
surrounded and caressed by the Brahmins and the multitude.

I witnessed this scene at a village where I was surrounded by hundreds of Heathen. A friend and I were the only Europeans present. I determined on using my influence to prevent this barbarity; the people knew me, for they had often seen me; they showed no displeasure at my presence, but listened to what I had to say. I endeavoured to show the wickedness and danger of such practices, observing, in reference to the devotees, that if they wished to amuse the multitude, (as some said that was their reason for swinging,) they might do so in a more innocent way. Some Brahmins, and other interested persons, incensed to see me exerting so much influence with the multitude, began to wrangle; this gave me a good opportunity to point out to the people how they were deceived by their priests. I told

them that if this swinging was a very holy act, as the Brahmins pretended, it behoved them who were reputed the holiest of the Hindus to set a good example and swing first; but the Brahmins were too wise for such a display they shrunk from it, and happily the people saw the force of the argument. I here had an opportunity of contrasting their religion with Christianity, declaring that Jesus Christ came not only to give his life a ransom for many, but to show us an example of holy obedience and practice; and that his disciples and Missionaries are bound not only to tell others what to do, but to be an example to all in every good word and work. I left the scene blessing God that I was thus enabled to check this horrid cruelty, and for having an opportunity of pointing out the excellency of the Cross of Christ.


IN South Travancore, the judgments of the Lord, fraught with solemn and heartpiercing admonition, have been abroad during the past year. Great mortality has prevailed among the native inhabitants, and the death of Mrs. Charles Miller, at Neyoor, in the midst of her valuable and devoted exertions, has bereaved the Mission of one whose place few could have filled with equal usefulness and efficiency. Our brother, the Rev. Charles Miller, besides the sorrow of separation from his exemplary and now sainted wife, has been himself afflicted with a painful attack of illness, the same which has proved fatal to so many of the natives of the country. The friends of the Society cannot but respond to the claims which his circumstances, together with the indisposition of our brother, the Rev. W. Miller, of Nagercoil, and the state of the Mission generally in reference to its temporal concerns, prefer to their prayers and Christian sympathies. But amid these numerous trials, the word of the Lord has not been bound; on the contrary, its power has been magnified, and its influence felt in the darkest season of outward adversity. At Nagercoil and Neyoor, the native congregations unitedly have increased to nearly twelve thousand persons; and notwithstanding the unfaithfulness of some, and the impure motives of others in professing the name of Christ, still, as a body, the power of his Cross has been made manifest among them. The native teachers and evangelists are improving in intelligence and piety, as well as increasing in numbers, and the collective result of their agency expresses a promise that they will become peculiarly effective instruments for spreading the Gospel in India. The interesting cause of native female education in Travancore is also progressively advancing, and the schools generally present a cheering measure of success. At Quilon, the character of the Missionary work considerably differs from that of the other stations, the encouragements it offers being chiefly incipient and prospective. The commencement of another Mission station in Trevandrum, the capital of the province, has been entrusted to the Rev. John Cox, whose arrival in Travancore with our brother the Rev. Charles Mead, and the other brethren and sisters, in the Ship Severn, we rejoice to be enabled to communicate in our present number (p. 125.) By the arrival of this large Missionary company in Travancore, the whole Mission will be cheered and invigorated; and through the favour of the Most High, the next intelligence from this important quarter will be such as greatly to augment the amount of hope now cherished, and call forth the most

grateful and holy feelings. From the report of the Nagercoil station for the past year, transmitted by Messrs. Mault and Miller, under date Oct. 3, 1837, we derive the subjoined portions of intelligence respecting that division of the Travancore Mission :

In reviewing our labours, and the progress of the work of Christ at Nagercoil, during the last twelve months, we are reminded of the loss we have suffered by the death of a beloved member of this mission. Mrs. W. Miller died at Quilon, on the 1st of December last; and then, we trust, exchanged the labours and trials of this mortal life for everlasting rest and joy in heaven. May we be followers of them, who through faith and patience are inheriting the promises! We have also to lament the loss, to a great extent, of Mr. Miller's active efforts in the mission. The symptoms of the complaint, under which he has been suffering above three years, have much increased, and it seems as if the time were not far distant when he too shall put off this tabernacle. These occurrences, viewed in connexion with the difficulties which always more or less attend our labours, speak to us in language we cannot misunderstand, and call us to the exercise of humility, watchfulness, and dependence on God; while they give us room for the full and proper display of that Christian love which is the bond of perfectness, and of that mutual sympathy which distinguishes the members of the body of Christ.

We begin, as usual, with a general view of the state of the

Native Congregations.

In seven new villages the Gospel has been professed, and Christian worship established. The old congregations, with a few exceptions, have increased in numbers. The whole increase during the year amounts to nearly one thousand souls, and we have reason to hope, that their profession is more the result of a conviction of the truth of the Gospel, than of any other cause. That inferior motives do operate extensively in making proselytes to Christianity in Travancore, we have often had occasion to notice, and this is a circumstance which we have reason still to regret.

The period we are now reviewing has been one of great suffering among the poorer classes of people in this part of the country. Owing to a deficiency of the usual rains, the produce of the palmyra tree, which furnishes the chief article of food to thousands, as well as the several crops of grain, have failed to a great extent. The price of rice has in consequence been raised to double the usual sum, which has occasioned much distress among the poor. Many have been obliged to leave their

homes, and seek the means of subsistence for themselves and families in other places. Our poor people have shared in the common calamity; many of them being destitute of the simplest necessaries of life. They have claimed our sympathy and prayers; and relief to some extent has been afforded. We often wish that they had a less precarious means of support than that which arises from the cultivation of the palmyra tree. The excessive labour which it requires, and the poverty and wretchedness to which they are reduced, when this resource fails them, are exceedingly unfavourable to their intellectual and spiritual improvement. But how to obviate or remove the disadvantages of their situation, it is difficult even to conceive. It is, notwithstanding, an unspeakable mercy, (and we praise the Father of mercies for it,) that the Gospel has been brought to this poor, oppressed, and despised people. This contains in itself a remedy for all the evils to which they are subject, and we thank God, that not a few of them exhibit proof of its healing and transforming power.

Although we have still to complain of the ignorance, worldliness, and irregular attendance on Divine worship of many in our congregations, yet we have reason to believe, that upon the whole an improve. ment has taken place in these respects. We notice with pleasure, that some show a greater regard for the Sabbath, and for the ordinances of religion, than they once exhibited. Many also are very regular, attentive, and serious in the house of God, and appear at times to feel the power of the truth penetrating and searching the heart, and affecting the conscience. Such results as these cheer us in our labours, and lead us oftentimes to hope, that God is about to pour his Spirit upon this people, to form them for himself, that they may show forth his praise.

We have to mention with regret, that during the year, several individuals belonging to different congregations have returned to idolatry. They were, in most cases, tempted to do so by their friends and neighbours in time of affliction, a time when their superstitious fears are most awake, and when it is therefore easy for the heathen to persuade them to "sacrifice to demons," in the hope of obtaining relief. A few others, whose conduct was scandalous, and who, after repeated admonitions, refused to amend, have been dismissed from the congregations with which

they stood connected. Some of them are persons whose influence rightly directed might have been highly serviceable to the cause of Christ; but now, alas! that influence is employed for Satan and the world.

We have alluded to a considerable increase of numbers in our congregations. It may be interesting to the Directors and friends of the Society, to learn that many of those who have recently joined us are from a new and peculiar sect which sprung up two years ago, in the neighbourhood of Cape Camorin, of the origin and history of which the following is a brief account:-A poor man, who had been in a state of mental derangement for years, at length professed to be under supernatural influence, and to work miracles. His fame was soon spread over the country, and immense crowds of people flocked to his place of abode from all parts of Travancore and Tinnevelly. The roads were literally thronged with people of all classes, among whom were the diseased of every description, hastening to obtain a cure. At this stage of the extraordinary proceeding, the government interfered, and the poor man was put under restraint. Many, however, by his persuasion abandoned the worship of idols, became Saivas, as regards the principle of abstinence from all sorts of animal food, and adopted the most simple and abstemious habits. They were also for some time exceedingly zealous in making con verts, in which they succeeded to a certain extent, chiefly among the heathen. In the beginning of the present year about seventy families of these people were induced by one of themselves, who had acquired a leading influence among them, to sell all their property, form a community of goods, and leave the country. They removed into the Tinnevelly district, where they erected huts for themselves upon the sea-shore, some distance beyond the boundary of Travancore, by which they avoided the annoyance they had reason to expect from our local authorities. In this retreat they practised great austerities and frequent ablutions in the sea, and were exceedingly careful to separate themselves from every person and thing which they imagined to be defiling. They were frequently assembled to hear the dreams and visions of their leader, and witness the miracles he was said to perform. Many of them professed to be deeply affected by what they heard and saw, and began to express brilliant hopes of future greatness and felicity. But as time and disappointment damp the ardour of an excited imagination, and restore men to the exercise of their sober sense, it so came to pass in the present case. For some of these poor deluded people returned after a few

weeks, to resume their wonted occupations; and all the others have since followed their example. They were frequently visited, while in their retirement, by the Readers in that neighbourhood, and once by Mr. Mault, for the purpose of showing them a more excellent way, but without much success. They were then too big with enthu siastic and false expectations, to attend to sober statements on things relating to their eternal salvation. Now, however, most of them listen with attention to the word of God; and we hope shortly to find them not less willing to sacrifice all they possess, if necessary, to secure the pearl of great price, than they were formerly to obtain a bubble-the creation of their own fancy.


With regard to the native teachers, we have much satisfaction in being able to state, that, with a few exceptions, all those hitherto employed have continued to conduct themselves with much propriety, and afford us great assistance and comfort in our work.

They have been occupied as heretofore, in instructing the people of their several congregations from house to house, in conducting the public worship whenever we are not present; in publishing the Gospel to the heathen, in the towns and villages of the district; in visiting the sick, and inspecting the schools situate in their respective neighbourhoods. That their labours have not been in vain, is abundantly evident from the increase of numbers in the churches, congregations, and Bible-classes, and the general improvement of the people under their care, in knowledge, order, and piety. Such men must be regarded as a real blessing to the country, as well as an honour to the religion they profess. May Divine grace keep them stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord!

They continue to assemble once a week at Nagercoil to report their labours, and to receive instruction and advice according to the exigence of circumstances. Beside a diligent and regular study of the holy Scriptures, their attention has been occupied with a course of systematic theology, in which they have made some progress. They have also entered upon an outline of sacred geography. This subject would be rendered much more intelligible and interesting to them, were they furnished with a few maps, a desideratum which we hope will soon be supplied.

Before concluding this brief notice of the readers and their labours, we beg to express our warmest thanks to those Christian friends in our native land, whose liberality has enabled us to augment their number;

and that at a time when there was a great call for an increase of labourers. And we have the pleasure to add, that after much care and deliberation, we have appointed the whole number for whom subscriptions have been received during the year, and sent them into the field. We trust that the members of the Society, and those friends in particular who support these useful men, will join their prayers with ours, that the Divine blessing may rest upon them, and that they may be made the instruments of turning many of their benighted countrymen from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.

Mission Churches.

Experience has shown us, that many in this country, influenced by a variety of circumstances, make a profession of Christianity, while their hearts are still alienated from God, and callous and unconcerned in reference to eternal things. As it regards such persons, (and they form, we regret to say, a large proportion of every congregation,) we feel that neither the end of our mission, nor the best desires of our hearts, are yet accomplished. We can look upon them as Christians only in name, for whose conversion we are bound to labour and pray with all perseverance.

To judge, however, of the state of real Christianity in the congregations, by the comparatively small number in church communion, would lead to an erroneous conclusion. There are many persons whom we have reason to regard as truly converted to God, who have not yet been received into the church. Various circumstances contribute to delay their admission: particularly the number and local distance of the congregations, making our visits to each necessarily less frequent, and the diminution of our strength by the protracted affliction of one of us, and the increase of labour consequently devolving upon the other. To these causes may be added, the difficulty we feel in attempting to form a just estimate of the real character of the people. We, of course, consult the readers, but we often find them

inclined to question the reality of conversion even in cases where the conduct seems to us to justify the hope, that the persons are truly renewed in the spirit of their minds, and endeavouring to follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. Many of the readers take too high a standard in judging of the character of their people, considering the peculiar circumstances in which the latter are placed. This is obvious from the fact, that they are not easily brought to make any allowance for the im perfection of human nature in its fallen state, or to sympathise with those who are overtaken in a fault. They are led to suppose, it may be from a partial view of the Scripture doctrine, that if persons are really renewed by the grace of God, they will be in a manner perfect, exhibiting in the course of their lives an undeviating conformity to the Divine law. Hence it is seldom that any one is recommended for baptism (by which we need hardly state, he is admitted to church fellowship) before he has given very decided proofs of his sincerity.

To the churches several additions have been made during the year, and many more candidates are now waiting to be received. In a few instances, we have been called to the exercise of discipline, by suspending those who had dishonoured the name of Christ. With these few exceptions, we are happy to say, that these "little spots enclosed by grace," in the midst of this moral desert, flourish and blossom as the rose. They have their fruit unto holiness. Walking in the fear of God, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, they are edified and multiplied. They are increasingly disposed to mutual love and forgiveness, candour and liberality; and, contrary to the characteristic selfishness of the natural heart, they learn to look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. These are our hope and our joy; and, we trust, they will be our crown of rejoicing in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming.

(To be continued.)


SCARCELY was the preceding article in type when the Directors received a letter from the Rev. C. Mead, conveying the afflictive tidings of the death of Mr. William Miller, which event took place on the 24th of April,

1838. He has left an orphan son, who is under the care of the Rev. Chas. Mault till such time as he has an opportunity of sending him to this country.


ACCOUNTS from the brethren at Griqua Town, dated in October and November last, record numerous proofs of the effusion of the Divine blessing upon their

labours. The Word, clothed with power, continues to penetrate many a heart in this remote field of Missionary exertion, bringing a nation that knew not God to the knowledge, love, and obedience of the truth, as communicated in the glorious Gospel of his Son. The particulars inserted below, received from Mr. Hughes, under date November 3, 1837, cannot fail to impress every Christian mind with grateful and holy sentiments, and produce heartfelt acknowledgments of that grace and love by which, through the instrumentality of our brethren and their native coadjutors, such valuable and promising results have been elicited. It may be noticed that the Batlapi tribe to which the present communication refers, forms a branch of the Bechuana nation, and is chiefly, if not entirely, included in the field of labour to the cultivation of which Messrs. Wright and Hughes have long been zealously devoted. Parts of that nation are also embraced within the range of effort made by the Missionaries at Lattakoo and Philippolis. Mr. Hughes, adverting to the Batlapi tribe, thus writes:

Account of a Native Congregation.

On the 12th of July, I and my family left home to visit the Batlapi towns along the Vaal river, and after a journey of two days arrived at Moruanitown, about 20 miles east of Campbell. This is the town over which Siminui is chief, and Makame native teacher. On my arrival there, I found that the people had assembled for Divine service. Anxious to join, and if needful to aid them, I hastened towards a rude pole-building, guided thereto by the sound of singing within. On approaching this humble sanctuary, and listening outside, I heard a native reading the 73rd Psalm. My desire to see the interior of this tabernacle, and to observe the degree of attention which the company assembled for worship would pay to the simplest reading of the word of God, so wrought upon me that I went in and took my seat under the clay-built pulpit. I was sorry for it afterwards, for my sudden appearance seemed to embarrass the plain, but I trust sincere and useful, native who led the service. I was pleased to see that the congregation, nearly 200 in number, paid no attention to me, but that all eyes were fixed upon the reader; and, as I hope, all hearts upon what he read. Having concluded the Psalm, and perused several other portions of Scripture, offering an occasional remark, to illustrate or enforce what he read, the services were concluded with singing and prayer. The singing might not have pleased an English ear, but I was glad to see them engaged in the praises of the Lord; and who knows but it is recorded of them, as of the woman who anointed the head of our Saviour, that "they did what they could." Here were people of all ranks and conditions, as found in a Bechuana town, assembled to hear some portions of Scripture read in the simplest manner. It reminded me of the days of Christ, when the common people heard him gladly. The prayer was solemn, humble, penitential,

fervent, and comprehensive, such as would surprise many a Christian in England, whose means of improvement are incomparably superior. When the amen was uttered, the congregation rose to depart; not the least notice was taken of me while within the building, but as soon as I came outside, a host of hands, of all sizes, met me wherever I turned. I could not but imitate Paul, in thanking God and taking courage. On inquiry, I found that every day they assemble in the manner above described; in the morning soon after sunrise, and in the evening a little before its setting. On my hinting to the native teacher that they held more meetings than were held at Griqua Town, and that some might possibly feel it burdensome, he replied, "Oh, no! Their running to get the nearest to the pulpit showed it was not Besides that, the meetings could not be dispensed with; for as yet the Batlapis were young in the Christian warfare, while at Griqua Town we had conquered, and therefore had the more leisure."


On the Sabbath, July 16, at sunrise, the people held their meeting for prayer, and the native teacher addressed them from the parable of the talents.

At 10 o'clock, I preached to a congregation of about 300 adults and 150 children, taking for my text the first chapter of Paul's first epistle to the Thessalonians. From the lowness of the roof, and the crowded state of the house, I found the service very oppressive.

In the afternoon, I had the children assembled for me to the number of about 150, and read to them some pleasing pieces out of the Child's Companion. The adults were afterwards convened, and the place of worship was crowded again, as in the morning. I first read and commented on a passage of Scripture: after prayer, I preached from Luke xv. 2,-"This man receiveth sinners." I found afterwards that the text had made a general impression.

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