commences with the following account of his first interview with Rousseau. In the month of June 1772, a mutual friend accompanied me to the dwelling of J. J. Rousseau, which was then in the Rue Platrière nearly opposite the post office. We ascended three pair of stairs and knocked at the door, which was opened to us by Madame Rousseau. She said to us"Come in, gentlemen, my husband is at home." We passed through a small antichamber neatly set out with household furniture into a room where Rousseau was seated in a great coat and white cap, copying music. He rose with a smiling air and placed chairs for us, and then sat down again to his work, conversing with us at the same time. 'He was of middling stature and thin. One of his shoulders appeared a little higher than the other, either from a natural defect, from age, or from his habitual attitude. In other respects he was well proportioned. His complexion was dark with a tinge of red on the cheeks-his mouth handsome-his nose well formed-his forehead round and high, and his eyes full of fire. The lines, which fall obliquely from the nostrils towards the extremities of the mouth and give the face its expression, denoted in his acute sensibility and something like distress. 'His sunken eyes and heavy eyebrows indicated melancholy, and the furrows in his forehead profound sadness; while at the same time a number of small wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes, which closed when he laughed, expressed a lively and even satirical wit. These opposite qualities predominated by turns in the general expression of his countenance, accordingly as his mind was affected by the different subjects that occurred in conversation. When tranquil, it exhibited something of them all; and inspired at the same time feelings of affection, respect, and pity. 'Near him was a spinnet, which he occasionally touched. The furniture of the chamber consisted of two small beds of blue and white cotton and hangings of the same, a chest of drawers, a table, and a few chairs. There hung against the wall a plan of the wood and park of Montmorency, where he had lived, and an engraved portrait of the king of England, formerly his patron. His wife was seated at her needle work; a canary bird was singing in a cage which hung from the ceiling, and several sparrows were picking crumbs of bread at CONTENTS OF VOL. VI. No. 1. NEW SERIES. ART. I.-Life of Jean Jacques Rousseau. 1. Essai sur Jean Jacques Rousseau par Bernardin de St Pierre. 2. Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de J. J. Rousseau par V. D. Musset Pathay ART. II.-Mr Webster's Discourse.-Ante-colonial history of New England. A Discourse delivered at Plymouth, December 1820, in ART. III-A Foreigner's opinion of England, &c. By C. A. 1 21 51 ART. IV.-Cases overruled, doubted, or limited. A Collection of cases overruled, doubted, or limited in their application. Taken from American and English Reports. By Simon Greenleaf, Counsellor at Law. 65 ART. V.-Mirabeau's Speeches. Euvres Oratoires de Mirabeau; précédés d'une notice historique sur sa vie. ART. VI.-Present Literature of Italy.—Ancient and Modern Poetry. 73 Intorno all' ingiustizia di alcuni giudizii letterarii Italiani. Discorso di Lodovico Arborio Gattinara di Breme, figlio. 94 ART. VII.-Life and Writings of Bichat. General Anatomy, applied to Physiology and Medicine. By Xavier Bichat, Physician to the great Hospital of Humanity at Paris, and professor of anatomy and physiology. Translated from the French, by George Hayward M. D. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and of the Massachusetts Medical Society. In three vols. Volume I. 132 |