
ed remains as distinctly impressed on my mind at the distance of more than forty years, as if it had only happened yesterday, the image of Jemmy, in his red frock, and with his still redder legs, being more vivid than any other reminiscence of my early professional life.

his guidance, supposing the power of do- | both by Mr. Estlin and myself, with full ing so to be congenital. For, his father knowledge of the interest attaching to such being a farmer a few miles out of Bristol, observations; and every fact I have stathe was accustomed to go about by himself in the farmyard, where he made friends with every one of its inhabitants, and picked up from the labourers a very improper accomplishment, that of swearing most horribly. He was so strong, that it was necessary for the performance of the operation that his body should be bound down upon a table, and that each of his limbs and his head should be held by a separate assistant. I remember that I had charge of his head, which I found it impossible altogether to prevent him from rolling from side to side; whilst his roars and curses seem even now ringing in my ears. The operation, performed with consummate dexterity, the handle of the cataract-needle being left by Mr. Estlin to "play" between his fingers, as Jemmy's head would move in spite of my strongest efforts to restrain it, - was entirely successful. In a few days both pupils were almost clear; and it was obvious from his actions that he had distinct visual perceptions. But though he clearly recognized the direction of a candle or other bright object, he was as unable as an infant to apprehend its distance; so that when told to lay hold of a watch, he groped at it, just like a young child lying in its cradle. It was very gradually that he came to use his sight for the guidance of his movements: and when going about the house at which he was staying in Bristol, with which he had familiarized himself before the operation, he generally shut his eyes, as if puzzled rather than aided by them. When he came up to Mr. Estlin's house, however, he would show that he was acquiring a considerable amount of visual power; and it was his favourite amusement there to blow about with his breath a piece of white paper on the surface of a dark mahogany table, round and round which he would run, as he wafted the paper from one side to another, shouting with glee at his novel exploit. Nevertheless, when he returned home to his father's house and farm-yard, his parents (very intelligent people) assured us that he was for some time obviously puzzled by his sight, shutting his eyes as he went about in his old way; though whenever he went to a new place, he was obviously aided by his vision. But it was several months before he came to trust to it for his guidance, as other children of his age would do.- Jemmy's case was very carefully observed,

Putting aside those purely-reflex_actions which do not depend upon Consciousness (such as the acts of breathing and sucking), I do not call to mind any other Instinctive action of the Human Infant that is prompted and directed by a Sense-perception, than its attempt to find the breast of its mother or wet-nurse, under the guidance of its sense of Smell. A curious experiment on this guidance is recorded as having been made by Galen; who placed a Kid just dropped near three basins, one containing wine, another honey, and a third milk; the kid, after smelling at the first and second, passed on to the third, which it immediately began to drink. It is well known to those who have had a judicibus training in Nursery management, that an infant will sleep much better, and will awake at longer intervals away from its mother or wetnurse, than it will when reposing with her; the "smell of the milk" acting as the excitant to the instinctive search for it, just as the Hen's call, or the Ewe's bleat, brings her offspring to her. Mr. Spalding's experiment upon this last point is an interesting addition to our previous knowledge. Chickens hatched and kept in the bag for a day or two, when taken out and kept nine or ten feet from a box in which a hen with chicks was concealed, after standing for a minute or two, uniformly set off straight for the box in answer to the call of the hen, which they had never seen, and never before heard. This they did, struggling through grass, and over rough ground, when not yet able to stand steadily upon their legs." Even hooded chickens tried to make their way towards the hen, obviously guided by sound alone. So, on the other hand, a turkey only ten days old, which had never in its life seen a hawk, was so alarmed by the note of a hawk secreted in a cupboard, that it fled in the direction opposite to the cupboard with every sign of terror.


Now it may be considered perfectly certain that no instinctive tendencies of this protective kind exist congenitally in the Human Infant. For some time after birth,

it neither shows anything that can be called attraction or repulsion at sights or sounds; the "following" motion of its eyes, as a candle or other bright object is waved before them, being the first indication that it even sees the object; while the "start" at a sudden loud sound is the first indication that it possesses the sense of hearing. The very young infant, as Prof. Bain was (I believe) the first to point out, does not "wink," either at loud and sudden sounds, or when an object is so moved towards the eyes as to threaten them with injury. The movement of winking which is obviously protective, is not called forth through the sight until a comparatively late period; although sounds which make the infant "start" usually make it "wink" also. The former is probably experiential; but, as Mr. Darwin remarks ("Expression of the Emotions," p. 39) "it is obviously impossible that a carefully guarded infant could have learned by experience that a rattling sound near its eyes indicated danger to them; but such experience will have been slowly gained at a later age during a long series of generations; and from what we know of inheritance there is nothing improbable in the transmission of a habit to the offspring at an earlier age than that at which it was first acquired by the par


The Physiologist has been accustomed to apply the term Instinctive to those Automatic actions in which a certain movement or series of movements is performed at the prompting of Sensations, without any training or experience, and without (as he presumes) any intentional adaptation of means to ends; whilst he characterizes as Intelligent such actions as originate in the Ego's idea of the purpose, and are consciously directed by him to its attainment. This distinction, which leaves the question open, as regards each species of animal, what part of its lifework is Instinctive and what is Rational, is generally not difficult of practical application; what is required to differentiate the two kinds of action in any case, being a careful study of the habits, not only of the Individual but of the Race,- so as to separate what is uniform from what is variable, what is done without experience from what is only learned by experience. But there are certain cases in which it not only seems impossible to draw this line, but in which it seems equally difficult to assign the actions to one category or the other.

The Deep-Sea researches on which I

have been recently engaged, have not "exercised" my mind on any topic so much as on the following: :- Certain minute particles of living jelly, having no visible differentiation of organs, possessing neither mouth, stomach, nor members, save such as they extemporize, and living (as it would seem) by simple absorption through the "animated spider'sweb" into which they can extend themselves, build up "tests" or casings, of the most regular geometrical symmetry of form, and of the most artificial construction. Suppose a Human mason to be put down by the side of a great pile of stones of various shapes and sizes, and to be told to build a dome of these, smooth on both surfaces, and to use the least possible quantity of a very tenacious but very costly cement in holding the stones together. If he accomplished this well, we should give him credit for great intelligence and skill. Yet this is exactly what these little "jelly-specks" do on a very minute scale; the "tests" they construct, when highly magnified, bearing comparison with the most skilful masonry of Man. From the same sandy bottom, one species picks up the coarser quartz-grains, cements them together with phosphate of iron (!) which must be secreted from their own substance; and thus constructs a flask-shaped “test,” having a short neck and a single large orifice. Another picks up the finer grains, and puts them together with the same cement into perfectly spherical "tests" of the most extraordinary finish, perforated with numerous small pores disposed at pretty regular intervals. Another selects the minutest sand-grains and the terminal points of sponge-spicules, and works these up together, apparently with no cement at all, but by the "laying" of the spicules, into perfect spheres, like homœopathic globules, each having a single fissured orifice.

Here, then, is most distinct evidence of selective power; and the question forces itself upon us, by what instrumentality is it exercised? Is this selection made intentionally, as it would be by the Human artisan? We can scarcely conceive that what seems a homogeneous jellyspeck should be possessed of Psychical endowments of so high a character. Is it made mechanically? It seems equally difficult to conceive that so artificial an operation can be performed by a mechanism so simple. I have often amused myself, when by the sea-side, with getting a Terebella (a Marine Worm that cases its

body in a sandy tube) out of its house, | substance of many of them being trav and then, putting it into a saucer of water ersed, like that of Dentine, by closely-set with a supply of sand and comminuted parallel tubuli not 1-10,000th of an inch shell, watching its appropriation of these in diameter. Now, surely the formation materials in constructing a new one. The of these shells by a process of growth, is extended tentacles soon spread them- not one whit less marvellous, or less diffiselves over the bottom, and lay hold of cult to account for, than the building up of whatever comes in their way, "all be- the sandy "tests." But what scientific ing fish that comes to their net," and Physiologist, however decided his belief in in half an hour or thereabouts, the new a First Cause, would think it a sufficient tube is finished. Now here the organiza- account of the production, either of these tion is far higher; the instrumentality beautiful Shells, or of the human Dentine obviously serves the needs of the animal, they resemble, that "God hath made and suffices for them; and we character- them so"? It is obvious that the conize the action, on account of its uniform- sistent carrying-out of such a philosophy ity and its un-intelligence, as Instinctive. would abolish Science generally, as comBut what are we to say of the far higher pletely as Palæontology would be abol work, performed by the simplest possible ished by the adoption of that old method instrumentality of our Arenaceous Fora- of accounting for Fossil Remains which minifers? The minute types which I has been revived of late by Mr. Gosse,— have found at present living in our sea- viz. that they were created in the place depths are mere Lilliputians in compari- and condition in which we find them, and son with the spheres of the size of a never really formed parts of living organsmall cricket-ball, which Geologists at isms.-There is, as it seems to me, no work upon the Green-sand near Cam- half-way house. Either we must have bridge used to kick about as mere Inor- immmediate recourse to the First Cause ganic concretions, but which I have shown to be gigantic types of the same group, composed of concentric spheres of a wonderfully complicated structure, all most artificially built up of fine sandgrains.

in every instance, in which case we rest in it; or else we must seek to connect every phenomenon with its Physical Cause, so as to frame a scientific conception of the Order of Nature.

Let us now pass from the creatures The easiest way of accounting for these which show us by how simple an instrufacts, is doubtless to attribute the elab- mentality the most marvellous results can orate mason-work of each of our "jelly- be wrought out, to the Class of Insects, specks" to the direct prompting of the in which a wide range of Instincts (ie., Creative Mind in other words, to say of congenital tendencies to Sensori-motor that the jelly-speck has no powers, either action) manifests itself in connection with conscious or unconscious, of its own. a most elaborate mechanism. Although But all Men of Science, from Bacon it may be argued in the case of Hive-bees downwards, have deprecated this as an (on whose life-history our notions of the utterly unscientific mode of dealing with range of Instinct are chiefly founded), such questions; for the hypothesis leaves that the extraordinary perfection of our knowledge of the method on which their workmanship, and the uniformity the Creator works, through the instru- of the course they take under each mentality of these simple creatures, just of a great variety of contingencies, where it was; and this method is pre- are to be accounted for by the expericisely what it is the province of Science mental acquirement of knowledge, proto investigate. Thus in the somewhat gressively improved, and transmitted parallel case of the direction of the roots from one generation to another, this canof Plants towards a source of moisture, not possibly be admitted in the case of - at some distance, it may be a refuge certain of the Solitary Bees. For with refor ignorance was formerly found in gard to these it may be positively affirmed, characterizing the act as "instinctive; "that the offspring can know nothing of but this did not help the matter in the the construction of its nest, either from least; and the study of the Physical its own experience, or from instruction Cause of that direction has given the clue to a rational explanation of it.

But further, other types of deep-sea Foraminifer produce true shells, of singular beauty and symmetry of form, and of great elaborateness of structure; -the

communicated by its parent;

so that when it makes a nest of the very same pattern, we can account for it only in one of two ways,- either that it is acting as a machine in accordance with its Nervous organization, or that its actions are di

rectly prompted by "an over-ruling mind that if there is a want of queens for the or purpose" outside itself. Now there is outgoing swarms, the bees themselves seno more reason for having recourse to a lect some of the worker-larvæ, enlarge Deus ex machinâ in the case of the nest their cells, feed them with the peculiar of the Carpenter Bee, than there is in food called "royal jelly," and incubate that of the building-up of the organism them for a longer period; with the effect which makes that nest. The latter is at that, after going through its transformaleast as marvellous as the former, and as tions, the grub comes forth a "queen" much an evidence of Design somewhere. instead of a "worker." Now her instincts But it need not detract from the belief in are even more changed than her obvious that design as the ultima ratio of the Uni- organization; and the change in these verse, to attribute the nest-building In- instincts must be partly attributed to the stinct of the Carpenter Bee to the play of excitation of new forms of Sensori-motor its Nervous organization as its immediate activity, by the new stimulus originating physical antecedent, or to believe that this in the Reproductive apparatus. But that nervous organization has come to be what the Nervous System partakes of the genit is, by having "grown to" the experience eral structural modification, so as to reof the Race, genetically transmitted, as spond in certain fixed ways to the impresin the case of the Acquired Instincts set sions made upon it from within and from forth in the previous Paper. For these, without, can scarcely be questioned. supposing them to be proved, would only However this may be, it is clear that the be facts in the Order of the Universe, difference between the Conscious Life of which it is the very province of Science to the new-made Queen and that of the discover; and to evade the investigation of Worker depends entirely upon the Physithe problem, by invoking the first Cause cal conditions (food being apparently the whenever we are at fault for the second, is one most operative) under which the two about as unphilosophical as for the Phys- larvæ are respectively developed. — I iologist to rest in vaguely attributing to know no more instructive case of the rethe Vital Principle" every phenomenon lation of Psychical to Physical conditions, of the living body which Physics or in the whole range of Comparative PhysiChemistry cannot at present explain. ology.


That even Insects can learn by experi- The relation of Instincts to general orence, is obvious to those who have stud-ganization is further shown in the entire ied the actions of Bees when they have been newly hived; for if the hive be placed among several others having similar entrances, the Bees are obviously undecided, for the first few days, which entrance to make for; but soon come to recognize their own, as is shown by the straightness of their flight towards it. And Sir John Lubbock exhibited, at the last meeting of the British Association, a Wasp which he had "tamed" to perform various actions that indicated a purposive direction guided by its individual experience.

But that the elaborate Instinctive actions are intimately related to the general as well as to the nervous organization, in these most remarkable groups, is shown in the diversity between the sexual and the non-sexual (neuter) individuals of the same species, as, for example, the Hive-Bee. Every one knows that the Queen" is the only fertile female in the community; and that she differs from the "workers" not merely in the development of her reproductive apparatus, but also in the want of certain organs used by the "workers" in the collection of pollen. But it is also well known that every “worker ”-larva is a potential queen; for

diversity which exists in most Insects between the Instincts of the larva and those of the imago; those of the former having sole reference to the acquisition of Food, while those of the latter relate chiefly to the exercise of the Reproductive function and the nurture of the Offspring. The Larva, indeed, may be regarded as a mere active embryo, that comes forth from the egg in an extremely immature condition, and then, having taken into itself an enormous amount of additional nutriment, goes back (as it were) into the quiescent state, in which this store of nutriment is applied to the development of the organs that characterize the perfect Insect. Every schoolboy that has kept Silk-worms knows all about the pairing of the Moths when they come out of their cocoons; and nothing can be in stronger contrast to the instinct which leads to that action, than the instinct which has prompted the spinning of the cocoon by the Larva about to pass into the pupa state. The development and turgidity of the bag of liquid silk obviously prompts the latter, as the development of the sexual apparatus prompts the former; but for the prompting to pro

duce the result in each case, there must be a concurrent special modification of the Nervous apparatus, to give it effect. In the case of Spiders, there is a no less obvious relation between the web-spinning instinct and the possession of the apparatus which gives effect to it; and we may regard it as almost beyond doubt (from the analogy of the effect of castration in higher animals), that if it were possible to remove this apparatus, or to keep down its development, without injury to the general organization, the development of the spinning instinct would be prevented.

the instrumentality of which the Ego is made conscious of Physical impressions upon the Organs of Sense.

The Physiologist who compares the different grades of development of the Cerebrum, and the successively augmenting manifestations of Intelligence in the ascending scale of the Vertebrate series, can entertain no doubt of the extreme intimacy of the relation between these two orders of facts. The tendency to perfection among Vertebrates, indeed, alike as regards bodily and mental organization, obviously points in this direction; and we have in Man not only the greatest deTurning now from the active Articu- velopment of the Cerebrum as compared lates to the parallel series of the sluggish with the Sensori-motor apparatus, but Mollusks, we need only remark that both also the most complete instrumentality their Instincts and their Intelligence for giving effect to the purposes which seem to be of the humblest possible his Intelligence has devised. The culkind. If "an oyster may be crossed in mination of perfection in the Articulate love," he has no means of showing it; series is, as we have seen, the high deand even where the Sensori-motor ap-velopment of the Instinctive capacities. paratus bears a more important relation A Bee may be compared to a Barrelto the merely Vegetative portion of the organism (as it does in the active predaceous Cuttle-fish), there is little that can be compared with the remarkable Instincts of Insects, or that indicates the possession of an Intelligence comparable to that of the higher Vertebrates.

organ, which plays a certain set of tunes with the greatest exactness, but can do nothing else; while the Human organism resembles a keyed instrument, from which any music it is capable of producing can be called forth at the Will of the performer. Between these two extremes We enter upon the Vertebrate series in there is a distinct gradation of intermedia Class that of Fishes - whose habit ate means; and the Class of Birds - the of life corresponds closely with that of Insects of the Vertebrate type — presents the highest Mollusks; and notwithstand- us with a number of most interesting iling marked differences in plan of struc-lustrations of the combination of the conture between the nervous system of the genital Instincts of the Race with the extwo Classes respectively, there is this periential Intelligence of the Individual; much in common between them,- that the former dictating, for example, the while each fundamentally consists of a general pattern of the nest, while the latSensori-motor apparatus composed of ter adapts that pattern to the peculiar Ganglia in immediate relation to the Or- conditions arising out of Human intergans of Sense, and of afferent and effer- ference. Among some of the lower ent Nerve-trunks communicating be- Mammals, again, whose Brain shows but tween the Organs of Sense and the little advance upon that of Birds, we still Nerve-Centres, and between the Nerve- find Instinct predominating, - the Beaver Centres and the Muscles, there is affording one of the most remarkable exin each a rudiment of a superadded amples of this; and the irrationality of organ, the Cerebrum; which does Instinctive action has never, perhaps, not seem to be immediately linked been more strikingly displayed, than in with either afferent or efferent Nerve- the actions of the tame Beaver kept by trunks, but is intimately connected with the late Mr. Broderip (one of the foundthe series of Sensory Ganglia. It is this ers of the Zoological Society) in his liseries, and not the Cerebrum, which must brary. For "Binny' was always trying be regarded as constituting the essential to make a "dam" across the floor of the or fundamental part of the Brain; and room, with walking-sticks, umbrellas, the Physiologist seems justified, alike by fire-irons, and the like; and to wall himAnatomical considerations, and by the re-self in under an escritoire, by building sults of the experimental removal of the up books, clothes-brushes, &c. How Cerebrum, in asserting it as probable, closely, on the other hand, not only the that the aggregate of the Sensory Ganglia Intelligence but the Morale of those constitutes the real Sensorium, through higher Mammals which attach themselves

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