
the future existence; but that he believed the denunciation would be executed at the time of which he had had frequent occasion to speak.

The remark made on the quotation from Lightfoot, on the passage last quoted, is equally applicable to that which follows.

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LIGHTFOOT. The same things are meant in Heb. x. 37, "Yet a little while, and he that shall come, will come; James v. 9, "Behold the judge is at the door;" Rev. i. 7, "He cometh in the clouds; ” and xxii. 20, "Surely I come quickly." And many more of the same kind, all which are to be understood of the coming of Christ in vengeance against the Jewish nation.' Tractatus de Spir. Proph. sec. v.

GROTIUS. 'God shall add unto him the plagues: by the plagues are to be understood, as well those in chaps. vii. ix. x. and xi., as those in chaps. xvi. xvii. and xviii. ; of which one portion relates to the Jews, and the other to the Roman empire.

'And out of the holy city: he shall not be a member of the church, but shall be cast out, as one making a lie.' Annot. in loc.


In this Work, it was my design to notice every passage, which has been alleged from the New Testament, to prove the doctrine of endless misery. If I have omitted any, the omission was undesigned. On some of the texts, it is true, I have not been able to adduce any orthodox authority, in support of the views entertained by Universalists. The number of these, however, is,

very small. Besides, it should be recollected that my examination, though as extensive as my present resources would permit, has by no means embraced the whole body of orthodox commentators. And I do not yet despair of being able, hereafter, to complete that which is now lacking.

In the Index of Authors, which is subjoined, I have inserted the titles of the Works from which the foregoing selections are made, and the date of the editions used.


'Annotations upon all

the books of the Old and New Testament, &c., by the
labor of certain learned divines thereunto appointed, and
therein employed, as is expressed in the Preface.' Lon-
don, 1657. 2 vols. folio.

Of this work Horne says, it is usually called the Assembly's
Annotations, from the circumstance of its having been composed
by members of the Assembly of divines who sat at Westminster
during the great rebellion.' Intro. ii. 751.

BATE. An Essay towards a Rationale of the literal
Doctrine of Original Sin, a Vindication of God's Wisdom,
Goodness, and Justice, in permitting the Fall of Adam,
and the subsequent Corruption of Nature.' Published in
1752, and republished, much enlarged, in 1767.

The author of this work, Rev. James Bate, was a clergyman of
the Church of England, son of Rev. Richard Bate. He was a
Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and highly distinguished
himself by his skill in the Hebrew language. Having spent some
time in France, as chaplain to Horace Walpole, the English am-
bassador, he was appointed the first rector of the new church of St.
Paul, Deptford, in 1731. He was probably eminent, as a preacher;
for, at his death, in 1775, a funeral sermon was preached at St.
Paul's, Deptford, by Rev. Colin Milne, and published under the
title of The Boldness and Freedom of Apostolical Eloquence,
recommended to the Imitation of Ministers.'

BEAUSOBRE et LENFANT. 'Le Nouveau Testament de
notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, traduit en François sur
l'original Grec. Avec des notes literales pour éclaircir
le texte. Par. M. R. S. DE BEAUSOBRE et LENFANT."
Lausanne, 1735. 2 vols. 4to.

'This, though a posthumous work, is very valuable, and contains
many excellent and judicious observations, briefly expressed, but
which nevertheless comprise the substance of remarks offered by
the best interpreters.' Horne, Intro. ii. 785.

BENSON. A paraphrase and notes on the Epistles of
St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Timothy, Philemon and
Titus, and the seven Catholic Epistles by James, Peter,
Jude and John. By GEORGE BENSON, D. D.' London,
1752, 1756. 2 vols. 4to.

See remarks under the name of Peirce.

BEZA. Testamentum novum, sive novum fœdus
Jesu Christu, D. N. &c. THEODORUS BEZE.' Fourth
edition, 1689. 1 vol. folio.

'Beza is undoubtedly the best critic on the Greek language of
any commentator we have.' Dr. Doddridge, quoted by Horne,
Intro. ii. 783.

BROWNELL. A Bible Class and Family Expositor;
or a Familiar Guide to the study of the New Testa-
ment. Being a condensed Summary of the most valua-
ble Commentaries; compiled chiefly from a work of the
Rev. George Holden, A. M. By THOMAS C. BROWNELL,
D. D., LL. D. Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut.'
Hartford, 1823. 1 vol. 12то.

This author does not need any other voucher for his orthodoxy,
than the office which he holds in the Episcopal Church.

S. Benedicti, Congregationis S. S. Vitomni et Hidulphi,
Commentarium literale in omnes ac singulos tum Veteris
cum Novi Testamenti libros, e Gallico in Latinum ser-
monem translatum.' 8 vols. folio. Augsburg, 1734,

'It has a vast apparatus of prefaces and dissertations, in which
immense learning, good sense, sound judgment, and deep piety are
invariably displayed. This is without exception the best comment
on the sacred writings ever published, either by Catholics or Protest-

ants.' Dr. A. Clarke.

Walchius (Bibl. Theol. vol. iv. p. 433,) has pronounced an
equally strong, but well-deserved eulogium on this valuable work,
to which we have been largely indebted in the course of these
volumes.' Horne, Intro. ii. 750.

CAMPBELL. The four Gospels, translated from the
Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations and Notes Critical
and Explanatory. By GEORGE CAMPBELL, D. D., F. R. S.

Edinburgh, Principal of the Marischal College, Aberdeen."
Boston, 1824. 4 vols. 8vo.

'The extensive circulation of this valuable work, which has
placed the author high in the rank of biblical critics, sufficiently
attests the esteem in which it is held. Horne, Intro. ii. 792.

Critical Remarks on many important pas-
sages of Scripture: together with dissertations upon
several subjects, tending to illustrate the phraseology and
doctrine of the New Testament. By the late Rev. NEW-
COME CAPPE.' York, 1802. 2 vols. 8vo.

Cappe was 'a dissenting minister, who died 1801, at York, where
he was settled. He was educated under Doddridge and Leech-
man.' Lemp. Univ. Biog. art. Cappe.

CLARKE. 'The New Testament of our Lord and
Saviour, Jesus Christ: &c. with a Commentary and
Critical Notes, designed as a help to a better understand-
ing of the sacred writings. By ADAM CLARKE, LL. D.,
F. S. A., M. R. I. A. &c. &c. New York, 1830.
2 vols. 8vo.

Clarke is so well known as the great Methodist Commentator,
that nothing need here be said of the character of his work.

DIODATI. Pious Annotations upon the Holy Bible,
expounding the difficult places thereof learnedly and
plainly by the reverend, learned and godly divine, Mr.
JOHN DIODATI, minister of the gospel. The third edition,
London, 1651.' 1 vol. folio.

'Diodati was an eminent Italian divine and reformer in the early
part of the 17th century: his annotations are properly scholia,
rather practical than critical, but containing many useful hints.
Horne, Intro. ii. 738.


DODDRIDGE. The Family Expositor; or a Paraphrase
and Version of the New Testament; with Critical Notes,
Practical Improvement to each Section. By
PHILIP DODDRIDGE, D. D.' Amherst, 1836. 1 vol. 8υο.
This admirable commentary is in the list of books recommended
by Bishops Watson and Tomline, and almost every other theologi-
cal tutor. Horne, Intro. ii. 788.

DUTCH ANNOTATIONS. The Dutch Annotations upon
the whole Bible: or, all the Holy Canonical Scriptures
of the Old and New Testament; together with, and ac-

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