
bursement which remain unexplored in greeable, and it takes a good many pairs the case of boys. Boys cannot appeal to of worsted slippers to make one forget the softer side of one's nature with wors- the purchase and furnishing of a semi-deted slippers which they have worked with tached villa at Richmond." But then, be their own hands. If they want to go to it recollected, sponsorship was never inAscot or Wimbledon they can well go intended to be a vain amusement; and if alone, without asking you to convey them a godfather cannot debar his charges in a barouche in the company of their from the pomps and vanities which he mother and sisters, and with a hamper of solemnly promised they should forego, refreshments hanging from behind. Then the least he can do is to initiate them to if they fall in love you are not exposed to these pomps with as little cost and decepseeing them break into your chambers tion to themselves as may be. For this with their veils down, and implore you, reason we would advise godfathers to be on their knees, to intercede with their self-denying, and to save up as much of parents that they may be allowed to marry their substance as they can for their a sub-lieutenant without sixpence. Girls friends' children. It is on record that a do these things, and when beauty and few godfathers have had handsome tombprofuse weeping combine to render them stones erected to them by those they had persuasive, where is the godfather who benefited; but without asking any one to would not espouse the cause of the sub- speculate on such gratitude as this, we lieutenant, sixpenceless or with sixpence? would submit that it is a sweet thing at There are painful anecdotes current of the evening of life to receive from one of godfathers who have been beguiled in the young ladies one has married to a subthis way into acts of magnanimity which lieutenant a letter beginning - "My dear, they had not foreseen. For instance, the dear godfather,-As you were always so young lady's father has yielded to their kind to me, I cannot better prove my eloquence, but he has introduced this thankfulness than by asking you to stand proviso, that the sponsor shall himself sponsor to my darling baby just born." pay for the housekeeping establishment This would be a case for saying, Finis of the young people whom he has ren-coronat opus. dered so happy. This is, no doubt, disa

FOR the Early English Text Society's pro- | with, "And no more: for the further ye go | posed volume of carly travels to the Holy the more ye shall se and knowe."

Land, some curious directions to intending travellers are being copied from the Cotton Appendix VIII., leaf 108, back, which are not all out of place now. The first bit of advice is to be "softe and of faire speche atte alle tymes; for meny ben rude, and somme right malyciouse and full of debate." Another, as to the Italian spring, is, "In ytaile and alle his parties is grete hete in the said moneth of Marche | And sone after suche aboundance of ffrute as were not good for none englissh man sodenly comyng ther atte that tyme of the yere but yef he were well aged, and coude kepe him the better." A third warns the virtuoso: "Be warre atte Venyse and atte alle such other places as ye fynden eny preciouse stones, Jewelles, or Relikes ynne | for meny that ben right slye will be right besy to desseyve you and youres." After advice for the return journey "thorough the streites of Marroke," to "Lisbone," or to "Burdeux," and "fro thens into Ingeland," the old counsellor winds up


O EARTH, lie heavily upon her eyes;


Seal her sweet eyes weary of watching, Earth; Lie close around her; leave no room for mirth With its harsh laughter, nor for sound of sighs. She hath no questions, she hath no replies,

Hushed in and curtained with a blessed


Of all that irked her from the hour of birth;
With stillness that is almost Paradise.
Darkness more clear than noonday holdeth her,
Silence more musical than any song;
Even her very heart has ceased to stir;
Until the morning of eternity

Her rest shall not begin nor end, but be;
And when she wakes she will not think it long.




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