
tween the quiet natives and the wild ones. Most of the wild ones were battering at the hatch. The attempts to pacify the men below having failed, the crew commenced to fire on them. The firing was kept up most of the night. I think everyone on board was more or less engaged in firing down the hold. . . . During the night, by way of directing aim, Mr. Wilson, one of the passengers, threw lights down into the hold." At daylight it appeared "there were about sixteen badly wounded and above eight or nine slightly. In the hold there was a great deal of blood with the dead bodies. The dead men were at once thrown overboard. The sixteen badly wounded were also thrown overboard. . . . I saw that the men so thrown overboard were alive. We were out of sight of the land. Some were tied by the legs and by the hands."

R. Wilson, a passenger, corroborated Murray's witness in the main.

However they got two women for the old man.- February 27. Mem. of Malgrave Islanders jumping overboard and fired at.— March 5. Cook going to clear out, but brought up quick with a pistol, after which he went to sleep." But we need not multiply these revelations.

The evidence given on the trial of Mount and Morris in Melbourne supplies some particulars not elicited in the Sydney trial, and we shall give such extracts as appear to us to throw additional light on the incidents of this iniquitous slave-trade.

Matthias Devescote deposed: "We fitted up the hold with saplings. When I saw that the poles were taken in, I thought that the pearl-fishing expedition was cooked then, but it was too late to back out. . . . I heard Dr. Murray say (this was off Palma), 'This is a big ship, and we can make it pass for a missionary ship. If we disguise ourselves we can get some of the natives to come on board, and can then put them down below.'" Another witness will supplement

George Heath, a seaman, gave evidence not so favourable to Murray, as that miscreant had suppressed certain facts. On the night of the disturbance "saw Dr. this: Murray with a musket in his hand sing- James Fallon deposed: "The captain ing the song Marching through Georgia.' and Wilson went ashore. The former At daylight a party went into the fore- turned a coat inside out and put it on. hatch and fired in amongst the natives. Wilson dressed himself in an unusual Believed it was Murray and another man way. Mick, a sailor, put on a blue coat, now in Leonka."


We must not omit that the poor wretches who were not butchered, were, on their way to Leonka, taught to hold up their fingers and to say "three yam," meaning three years, as though they had agreed to give three years' service.

On one of the prisoners, a warder in the Sydney gaol found a log of the cruise. We give some specimens.

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and old Bob, one of the Kanakas, put something round his cap. Mount was dressed in a long red shirt and smokingcap, but he did not go ashore. They said they would dress like missionaries. Mount got up on top of the house on deck and walked about. He held a book in his hand. The ship was anchored about a couple of hundred yards from the shore. Wilson commenced sing"Monday, 15th January (1872). Got ing Marching through Georgia' and five men down in the forecastle threading 'Wait for the Tide.' Wilson tore out beads, and hauled the ladder up. Five some of the leaves of a book he had with more were laid hold of on deck and him and gave them to the natives, who shoved down in the hold. The ship was fell upon their knees before he commenced then got under way for Santo.- January to sing. They were kneeling down all 22. At night, in the first watch, one of round him.' the stolen blacks slipped over the rail: Devescote relates when the canoes whether he fetched the land or was were alongside: "I had heard Murray drowned, I don't know.- February 4. say to the captain to get all ready, and Got under way, and went closer in shore. he would give the word of command. This day stole twelve natives-four wo- Murray said, 'Are you ready, Captain ?? men and eight men. One woman came and he said 'Yes,' and Murray said off to give them warning and she got 'When I say one two three, let the nailed.-February 9. Stole four men. men jump on the canoes.' This was Three swam for the reef. Lowered boats done. . . Dr. Murray would say, Are and picked them up. Kept one. The you ready? Look out! one- two other two were old men. Took them on three,' and then the crew would be lowshore, and three came on board to take ered down, the canoes swamped, and the canoe on shore, and were kept on board. men thrown into the water. . . . The na

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tives were very bruised when they ger held up three fingers and said, 'Three came on board, and the bilge-water of fellow yams.' The consul then said the the two boats was mixed with blood. . . . men were passed, and that was all the inCanoes were smashed again, as usual." quiry he had made. Lewis was the interOn the night of the row in the hold he preter. There was no other." This is saw "Scott, Dr. Murray, Captain Arm- one of the heroes of the auger-hole strong and others firing down into the butchery. Could this farce be exceeded? hold. . . . At one o'clock in the morning We have selected the latest and bestthe mate raised a cry that the natives had authenticated case of slavery in the South charge of the deck, and Dr. Murray Seas. But these atrocities have been parcalled out, Shoot them, shoot them; alleled within the last few years, and the shoot every one of them.' At four Carl brig is no singular offender. Two o'clock everything was quiet.... One points, however, are prominently brought of the crew said, 'Why, there is not a out by this case the uselessness of our man dead in the hold,' and Mount said, war-ships for the purpose of regulating That is well.' Dr. Murray put down the traffic by overhauling and examining his coffee and went forward. He was the labour-vessels, and the farce of conabsent about five minutes, and then re- sular inspection. The Carl was boarded turned and fetched his revolver. The from H. M. S. Rosario, not long after the second mate got an inch auger and bored massacre, and no suspicion excited. The some holes in the bulkheads of the fore- survivors of the massacre were examined cabin, through which Dr. Murray fired.. by Consul March. If the examination .. The first and second mates fired as was as superficial as stated in evidence, well. After a bit Dr. Murray came aft. we need not wonder that such a humbug Lewis, the second mate, said, What and sham left the natives where it found would people say to my killing twelve them. The regulation of this traffic is a niggers before breakfast?' Dr. Murray myth. Consul March has swelled the replied, My word, that's the proper way blue-books with the exhaustive and comto pop them off Lewis said, That's a prehensive system he has planned for fine plan to get at them,' meaning the holes preventing the abuses of the trade; and bored in the bulkhead." The throwing he has shown us his practical working of over of the wounded is told the first, a boy, wounded in the wrist, being pushed overboard by Murray. The dead were hauled up by a bowline, and thrown overboard thirty-five. The hold was washed, scrubbed, and cleaned up, and ultimately whitewashed. The vessel was boarded subsequently by an officer from H. M. S. Rosario, but he seems to have left satisfied. Murray, wanted to procure more labour, but after this last butchery passengers and crew alike refused to have any more of such work.

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The only satisfactory regulation is total suppression. Total suppression is the duty of Great Britain, and there is only one way to do it viz. to convert the Fiji Islands into a British colony. The situation at present is full of difficulties awaiting solution. King Cacoban has blessed his subjects with a Constitution, and a responsible Ministry of seven five of whom are whites -a Legislature, and a Chief Justice. A large number of British subjects have protested against the establishment of the Government there, and have announced their determination

The consular inspection was as perfunctory as the man-of-war's. "We had about fifty natives when we reached to resist it, on the ground that British Leonka. Consul March then came on subjects, who constitute the majority of board and passed these natives. He the white population, cannot form themasked Lewis, the supercargo, who was selves into a separate nation. Lord Kimalso second mate, how he got the natives. berley has directed Colonial Governors to Of course Lewis swore he got them in a deal with it as a de facto Government. The consul asked Lewis The Law Officers of the Crown have adproper manner. if the natives could answer to their vised that her Majesty's Government may names, and Lewis said 'Yes.' 'Then,' interfere with the acts of British subjects said the consul, will you swear you got within Fiji, and that British subjects bethese men by right means?' 'Yes,' said yond the limits of the new state, not yet Lewis. How long were they engaged duly recognized, should not be accepted for? Three years,' said Lewis. One as citizens of the new state. Meanwhile, of the niggers was then called, and asked the British consul declines to give any ofby the supercargo, How long? How ficial recognition to this Government, and many yams?' The poor innocent nig- according to the complaint of the leading

member of Cacoban's Cabinet, opposes it | Seas might have been spared the horrors in every way, thwarts and impedes its every action, and encourages resistance to its authority.

If England would boldly assume the sovereignty of the Fijis, we should very shortly witness the extinction of the slavetrade, and the cessation of the native feuds, the civilization and settlement of the islands, the spread of the Christian religion, and the protection and welfare of the British subject. Had she accepted the offer made her in 1859, the South

and atrocities perpetrated by British manstealers. The bulk of the white population would now gladly see her assume the sovereignty. Neither Cacoban nor his natives can feel very strongly about their Constitution or the Ministry of the day; and the Pacific Islanders would find established in their midst a power which would protect right by might.

EDWIN GORDON BLACKMORE. House of Assembly, Adelaide.

are carved. These fine examples are probably of the third century. The following remarks by Mr. Maskell will show the interest and importance of medieval ivories:-"From the middle of the fourth century down to the end of the

IVORIES, ANCIENT AND MEDIÆVAL. - The | are of the utmost rarity. The British Museum earliest carvings on ivory extant are those found fortunately possesses several examples which in the caves of Le Monstier and La Madelaine may fairly be considered the work of Greek artin the Dordogne, consisting of fragments of ists. Early Roman specimens are also exmammoth ivory and reindeer's bone incised or tremely scarce. The South Kensington Museum carved with representations of various animals. has a plaque of the second century, part of a cup, These were probably executed, says Sir John representing a sacrificial procession; and one Lubbock, at a time so remote that the rein- leaf of a Roman diptych of the third century (the deer was abundant in the south of France, and other portion being in the museum of the Hotel probably even the mammoth had not entirely de Cluny), upon which a priestess is shown disappeared." Of course the celebrated Egypt-standing before an altar, sprinkling incense in a ian and Assyrian ivories in the British Museum fire kindled upon it. In the Mayer Museum, at are modern compared with these. There are Liverpool, two leaves of a diptych are preexamples in that collection of the time of Mo-served, upon which Esculapius and Hygieia ses, or 1800 B.C. Fifty Assyrian ivories, also there, show the characteristics of the art at that period. When sent to England by Mr. Layard, they were in a state of decay, but the decomposition was arrested, at the suggestion of Professor Owen, by boiling them in a solution of gela-sixteenth, we have an unbroken chain of examtine. The various substances included under the term ivory are the tusk of the elephant, the walrus, narwhal, and hippopotamus. To these we must add the fossil ivory, so often used in early carvings. This was obtained from Siberia, where the tusks of the mammoth are found along the banks of the large rivers. It is a curious fact that the largest tusks of ivory now procured would not furnish pieces as large as those which were used in the Middle Ages. There is every probability that the ancients softened the ivory, and could then enlarge the pieces. A fifteenthcentury recipe in the British Museum directs that the ivory should be placed in muriatic acid, and it will become as soft as wax. By being placed in white vinegar, it hardens again. The Greeks used ivory to decorate their couches, and also shields and arms. Greek sculptors did not think it beneath them to work in the substance. Pausanias has left us an account of some of these early statues which he saw on his travels, among them an ivory statue of Venus, at Megara, by Praxiteles; one of Hebe, by Naucydes; an ivory and gold example, the work of Phidias, at Elis; and the coffer which the Cypselidæ sent as an offering to Olympia, c. 600 B.C. Ivories of this period

ples, still existing. Individual pieces may, perhaps, in many instances be of questionable origin as regards the country of the artist, and sometimes with respect to the exact date within fifty, or even a hundred years. But there is no doubt whatever that, increasing in number as they come nearer to the middle ages, we can refer to carved ivories of every century preserved in museums in England and abroad. Their importance with reference to the history of art can not be overrated. There is no such continuous chain in manuscripts or mosaics, or gems or enamels. Perhaps, with the exception of manuscripts, there never was in any of these classes so large a number executed, nor the demand for them so great. The material itself, or the decorations by which other works were surrounded, very probably tempted people to destroy them; and we may thank the valueless character of many a piece of carved ivory, except as a work of art, for its preservation to our own days.” The word diptych means anything doubled or folded, and, among the ancients, referred to tablets upon which wax was spread for writing. A diptych was in two portions, a triptych in three, and the outer portions of the leaves were ornamented with carving.—Chambers' Journal.

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Lightly the zephyr came, as lightly hied;
But these, when first he wooed,
Forsook their real good,

Knowing thee faithful and the wind untried.
Reproach them, they will hear,
Their graves are very near-

Close at thy roots thy prodigals abide.

Ah, not reproach, but rather dirge and prayer! They, as they lie and die,

So low, who late were high,

Fare worse for loss of thee than thou canst fare;
The wind that whispered lied,
Kissed once, and flung aside,

And scent of death soon filled the autumn air.

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Peered at the still-room's sacred stores, And rapped at walls for sliding doors Of feigned existence.

Vogue la galère! What need for cares!
The hot sun parched the old parterres
And dahlia closes,

We roused the rooks with rounds and glees,
Played hide and seek behind the trees-
Then plucked these roses.

Louise was one-light, mad Louise,
But newly freed from starched decrees
Of school decorum;

And Bell, the Beauty, unsurprised
At fallen locks that scandalized
Our censor morum: -


Shy Ruth, all heart and tenderness,
Who wept
-like Chaucer's prioress
When Dash was smitten;
Who blushed before the mildest men,
Yet waxed a very Corday when
You teased her kitten.

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