables upon which their minds dwelt with apparent edification and delight, were principally those of the sower, the talents, the fig-tree, the publican, the great supper, the ten virgins, the tares, the description of the last judgment, the rich man and Lazarus, with the history of the patriarchs and some of the prophets, and of our Saviour.

Bechuana Preacher.

July 17.-I committed the morning service to the native teacher Makame, who took for his subject the rich man and Lazarus. He seemed particularly expert in answering the various objections started by Bechuanas against the Gospel. To expatiate, also, upon the folly and worthlessness of their heathenish views and customs, seemed to be his familiar work. He would frequently burst forth in questions like the following:-"What had their forefathers been doing, that they had not handed down to them, their children, the records of former times and things, like those handed down to us in the Bible? Was not that a proof that they had gone astray from the first fountain of knowledge? and having thus strayed, their present errors were easily accounted for. Adam, Noah, and Abraham, all had the knowledge of the

true God, and way to happiness, and those of their children who followed in their footsteps were now the mighty nations of the earth."

At 10 o'clock the day-school commenced, under the superintendence of Makame. I counted about 120 children and about 40 adults present. The adults were mostly in spelling, but some of them, and several of the children, were reading in Luke's gospel. In the afternoon the inquirers' meeting was held, which was attended by about 120 of the church-members.

The whole

number in church-fellowship is 188. To these may be added 30 or 40 persons, who form the class of inquirers,* many of whom, I hope, are sincerely seeking the way to Zion. Some of these have since been baptised, so that now our native brother Makame has more than 200 under his care, at Moruanitown, Vaal River.

In the evening we again had service, and read some extracts from the Missionary Magazines, which much interested the people.

• Basinki.


In the course of the past year, the Missionaries of the Society in the colony of Berbice have opened several school-houses and places of worship at the stations and out-stations which constitute the field of their labours; other school-houses are in progress of erection, and at no former period has the work of education in this quarter of the Society's operations worn a more cheering aspect, or presented more distinct grounds for the exercise of hope in reference to its future advancement. In April, 1837, a spacious school-house, for a school on the British system, was opened at New Amsterdam, by our venerable and lamented brother, the Rev. John Wray, assisted by Mr. W. Parish, whose death occurred a few days after that of Mr. Wray. Mr. P. had been pursuing his labours, as an educational agent, with more than ordinary zeal and efficiency, and his death was deeply regretted among the negroes, and by numerous friends of negro education both at home and abroad.

The occasion of the opening of the school, as noticed by Mr. Parish, under date of June 15, 1837, will be read with peculiar interest. At that period he thus addressed the Foreign Secretary


Knowing that at all times you are desirous to hear of the success experienced by your agents, it is with pleasure I send you a few particulars respecting the opening of the new British school at this place. school-house, which is a good building, sixty feet by thirty, and twelve feet high, was so far finished as to admit of a service being held in it on Sunday afternoon, April 16; about six hundred adults and children attended, when Mr. Wray and myself explained to them the nature of those principles upon which the instruction of the children would be based. It was not our intention to make a collection, but many came to give of their penury, who finding

upon inquiry that we had made no arrangements for receiving, their contributions, showed such marks of sorrow at being deprived of the opportunity of making the humble offerings they had intended, that on consideration we felt unwilling not to comply with their wishes. A collection was therefore made, which amounted to over 30 guilders, and we received a donation of 22 guilders with several promises. The following day we opened the school, when we admitted seventy scholars, and the number has continued to increase every week since, indeed the number has exceeded our most sanguine anticipations.

The death of Mr. Parish having occasioned a suspension of the school which had been thus favourably commenced, the Directors, immediately endeavoured to procure another suitable agent to undertake this department of duty, and in December last, they had the satisfaction to send out Mr. and Mrs. Morris, schoolmaster and schoolmistress, to succeed Mr. and Mrs. Parish in the important office now referred to. Mr. and Mrs. Morris arrived at New Amsterdam on the 31st of January of the present year, and after some necessary alterations had been made in the school-house, commenced their interesting labours. From Mr. Morris we have received a pleasing communication, dated April 24,

on the subject of the school now under notice. Under the above date, Mr. Morris thus writes to the Foreign Secretary :

REV. AND DEAR SIR,-I feel great pleasure in being able to write to you of the promising state of our school, and of the happiness we feel in being once more at our beloved work of teaching the youthful mind. We re-opened the school on the 2nd instant; the first week we admitted 80 scholars, the second week our number was 90, and this, our third week, we have 110 children under instruction, with whom we are very much pleased, and we see reason to hope that soon our large school-room will be full. Our sincere prayer is, that God may strengthen us to carry out the British system of instruction, as both parents and children seem delighted with it. Some delay has arisen in finishing the schoolroom, but there is a pleasing fact connected

with it, which I beg leave to state, as I had it from the person engaged in raising the room. He said, "The parents of the children follow me wherever I go, to urge on the work at the British school, that their children may be taught, and I am obliged to do it, to get free of them." I think there is a very good feeling among the people of New Amsterdam; they are exceedingly kind to us. Many parents have paid me two and three, and several six, and one nine, months' schooling in advance. Our experience is as yet limited, but we have much reason for gratitude to the merciful Disposer of events, to whom we look in all our labours, trials, consolations, and success.

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ARRIVAL OF THE REV. A. AND UNDER date March 9, 1838, the gratifying tidings have reached us of the arrival of these brethren and their wives at Singapore. Writing from that island at the above date, the brethren communicate the following particulars of their passage thither from Calcutta :-"At length, under the gracious guidance of our God, we have arrived in perfect health at the place of our destination. We were detained nearly six weeks at Calcutta, the vessel in which our passage was taken not having received her cargo till much later than was anticipated. On the 22nd of January, we embarked in the Brigand, but having been detained by contrary

J. STRONACH AT SINGAPORE. winds, we did not reach Pinang till the 17th of February. At Pinang the vessel remained seven days, during which we enjoyed the society of our dear Christian friends, Mr. and Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Beighton, and others. On the 2nd of March, we visited Malacca, where we had the pleasure of seeing Messrs. Evans and Dyer and their wives. were all in good health, and the Mission seemed to be prospering. Thus we have been favoured to enjoy a delightful Missionary tour; and the gratification, and, we trust, improvement we have experienced in the course of it, seems to us to compensate for thegreat additional time spent. We often


regretted the loss of time, so far as our station was concerned, occasioned by a seven months' voyage; but the arrange

ments of Providence left us no alternative, and we even now feel that they have been for good."


By a letter received from our brother, the Rev. J. C. Thompson, of Quilon, under date April 3, ult., it affords us much pleasure to be able to state that the Rev. Charles Mead, his son and daughter; Rev. J. T. Pattison, and Mrs. Pattison; Rev. John Abbs and Mrs. Abbs; Rev. John Cox and Mrs. Cox; Mr. A. Ramsay, Mrs. Ramsay, and Miss Paul, and Rev. J. Russell, who embarked for this part of India in the ship

Severn, on the 20th of October last, have been conducted in safety, through the mercy of Divine Providence, to their destination. They arrived at Quilon on the 31st of March, all in good health, and proceeded without any avoidable delay to their respective stations in Tranvancore, with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Pattison, who remain at Quilon.


Ox the 10th of last month, Mrs. Lowndes, the wife of our esteemed and honored brother, the Rev. Isaac Lowndes of Corfu, accompanied by two daughters, arrived safely in London. The health of Mrs. Lowndes and Miss Lowndes, with whose arduous exertions on behalf of the cause of female

education in the Ionian Islands the friends of the Society have long been familiar, had for some time past proved unequal to the climate of Corfu, and they visit their native country with a view, under the Divine blessing, to its renovation.


FROM our honoured brother, the Rev. John Hands, who embarked with Mr. and Mrs. Sewell, in February last, per the Lady Raffles, for Madras, we have received a communication, written at sea on the 28th of March, and resumed at Rio Janeiro, under date of April 26. After detailing the progress of the voyage to the latter period, Mr. Hands proceeds to notice the ad verse circumstances under which the ship had entered that port, and observes: "When I wrote the above, little did I think of forwarding it from hence, but so it is. On the 16th inst., during a squall, we sprung our mainmast; and so great was the injury, that the Captain deemed it necessary to come

hither to repair it. We have been here two days, and have happily succeeded in obtaining another mast. I fear it will be 8 or 10 days before we can proceed; but we have reason to be thankful that the injury is not greater. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell are quite well, and they have taken lodgings on shore, during our stay at this port." The next communication from our brother, Mr. Hands, will, we trust, enable us to state that himself and his companions had continued to experience the watchful care of Him to whose service they are devoted, and been favoured with a safe and speedy passage from Rio Janeiro to Madras.


SOUTH SEAS, 1837 and 1838.-Tahiti, Rev. J. Davies, Dec. 2. Jan. 3, Rev. C. Wilson, Oct. 2, Nov. 20. Rev. J. Rodgerson, Nov. 1. Rev. G. Pritchard, Oct. 19. Rev. Messrs. Pritchard, Darling, and Wilson, Nov. 23. Rev. Messrs. Rodgerson, Wilson, and Darling, Dec. 9. Eimeo, Rev. A. Simpson, Nov. 15, Nov. 29. Huahine, Rev. C. Barff, Oct.. Rarotonga, Rev. C. Pitman, Dec. 12. Savaii, Rev. A. Macdonald, Jan. 1, Jan. 8. Upolu, Rev. T. Heath, Jan. 6. Rev. Messrs. Heath, Hardie, Macdonald, and Mills, Jan. 6 (two letters.) Manono, Rev. T. Heath, Dec. 1. Tutuila, Rev. A. W. Murray, Aug. 30. Sydney, Rev. WP. Crook,

Feb. 24.

ULTRA GANGES, 1837 and 1838.- Malacca,

Rev. S. Dyer, Oct. 27, Feb. 1. Rev. Messrs. Evans
and Dyer, Feb. 1. Singapore, Rev. A. Stronach,
March 9. Rev. Messrs. Stronach, March 9. Pin-
ang, Rev. E. Davies, Jan. 1, Jan. 8. Batavia, Mr.
W. Young, Jan. 3.

EAST INDIES, 1837 and 1838.--Calcutta, Rev.
Messrs. Boaz, and Lacroix, Jan. 27. Rev. A. F.
Lacroix, Feb. 1 (two letters,) April 11. Surat, Rev:
A. Fyvie, April 20. Madras, Rev. W. H. Drew,
Jan.17, April 8. Rev.J. Smith, Feb.22. Vizaga-
patam, Rev. E. Porter, Jan. 31. Bellary, Rev. J.
Reid, April 16. Bangalore, Rev. B. Rice, Jan. 29.
Rev. Messrs. Campbell and Rice, April 14.
G. Turnbull, Feb. 1, April 16. Rev. J. Hands (Rio
Janeiro) Ap. 26. Quilon, Rev. J. C.Thompson, Ap. 3.


MEDITERRANEAN, 1838. Corfu, Rev. J. Lowndes, April 12, April 27, May 20.

SOUTH AFRICA, 1838.-Cape Town, Rev. Dr. Philip, Mar. 6. Mrs. Philip, Feb. 2, Feb. 5, Feb. 24, April 21. Paarl, Rev. W. Elliott, March 30. Pacaltsdorp, Rev. J. Melvill, March 1. Graham's Town, March 8. Caffreland, Rev. F. G. Kayser, Dec. 23.

AFRICAN ISLANDS, 1838.-Mauritius, Rev.

D. Jones, Feb. 21, March 6. Rev. Messrs. Johns and Jones, Feb. 16.

WEST INDIES, 1838.-Demerara, Rev. Messrs. Watt and Rattray, May 3. Rev. S. S. Murkland, April 23. Berbice, Rev. S. Haywood, May 7. Rev. J. Edwards, (Madeira,) May 28. Mr. J. Morris, April 24. Mrs. Howe, May 2. Jamaica, Rev. J. Vine, April 30, May 26. Mr. H. Russell, April 30. Rev. J. Wooldridge, April 26. Rev. W. G. Barrett, May 10.


The thanks of the Directors are respectfully presented to the following:-viz., to Mrs. Buthin, for 4000 needles for the Rev. Henry Nott; to the ladies of the Rev. E. Jinkings's Congregation, Maidstone, for a box of useful and fancy articles, the proceeds to be applied to the support of a native teacher at Calcutta, to be called "Edmund Jinkings;" to the ladies of Rev. J. Burnet's congregation, for a box containing 63 garments, and other useful articles, for the schools in the S. Seas; to friends at Mere, per Rev. S. Little, for a box containing a Communion service, and fancy articles and books, for Rev. G. Forward, Berbice; to friends in Edinburgh, per Mrs. Paterson, for a box of clothing for the Hottentots at the Fish River; to Miss Walker, and Miss Irving, Preston, for a box of clothing and useful articles for Mr. Nott; to the Ladies' Association at Paisley for Promoting Female Education in India, for a box of useful articles for Mrs. Campbell, Bangalore; to the ladies at Tunbridge Wells, for a box of useful and fancy articles; to Mr. Brown, Thetford, for a bundle of spades, bag of nails, &c., for South Africa; to Mrs. Clement and Miss Sargeant, for a box of clothing and fancy articles for Mr. Drew,

Madras; to Rev. J. N. Goulty and triends, for a parcel of useful articles for Mrs. Beighton, Pinang; to the Committee of the British and Foreign School Society, for a case of school materials for the Rev. P. Wright, Griqua Town; to Mrs. Keith and friends at Brussels, for a parcel of needlework, &c., for the Hottentots on the Fish River; to a lady at Hull, for a parcel of pincushions for the heathen children; to the Ladies' Working Society, Newcastle-uponTyne, for a box of useful articles for Messrs. Fyvie, Surat, value 551.; to Edwin Firth, Esq., Heckmondwike, for a truss of blankets, value 207.; to friends at Ashton-under-Line, per Rev. J. Sutcliffe, for a chest of wearing apparel, and various useful articles, for Mr. Moffat, Lattakoo; and to Mr. Paul, for 80 Nos. of the Evangelical Magazine.

Mr. and Mrs. Calderwood beg leave to present their thanks to their friends in Kendal, Peebles, Tottenham, &c., for the useful articles which they have received for themselves and the Caffres.

Mr. and Mrs. Birt beg to present thanks to all their friends who have so kindly provided useful articles both for themselves and the Caffres.

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