
where they now are. But should circum- | we soon became friends; and after com stances demanding concert or action paring minds, I admitted you at your rearise, you may be sure that I will either quest, into this Secret Council. Now, in summon a meeting or transmit instruc-proposing to you the conduct of the jourtions to such of our members as may be nal I would establish, for which I am most usefully employed. For the pres-prepared to find all necessary funds, I ent, confrères, you are relieved. Remain am compelled to make imperative cononly you, dear young author."


"Ah!" exclaimed Rameau, aghast and stunned. Lebeau resumed

"To establish the journal I propose needs more than the genius of youth; it needs the tact and experience of mature years."

Rameau sank back on his chair with a sullen sneer on his pale lips. Decidedly Lebeau was not so great a man as he had thought.

ditions. Nominally you will be editor-inchief that station, if the journal succeeds, will secure you position and forLEFT alone with Gustave Rameau, the tune; if it fail, you fail with it. But President of the Secret Council remained we will not speak of failure; I must have silently musing for some moments; but it succeed. Our interest, then, is the his countenance was no longer moody same. Before that interest all puerile and overcast his nostrils were dilated, vanities fade away. Nominally, I say, as in triumph-there was a half-smile of you are editor-in-chief; but all the real pride on his lips. Rameau watched him work of editing will, at first, be done by curiously and admiringly. The others." young man had the impressionable, excitable temperament common to Parisian genius -especially when it nourishes itself on absinthe. He enjoyed the romance of belonging to a secret society; he was acute enough to recognize the sagacity by which this small conclave was kept out of those crazed combinations for impracticable theories more likely to lead adventurers to the Tarpeian Rock than to the Capitol; while yet those crazed combinations might, in some critical moment, become strong instruments in the hands of practical ambition. Lebeau fascinated him, and took colossal proportions in his intoxicated vision- - vision indeed intoxicated at this moment, for before it floated the realized image of his aspirations, a journal of which he was to be the editor-in-chief- in which his poetry, his prose, should occupy space as large as he pleased through which his name, hitherto scarce known beyond a literary clique, would resound in salon and club and café, and become a familiar music on the lips of fashion. And he owed this to the man seated there,- a prodigious man!


Cher poète," said Lebeau, breaking silence, "it gives me no mean pleasure to think I am opening a career to one whose talents fit him for those goals on which they who reach write names that posterity shall read. Struck with certain articles of yours in the journal made celebrated by the wit and gaiety of Savarin, I took pains privately to inquire into your birth, your history, connections, antecedents. All confirmed my first impression, that you were exactly the writer I wish to secure to our cause. I therefore sought you in your rooms, unintroduced and a stranger, in order to express my admiration of your compositions. Bref,

"A certain portion of the journal," continued Lebeau, "will be exclusively appropriated to your pen."

Rameau's lip lost the sneer.

"But your pen must be therein re stricted to compositions of pure fancy, disporting in a world that does not exist; or, if on graver themes connected with the beings of the world that does exist, the subjects will be dictated to you and revised. Yet even in the higher departments of a journal intended to make way at its first start, we need the aid, not indeed of men who write better than you, but of men whose fame is established whose writings, good or bad, the public run to read, and will find good even if they are bad. You must consign one column to the playful comments and witticisms of Savarin."

"Savarin? But he has a journal of his own. He will not, as an author, condescend to write in one just set up by me. And as a politician, he as certainly will not aid in an ultra-democratic revolution. If he care for politics at all, he is a constitutionalist, an Orleanist.""

"Enfant! as an author Savarin will condescend to contribute to your journal, Istly, because it in no way attempts to interfere with his own; 2ndly-I can tell you a secret Savarin's journal no longer suffices for his existence; he has sold more than two-thirds of its property;

in this kind of writing, more than one of them of high social rank, whom it is difficult for me even to approach — if, I say, I fail?”

Here Lebeau took up his hat, and, with a courteous nod of adieu, lightly descended the gloomy stairs.

From The Cornhill Magazine. BYZANTINE ANATOLIA.

he is in debt, and his creditor is urgent; and to-morrow you will offer Savarin 30,000 francs for one column from his pen, and signed by his name, for two months from the day the journal starts. He will "What! with a carte blanche of terms? accept, partly because the sum will clear fie! Are you a Parisian? Well, to anoff the debt that hampers him, partly be- swer you frankly, if you fail in so easy a cause he will take care that the amount task, you are not the man to edit our becomes known; and that will help him journal, and I shall find another. Allez, to command higher terms for the sale of courage! Take my advice; see Savarin the remaining shares in the journal he the first thing to-morrow morning. Of now edits, for the new book which you course my name and calling you will keep told me he intended to write, and for the a profound secret from him as from all. new journal which he will be sure to set Say as mysteriously as you can that parup as soon as he has disposed of the old ties you are forbidden to name instruct one. You say that, as a politician, Sava-you to treat with M. Savarin, and offer rin, an Orleanist, will not aid in an ultra-him the terms I have specified, the 30,000 democratic revolution. Who asks him to francs paid to him in advance the moment do so? Did I not imply at the meeting he signs the simple memorandum of that we commence our journal with poli- agreement. The more mysterious you tics the mildest? Though revolutions are, the more you will impose that is, are not made with rose-water, it is rose- wherever you offer money and don't ask water that nourishes their roots. The for it." polite cynicism of authors, read by those who float on the surface of society, prepares the way for the social ferment in its deeps. Had there been no Voltaire there would have been no Camille Desmoulins.. Had there been no Diderot, there would have been no Marat. We start as polite cynics. Of all cynics Savarin is the politest. But when I bid high for him, it is his clique that I bid for. SOMEBODY Once said, and probably Without his clique he is but a wit; with thought himself uncommonly clever for his clique, a power. Partly out of that saying it, that broken bottles — empty clique, partly out of a circle beyond it, soda-water bottles is a popular, but I do which Savarin can more or less influence, not know if a correct, version - will one I select ten. Here is the list of them; day be the only abiding memorial of Britstudy it. Entre nous, I esteem their writ-ish rule in India. Like most of these exings as little as I do artificial flies; but tremely smart epigrams, the remark comthey are the artificial flies at which, in this bined a small amount of superficial truth particular season of the year, the public with a much larger quantity of real misrise. You must procure at least five of statement. But when the long predicted the ten; and I leave you carte blanche as to day arrives for the Osmanlee to strike the the terms. Savarin gained, the best of tent he has for so many centuries pitched them will be proud of being his associ- over some of the very fairest portions of ates. Observe, none of these messieurs of God's earth, I wonder what except broken brilliant imagination are to write political bottles will remain behind to denote the articles; those will be furnished to you spot of his protracted encampment. Not anonymously, and inserted without eras- literal but metaphorical bottles, of course, ure or omission. When you have secured for neither beer nor wine nor even sodaSavarin, and five at least of the collabora- water are the more's the pity- common teurs in the list, write me at my office. I enough articles of consumption in the give you four days to do this; and the lands of the Crescent to furnish any large day the journal starts you enter into the amount of vitreous relics; when Osmanincome of 15,000 francs a-year, with a lees do violate the anti-alcoholic precepts rise in salary proportioned to profits. of their law, it is ordinarily with the vilest Are you contented with the terms?" rakee; and that unwholesome fluid is wont to be dispensed, not in bottles, but in misshapen jars of congenial ugliness and coarseness. No; breakages in plenty he will have, only they will not be of glass,

"Of course I am; but supposing I do not gain the aid of Savarin, or five at least of the list you give, which I see at a glance contains names the most à la mode

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but of far more precious things; and not of what he imported with him, like the English ware in the hypothesis, but of what he found more or less entire when he came, and afterwards broke on his own


dering — zig-zagging I might call it, were not the word inadmissible from its affected uncouthness among the mountains, dolomitic or otherwise, of that wild region, we have seen, broadly speaking, only one clear and strongly marked sign of Osmanlee rule that is, ruin.

This, where I am now writing, is the Osmanlee's own proper land, this his Needless to say, our journeyings have camping-ground of predilection-Anato- been all on horseback, except indeed lia, the birthplace of his wide-extended where the unmanageable steepness or empire, its cradle, its stronghold, its re- dangerous narrowness of the path comserve hope. And here all around me I see pelled us to dismount even from those Pontine breakages, Greek breakages, Ro- surest-footed of all known quadrupeds, man breakages, Byzantine breakages, Ar- Anatolian nags; for in these favoured remenian breakages, Seljook breakages, not gions of countless railroad concessions to mention some minor breakages of less and projected lines, the most primitive world-spread fame, such as Turkoman, waggon-road that ever led from an EngMingrelian and Georgian; all these there lish "-ham" to a "-bro" is an unknown are and will mostly be still remaining too, luxury. That highways will be constructno doubt, when reckoning-day comes. Nor ed throughout the Ottoman dominions, do I say that they may not, each in its are constructed, are daily traversed by kind, be regarded as Osmanlee breakages whole processions of wheeled conveyafter a sort; since they are of things ances, are delusions which Mr. Farley of which either he found whole and broke Bristol and his disciples may possibly enthem, or found them broken, and broke tertain, but in which a traveller through them still more. Only of what he has his Sultanic Majesty's dominions will himself brought, himself made, there will hardly share. Horses, mules, camels, be left after the first ten years next to asses, even the classical caravan is still, nothing, and after fifty absolutely nothing as in the days of Mahomet II. or Marco at all. Relics of Osmanlee labour, of Os- Polo, the picturesque but clumsy and manlee magnificence, of Osmanlee sci- costly means of transport for the merence, art, skill, learning, industry, there chandise of the gorgeous East. Here will be hardly any, or none - for the sim- they come - now hidden, now re-appearple reason that he will leave none which ing between the deep-wooded windings can, even at the most liberal computation, of the mountain side; one can hear their outlast half a century. True; the lively jangling bells at a mile's distance. An author of Morning Land claims an excep- endless file of raw-boned sinewy beasts, tion in favour of "heaps of broken grave- each with its crimson tassel, or glittering stones." But even this, if we embrace brass star, or some other gewgaw charm half a century in our prospective view, against the evil eye, at its collar, and a cannot be admitted; for the tombstones couple of more or less evenly balanced are scratched rather than carved; the packages, secured by a more complicated feeble and exceptional attempts at a mau- tackle of rope than ever Ulysses tied soleum are as flimsy as the other construc- round his sea-chest, dangling at its sides; tions; and the vestiges of the dead Os- all crowding, pushing, jostling, stumbling manlee are evidently fated to not less over the rock steps of the narrow pathspeedy obliteration than those of the liv- way; not unfrequently, too, hustling each ing. other right off the edge to a fall of many hundred feet into the ravine below, where, with a crash or two on the stones, the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest—that is, so far as the mule's future is concerned; unless some lucky shrub intervenes to stay the overrapid descent. Alongside, behind them, trudge on foot the grey-coated, sheepskin-capped, heavy-limbed, heavy-featured, pale-eyed Turkoman drivers, who with thong and cry have brought them from the great plains across the Persian frontier. Or it is a string of huge woolly camels, most powerful and ungainliest of

Even at the capital, where the Osmanlee has concentrated his whole energy in an effort not over-successful there, and most ruinous to his dominions elsewhere, at the expense of which that capital has been patched up, these remarks are correct in the main; in the provinces they are absolutely so. And certainly in the frontier corner of the empire, east of Trebizond, where the Classic Atlas marks the uncertain limits of Pontus and Colchis, and where myself and my companions the usual eastern medley of colour and race have now been for ten weeks wan

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roused at last even Ottoman apathy into something of an effort. A real road, a carriage road, from Trebizond to Persia, was resolved on, was begun, and even, after a fashion, was completed.

their kind, swaying along beneath their | pending loss for Trebizond, in spite of loads as they thrust out their shaggy its almost pre-historical memories and snaky necks in an aimless fashion from high-sounding name, would, if deprived side to side, and frightening our nags of its intercourse with Persia, soon sink into a desperate scramble to get out of into a mere coast village, remarkable for the way up the mountain slope; for the nothing but its ruined Comnenian castle secular terror of the horse at sight or even at smell of the camel is not in the least diminished since the days of Herodotus; though how it originated, or why it is kept up, seeing that the camel for his part manifests no disposition except Now, so it is that Turks - modern that of the most absolute indifference Turks, I mean- very slow hands at towards the horse, is a problem which commencing any work, public or private, might tax the ingenuity of a Darwin of real utility, are slower still at finishing himself to solve. Grazing and loitering it; while as to keeping it up, or repairas it goes, accomplishing barely twelve ing it, that is what they never think of or fourteen miles a day, and taking a at all. From a mosque to a sentry-box, month to get over ground which, with from a palace to a policeman's jacket, decent roads and proper conveyances, so soon as the object-no matter how might easily be traversed, and at one- costly at first or how necessary — has fourth of the cost, too, in a week, the once begun to go to wrack, it may folcaravan, like the Ten Thousand of old, low on in the same direction as long as salutes the sea at Trebizond. There on it pleases, even to the "bitter end." A the appropriate resting-place of "Giaour new article of the same sort may perhaps, Meidan," or "Unbelievers' Square," a regardless of expense, be provided; but large open space at the entry of the town, as to the old one, not a brick will be rein the Perso-European or "unbelieving "placed, not a tile re-arranged, not a board quarter for in Turkish opinion a Persian's creed is hardly more orthodox than a Christians, if at all-it deposits the products of Central Asia; and then, laden in exchange with European merchandise, winds slowly back, as it came, to Persia. But whoever would witness at Trebizond this not uninteresting spectacle, as characteristic of the Ottoman East as the stage coach and the lumbering van once were of England, must hasten his visit to these shores, whence caravans and caravan drivers are fast passing away. Not, however, owing to any more expeditious substitute introduced by the Osmanlee, Let us judge for ourselves. So we who, content with levying absurd transit- leave behind the brown Byzantine walls dues, and harassing merchants and mule- of volcanic stone, tower and battlement, teers alike by custom-house vexations and the card-paper lath-and-plaster housand frontier annoyances, leaves the rest es clustered beneath their shadow, among to circumstance and chance; but by the black cypress-spears, and glistening orcompetitive energy of the Russians, mas- chard foliage in a word, Trebizond genters of the long-disused but rival Cauca- erally, ancient and modern, lazily basking sian route. Caravans are soon distanced in the hot mid-day July sun; and windby steam-engines; and the railroad that ing our way past the harbour cliffs, enhas this very year connected Tiflis with ter on the broad Pyxites valley, the Perthe Black Sea coast, and promises soon sian winter route, which it is our proto reach the frontiers of Persia itself, has gramme to follow for some distance. already appropriated to itself more than And behold, our horses canter side by half the traffic that formerly cumbered side with tolerable ease and freedom the "Unbelievers' Square," or crammed along a macadamized road. But, alas! the massive warehouses - the largest is not for long. This fair portion of the Byzantine in construction and date of highway, which is only five or six miles Trebizond. in length, is that_completed some years since by some French engineers, who,

However, the seriousness of the im

nailed up, not a stitch bestowed in time or out of it. Were I general family tutor, or governess, or something of the kind to the "young idea" of the Turkish generation, "For want of a nail," with the rest of that rhythmical nursery wisdom, should be the Alpha and the Omega of my daily lessons. Unfortunately, that lesson, so far as the Osmanlee is concerned, is still to learn; and experience, say what the wise ones may, is for human beings in general, not for Stuarts and Bourbons alone, the least effective of teachers.

farewell, not to Osmanlee public works only, but also to almost every trace of Osmanlee rule and nationality whatever.

after laying down the general line of miles across the entire mountain tract route, and getting through with the more intervening between the Black Sea and serious difficulties of the work, were the central highlands of Anatolia, we bid rather unceremoniously dismissed to make room for a fat Osmanlee head-engineer with a Turkish staff. Forced labour- that curse of the East - was now brought into play; and after the road had been patched up in an incomplete fashion, it was pronounced finished, and has since then been left to take care of itself, amid the rains, storms, snows, and other vagaries of the Pontic climate.

"Government extends as far as the town gates," says an Arab proverb, relative to Turkish rule in Syria; and no one who has passed some time in that country can have failed to remark that, once beyond city limits, impoverishment and ruin are in fact almost the only indications that the Osmanlee is lord of the land. It is the same here, with this difference only, that instead of being Arab, the population, customs, buildings, all things, whether of the present or the past, are in the main Greek.

It is now, of course, in full progress through the three phases common to everything at the mercy of Osmanlee administration - slovenliness, dilapidation, and, lastly, disappearance. The macadam broken up into pits and hollows that would upset a Devonshire cart; the side- Not "Greek" in the "Hellene" sense cuttings slipping down in huge shell-like of the word, for, search as I might, I masses which already encroach on half could discover no facts to warrant the the breadth of the way, and threaten pleasing belief entertained by some, thaf soon to bury it altogether; embankments genuine unchanged relics of the classic which, in obedience to the laws of grav-colonies once planted along these shores ity, are fast enticing the entire road to are still to be found here, guarded from join them company at the bottom of the ravines below; watercourses that, disdaining restraint, wander fancy-free over the path, and furnish the unexpected variety of quagmires in the dryest weather in short, I fear that for the few miles that we availed ourselves of this master-specimen of Ottoman industry, it hardly conveyed either to the hoofs of the horses, or the minds of their riders, those impressions of unqualified admiration with which the constructors themselves regard the result of their engineering skill.

"Have you any such roads in Europe?" enquires of me, in the tone of conscious triumph, a red-capped, black-coated, shirtcollarless official, who has ridden thus far, honoris causâ, at my side. With becoming gravity I reply, that for Europe in general I could not adequately answer, but that in England, to the best of my recollections, we certainly had not.

Such, however, as the road is, our, or rather our horses', enjoyment of it is brief; for our route soon ceases to coincide with its direction, and strikes off by a narrow transverse horse-track, that is generally adopted by summer travellers; for in winter the Khazeklee Pass, as it is called, 8,600 feet above the sea, and up which we have to scramble, is a hopeless waste of deep snow. So turning up a wild wooded gorge we begin the ascent; and from henceforth till we reach the town of Beyboort, in what once was Armenia, after a ride of about eighty


foreign admixture by the triple defence
of precipitous mountain, dense forest,
and stormy sea. Such vestiges may in-
deed have lingered long, but they have
now entirely disappeared under two thou-
sand years of climatic influence, inter-
marriage, and the many wars and changes
that have passed over the region.
"Greek" here does not bear the title of
"Hellenos," but " Room," i.e. Byzantine;
and it is to Byzantine colonization, set-
tled here during the first ages of the em-
pire, and afterwards largely re-inforced
by the immigrants who fled from the bar-
barity of the Latin captors of Constanti-
nople to the refuge offered by the Com-
nenian sceptre, that the inhabitants of
these mountains, whether Christian or
Mahometan, alike owe their language
and their descent.

From the sea-shore up to a height of about five thousand feet, these Greek, or Byzantine, villages are tolerably numerous, and have all much the same character. We clamber up by what would elsewhere be called a mere goat track, but here is dignified by the title of a road, amid the incomparably lovely scenery of these mountain sides, beneath the green lights and green shades of beech, alder, walnut, maple, chestnut, and ash overhead, by fantastic jutting masses of volcanic rock; while deep below the foaming torrent of the Aschyros, or the Kalopotamos, or the Saleros, rushes and raves with ceaseless roar through the black gorge; then sud

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