
to remedy the evils arifing from the pernicious practice of engroffing corn, our Letter-writer propofes, that it be enacted, that no corn (above a quantity to be specified) fhould be fold any where but in the open market, at the ufual hours of felling grain; that the whole of the commodity be exposed to public view, and not fhewn in famples, as is now practifed; that Dreffing-Mills be entirely abolished, or put under fome proper reftrictions; and particularly, that they be, at all times, fubject to the infpection of the Parish-Officers, the Church-wardens, and Overseers of the Poor, (and Clerks of the Market in cities and large towns;) that the Millers and Corn Factors be not at liberty to treat for any quantity of grain, till the Poor be fupplied; that the Millers shall not be at liberty to receive any large quantities of corn into their ftore-houses, unless they have a permit for that purpose, under the hand of the chief Magiftrate of the market-town where it was purchased; and that proper fanctions for the ftrict obfervance of this law be appointed.

XVIII. An Account of what paffed between Mr, George Thompson, of York, and Dr. John Burton, of that City, Phyfician and Man-midwife, at Mr. Sheriff Jubb's Entertainment; and the Confequences thereon. By Mr. George Thompson. 8vo. 1s. Hooper.

This relates the particulars of a quarrel that happened at the above-mentioned feaft, in January 1755; and of the confequent proceedings at law, in an action for affault; in which Burton was the plaintiff, and our Author defendent; who, according to this his own account, was extremely ill-ufed, throughout the whole affair. Taking for granted, every thing here recited; and that all facts are truly and fairly ftated, as we doubt not but they are, it is impoffible for any man, of a generous and candid difpofition, to read this Cafe without kindling with indignation, at the flagrant abufe of Law, and Juftice, which Mr. Thompfon has experienced on this occafion. The Narrative is written with fpirit; and tho' few Readers may think themselves much interested in the subject, it may afford fome entertainment to all. XIX. A Letter to A- -1 B- -g. With the Form of a Confeffion, fuited to a Person in his Circumstances, &c. 4to. 6d. Cooper.

A weak and trivial infult, with refpect to the Admiral, whom the Author reproaches for his mifconduct; and a contemptible catch-penny with refpect to the public, whom he impertinently addreffes on this unhappy occafion: which calls for more fubftantial enquiries, and more manly refentments.

XX. The Life and Memoirs of Mr. Ephraim Triftram Bates, commonly called Corporal Bates; a broken hearted Soldier. 12mo. 3s. Owen.

The chapter of Novels is not yet quite exhaufted. This is one of a new flamp, and is intended as a fatire on the methods


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of attaining promotion in the army. It is a very poor performance; being deftitute of character, fentiment, incident, fense, wit, or humour.

XXI. Ufeful Remarks on Privateering, &c. &c. 8vo. Is. Hooper.

Very fit to be confidered by all perfons concerned in fuch ad


XXII. A Letter from New Jerfey, in America, giving fome Account and Defcription of that Province. By a Gentleman late of Chrift's College, Cambridge. 8vo. 6d. Cooper.

In this Letter, which has no date, but appears to have been written fome time fince the year 1745, we have a very flight account of the prefent ftate of the Colony mentioned above: but fo little is faid, that it feems fcarcely to deferve an exemption from being ranked among the catch-penny clafs.

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XXIV. The Free Grace of God difplayed, in the Salvation of Men. Being two Effays; the one on the State and Condition of Men, by Creation and the Fall; the other upon the Doctrine of Merit, exemplified in the Juftification of a Sinner. By Thomas Burch. 8vo. Is. Keith.

This piece is warmly recommended to the perufal of every enquirer after truth, by Dr. Gill, who fpeaks of it in this


At the request of the worthy Author of the following Effays, I have perufed them; and obferve nothing in them, but what is agreeable to the facred Scriptures, to the form of found Words, to the analogy of Faith, and the doctrine of the Gofpel; and cannot but be of opinion, that they may be useful to illuftrate, and confirm, the doctrines of Grace; to refolve the doubts, and remove the difficulties which may attend many with refpect to fome things herein handled; being wrote with clearness of thought, foundnefs of judgment, and ftrength of argument."

What reffect the public will pay to the Doctor's recommendation, we know not, and fhall only fay, that, in regard to ourfelves, we have read the Effays without any prejudice for, or against them, and have been able to difcover no firength of argument in them, and few, very few, if any, traces of clearness of thought, or foundness of judgment. Whether this be owing to our want of difcernment, or not, thofe that read them, muft determine. The grand principles which run through the whole performance, and which the Author endeavours to fupport, are thefe; that every fon and daughter of Adam is born into the world, a corrupt, depraved creature, and guilty in the



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fight of God; that all mankind were included in Adam, as their public head and reprefentative, that his firft fin is imputed to them, and that it is just and reasonable they should share the fame fate he did; that man, in his natural ftate, is deftitute of fpiritual ftrength, averfe to good, and prone to evil, and that his happiness in this fallen, finful condition, cannot be certain on any other foundation, than that of God's eternal and immutable counfel, fecuring the fame by covenant in his own Son; that to fay, that eternal life is obtained by Chrift, and promised to man on conditions of faith, repentance, and fincere obedience, is leffening, if not quite invalidating, the performance of Chrift; that eternal life is not conditional, but a free gift; that all manner of works are shut out from the covenant of grace, as causes, conditions, or means of our juftification in the fight of God; and that no doctrine is fo full of folid joy, as that of juftification by imputed righteoufnefs. My foul, fays Mr. Burch, is almoft ready to melt within me, in the delightful views of justification by free grace; and as I do not expect, fo neither can I defire, a fweeter doctrine than this is, a doctrine that abases the crea⚫ture to the lowest, and exalts the Redeemer to the higheft.". XXV. Several Sermons preached in Newcastle upon Tyne. By Anthony Munton, M. A. 8vo. 5s. Bathurst.

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Thefe Sermons are almost all of a practical nature, but have little, either in regard to language or fentiment, that can recommend them to the difcerning Reader. If we may form a judgment by what the Author has faid upon the Trinity, it was prudent in him not to meddle much with doctrinal fubjects.

In his fifteenth difcourfe he endeavours to eftablifh the Athanafian doctrine, by proofs from Scripture. He obferves, from thefe words, Jefus when he was baptized, went up ftraitway out of the water, &c. that at our Saviour's baptifm, all the three perfons of the bleffed Trinity manifefted their efpecial prefence. The Father fpake,' fays he, the Son is baptized, the Holy • Ghost defcended like a Dove, and immediately the heavens were opened, to fhew, that by Faith in this doctrine, falvation was propofed to all true and penitent believers. Hence, I say, you observe the three perfons in one divine Effence and Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft; which, indeed, is a mystery too high for human understanding to conceive, but not too great for a divine Faith to believe, even that though there be but one God, yet in that Godhead there be three • Perfons.'

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In further treating upon this fubject, he obferves, that baptifm is administered in the following manner, by our Saviour's command, In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. Now it is not poffible, he fays, that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, should be all joined together in so folemn an action, unless the power and authority of them all were equal;


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because we know God would not give bis power to another.—But it is, furely, needless to enlarge; we fhall only fay, therefore, int regard to this fermon, that of all the poor ftuff we have ever feen upon the fubject, (and much poor ftuff have we seen upon it) this is abfolutely the poorelt.

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We fhall conclude this article with acquainting our Readers, that Mr. Munton talks much of the glory of our Church: he tells us, that the has formed herfelf upon the compleatest model of the Apoftles and Prophets; that all her doctrines are agreeable to the word of God; that the maintains nothing but what The has always fhewed herself capable of defending; that the requires no belief from her members, but what she is ready to * convince them is revealed in Scripture; and that her conduct has been fuch, as has left no room for any charge of prieftcraft, nor laid any foundation for that imputation of arrogance, to which her infallible ftep-mother, or her rival fifters, have made themselves Boliable.


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XXVI. Artificial Dearth: or, the Iniquity and Danger of withholding Corn. Being the Subftance of two Sermons on Proverbs xi. 26. He that withholdeth Corn, the People fhall Curfe him but Bleffing fhall be upon the Head of him that felleth it. By a Clergyman in the Country. 8vo. 6d. Dodney.

The Author fets, in a very strong and clear light, the iniquity of thofe hard-hearted and avaricious wretches, who are guilty of the crime condemned in his text. He fhews, that the withholding corn, is a complication of fraud, cruelty, murder, and ingratitude of the bafeft kind; that it is extorting from the rich, and ftarving the poor; that, with refpect to the latter, it tends to the deftruction, not only of their bodies, but of their fouls corrupts their morals, and makes them difhoneft by neceffity; hardens them to the moft daring and dangerous enterprizes; provokes them to infurrections; gives the enemies of our conftitution an opportunity of carrying on their mischievous fchemes, and combinations, for fubverting it; and, in a word, that it is extremely injurious to God, to the Poor, and to the Public. It is, indeed, impoffible to reflect but for one moment, on the conduct and character of thofe against whom this fenfible and fpirited difcourfe is levelled, without holding them in utter deteftation. Their breafts are hardened again every impreflion of humanity; their teeth, to ufe the expreffive, and emphatical language of Agar, were as fwords, and their jawteeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men; their hearts are fteeled with avarice and cruelty, and their ears fhut against the cries of want and mifery; in a word, they are fuch wretches as cannot be numbered among men, without a difgrace to humanity, See more of this fubject, art. XVII.


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E fundamentalibus Differtatio Theologica. Sive Concia, ad Clerum Londinenfem habita in Ecclefia S. Elphegi, Maji 11, 1756. A Johanne Burton, S. T. P. Collegii Etonenfis Socio, Olim C. C. C. Oxon Socio. Svo. Is. Rivington.

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We have here a long and elaborate difcourfe on these words of the Apoftle Paul 1 Cor. iii. 10, 11. According to the grace of God, which is given unto me, as a wife master-builder, I have laid the foundation, and augther buildeth thereon. But let every man take beed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jefus Chrift. In difcourfing from thefe words, our Author, after enquiring briefly into the occafion of this Epiftle, and the Apoftle's defign in it, confiders, ft. The nature and extent of that foundation mentioned by the Apoftle; 2dly, The Superftructure, or various fystems of theological opinions raifed upon it; 3dly, The Apollle's admonition, or caution; and, laitly, applies the whole to theological ufes. In fpeaking to the first head, he expreffes himself thus.— Sumatur adeo a nobis pro principio fundamentali hæc fimplex propofitio, Jefus Chriftus eft Hominum Redemptor: de eo autem ⚫ fic argumentamur; quæcunque in eo, ut media ad finem, quæcunque in eo, ut conclufiones ingenitæ, virtualiter continentur, quæcunque porro ad id ipfum relationis alicujus neceffaria nexu five immediate five etiam mediate referuntur, ea omnia in religionis Chriftianæ fyftemate, tanquam veritates fundamentales, merito admittenda arbitramur : et proinde (ut aliquid in fpecie a nobis pronuntietur) Symboli illius, quod dicitur Apoftolici articulos tum hiftoricos tum dogmaticos, quoniam cum hoc principio cognationis cujufdam intime vinculo funt conjuncti, ut fundamentales accenfemus. By this manner of flating the notion of a fundamental doctrine of Chriftianity, it is obvious, upon the first reflection, that a foundation is laid for multiplying them in infinitum, and, confequently for endless contentions and animofities, to the great prejudice of Chriftianity, and its most important interefts. The Athanafian doctrine of the Trinity, one would imagine, has as little pretence to be accounted a fundamental doctrine of Chriftianity, as any abfurdity that was ever formed in an ecclefiaftical brain; and yet, according to our Author's notion of fundamentals, it may have a place in the catalogue: and, indeed, he not only looks upon it as a fundamental doctrine, but fets himself to prove that it is the primary fundamental doctrine, the characteristic of Chriflianity; affirming, that there is nothing in the Nicene or Athanafian Creeds, but what may be fully and clearly proved from Scripture. Nor does he content himself with faying this; he charges with obftinacy, and arrogance, thofe who take upon them to differ from the Nicene and Athanafian Fathers; and intimates, plainly, that this is

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