




FOR APRIL, 1838.





WHILE we rejoice at the auspicious circumstances under which some of God's servants have entered the Christian ministry, we would not allow ourselves to forget, that some unfavourable beginnings have been followed by most blessed results. This was abundantly verified in the subject of this brief and imperfect memoir. Good Mr. Baker was not of Bunyan's profession, but was bred to the art of shoemaking. He chose and put well together the best materials, and this excellent specimen of honesty he seems to have transferred to his subsequent ministry; and if some thought that he went "beyond his last," by commencing preacher, others had reason to think differently; for Divine grace made his humble and unpretending ministrations "the power of God, and the wisdom of God to their salvation."

It must have been about the year 1799, that the Lord began a work of grace upon his soul; here the usual indications of sovereign mercy were strongly marked. He had to contend against a sinful nature, before he was aware of its force and malignity; while in this state of ignorance, he had brought himself into the belief that he had almost obtained the victory. When undeceived on this point, he was plunged almost into a state of despair; from which, however, he speedily obtained most gracious deliverance! He had also to deVOL. XVI.

cide between the legal scheme of doctrine, on the one hand, and the gratuitous scheme on the other. One of the two, he perceived, must be the right one; but he states, that he was much relieved by reading the Rev. G. Burder's sermon on "Behold he prayeth," and the one entitled "The Unjust Judge ;" but full decision was reached by God's blessing on the perusal of the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, in connexion with earnest and agonising prayer for Divine teaching. The eleventh verse of the eighty-fourth Psalm was also a great comfort at this stage of his religious history. Now Divine things shone upon his mind with an amazing lustre, and he began to advance heavenward, as a "giant refreshed with new wine." He walked as on the suburbs of heaven, and almost heard angels' songs. The native enmity of his heart was slain by a believing view of the cross. Soon after, however, dark clouds arose in the horizon, and quite hid the glorious light he beheld before; and such was his perplexity of mind, that he feared lest he should be deprived of reason. it pleased God, after a sharp conflict, soon to relieve him from this intolerable burden, and to grant him consolation, according to the days in which he had seen evil.


These and other lessons of Christian experience, in connexion with a growing knowledge of Scripture, were gradually


preparing the way for his communicat-
ing to others what he had himself "tasted,
and felt, and handled, of the good word
of God." It was well known that he was
deficient in much of that kind of know-
ledge which others have possessed; and he
received many tokens of regard in the
loan of books; but these, from the na-
ture of their contents, did not really aid
him. He possessed an excellent un-
derstanding, and he saw that several
of these works were neither in har-
mony with the Scriptures, nor with one
another; and hence he was driven more
closely to the word of God, "to the law
and to the testimony," "to the word of
the truth of the Gospel," upon which
he could rely. Amongst the friends
who felt much interested in him, was
the celebrated Mr. C. Baring, who
resided then near to Exmouth, and who
sent him a volume of his eccentric ser-
mons. The manuscript note on the
inside cover of which was, at least, a
proof of Mr. Baring's opinion of Mr.
Baker, and was as follows:-

To the Rev. Mr. Baker, from the Editor.
Exmouth, Nov. 20, 1824.

Let me request of you, my worthy
friend, to accept of this book, in testimony
of my esteem and regard for your charac-
ter and conduct, during the many years in
which I have been acquainted with you.
The book contains a compilation

[ocr errors]

of sermons, selected from the writings of
men of no ordinary talents; and the selec-
tion and publication has occupied many
pleasing hours in my old age


sermons are unquestionably interesting; and, although little is said respecting those speculative doctrines, which have so much divided the Christian world, I am aware that some few passages may still remain, which may not accord with your opinions on those points. I trust, however, that you will receive the book merely as a testimony of my esteem and regard; and I will likewise hope, you can join with me in believing that we are both on our journey to the same happy country.

I pray God to bless you,


We with great pleasure insert_this letter, because it contains a general testimony to Mr. Baker's character and conduct, for a great many years, from a person, not of the same sentiments in religion.

Mr. Baker did receive the book, but kept it hid from the eyes of all his friends to prevent mischief.

After such a blessed establishment in

the truth, a transition to the ministry might be expected, though honest John Baker did not seek the sacred office, pressed upon him, by the repeated and but was sought for, and had the office earnest solicitations of Christian friends, though to the chagrin of his relations, one of whom said, "He could find it in his heart to shoot him." He first spoke at a social meeting of friends at his own house; but he was only induced to do so to encourage a young man of talent, by setting him an example. This first essay convinced all who were present that God had given him eminent talents judgment. Being pressed to the work, for speaking, as well as grace and sound he began to preach in the neighbouring villages, and in his own licensed room. His exercises were afterwards transferred to a small chapel in Exmouth, built by the revered Mr. Rich. Staples. This chapel was too small for the numbers who desired to attend, and was twice or thrice enlarged. At length he consented to ordination, in August, 1816. His confession of faith on this occasion, and which is now before us, would do credit to a doctor of divinity; but brevity obliges us to withhold it from this memoir. But the most important record is, the long list of conversions which attended his ministry. These were real, sound conversions, "living epistles," demonstrations of holy power, who grew in grace, became the jewels of his church, the light of Exmouth, and the glory of sovereign grace; nineteen of whom are yet living as such. So true it is, that God often takes the weak things of the world to confound the mighty." As Mr. B. lived in honour, so he died in peace, Nov. 26, 1835, aged sixty-six.

The loss of Mr. Baker is very great to the church he has left. While he lived, he preserved the just standard of truth, and was a restraint upon some who were ready to verge to high doctrine; now that restraint is gone, we are fearful of the consequences. this is too tender a subject to enter upon. May the Great Head of the Church give to this church another Mr. Baker!


However much men of refined education may hesitate to acquiesce in the induction of illiterate persons into the work of the ministry, and however it may be proved by subsequent events that such appointments have been premature and ill-advised, often producing

mischief instead of good to the sacred cause, and for which reasons too much vigilance cannot be exercised, yet Mr. Baker is an instance illustrative of the fact, that the sovereignty of God may overrule the ordinary cautions of men. We see, in his case, a regular combination of causes and effects. The causes that led him into the ministry were far from irrational, and the effects

so pleasing in the success that followed his labours--in raising and preserving a large and respectable church, and especially in the real conversion of a very great number of sinners, that we must allow and justly pay all praise to Him by whose grace alone Mr. Baker begun well, and ended honourably, a course of life that well deserves a record in our evangelical miscellany.



Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

THESE words are part of a sermon, the first solemn sermon which was preached by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The place where he preached is observable; it was on a mountain. Some sermons were preached in the Temple, and some elsewhere; but this on a mountain. Moses received the law on a mountain; and Christ interpreted the law on a mountain; vindicating it, by way of comment, from the corrupt glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees.

It was on a mountain that the Levites were to pronounce those solemn blessings and curses, recorded Deuteronomy xxvii. and xxviii.; blessings on Mount Gerizim-curses on Mount Ebal.

This mountain, whereon our Lord preached, was both Gerizim and Ebal, for though Matthew records blessings only, yet Luke, chap. vi. 24, adds woes also.

The text is one of the BLESSINGS; wherein we have,

I. A grace or duty mentioned; which is, hungering and thirsting after righteousness.

II. A solemn blessing pronounced and promised to it. Such as hunger and thirst after righteousness are in a blessed condition, for they shall be sure to be filled.

Doctrine. Such as hunger and thirst after righteousness are in a blessed condition, for they shall be filled.

Question L. What is meant here by righteousness? To omit other notions, there is a twofold righteousness spoken of in Scripture. The righteousness of justification, and the righteousness of

Matthew v. 6.

sanctification. The former is reckoned to us, (imputed ;) the latter is wrought in us, (inherent.) Both are here meant, and neither to be excluded.

1. It is a blessed thing to be found hungering and thirsting after imputed righteousness; that is, after pardon of sin, and acceptation with God, by the blood and merits of the Lord Jesus. When a poor sinner is brought to see his miserable, lost, and undone condition, the justice of God, and the curse of the law pursuing him, and thereupon flies to Christ, and lets all go; all that wherein, heretofore, he prided himself, and saith, "None but Christ! none but Christ!" as St. Paul, Phil. iii. 8, 9. This is a blessed frame.

2. It is a blessed thing to be found hungering and thirsting after inherent righteousness; that is, after sanctifying, renewing grace. When a poor sinner is brought to see that corruption and filthiness wherein he was born, and wherein he yet is; void of the image of God, which consists "in righteousness and true holiness;" dead in trespasses and sins; and thereupon hungers and thirsts

"O, that I had a new nature! O, that God would restore his image to me, hat I had true grace; and, where there is a little, O that I had more and more; that the God of grace would sanctify me wholly; that spirit, soul, and body might be preserved blameless unto the coming of Jesus Christ." It is a blessed thing to have such hungerings and thirstings in the soul; blessed is that man, that woman, that finds it thus with himself or herself.

Question 2. What is meant by hun

gering and thirsting? It means such desires after righteousness, as they that are hungry have after meat, or they that are thirsty after drink: which,

1. Do pre-suppose life. A dead man hungers not. There are no hungerings and thirstings after righteousness but where spiritual life is begun first. No man hath grace but he that desires grace; and no man truly desires grace but he hath grace. It is not so in other things: the desire of riches is not riches; the desire of honour is not honour: but desire, true desire, of grace, is grace..

2. Hungering and thirsting are earnest, urgent, impatient desires. Hunger, we say, will break through stone walls; a hungry man will part with any thing he hath for bread. So he that hungers after righteousness"I must have righteousness! I am undone if I have not righteousness!" Here is an estate, here is gold, here is silver for you. "No, I must have righteousness." As Luther, "I protest, as to earthly things, I am unwilling to be so satisfied." As Abraham, "What wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless?" So here, "What wilt thou give me, till thou hast given me a righteousness, to justify, to sanctify me? Give me Christ, or else I die!" Some refer the two kinds of desire here spoken of, to the two kinds of righteousness. (See Hammond's Pract. Catech.)

Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after grace, which is inherent righteousness; and blessed are they that thirst after a part in Christ for imputed righteousness; both shall be filled. Some understand by righteousness here, the Lord Jesus Christ, by whose merits it is that we are justified, and by whose spirit we are sanctified, Jer. xxiii. 6; 1 Cor. i. 30. And then the sense is this: Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after Jesus Christ, that look upon him as their food, and have an appetite towards him, and desire to be made partakers of him. Such desires shall be granted. They that desire to have him, shall be filled with him. O that I could represent Jesus Christ in such a manner to you as might provoke your desires after him.

You ask, What kind of food is Jesus Christ? I answer,

1. Solid, substantial food. John vi. 55. Meat indeed, and drink indeed, aλnowç, truly, really: not in show and appearance only.

Witches have confessed the devil hath cheated them in

setting shadows of meat before them, instead of real meat; such as that wherewith he tempted Jesus Christ; a picture of the world and the glory of it: imaginary pleasures for the present, and real pain following after. Believe it, sinners, you will find it so, Isa. lv. 2. But if you will come to Christ, he hath that for you which is bread; real righteousness, true grace, solid comforts.

2. Suitable food. It is no food, if it be not suitable. Now Jesus Christ is suited to the nature of the soul. A spiritual nature, such as the soul is, must have spiritual food. He was a fool that invited his soul to feast upon that which he had in his barns, Luke xii. 16, &c. And he is suited to the necessity of the soul. The soul hath need of food that may be physic too. Keep in mind the prophetical vision, "And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine," Ezek. xlvii. 12. And such fruit is Jesus Christ.

3. Sweet food. "His fruit was sweet to my taste," Cant. ii. 3. The fruit of his death, resurrection, and intercession, 1 Peter ii. 3. Gracious or sweet. Every thing in Christ is sweet to a believing soul. He is sweet in his promises, pardons, ordinances, offices, comforts, communion. His word is sweet, sweeter than honey, Psalm cxix. 103. His love is sweet, sweeter than wine, Cant. i. 2. Yea, his mouth is sweet, Cant. v. 16. His mouth is sweetness, and all he is, delights; he is altogether lovely. The Psalmist, Psalm lxiii. 5, compares him to marrow and fatness.

A man may

4. Satisfying food. surfeit upon the world, but he can never be satisfied with the world. A man may be satisfied with Christ, but he can never surfeit upon Christ, Isaiah lv. 2. In Psalm xxvi. 8, it is said, "they shall be abundantly satisfied. What can a man desire more than satisfaction? Yea, but Christ abundantly satisfies-satisfies, and satisfies again.

This is the excellency of spiritual food; the more one feeds upon it, the more one may. It provokes appetite to more, and yet it satisfies with what we

have. He that hath tasted that the Lord

is gracious can say, "Return unto thy rest, O my soul:" and yet he is always craving; united to Christ, and yet desirous of nearer union.

Use. This is spoken to draw out your desires towards Jesus Christ. Commendation of such and such meats, how dainty and sweet they are, provoke the appetite, and stir up longings after them. O that what hath been said in commendation of Jesus Christ might have the same effect upon your souls that hear me this day.

Righteousness must be had, or there is no appearing before God. God is a righteous God.

1. As righteousness is taken for holiness, there is none holy as the Lord, and we must be righteous, i. e. holy, or we cannot be saved, Heb. xii. 14; John iii. 3.

2. As righteousness is taken for justice, faithfulness to his word, the word has gone out of his lips, "Cursed is every one that continueth not in every thing." Let me ask thee, "Hast thou continued?" I know conscience saith, "Nay." What wilt thou do? There is no escaping unless you come to Christ. All thou canst do will not satisfy.

3. Jesus Christ is willing to make over a righteousness to thee; behold, he calls thee, "Ho, every one that thirsteth," Isaiah lv. 1, &c. Thou shalt have pardon, grace- -I am his minister, and do invite thee, this day, in his


Question 3. How doth it appear to be a blessed condition to hunger and thirst after Jesus Christ?

Answer. By what is said in the text, "They shall be filled." God will certainly fill those that see their need of Christ, and do hunger and thirst after him. The same is elsewhere promised, Psalm lxxxi. 10, I will; Psalm cvii. 9, he doth; Luke i. 53, he hath. There is not a promise which God hath made, but he will perform, and make it good.

Objection. You will say, "How is this made good; are there not many that have desires towards Jesus Christ, and yet are far from being filled with Jesus Christ?" Some little they have of him, but it is not to be called fulness. A little knowledge, a little faith, a little grace, a little comfort. God help me. But," say some, "I never hungered, for I am not filled."

Answer 1. It may be understood of

that fulness which we shall have in glory. Though at present we are not perfect, we shall be perfect; knowledge shall be perfect; and grace shall be perfect. "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life," John iv. 14. Such an one shall not thirst for ever. Though for the present he may thirst; hereafter he shall have his fill. "I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness," Psalm xvii. 15.

2. If we understand it of present filling, the meaning is, according to our measure. "Of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace," John i. 16. Look what righteousness we need for justification; we shall have it to the full; we are completely and fully justified. Look what grace we need for sanctification; it shall be supplied to us accordingly. My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus, Phil. iv. 19. Some need more than others, having more work to do than others; more temptations to encounter with; more afflictions to undergo, Numbers vii. 4, 5, &c. They that hunger and thirst shall be filled by degrees. If a vessel be thrown into the river, it is filled in a moment; but if water be poured into it, not so quickly. In heaven we enter into the joy and grace too of our Lord: but here it is not so: we are in filling.

But say you, How is righteousness conveyed to those that hunger and thirst after it ?

I reply, It is conveyed from Jesus Christ by faith, through the ordinances, as water is conveyed by conduit-pipes into the cistern, Zech. iv. 11, &c. Now, if the pipes be stopped, the water floweth not. Though water be in the well, if we have no bucket to draw, whence should we have it? Faith is the bucket; if faith be active in an ordinance, it proves a filling ordinance; if otherwise, we come empty, and go away empty. "According to your faith be it unto you," Matt. ix. 29. If the child be strong and suck hard, there comes much milk from the breast; if weak, but little comes: so is faith. Besides, they are not only blessed because they shall be filled, but blessed because they hunger and thirst: their very hunger is a blessing.

Now there are many who do not

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