Acadia, first settlement of, 47. Adams, John, eulogized, 29. Adams, J. Q. his correspondence on the subject of the Russian claims, 375, 389, 393.
Adler, his labors on the New Testa- ment, 481.
Alter, his edition of the Codex Vin- dobonensis, 480.
Birch, his labors on the New Testa- ment, 480, 481.
America North, first discoveries of, 33, 34, 36, 376-attempts to colo- nize, 35-early accounts of, 38- first English colonies in, and their charters, 40 et seq.-French colo- nies in, 46-Dutch colonies in, 50 -why not colonized by other na- tions, 49, 50-travels in, review- ed, 224, 340-Aborigines of, 240— -(see Indians.)-a new field for works of fiction, 250-(see Ro- mance)-population of, 290 et seq. -(see Population)-claims to N. W. coast of, examined, 370 et seq. -see Russia)-Geology of parts of, 230, 233 et seq. Americanisms, 207, 215, 248, 341. Ames, Fisher, 79,211. Anatomy, general and descriptive, 142, 156-Bichat's system of 142, 156-Buisson's system of, 147. Anecdotes of Morellet and his contem- poraries, reviewed, 455 et seq.- of the revolutionary war, by Gar- den, reviewed, 455 et seq. Ante-colonial history of N. E. 32 et
Beccaria, Morellet's anecdotes of, 328, 330 his Crimes and Punishments translated by Morellet, 329. Behring, his voyage, 376. Bentley, Dr., on the various readings of the New Testament, 475, 476. Bengel, his labors on the criticism of the New Testament, 477.
Beza, his edition of the New Testa- ment, 470.
Bichat, Xavier, his general anatomy, translated by Hayward, reviewed, 132-his private history, 137-his treatise on the membranes, 140— his remarks on the phenomena of life and death, 140-his profession- al zeal, 141, 142-his death, 142– character of, 143-his system of general anatomy explained and dis- cussed, 144, 154-compared with Hunter, 161.
Biron, a Norwegian, said to have dis- covered Newfoundland, 33. Blaxton, Wm. sole occupant of the isthmus of Boston, 257.
Bode, his work against Mill's New Testament, 475.
Boston, settlement of, 257-Stansbu-
ry's character of people of, 344. Bracebridge Hall reviewed, 204 et seq. compared with the Sketch Book, 208 general character of, 209-fundamental error of, 212 et
Carver, his travels cited, 233, 236. Cases overuled, &c. 65. See Law. Champlain, his account of Canada, 226, 227.
Charles I., prevents Cromwell's emi- gration to America, 28-names N. Eng. 43.
Charleroix, cited, 33, 50, 228. Chatham, Lord, character of his elo- quence, 86.
Choiseul, minister of France, Rous- seau's fears of, 13.
Cicero, character of his eloquence, 82-his use of historical personages,
Coke, Lord, cited, 67, 201.
Coligni, his attempt to colonize Flo- rida, 46.
Colonies, the N. Eng. compared with others ancient and modern, 24-de- signed for mere trading companies, 25-English in America, 40- French, 46-Dutch, 50, on the N. W. coast of America, 376, 384. Confessions, Rousseau's, 1, 6. Coppermine river, 238.
Corances, his anecdotes of Rousseau, 11, 13-his opinion on the mode of Rousseau's death, 16.
Corilla, the famous improvisatrice,
Cortereal, explores Labrador, 50. Cowper, the poet, cited, 211-his translation of Homer, 350-his character, 8.
Cox's Russian Discoveries, cited, 382. Cromwell, on the point of emigrating to America, 28.
Cumberland, criticised, 60, 193.
Dale, Sir T. colonizes Virginia, 45. D'Alembert, anecdotes of, 321, 323, 326, 327.
De Breme, his discourse on Italian literature reviewed, 94--extracts from, 99, 101 et seq.
De Ments, settles Acadia, 47, 226. De Prades, Abbé, his dispute with the doctors of the Sorbonne, 321. Demosthenes, character of his elo- quence, 82.
Desault, the anatomist, 137, 138, Detroit, history of, 232.
Devin du Village, St. Pierre's opinion of, 4-author's opinion of, 4-effect of its representation, 13.
Docherty, Michael, story of, 459. Dudley, Paul, his account of the falls of Niagara.
Ecclesiastical Establishments,of France, 432--of Spain, 436-of Portugal,438 -of Hungary, 440-of U. S. A. 442 -of Italy 445-of Austria and Swit- zerland, 446-of Prussia and the Netherlands, 447-of Denmark, Norway, Russia, and Turkey, 448- of England and Wales, 449, 450- of Ireland, 449-of Scotland, 450— project for diminishing the expense of, 451-whether å reform of is practicable, 453.
Education, by free schools, 30-sys- tem of, in England and in the U. S. 56 et seq.-Fellenberg's system of, 361-Pestalozzi's system of, 355 -in Geneva, 366, 368. Elizabeth Islands, discovered, 35. Eloquence, defined, 76 parliamen- tary, 76 of the pulpit, 77-culti- vation of, 80-of Robespierre, Bo- naparte and Mirabeau compared, 74 -of Burke and Isocrates, 81-of Cicero and Demosthenes, 82-of Patrick Henry, 82-of Chatham, 86-of Burke, Fox, and Pitt, 192. Elzevir edition of the New Testament, 471.
Emigration, to and from N. Eng. 297, 300-from Great Britain into the U. S. 293 et seq.-quantum of, ac- cording to official documents, 301 effect of on the increase of popula- tion in the U. S. 304. Emile, Rousseau's opinion of, 4-price of, 8-manuscript of burnt, 13. England, her former colonies, 40-a foreigner's opinion of, reviewed, 51 et seq.-constitution, 192-on the causes of her distress, 196-on her rules of war, 203-on her church establishments, 450.
Erasmus, his first edition of the New Testament, 462-his subsequent editions, 466, 467, 468.
Ermenonville, the last residence of Rousseau, 15-spared by the allies,
Essay, St. Pierre's on Rousseau, re- viewed, 1 et seq.
Europe, 'by a citizen of the U. S.,'
reviewed 177, 210-changes in the
government of, 179-prospect of its consolidation, 182-its policy to- wards France and Russia, 183-ef fects of military consolidation of, 183, 185, et seq.
Evans, Estwick, his pedestrious tour,
Fell, Dr., his edition of the Greek Tes- tament, 473.
Fellenberg, his schools, 361. Fenelon, Rousseau's admiration of, 14 -remains of, respected by Marl- borough and Eugene, 19. Fine Arts, in England, 60, 198-in- fluence of the, on literature, 96- in Switzerland, 356, 366. Florida, settlement of, 46. Fontenelle, anecdote of, 8. Foscolo, 15 editions of his novel, 164. Fossil tree, account of a, 248. Fox, compared with Burke and Pitt, 192, et seq.
France, claims of, to the discovery of America-colonies of, in Ame- rica, 45-policy of Europe towards, 183-present political situation of, 188-poetry of, unfit for music, 13-late ministry of, disturb the remains of Rousseau, 19-gentry of, at the beginning of the revolu- tion, 354-chief actors in the revo- lution of, 73-effects of the revolu- tion of, on civil liberty, 177 et seq. Franklin, cited, 310-notices of, 1, 9, 83, 211-Mirabeau's notice of his death, 93-Morellet's anecdotes of, 328, 332, 335-humorous ode to 334.
Galiani, his argument against the French Atheists, 329. Garden, Alex.-his anecdotes of the Revolutionary war. &c. reviewed, 455-his remarks on the study of history, 456.
Garrick, anecdotes of, 328, 331, 332, 333.
Geneva, artists of, 366-societies of, 368.
Geology, of parts of the United States,
230, 233, et seq. 237, 239,245. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, his attempt to colonize N. America, 35. Girardin, the elder, patron of Rous- seau, 15-his account of Rousseau's death, 16, 17-the younger, a pupil of Rousseau, 15-restores his re-
mains to their original place of bu rial, 19.
Glaciers, phenomena of the, 364 et seq.
Gluck, his interview with Rousseau,
Godwin, his answer to Malthus re-
viewed, 289 et seq. See Population. Gæde, his opinion of England re- viewed, 51 et seq.
Goldau, remarkable destruction of,
Gorges, Sir Fernando, his colonies. 41, 42.
Gorton, Samuel, persecutions of, 419. Gosnold, discoveries of, 36. Government, of the American colon- ies, 24. et seq. 40 et seq.-Notions of our ancestors concerning, 28- characteristics of a free, 53-Mira- beau's views of, 90-changes of, in Europe, 179.
Greene, Gen. Johnson's life of, re- viewed, 416-memoirs of, 416, 421-letters of, 422-Luzerne's re- marks on, 458.
Greenleaf, Simon, his' cases overruled' &c. reviewed, 65, 71. Grenville, Sir Richard, attempts to colonize N. America, 35. Griesbach, his New Testament, 460— his Prolegomena cited, 470. Ac- count of his labors on the New Testament 479-his opinion of lat- inizing codices 482-number of manuscripts made use of by him ib.-his symbolæ criticæ, 483-his classification of manuscripts 483- rules for applying various readings,
Hakluyt, cited, 33-active in colon- izing America, 38.
Hallé, his eulogium on Bichat, 144. Hayward, Dr Geo. his translation of
Bichat reviewed, 132.
Heckewelder, the Indian historian, 258. Hennepin, his account of Niagara, 228, 231.
Henry, his account of the copper mines, 238.
History, of the N. England colonies, 22 et seq. of New England, dis- tinguished into periods, 33-of voy. ages to N. America, 33 et seq.-of attempts to colonize N. Ameria, 35-remarks on the study of, 456.
Historical Romance, new materials for, Life, principles of, 144-organic and
Holbein, his paintings, 356.
Hortense, Queen, anecdote respecting, 358.
Hume, quoted, 27, 28-his disposition, 9-his plan of a commercial dic- tionary, 331-used to meet the French atheists at Baron D'Hol- bach's 328.
Hunter, Dr John, compared with Bi- chat, 161.
Improvisatori 324, 325. Indians, N. America, their mode of writing, 240-considered as mate- rials for poetry and romance, 253– anecdotes of the, 242, 244,247,596 et seq. 418, 419.
Irving, Washington his works 206. Isocrates, his oratory, 81, 84. Italy, language of, adapted to music, 13-associations with, 94 et seq.- literature of affected by her fine arts, 96-do. by the Greek emi- grants, 99-literary controversies of, 98-the improvisatori of, 325- general taste for music in, 325- ecclesiastical establishments in, 445. J
Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, 211, 333. Johnson, Judge, his life of Greene re- viewed, 416-his testimony against duelling, 430.
Julia Severa, or the year 492, review- ed, 163.
Kirkland, his life of Ames, commend- ed, 211.
Knickerbocker's New York, commend- ed, 206.
La Hontan, cited, 228, 240.
Lake Superior, description of, 236. Law, number of reports of, 65-errors of, 65, 66-general certainty of, 67-system of in U. S. 68-improve- ments in, suggested, 69-notion of systematizing, 70-of nations, in regard to war remarked on, 199 et seq.
Liberty, civil, progress of, since the French revolution, 177 et seq.— how far it must necessarily keep pace with civilization, 178, 184-of Western Europe, 180-how to be effected by a military subjugation of Europe, 180.
animal, 146 et seq.-active and nu- tritive, 147 et seq.
Lisiansky, his account of the Russian settlements, &c. 396, 397.
Maine, first settlement of, 24, 41. Malthus, Godwin's answer to, review- ed, 289-character of his work on population, 289-cited, 311, 312, 315. See Population.
Marion, Gen. character of, 456 et seq. Maryland, settlement of, 24. Mathæi, his edition of the New Testa- ment, 380.
Message, President's respecting Rus- sian claims, 370.
Mill's Critical edition of the N. Testa-
ment account and character of, 473. Mineralogy, of the U. S. 238, 244, 246. Mirabeau, his advice to Rousseau, 4- his works reviewed, 73-political character of, 73-oratory of, 75, 83-his writings, 82, 83-his private history, 84-his person and manner, 86-specimens of eloquence of, 88 et seq.
Mississippi, source of the, 241,243. Moldenhawer, his labors on the New Testament, 480, 481.
Morellet, Abbé, memoirs of, reviewed 319 et seq. anecdotes of, and his contemporaries, 319 et seq. Music, cultivated by Rousseau, 3, 7, 21-copied by Rousseau for a living, 6, 7, 10-adapted to Italian better than French, 13-of the Italians in 325-America 402-principles of taste in vocal, 402 et seq.-tone in 403-intonation in, 404-articu- lation in, 405-accent in, 407-ex- pression in, 407-graces of, 408- taste in composition of, 409-prin- ciples of, 410-power of imitation by, 412.
Newberg letters, ascribed by Mr Just- ice Johnson to Mr Gouverneur Morris, 428.
New England, Discourse in comme- moration of first settlement of, re- viewed, 21 et seq.-antecolonial history of, 32 et seq.-character of settlers of, 22 et seq. 255, 346, 418-early political views of, 27— first visited, 36-colonization of, 37 et seq.-education in, 30, 57, 58- materials of for romance, 255-in-
crease of population in, 297 et seq.-commerce of, 371-music in, 402-during the revolution, 423. New Testament, principles of criticism applied to text of, 460-The Re- ceived Text of, 461—Erasmus' edi- tions of 462 et seq.-the Complu- tensian, 467-Stephens, 468-Be- za, 470-Elzevir, 471-Labors of Bishop Walton on the text 472, of Mill473,Wetstein 474,Griesbach475. Niagara, falls of, early accounts of
the, 227-description of the, 228- retrocession of the, 230. Novels, new form of, 163-materials for, 250, 280-English, translated, 339-Brown's, 281.
Ohio, whence settled, 300.
Ovid's Tristia, character of, 351.
Pathay, his history of Rousseau re- viewed, 1 et seq. Pestalozzi, his school, 355. Peters, Hugh, an emigrant, 28. Pitt,Wm. considered as an orator and a statesman, 195.
Plutarch, Rousseau's remark on, 15. Plymouth, settlement of, 22 et seq.- the residence of Hampden, 28. Poetry, controversy respecting an- cient and modern, 99 et seq.. principles of, 103, 105, et seq.-cha- racteristics of the Greek, 106-cha- racteristics of modern, 107-great changes in, how produced, 109 et seq.
Poletica, his statement of the Russian claims, 376 et seq. Polyglot, Walton's, 472. Pontoppidan, cited, 33, 36. Popham, Sir John, his colony, 41. Population, Godwin on, reviewed, 289 -ratio of increase of, compared with increase of food, 290—Mal-. thus' principle of, examined, 290 et seq.-ratio of increase of, in United States of America, 292-how affec- ted in United States of America, by emigration, 293 et seq.-increase of, in New England, 297-checks on increase of, 299-particular principles of, 305 et seq. Portugal, her attempts to colonize N. America, 49, 50 ecclesiastical establishments of, 438.
President's message respecting claims of Russia to the N. W. coast, 370. Prinne, his voyage to N. America, 38. Pym, on the point of emigrating, 28. Q.
Quakers, Mirabeau's speech to the, 92. R.
Religion, Egyptian, 107-effects of Christian, on poetry, 109-charac- ter of, under the last Roman em- perors, 110-how affected by the remains of Heathen mythology, 112-how by the admixture of Scandinavian mythology, 116 et
Reports, number of English and Ame- rican, 65.
Rhode-Island, settlement of, 417, et seq.-feelings of, towards Massa- chusetts, 420.
Robespierre, political character of, 73 his oratory, 74.
Romance, Historical, antiquity of, 163 -new field for, 250-variety of character for, in America, 252- associations with scenes in America fit for, 254-periods of American history suited to, 255 et seq. Rousseau, biographies of, commented on, 1 et seq.-personal appearance of, 3, 4-domestic habits of, 5, 6, 7-his mode of getting a living, 7 -sums received by, for his works, 7, 8-his religious feeling, 14, 21- his death, 15 et seq.-his remains, how treated, 19-verses and epi- taphs on, 19 et seq.-Morellet's ac- count of, 327.
Russia, danger of, to Europe, 183, 187-do. to the cause of liberty, 183 et seq.-her title to the N. W. coast of America, 370 et seq.-her late ukase, 373, 393-her discove- ries and settlements in N. America, 376-effect of the penalty of her ukase, 378, 393-her claim to a close sea, 379, 389-statement of the question between her and the United States of America, 380-her title to N. W. coast by discovery examined, 381-do. by first occu- pation, 383-real objects of, 390- her claims considered with refer- ence to Great-Britain and France, 391, 392-her charges against the
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