
What the future of these stations will be we cannot know. In view of the dangers to which they are exposed, and the disappointing results which have so often marked the history of missionary enterprises in China we can only "rejoice with trembling." Our hope is in the continued presence and blessing of our Divine Master. We rejoice that this vine of God's planting seems to be striking its roots into the native soil, and hope that with God's blessing it will continue to grow and spread wide its branches and bring forth much fruit to His glory.




German brethren are so exceedingly reticent in regard to their work, that it might be thought the mission had almost no existence, or at least that it had not reached to its present proportions. Their motto in mission work evidently has been and is to-day, "Deeds and not words." Indeed one of the members of the mission said to me personally a few days since that it was the characteristic of Protestant missionaries to talk and the Catholics did the work. Whether it is always wise to be silent I leave others to judge but I have so far deemed it consistent with propriety to tell something of their general plan of work, with the view of benefiting some one as I have been, by viewing their work more closely. The senior member of the mission is known throughout China for his kindness and hospitality, and many are the voices who are ready to say, God bless Father Lechler. It will soon be forty years since Mr. Lechler in company with three other missionaries, one his own fellow laborer and the two others members of the Rheinish mission, sailed for China to carry on the mission work which had been inaugurated by Dr. Gützlaff, Of their early experiences, and narrow escapes from the violence of robbers and mobs, it might be interesting to speak, but we will not take from them the glory of silence and of suffering for Christ's sake, for the most part unknown to mankind. The tale however, is one of heroic self denial and consecration to their chosen work. Instead of being satisfied with the open ports as pheres for their activity, they pressed into the interior, and lived

among the people, not for a day or a week but for months and years, and only occasionally came to Hongkong, and very often then only because they were driven from their posts, by the Chinese.

If there is such a thing as romance in missionary life, these early members of the Basel Mission certainly could tell something very romantic. Living on the main-land then meant something more than it does now, it meant persecution and possibly death, it meant solitude and being plundered and robbed, but our brethren from that day to this have firmly adhered to the principle that missionaries ought to live in the country, and so we find them to-day all with the exception of two, carrying on their missionary labor upon the main-land of China. From nine stations and twenty-two outstations they carry on their work assiduously and with diligence, remaining often upon the field for twelve or thirteen years before returning home to rest. At convenient points houses are built for the missionary, in which he lives with his family and superintends the missionary work over a certain distinct and outlined district. Very often church edifices or schools are in close proximity to the missionary's residence. In some instances the second story of a mission house answers for the dwelling of the family, while the lower floor is used for the church or school. It is thus seen that the principle adhered to is that of association with the Chinese as much as possible. And these missionary houses and churches are not always in densely populated cities, nay it seems to have been the idea of the missionaries to locate these buildings somewhat away from any large town, and some stand almost exclusively apart from any village. Stations are stablished, and church edifices are erected where it would almost seem that no one could find them. It is the general custom or plan of other missions, to seek to press into the large cities, the strategic points as it is said, the large market towns upon the rivers, easy of access; but not so do our German friends labor. They have not allowed themselves to be confined to the banks of tho streams in their missionary operations. Their motto evidently from the first has been to spread the Gospel among the people of the country, seeking to reach all men no matter how difficult the access was to them.

Again another point is very manifest in their work. No attempt is made to spread over a large extent of territory in order to Christianize the Chinese. The field occupied is worked thoroughly. Three or four missionaries sometimes occupy a field of less extent than a single missionary of some of our other societies. They live among the people and show them how to live by personal example, as well as teach them the truths of the gospel.

There is no strife for occupying certain points to the exclusion of other societies, but their boundary lines are determined, so that the field occupied is exclusively their own, not interfered with by any other missionary society.

There is this mutual understanding of territory to be occupied, by the three missions, Basel, Rheinish, and Berlin. One society will not enter the field of another, unless it has been ceded to it by the Home Board. Each mission occupies its own field, does its own work upon its own ground, and in its own prescribed way. There is no sign that only the large places are selected to the exclusion of the smaller and in this they are an example to many other societies.

Little is also heard of the ladies of the Basel mission, and one might almost think that they were a cipher in the mission, if we were to judge their work by what is learned from their pen. They are even more reticent than the gentlemen. No articles are written for "Woman's Work," though all of them could have something to tell of interest and profit. True, a large share of their time is occupied in household duties, yet aside from all these they find time to do missionary work, such as teaching in girls' schools and among women, but if you were to ask them what they did they would no doubt say, "Nothing" and that their former expectation of being useful in China had been entirely frustrated by the care of their own families, and yet their hearts are truly in the Master's work, exhibiting a fidelity and patience rarely seen in some other ladies. At times they live alone for days and weeks while their husbands are on their missionary tours, and yet no complaining word is heard from then. You might converse with all of them in three or four languages and be equally well understood. Single ladies there are none, but the married ladies carry on as much missionary work as they can. Heroic womanhood and self denial are truly manifested in the lives of these ladies.

The main feature of the mission is perhaps the educational system in vogue.

The German mind is scholarly and seeks to understand the reason of things. Not satisfied with a superficial knowledge of Chinese, the missionaries themselves are faithful students of the classics and Chinese literature, and bring this acquired knowledge into use in their school and preaching work. Their love of learning is clearly seen in the mission schools, by the course of study that is prescribed for the Chinese youth. This course is perhaps more thorough than that of any other school in China; the Chinese boy is taken at seven years of age and for the first seven years studies in the elementary school whose course embraces both Chinese and

Christian studies. After the seven years have been completed with satisfaction to the teacher, the scholar passes on to the middle school for a four years' course where the higher Chinese studies and Christian sciences are taught, united with biblical instruction. From this same middle school, he still passes to another of a higher grade and which may be called a Theological Seminary. Here the course is again prolonged to four years. Thus it is seen that the plan is to give the pupil fifteen years of study before he graduates and becomes a helper in the mission. Not all who enter the elementary school complete the entire course of fifteen years' study. It is only the diligent and intelligent pupils that are chosen from this school to pass on to the middle school; the same is true again with the pupils who have completed the course of the middle school. Only the best and those most likely to be fitted for preaching the gospel are sent to the Seminary. The course in the latter is one that would do honor to many of our own home seminaries. I append it for examination by those who are engaged in similar work of teaching.

First year.-1. New Testament Exegesis. 2. Old Testament Exegesis. 3. Chinese Literature. 4. Homiletics. 5. Music. 6. Instruction in the art of teaching. 7. Introduction to the Old and New Testament. 8. Church History. 9. Pedagogics.

Second year.-1. The first six studies in the first year. 2. Dogmatics (Theology.) 3. General History, Geography and Natural History (General Review.)

Third year.-1. The first six studies in the first year. 2. Christian Ethics. 3. Confucianism-a critical analysis.

Fourth year.-1. The first six studies in the first year. 2. Symbolics (Church Polity.) 3. Pastoral Theology.

No words are needed to say that this prescribed course is a thorough and comprehensive one. A mere glance at the list of studies is sufficient to show us that it onr training schools at home. due to the efforts of Rev. Mr. school for some seven years. prepared by him.

is in no respect behind some of The present curriculum is largely Schaub who has been in charge of the Many of the text books have been

These different schools are supported by mission money, and the whole amount expended for the support and instruction of two hundred and thirty-one pupils is $2,852, of which, $949.60 cents is collected from the pupils and $1,902.40 is drawn from the Home Board.

The regular course for a girl to complete her studies is equal to that of the elementary Boys' school, viz., seven years, though some only spend three or four in study.

The average cost per pupil for his support aside from instruction may be seen from the following table:

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Boy in Elementary school in Hongkong

Boy in Elementary school at different stations 1.04

Usually only children of Christians are admitted into the schools and the plan is to instruct them thoroughly in the knowledge of the Bible.

Children of heathen parents, who are under eight years receive baptism at the time the sacred rite is administered to their parents; if over eight years they must first express a willingness on their own part to receive the ordinance.

This review of the work of this mission must necessarily be brief, and justice has not been done to the subject, but the outline before us will give some idea how our brethren have risen to be ́one of the greatest missionary organizations in China. Their 2,721 baptized converts do not tell the whole story, for their members have gone to South America and the Sandwich Islands, and aided in Christianizing the Chinese of those countries. It may be truly said that God has favored them with success in their work. One reason of this lies no doubt in the fact that the Hakkas, among whom they labor, are more approachable with the gospel than some of our proud Cantonese. As one passes through this country, terms of reproach are seldom heard from the Chinese, but instead of these one is greeted with the polite terms of "Minister" or "Teacher."

Three of the stations occupied were principally formed by three of Dr. Gützlaff's Evangelical Society of 400 members by which he vainly hoped to Christianize China, so that it may be said that the work of that good man, deceived as he was, still lives in the Basel Mission, though it needed the later men, such as Messrs. Hamberg, Lechler and Winner, to bring the good out of the evil, and institute different and more perfect plans of missionary work. The forty years of Mr. Lechler's life have been full of changing vicissitudes, in perils oft and trials many, in labors abundant and hardships without number; but success has crowned every effort, so that as a retrospective view is taken, we can well say that he has not labored in vain, and that he is most fitted and able by his past experience and toil to give an answer to those who speak of missionaries as one of the "twin evils of China."

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