
legitimate institution.

But taking the translation just as we have it, the slaveholder is, even in that case, left without ground to stand upon. He may deceive himself by an interpretation dictated rather by the customs of society, and the practice of his life, than by the strict principles of truth; but no unbiassed mind, after a laborious, intelligent investigation of the Bible, for the purpose of ascertaining just the mind of God, can come to any satisfactory conclusion that God sanctions slaveholding. And when slavery is properly defined, as a condition in which one is in the power of another whom he is compelled to serve, without the means of redress when wronged, it becomes easy to see that no where does the Bible give countenance to such a condition.

It is not being a servant, it is not bondage, it is not even hereditary bondage, it is not being "under the yoke," that con-stitutes slavery, for these conditions may exist without oppression; but it is that condition of servitude which is in itself oppression. One may be said to be oppressed with poverty, or hunger, or pain,

or some physical evil, or some mental affliction, none of which would be slavery, because he does not serve these things. But if he be under the control of bad passions and wicked lusts, he is a slave to his passions and lusts, because he serves them, and because the service is itself an oppressive one. So if one man is oppressed by another, as by slander, or contemptuous treatment, &c., he may, nevertheless, not be a slave, because he is not compelled to serve him or to obey his commands. But if one in the service of another is obliged to submit to wrong, then he is a slave. If it be the case of an apprentice, or a son, or a wife, or the subject of a king, it is only different forms or modifications of the same thing. It is slavery. But where there is no oppression, there is no slavery; and if the Southern planter can show that his labourers are not in an oppressed condition then are they not slaves. It will not do for him to admit that they are in an oppressed condition, and then claim that he is not their oppressor; for they are in his service, they are under his authority, and whether he be benefitted by their ser

vices or not, so long as he retains them in their oppressed condition he is their oppressor. His fellow citizens may, by their legislation, oppress his servants, but that doesn't make them slaves, for they are not in the service of his fellow citizens, they are in his service, and under his personal authority, and it is his holding them under that oppressive legislation that makes them slaves. No law on earth can compel a man to hold the relation of master. He can declare them free from his authority. He is bound by every moral obligation to refuse to be the agent of oppressive laws. Nor has he any right to excuse himself by saying that if he should not be the agent of holding his fellow men in an oppressed condition, they would fall into the hands of others who would perhaps make their condition still more oppressive. He has no right to do evil that good may come. "Keep thyself pure," is the mandate of the Most High. If it is in his power, it is his high obligation to place these oppressed ones beyond the reach of oppression, and unredressive wrong. If it be not, then let the responsibility of their enslavement

rest upon those who may have the hardihood to assume it. His righteous example will be invaluable, and will do more in its operation upon other minds to alleviate the condition of their slaves, than the good he could possibly effect by retaining the legal relation of a master.

I would press upon slaveholders the criminality of continuing the relation they now sustain to those who reap down their fields, and whose rightful hire is kept back by fraud, "for the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth." "My brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons." In holding the poor labourer in slavery, the charge is justly brought against you, that "Ye have despised the poor." "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin," James ii. 9. Are you not then committing sin, in subjecting men because they are poor, or because they are black, or because their fathers have been ever oppressed, to continued and perpetual slavery? But not only so, will you continue to abuse the Holy Bible


by making it subserve such an oppressive and soul-crushing system of human chatPeter prophesied about false teachers, who "through covetousness," "with feigned words," would "make merchandize" of the brethren. It is now literally fulfilled in those who employ the Bible to uphold the traffic in man. But brethren the day will come when Babylon shall fall, and they who have traded with her in "the bodies and souls of men," shall stand "afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas! that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come." Before you fall in her doom, look again at that Bible you are thus in your self-delusion desecrating, and see what it says against all such wrong and oppression.

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