
subject, consequent on the strong assertion to that effect of a learned writer of the present day; but he is glad to be able to adduce so much authority tending to confirm that conviction.

It has been thought desirable, for obvious reasons, to furnish a translation of the Latin quotations in the Appendix from Lamy, &c.; but the French language being now so common an acquirement, it was deemed best to leave the two or three passages in that language in their original form.

It is due to those who, more than two years ago, requested the publication of this series, to say, that they would have made their appearance at a much earlier date, had not all the Author's disposable time, during a period not unattended with the distracting cares of a frequent shifting of home and position, been devoted to another publication, which he considered of far greater importance than this work is likely to prove to the interests of the Church.


Feast of S. Andrew the Apostle, 1848.

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