
26.-The Agricultural Society of England, established in 1838, receives to-day a Royal Charter of incorporation.

27.-Lady Bulwer again brings an action against Messrs. Lawson and Thackeray, this time in the Tribunal of Correctional Police, Paris, but is defeated on the plea that her husband was not a consenting party to the proceedings.

30. The wife of the Duke of Sussex created Duchess of Inverness. She was described as the Right Honourable Lady Cecilia Letitia Underwood, eldest surviving daughter of the second Earl of Arran, and widow of Sir George Buggin, attorney.

In answer to a Royal Message, the House of Commons agree to confer on Lord Seaton (Sir J. Colborne) a pension of 2,000l. per annum, with continuance for two lives after his


Died in the asylum of the Bon Sauveur, Calais, aged 62, Beau Brummel.

31.-Up to this date, the total number of petitions presented against the Corn Laws was 2,141, bearing 980,352 signatures. In favour of the Corn Laws, 2,886, bearing 138,051 sig


- M. Guizot arrives in London as French Minister at the Court of St. James's.

April 2.-The House of Assembly at Nova Scotia vote resolutions affirming the necessity of remodelling the Executive Council on the principle of Lord John Russell's despatch of the 16th October, 1839, so as to produce harmony between the Government and the House of Assembly. The resolutions having been communicated to the Governor (Sir Colin Campbell), his Excellency replied, that he had no reason to believe any alteration in the sentiments of the Queen's Ministers had occurred; and that he was in every way satisfied with the assistance he had received from his Council. The Assembly then remonstrated with the Governor, pressing him to carry out the principle laid down by the head of the Colonial Department. Sir Colin replied, that he could not put the same interpretation on the despatch as the Assembly, but promised to refer the address and resolutions of the Assembly to the Government at home. Thereupon the Assembly adopted a petition to the Queen to remove Sir Colin Campbell; and Sir Colin immediately prorogued his Parliament.

3. The discussion on Mr. Villiers' annual motion regarding the Corn Laws was brought to an unexpected termination to-night by a division being taken on the motion for adjournment, when 129 voted for, and 245 against.

4.-Died at Kingsland, London, Rev. John Campbell, missionary traveller in África.

6. Mr. Temple Frere drowned at Cambridge, when attempting to save the life of a fellow-student in the river.

7.- Commencement of a debate on Sir James Graham's motion-"That it appears to this House, on consideration of the papers relating to China, presented by command of her Majesty, that the interruption in our commercial and friendly intercourse with that country, and the hostilities which have since taken place, are mainly to be attributed to the want of foresight and precaution on the part of her Majesty's present advisers, in respect to our relations with China, and especially to their neglect to furnish the Superintendent at Canton with powers and instructions calculated to provide against the growing evils connected with the contraband traffic in opium, and adapted to the novel and difficult situation in which the Superintendent was placed." Sir James delivered an elaborate speech against Ministers, with the view of showing that they had neglected to alter that part of the original Order in Council, and of the instructions to Lord Napier, which directed the Superintendent to reside at Canton, after experience had proved the inexpediency of attempting to carry out that direction; that they had omitted to correct another error in the instruction, by which the Superintendent was ordered to communicate directly with the Chinese authorities, and on equal terms-not as a petitioner; that although the presence of a naval force off the coast of China was most desirable, and recommended in a memorandum left by the Duke of Wellington when he quitted office in 1835, no such force had been placed at the disposal of the Superintendent till 1839; that they had not supplied Captain Elliot with power to suppress the illicit trade in opium; and throughout the whole of the difficult circumstances in which he was placed, had neglected to furnish him with instructions. Sir James supported his allegations by quotations from the China papers laid before Parliament; calling particular attention to the meagre despatches which, at long intervals, Lord Palmerston vouchsafed in reply to Captain Elliot's pressing representations of the difficulties which surrounded him, and of the serious consequences likely to arise from perseverance in the opium-trade, and the growing jealousy of the Chinese authorities. He then went on to deprecate a war with China on account of the great revenue derived by this country, no less than from the great number and wealth of the people. Speaking of the Chinese jealousy of England, "They have only," said Sir James,

to look across the Himalayas, and they see Hindostan prostrate at the feet of Great Britain. They are not so ignorant as not to be perfectly aware of the policy that led to this conquest. Hardly a century is passed since our empire, by small beginnings, arose. And how did it arise? It arose under the pretence of trade and the semblance of commerce. Scarcely a cen tury has elapsed since our first factory was established in that country. We began by building a warehouse-we surrounded it with walls we added a ditch-we armed our workmen-we increased the number of Europeans;

we formed a garrison; we treated with the native powers-we soon discovered their weakness; the garrison marched out-Arcot was seized the battle of Plassey was won; what Clive commenced the Wellesleys concluded; Seringapatam was taken, the Mysore was vanquished, the Mahratta war was terminated by the battle of Assaye, and India became ours. Nor is this all-the Indus and the Ganges no longer bound the limits of our empire; the Hydaspes has been passed, Cabul and Candahar have witnessed the advance of our armies, Central Asia trembles at our presence and almost acknowledges our dominion; and on the borders of such an empire, is it not natural that the Chinese, seeing what has passed, should feel the utmost jealousy at the settlement of any of the British within their territories?" The proposer of the resolution concluded:-"When they saw on the part of her Majesty's advisers the most pertinacious adherence to the erroneous course repudiated both by experience and reason-when they saw that they attempted to force on a proud and powerful people a mode of proceeding to which the weakest would not tamely submit-when they saw that the advice of one of the greatest and most prudent of our statesmen, who himself had warned them, was disregarded and rejected-when they saw repeated warnings given by the servants of the same Administration equally unattended towhen they saw that branch of the trade which the confidential servants of the Administration had declared to be piratical, not put down by the interference of her Majesty's Governmentwhen they saw nothing done or attempted to be done, whilst her Majesty's Superintendent was left without power, without instruction, and without force to meet the emergency which must have been naturally expected to followhe could not help asking the House, whether they did believe that the people of this country would patiently submit to the burden which this Parliament must of necessity impose, and whether that people could repose confidence in an Administration that, by a mismanagement of five years, had destroyed a trade which had flourished for centuries, and which, in addition to the loss the country had already undergone, had almost plunged it into a war in which success would not be attended with glory, and in which defeat would be our ruin and our shame."—Mr. Macaulay undertook the defence of the Ministry immediately on the question being put from the Chair. He said it was impossible for Ministers to have given such copious and particular directions as were sufficient in every possible emergency for the guidance of a functionary who was fifteen thousand miles off. The trade of China, like the politics of India, must be mainly directed by officials on the spot; and so far as direct interference with the opium trade was concerned, he sought to show that, during the greater part of a year preceding the disturbances, there was every reason for believing that the Emperor intended openly to legalize and regulate the trade. He denied

that the disturbance was in any degree attributable to the new method which had been adopted, of communicating with the Viceroy. "It is not," said Mr. Macaulay, "a question of phrases and ceremonies. The liberties and lives of Englishmen are at stake; and it is fit that all nations, civilized and uncivilized, should know, that wherever the Englishman may. wander he is followed by the eye and guarded by the power of England. I was much touched, and so I dare say were many other gentlemen, by a passage in one of Captain Elliot's despatches: I mean that passage in which he describes his arrival at the factory in the moment of extreme danger. As soon as he landed he was surrounded by his countrymen, all in an agony of distress and despair. The first thing which he did was to order the British flag to be brought from his boat and planted in the balcony. The sight immediately revived the hearts of those who had a minute before given themselves up for lost. It was natural that they should look up with hope and confidence to that victorious flag; for it reminded them that they belonged to a country unaccustomed to defeat, to submission, or to shame; to a country which had exacted such reparation for the wrongs of her children as had made the ears of all who heard it to tingle; to a country which had made the Dey of Algiers humble himself to the dust before her insulted Consul; to a country which had avenged the victims of the Black Hole on the field of Plassey; to a country which had not degenerated since the great Protector vowed that he would make the name of Englishman as much respected as ever had been the name of Roman citizen."-Mr. F. Thesiger, the new member for Woodstock, spoke on the second night of the debate, against Ministers. After three nights' discussion the motion was rejected by 271 to 261 votes.

8. At the Liverpool Assizes, Bronterre O'Brien, found guilty of sedition, was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment, and ordered to find sureties in 300l. to keep the peace.

9. Mr. Duncombe carries a resolution for an Address to the Queen praying that she would cause the Lord Chamberlain to withdraw the prohibition he had issued against the delivery of a lecture on astronomy at the Opera-house during Passion-week.

10. At a meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Nelson monument, the offer of Messrs. Grissell and Peto to erect the column in Trafalgar-square for 17,860. in two years, was accepted.

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14.-Royal assent given to the bill affording summary protection to persons employed in the publication of parliamentary papers.

15.-Meeting in the Guildhall, to protest against the establishment of a penal settlement in any part of New Zealand.

Five footmen, in the service of noblemen in London, charged at Queen-square with assaulting and threatening a servant in Earl Galloway's employment, because he would not conform to the rules of the footmen's club by paying his "footing" for the use of the room set apart for them at the House of Lords. They were fined 10s. each.

Died at the Viceregal Lodge, Dublin, Captain Thomas Drummond, Under-Secretary for Ireland, and inventor of the Drummond or lime light.

17.-In consequence of the refusal of Ferdinand II. of Naples, to discontinue the working of the Sicilian sulphur by private monopoly, in opposition to the treaty of 1816, the British Government commence hostilities. The monopoly was broken up the following month.

18.-O'Connell organizes a new Society in Dublin, to be called the "National Association for Justice or Repeal," and announces that the first sum collected for its support amounted to 44/.

20.-Prince Albert thrown from his horse in the Home Park, but injured so slightly as to be able to mount again immediately, and proceed to a stag-hunt at Ascot.

24.-Meeting in the Freemasons' Hall, Earl Stanhope in the chair, to petition Parliament against the continuance of the opium


25.-Died at Paris, aged 58, M. Poisson, President of the Académie des Sciences.

27-The Court of Common Council, by a vote of 56 to 30, agree to present a piece of plate to each of the Sheriffs, in testimony of the Court's approbation of their patriotic and magnanimous conduct in refusing to submit to the decrees of the House of Commons instead of the commands of the Court, whose officers they were.

28.-At the meeting of the Synod of Moray, the "moderate party carried a resolution permitting the seven suspended Strathbogie ministers to vote on making up the poll, and to act and vote on any business taken up by the Synod.

29.-Disturbance in the Italian Operahouse, caused by Laporte's non-engagement of Signor Tamburini.

It is reported regarding the wood pavement in the Metropolis, that, over the portion laid down in Oxford-street during the last sixteen months, there had travelled 7,000 vehicles and 12,000 horses, with scarcely any appearance of wear or change on the surface.

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May 1.-A penny postage envelope, designed by W. Mulready, R.A., issued to the public.

2. In the Court of Queen's Bench, Lord Denman reverses the decision of Dr. Lushington in the Braintree Church Rate case, thus affirming the power alleged to be vested in a majority of the vestry.

5.-Sir William Molesworth brings the subject of transportation before the Commons, in supporting two resolutions: (1) "That the punishment of transportation should be aboÎished, and the penitentiary system of punishment adopted in its stead as soon as practicable;" and, (2) "That the funds to be derived from the sales of waste lands in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land ought to be anticipated by means of loans on that security, for the purpose of promoting extensive emigration to those colonies." No division took place, the motion being simply recorded in the votes.

Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons to inquire into the several duties levied on imports into the United Kingdom, and how far these duties are for the protection of similar articles manufactured in this country, or for the purpose of revenue. Their report presented next session condemned the present tariff as incongruous and diffuse, and recommended an immediate change in the protective duties presently levied.

6.-The Gresham Committee meet to decide between the plans of Mr. Tite and Mr. Cockerell for the New Royal Exchange. The former chosen by a vote of 13 to 7.


Lord William Russell found murdered in his bedroom, No. 14, Norfolk-street, Parklane. "This morning," said the housemaid, "I rose about half-past six, and went down stairs about a quarter before seven o'clock. went into the back drawing-room, and there I saw his lordship's writing-desk broken open, and his keys and papers lying on the carpet. I opened the dining-room and found the drawers open, and the candlesticks and several other pieces of plate lying on the floor. I ran up stairs and told my neighbour servant the cook, with whom I slept, what had happened.

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I also told the valet, who slept in an adjoining room, and asked him what he had been doing with the silver, for it was lying all about. He said he had been doing nothing with it, but he got up and went down stairs, when he declared the place had been robbed. I then said, 'For God's sake go and see where his lordship is.' He went into his lordship's room, and I followed him, when on opening the shutters we found his lordship in bed murdered. We then ran into the street, and alarmed some of the neighbours.' Dr. Elsegood was amongst the first who went into the room afterwards. "I found his lordship in bed in the front room on the second floor, lying on his back, partially towards his right side. A towel was thrown over his face, which I removed. He appeared to have been dead about four hours. On removing the towel I found a wound extending from the left shoulder down to the trachea, four or five inches in depth, and seven inches long. The wound, which had been inflicted by some sharp instrument, must have caused almost immediate death. The deceased could not have inflicted such a wound on himself, and then placed the cloth over his face." In a confession made in prison on the 22d June, the valet Courvoisier described the manner in which the murder was committed, thus: "As I was coming upstairs from the kitchen, thought it was all up with me. [Lord William Russell had been complaining of his conduct.] My character was gone, and I thought murdering him was the only way to cover my faults. I went into the dining-room and took a knife from the sideboard. On going upstairs I opened his door and heard him snoring in his sleep. There was a rushlight burning in his room at this time. I went near the bed by the side of the window, and then I murdered him. He just moved his arm a little, and never spoke a word. I took a towel which was on the back of the chair and wiped my hand and the knife. After that I took his key and opened the Russian leather box, and put it in the state in which it was found in the morning. The towel I put over his face, and undressed and went to bed."

6.-Lord Stanley postpones his motion on the Irish Registration Bill, in consequence of the absence of Lord John Russell, caused by the death of Lord William.


8.-Police-officers searching the house of Lord William Russell find two bank-notes for 10. and 57. hidden behind the skirting board adjoining the sink in the butler's pantry, and to which Courvoisier only had access. that portion of the house they also ultimately find the missing rings, locket, and gold coins secreted in obscure corners. "The watch and seal were in my jacket pocket which I had on until the Friday morning, and then I undid the ribbon and took the seal off. Having the watch in my pocket, the glass came out; but I did not know what to do with it, as the police

were watching me. I dropt some of the pieces of glass about the dining-room, and at different times put the large pieces in my mouth, and afterwards having broken them with my teeth spat them in the fire-place. I afterwards burned the ribbon, and put the watch under the lead in the sink."-Confession. In Courvoisier's box were also discovered a screwdriver and chisel with which certain marks in the pantry corresponded. On the evening of the Toth Courvoisier was taken into custody, and conveyed to Bow-strect.

9.-Lord Palmerston writes to Earl Granville at Paris: "Her Majesty's Government having taken into consideration the request made by the Government of France for permission to remove from St. Helena to France the remains of Napoleon Buonaparte, your Excellency is instructed to assure M. Thiers that her Majesty's Government will, with great pleasure, accede to this request."

11.-Feargus O'Connor sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment in York Castle, for libel.

12. The Rev. G. Grantham, of Magdalen College, Oxford, killed by faliing from the window of his room on the second storey of the new buildings.

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15. The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Baring) introduces the Annual Budget. estimated the gross income for the year at 46,700,000l., and the expenditure at 49,432,000!. To meet the deficiency it was proposed to increase the Assessed Taxes 10 per cent.; the Customs and Excise (with certain specified exceptions) 5 per cent., and to lay an additional duty of 4d. per gallon on all spirits-British, colonial, and foreign.

19. The question of transportation discussed in the House of Lords in connexion with a resolution submitted by the Archbishop of Dublin, that such punishment be abolished immediately, completely, and finally.

20.-Lord Stanley's Registration of Voters Bill (Ireland) carried into Committee by the narrow majority of 3 in a House of 599.

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discretion of the Governor and Executive Council.


20.-Feargus O'Connor, writing from York Castle, complains of the severe treatment to which he, a political prisoner, is subjected, in being compelled to associate with criminals, and perform all the menial labour usually laid on that class.

-York Minster narrowly escapes a second destruction by fire. As it was, the belfry, where the flames were first seen, was totally destroyed, and the oaken roof of the nave seriously injured.

21.-Opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The first division was on the choice of a moderator, when Dr. Makeller, supported by the non-intrusion party, was carried (in opposition to Dr. Hill, of Dailly, nominated by the retiring moderator), by a majority of 195 to 147.

-The Lieutenant-Governor of New Zealand proclaims the sovereignty of these islands to be vested in the Queen of Great Britain. Auckland made the capital of the colony, Sept. 19th.

22.-Public meeting held at Edinburgh in support of the Earl of Aberdeen's bill for removing doubts respecting the allocation and admission of ministers to benefices in Scotland. Resolutions approving of the bill were submitted and carried. Next day a meeting was held in the same city to express disapproval of the bill.

25.-At a meeting of the Roman Catholic Institute, in Freemasons' Hall, an encyclical letter from Pope Gregory was read, approving of the design of the Institute, "for protecting the followers of our divine faith in freedom and security, and for the publication of works vindicating the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb from the calumnies of the heterodox."

26.-The General Assembly discuss the appeal of the Strathbogie ministers against the legality of the sentence of suspension. Patrick Robertson, advocate, was heard for the ministers, and Dr. Cook submitted a motion, declaring that the decision of the Commission exceeded its powers, and ought to be rescinded. A counter-motion, moved by the Procurator, was carried by a majority of 227 to 143. Á few days afterwards this case came again before the Assembly, when it was carried by a majority, that the sentence of suspension be continued till the meeting of Commission in August next, when, if the seven ministers still continued contumacious, they should be served with a "libel."

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28.-Captain Otway, of the Life Guards, killed in Hyde Park, by his horse falling back and crushing him.

29.-Confusion and many narrow escapes in Kensington Gardens, caused by the sudden appearance of a half-clad lunatic, on horseback, while the crowd of nobility in their carriages were listening to the band of the 1st Life Guards.

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30.-Intelligence reaches England of the suffocation of 600 slaves in the "middle passage,' and the death of 100 in the same vessel during her return to Mozambique for a new cargo.

June 1.-The first public meeting of the Society for the Extinction of the Slave Trade, and for the civilization of Africa, held in Exeter Hall, presided over by Prince Albert. "I sincerely trust," he said, "that this great country will not relax in its efforts until it has finally and for ever put an end to a state of things so repugnant to the principles of Christianity and to the best feelings of our nature." This was the first_public_address delivered by Prince Albert in England, and was so well received as to reward his Royal Highness for the great anxiety he felt as to its delivery. "He was nervous," the Queen writes, "before he went, and had repeated his speech to me in the morning by heart." Mr. Fowell Buxton, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Ashley, and others, also addressed the meeting.

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, by a majority of 64, approve of the sentence of the Commission suspending the seven ministers of the Strathbogie Presbytery. (See Dec. 11, 1839.)

2.-Serjeant Talfoard calls the attention of the House of Commons to the unnecessarily harsh treatment of Vincent and O'Connor in prison. Lord John Russell stated in reply, that certain prison regulations at present in force would be relaxed; but that the facts had been greatly exaggerated.

3.-The fancy "properties" of the Eglinton tournament sold by auction, and purchased, in most instances, by the Metropolitan theatres.

5.-Count Bertrand, in presence of a brilliant court, delivers up to Louis Philippe the arms of Napoleon, which he had been long forced to conceal, but which he now hoped to see placed on the coffin of the great Captain, under a tomb "destined to attract the observation of the universe." In reply, the King said: "I esteem myself happy that it should have been reserved to me to restore to the soil of France the mortal remains of one who has added so many glories to our triumphs, and to discharge the debt due by our common country in surrounding his bier by all the honours which are so justly due to him."

7. Fire in Ivy-lane, Newgate-street, and loss of five lives-Mrs. Price and four children. Died at Berlin, in his 70th year, Frede rick William III., King of Prussia.

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