
a complete view of the preacher's general attitude of mind. And he permits an occasional carelessness of expression which would have been better avoided. So we hear (p. 276) of "unravelling a roll," of "hesitating how to act " (p. 346), of "inveterate enemy" (p. 124), &c. When we have added that occasionally we notice in the style a not very felicitous imitation of Gibbon, we have finished our fault-finding.

and Basil was carried off and ordained. This pious fraud Chrysostom afterwards excused and defended in his tract "De Sacerdotio," in which, after accounting for his own conduct by alleging a strong sense of his own unworthiness, he dilates on the dignity of the priestly office. It denotes the movement which religious thought had by this time made to find that the word for "priest " used throughout this treatise is lepeus, that for the There is much in the life of Chrysostom, Eucharist vua. It was not long after as there is in that of not a few of the this that Chrysostom, whose mother great divines of the early Church, which seems to have been now dead, entered a presents a remarkable contrast to the monastery. Even this did not satisfy orderly progress by which men now him, and for a while he became an anadvance to ecclesiastical eminence. chorite, a change which broke down his Though the son of a Christian mother, he health and compelled him to return to had reached years of maturity before re-his home in Antioch. During this time ceiving baptism. Mr. Stephens makes Chrysostom, though still a layman, was the not improbable conjecture that he becoming a power in the Christian comwas unwilling to receive it at the hands munity, which certainly possessed no of an Arian bishop, and Arian bishops abler or more accomplished member. continued for many years to preside over Famous as he was, however, he was perthe Church at Antioch; some orthodox fectly content, when at last he consented priest might, however, have been easily to receive holy orders, to fill for five years found; anyhow, the delay is singularly at the humble office of a deacon, busying variance with our notions and habits. It himself with purely mechanical functions is probable indeed that the religious im- in the ritual of the Church, and with pulse in the man was still weak. The "serving tables." In connection with Chrysostom of after days would hardly this latter office a curious fact comes have been willing to be a pupil of the out which enables us to compare the heathen sophist Libanius, a pupil so dili- pauperism of the great cities of antiquity gent and successful that long afterwards with that which offers so tremendous a the old man, when asked on his death-problem to ourselves. Out of a total bed who should be his successor, replied, population of 200,000 in Antioch, one"It should have been John, if the Chris-half was Christian, and of this half not tians had not stolen him from us." Bap- less than three thousand were mainly detism once received, there was no doubt pendent on the bounty of the Church. what should be the tenor of his life there- The per-centage of pauperism is nearly after. Ordination to the office of "read-three times greater than that which preer" followed almost immediately. Then vails in the metropolis, though it must came the resolution, made by him in con- be remembered that, for reasons which junction with his friend Basil, to follow are sufficiently obvious, the Christian the ascetic life, a resolution which for the half of Antiochians probably contained present, at his mother's entreaty, he con- far more than its due proportion of poor. tented himself by carrying out in the When, at last, the priesthood gave Chrypractice of all kinds of austerities in his sostom the right of entering the pulpit, he own home. He was thus engaged when rose at once into the highest reputation an event occurred curiously illustrative as a preacher. His sermons were the of the times. Popular choice fixed upon strangest mixture of profound theologithe two friends as fit persons to succeed cal knowledge, controversial ability, ferto certain vacant bishoprics, and this vid eloquence, and the most direct, most though Chrysostom was not more than 26 homely plain-speaking. It is this last elyears of age, and Basil not much older. ement that makes them especially interMen in those days were often made bish-esting. Few things surpass them as picops much as among some savage tribes tures of the life of the times. The most maidens are made brides, they were ac- striking incident in Chrysostom's career tually carried off by force and ordained. at Antioch was that which called forth The two friends agreed to act together, "The Homilies on the Statues." The but when the emissaries of the electors mob of the city, enraged at the imposiarrived, Chrysostom could not be found, tion of a tax, had broken out into a riot,

and had insulted the images of the Emperor's father and wife. That Emperor was Theodosius. For a time it seemed likely that Antioch would suffer the terrible vengeance which afterwards fell on unfortunate Thessalonica. Bishop Flavian, though feeble with age, and though it was yet winter, hastened to Constantinople, a journey of 800 miles, to intercede with the Emperor. Meanwhile the Imperial Commissioners arrived, instructed to execute summary punishment on the guilty. Their action was stopped by the interference of some strange mediators. The hermits came down from their mountain-dwellings to plead for the sinful city which they had abandoned. One of them, Macedonius, surnamed Crithophagus, or "the Barley-eater," because barley was his only food, seized

the bridle of one of the commissioners as

ruler of the East, the Empress Eudoxia, hated him with a fervent hatred. A prelate who lived like an anchorite among men who had been accustomed to look upon the Archiepiscopal Palace as London citizens look upon the Mansion House, and who spoke with the direct plainness of John Knox, was not likely to please the corrupt and luxurious capital of the East. He did not strengthen his position, though he certainly reached the culminating glory of his life, by his courageous protection of the fallen Eutropius. The scene is wonderfully dramatic :

Such a vast concourse of men and women thronged the cathedral as was rarely seen except on Easter Day. All were in a flutter of expectation to hear what the "golden mouth would utter, the mouth of him who had dared,

in defence of the Church's right, to defy the arm of the law, and to stem the tide of popu they were passing to the hall of judg-lar feeling. But few perhaps were prepared to ment, and commanded him to dismount. witness such a dramatic scene as was actually "Who is this mad fellow?" they had presented, and which gave additional force and asked, but when they learnt his name, effect to the words of the preacher. It was a they fell on their knees before him and common practice with the Archbishop, on acdemanded his pardon. Finally, they con- count partly of his diminutive stature and sented to suspend their sentence till the some feebleness of voice, to preach from the pleasure of the Emperor should be "ambo," or high reading-desk, which stood a known. Theodosius had by this time brought him into closer proximity with the little westward of the chancel, and therefore yielded to the entreaties of Flavian, who people. On the present occasion he had just returned to the city in time to celebrate taken his seat in the ambo, and a sea of upthe Easter festival, and Chrysostom de- turned faces was directed towards his thin pale livered on the occasion one of the greatest countenance in expectation of the stream of of his discourses. Mr. Stephens takes the golden eloquence, when the curtain which sepopportunity of telling the story of the arated the nave from the chancel was partially massacre of Thessalonica, and points out drawn aside, and disclosed to the view of the the contrast between the supplicatory de- multitude the cowering form of the unhappy meanour of Flavian and the command- Eutropius, clinging to one of the columns which supported the holy table. Many a time ing attitude of Ambrose, a contrast cu had the Archbishop preached to light minds riously significant of the difference be- and unheeding ears on the vain and fleeting tween the Eastern and Western Churches character of worldly honour, prosperity, luxury, as regards their relations to the secular wealth; now he would enforce attention, and power. For about eleven years Chrysos- drive his lesson home to the hearts of a vast tom remained the great preacher of Anti- audience, by pointing to a visible example of och. In A.D. 387 he was selected by fallen grandeur in the poor unhappy creature Eutropius, then all-powerful in the Im- who lay grovelling behind him. Presently he perial Court, as successor to Nectarius burst forth: "Maratórne μarαιTýτwv ! — O vanin the Archbishopric of Constantinople. all times, how pre-eminently seasonable now. ity of vanities!" words how seasonable at Something like force was employed to "Where now are the pomp and circumstance secure so desirable a candidate, and of yonder man's consulship? where his torchChrysostom was consecrated, greatly to lit festivities? where the applause which once the dissatisfaction of many rivals, a dis- greeted him? where his banquets and garlands? satisfaction of which he was soon to ex- Where is the stir that once attended his apperience the results. Chrysostom's ten-pearance in the streets, the flattering compli ancy of his see was short and troubled. ments addressed to him in the amphitheatre ? The people, indeed, adored him at Con- They are gone, they are all gone; one rude stantinople, as they adored him at Anti-blast has shattered all the leaves, and shows us och; but a clergy who were too often the tree stripped quite bare, and shaken to its Then, turning towards the worldly and even dissolute in their man- pitiable figure by the holy table: "Did I not ners, a corrupt and profligate Court, and, continually warn thee that wealth was a runmost dangerous enemy of all, the real away slave, a thankless servant? but thou

very roots.

wouldst not heed, thou wouldst not be persuaded. Lo! now experience has proved to thee that it is not only fugitive and thankless, but murderous also; for this it is which has caused thee to tremble now with fear... It was the glory of the Church to have afforded shelter to an enemy; the suppliant was the ornament of the altar. 'What!' you say, 'is this iniquitous, rapacious creature an ornament to the altar?' Hush! the sinful woman was permitted to touch the feet of Jesus Christ himself, a permission which excites not our reproach, but our admiration and praise."

as well as the important subject of the bearing of Chrysostom's writings on the great Roman controversy, are discussed with ability and candour by Mr. Stephens, of whom, with thanks for a valuable and interesting book, we must now take leave.

From The Pall Mall Gazette.

THE JOURNAL OF LOUIS XVI.* We have not space to follow the dis- 'AT this moment, when in France the graceful story of the great preacher's Republic and the monarchy are being overthrow. Theophilus of Alexandria, weighed in the balance, it seems hardly who had unwillingly taken part in his fair to dip into the private life even of a consecration, was the prime mover of monarch so estimable and unfortunate as the cabal against him. The enmity Louis XVI., who has come down to us as against him was but indirectly connected something between a locksmith and a with controversy; the actual charges al- martyr - a good-natured family man with leged, all of them, as it seems to us, lu- few vices and a large appetite. However, dicrously improbable or utterly trifling, M. Louis Nicolardot has published his concerned his personal conduct and de- Majesty's journal, which reveals the King meanour. He was deposed by a synod in a new light, one that is far different most irregularly convened, and banished; from that shed upon him by history. but an opportune earthquake troubled The journal extends over a period of sixthe conscience of the Emperor, and the teen years from 1776 to 1792- and in people of the city successfully demanded it his Majesty has jotted down the most his recall. After a short stay, he was private details of his life, but not a single again expelled, this time never to return. idea. We know that on many trying ocHis abode was fixed by his persecutors casions the King spoke with sense and successively at Cucusus, a village in the feeling, and it is hard to imagine why he range of Mount Taurus, a bleak spot, and should have kept such a journal as that constantly exposed to the incursions of before us, which exhibits him in the light the barbarous Isaurians; and at Pityus, of a childish country-gentleman. Alexa still more inhospitable region on the andre Dumas some years ago published coast of the Euxine. The latter place, a volume entitled "Les Grands Hommes indeed, he did not reach, for he died on en Robe de Chambre," which played his road, at Comana, in Pontus. Twenty-havoc with a good many historical heroes. seven years latter his relics (why should the word be written, as here, reliques?) were brought to Constantinople, and deposited in the Church of the Apostles.

The fame of Chrysostom as a preacher is amply justified by the sermons which we possess. It must have rested, more than is often the case, on the intrinsic merit of his oratory. His "bodily presence was weak;" he had not the full ringing voice which sometimes gives so powerful a charm to indifferent rhetoric; but the glow and power of his speech, now loftily elevated, now even humbly practical, are still so manifest when we read, that we cannot hesitate to rank the "Goldenmouth" among the great orators of the world. As an interpreter of Scripture, again, he has merits of a high order; to no one of the "Fathers" can we look with more confidence for the honesty and good sense which are not always found in commentators. These points,

What the novelist did for Richelieu and other great people, Louis XVI. has done for himself. M. Nicolardot has divided the King's voluminous diary into chapters. The first chapter treats of his Majesty's health, informing us when he had the toothache, the mumps, or indigestion; when he was inoculated, bled, or when he took medicine. It appears that sometimes the King put his pills and powders into the fire, and felt none the worse for it. He also recorded the accidents that jeopardized his life or his limbs, and, according to his own account, he tumbled off his horse when out hunting five times. Baths appear to have been ordered, says the author, more as a means of health than for cleanliness.

The diary is dry and uninteresting, but then we know how the story finished.

"Journal de Louis XVI." (London: Hachette. Paris: Dentu. 1873.)

Louis XVI., when quietly noting down | were massacred. The affair, however, the facts of his life, never dreamed that did not make much noise in Paris at the they were leading up to a great tragedy. time, and the people who were sipping This is the way in which he chronicled coffee on the Boulevards heard naught of political events" Departure of the Abbé the matter till next day.

Arrived and arrested at Varennes in the Ar-
June 21. - Started at midnight from Paris.

gonne at II P.M.

June 22.-Departure from Varennes at five or six in the morning; breakfasted at SainteMénéhould; arrived at Châlons at ten; supped and slept there.

June 23. The mass was interrupted in or

Terray. Bed of justice at Paris; dined On the 20th of June, 1791, occurs at La Muette; slept at Versailles. March" Nothing," though his Majesty must 20, 1778, presentation of deputies from have been very busy making preparations America." In April, 1781, "Comedy, re- to fly in the direction of Metz, and his treat of M. Necker," and so on. A good army, where Bouillé was waiting for deal is said about the weather, which was him. His attempted escape is thus often so bad as to prevent the King from briefly jotted down: — going out to hunt or shoot, though even when it was fine his Majesty now and then had what would certainly be reckened nowadays poor sport. On the 3rd of October, 1791, we find that he slaughtered three pheasants. In November, 1784, a squirrel; on another day, three squirrels; an another, one fox; and on the 20th of March, 1783, a dog. His Majesty also shot swallows, and on the 28th of June, 1784, he is credited with having killed 200 of these birds; but this is probably a misprint, as on no other day does he seem to have killed more than a dozen. The word "rien" often occurs in the diary, and in the most ridiculous manner. Thus, the King writes: "Nothing; remonstrances of Parliament." "Nothing; oaths of M. de Malesherbes." "Nothing; illness of my youngest daughter, which prevented me from hunting." Nothing; death of M. de Maurepas." "Nothing; death of my mother-in-law, the Empress Maria Theresa." "Nothing; sermon," &c. The explanation is that "rien " meant simply that there was no hunting or shooting, and when this was the case his Majesty felt grieved.


der to hasten the departure; breakfasted at Châlons, dined at Epernay; found the Comgate. Arrived at eleven at Dormans; supped missioners from the Assembly at the Binson there and slept for three hours in an armchair. June 24. Left Dormans at half-past seven; dined at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre; reached Meaux at eleven; supped and slept at the bishop's palace.

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June 25.-Quitted Meaux; arrived at Paris without stopping at eight o'clock.

June 26. Nothing at all. Conference with some whey. the Commissioners of the Assembly. I took

The King noted down with great minuteness his personal expenditure, and all his gains and losses at play are carefully recorded. On one occasion he appears to have lost with his associates 36,000 livres at lansquenet at Marli, and on the whole his Majesty was not a winner probably he did not cheat at cards In July, 1790, when as Carlyle would say, as Napoleon did after him. His housethings were growing shrill, the King hold expenditure is chronicled in a way wrote: 66 - 19th. Reviewed federals and which would have made Frederick the troops of the line at l'Etoile; dined at Great jealous. We find 12 sous for a four; hunted the deer at the Cross of watch-glass, 7 sous for sending a watch to Montmorin. 29th. Nothing; my aunts Paris, 2 livres 14 sous for greasing a postcame to dinner; had a face-ache. Au- chaise, 1 livre 16 sous for a corkscrew. gust 1st. Mass at home. 2nd and 3rd. The most prominent item for the table is Idem. 4th. Medicine; hunted at the pork, and there are days when his Majesty Cross of Montmorin. 6th. Nothing; must have devoured black-pudding wholeVichy waters. 28th. Medicine; end of sale. If Louis XVI. was careful, howVichy waters; mass as usual." March ever, in registering unimportant items, began badly. "4th. Nothing; began to get fever. 5th. Nothing. 6th. Took an emetic; mass in my bed; got up afterwards."

that did not hinder money from being spent at Versailles with a prodigality that baffled the resources of even De Calonne's fertile mind. The King's civil list was We should have mentioned that on the considerably larger than that of the Eng14th of July, 1789, the King entered the lish monarch, and his Majesty's brothers simple word Nothing," though it was were always dipping their fingers into upon that date that the Bastile fell, and the Treasury. The Comte de Provence, that old De Launay and its defenders afterwards Louis XVIII., one day re


ceived 200,000 livres, on another 450,000; j wards betrayed where the iron chest was and 5,000,000 was invested to furnish him concealed, often occurs, and his Majesty with an income of 500,000 livres, which gave the son 3,000 livres to set him up in appears to have been insufficient, as he business. Louis XVI. also seems to afterwards received 1,800,000 more. The have paid large sums for diamonds for Comte d'Artois, afterwards Charles X., the Queen to Bohmer, who parted with was even more prodigal than his brother, the celebrated diamond necklace to the and the King's aunts received consider- Cardinal de Rohan. Another curious able sums out of the Treasury. entry not explained is 12,000 livres to Madame de Cavaignac for her son!

There are a few items in the King's private expenditure worth noticing; for instance, various sums of money given to Beaumarchais, whose "Mariage de Figaro" hurried on the Revolution and was disapproved by the King. The name of Gamain, the King's locksmith, who after-nate King in popular esteem.

This diary was in all probability simply meant as a book of reference for private use; but though that circumstance may be remembered, the publication of his diary will not fail to lower the unfortu

SCOLDING. Scolding is mostly a habit. There is not much meaning to it. It is often the result of nervousness, and an irritable condition of both mind and body. A person is tired, or annoyed at some trivial cause, and forthwith commences finding fault with everything and everybody in reach. Scolding is a habit very easily formed. It is astonishing how soon one who indulges in it at all becomes addicted to it and confirmed in it. It is an unreasoning and unreasonable habit. Persons who once get into the way of scolding always find something to scold about. If there is nothing else, they fall a-scolding at the mere absence of anything to scold at. It is an extremely disagreeable habit. It is contagious. Once introduced into a family, it is pretty certain in a short time to affect all the members. People in the country more readily fall into the habit of scolding than people in town. Women contract the habit more frequently than men. This may be because they live more frequently in the house, in a confined and heated atmosphere, very trying to the nervous system and the health in general; and it may be, partly, that their natures are more susceptible and their sensitiveness more easily wounded."

THE practice of preaching at a member of the congregation is, it is said, not altogether unknown among the English clergy, but the power exercised by them in this respect is evidently as nothing compared to that possessed by their brethren the Presbyterians. The custom of extempore prayer places in the hands of the Scotch minister a still more effective weapon than that wielded by the Anglican clergyman, inasmuch as it must be less painful to a hearer to be preached at than to be made the subject of a prayer of intercession in re

spect of the vicious or depraved qualities of his nature. There is in the latter case far more scope for oratorical candour, and we can conceive few more embarrassing positions than that occupied by the correspondent of the Orcadian at Walls on "Sabbath, the 2nd of March." On that occasion the Rev. Mr. Keillor, the minister of the parish, introduced into one of his prayers the following "special petition," which the unfortunate correspondent reports "as nearly verbatim" as he can remember :- "May that person in our midst," prayed the Rev. Mr. Keillor, "who has from time to time been sending forth unsought-for tidings to the public, be restored to his right frame of mind, and released from that state of mental derangement which makes him seek after public notoriety. May he be granted that charac ter which he would make us believe that he possesses, but appears to be devoid of," &c. At this point, the correspondent of the Or cadian appears to have ceased taking a shorthand report of the reverend gentleman's prayer, but from the extract already given it seems to have been a most able and damaging supplication, doing great credit to the Rev. Mr. Keillor's powers of invective. The only objection we know of to the employment of public prayer as a medium for these attacks is that the object of them might at the conclusion of the prayer retaliate by a slashing "response," and the proceedings of divine service might then perhaps assume too much the appearance of a parliamentary debate.

Pall Mall.

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