
CHARINESS. Discretion, caution, Mer. W. i. I.

CHARLES' WAIN. The constellation of seven stars, wheeling round the north pole, called the Great Bear, Ursa ajor, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. CHARM. To conjure, invoke, or evoke by fascinating means, Jul. Cæs. ii. 1, Cymb. i. 7.

CHARMED. Magically preserved, Cymb.

V. 3.

CHARMING. Magically inspiring, Cymb.

v. 3.

CHARNECO. A Spanish, or Portuguese wine, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 3.

CHASES. "A chase at Tennis is the duration of a contest between the players, in which the strife on each side is kept up by the ball," (PAYNE COLLIER), Hen. V. i. 2.

CHAUDRON. The entrails of a beast, Macb. iv. 1.

CHEATER. Used punningly for escheat

er; an officer in the Exchequer, whose duty was to exact forfeitures, Mer. W. i. 3. CHECK. A term in falconry. To change from one prey to another, Tw. N. iii. 1. CHEER. Aspect, countenance, Mer. Ven. iii. 2, Mids. N. iii. 2, 1 Hen. VI. i. 2. CHERRY-PIT. A boy's game, consisting of pitching cherry-stones into a hole, Tw. N. iii. 4.

CHEVERIL. Leather made from kid's skin, Fr. Chevreas. Being pliable, the term was used metaphorically, Tw. N. iii. 1, Rom. J. ii. 4, Hen. VIII. ii. 3.


CHEW. To ruminate, Jul. Cæs. i. 2. CHEWET. Fr. Chouette: a chough, a jack-daw, 1 Hen. IV. v. 1. CHIDING. Resounding; the cry of hounds, Mids. N. iv. I. CHILD. A youth trained to arms. as a title, Lear iii. 4, (Song.) CHILDING. Bearing children, or offspring; fruitful, Mids. N. ii. 2. CHILDNESS. Childishness, Win. T. i. 2. CHOPINE. A high shoe, or clog, Ham.

ii. 2.

CHOUGH. A sea-side crow, Lear iv. 6, Temp. ii. 1, Mids. N. iii. 2. CHRISTENDOM. A term used for the Christian part of the world, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. For Christianity, John iv. 1. For Christian names, All's W. i. 1. CHRISTOM. Mrs Quickly's corruption, for Chrisome, Chrysom, or Chrisme; the cloth put upon a child newly baptized, Hen. V. ii. 3.

CHUFF. A fat, swinish, and avaricious person, Hen. IV. ii. 2.

CINQUE-PACE. A dance, (called also a Galiard;) the steps of which were regulated by the number five, Much Ado ii. 1. CIRCUMSTANCE. Particulars of argument, Tr. Cr. iii. 2.

CIRCUMSTANCED. Submissive to circumstances, Oth. iii. 4.

CITAL. Recital, citation, 1 Hen. IV. v. 2. CITIZEN. Used adjectively, for townnurtured, Cymb. iv. 2. CITTERN. A musical instrument resembling the guitar, Love's L. L. v. 2. CLACK-DISH or CLAP-DISH. The beggar's wooden dish, with a cover; which he used to clack, to draw attention, Mea. M. iii. 2. CLAMOUR. The concluding crash in a peal of bell-ringing, called by abbreviation the "Clam;" also technically termed " 'Firing." The silence that ensues makes Shakespeare's use of "Clamour your tongues," peculiarly appropriate, Win. T. iv. 3.

CLAW. To flatter; from to scratch, or tickle, Much Ado i. 3. CLEAN. Entirely, completely, Rich. II. iii. 2.

CLEAR STORIES. A term in architecture for a row of windows running along the upper part of the wall of an apartment, Tw. N. iv. 2.

CLEPE. To call, to name, Macb. iii. 1, Ham. i. 4.

CLIFF. From the Fr. Clef, a key. A term in music, Tr. Cr. v. 2. CLING. To shrivel, to shrink up, to waste, consume, Macb. v. 5. CLINQUANT. Glittering. Fr. Clinquant, tinsel, Hen. VIII. i. 1.

CLIP. To enfold, to embrace, Corio. i. 6. John v. 2, Win. T. v. 2. CLIPPER. A debaser of coin, by cutting or clipping the edges, Hen V. iv. 1. CLOSE. To conciliate by agreeing with; to comply; to come round to the same opinion with; to finally assent, Mea. M. v. 1, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4, Jul. Cæs. iii, 1. [In the passage from Measure for Measure, the word "gloze" has been substituted in some editions; but the other passages show "close" (as in Folio edition) to be right.] To join, to unite, Rom. J. ii. 6. "Closing." Hen. IV. (Chorus.)

CLOUD IN HIS FACE. Said of a horse that has a dark-coloured spot between the eyes; a mark supposed to be indicative of bad temper, Ant. Cl. iii. 2. CLOUT. A cloth, or towel, John iii. 4, Rich. III. i. 3, Ham. ii, 2. CLOUT. The centre of the butt at which archers aim, Love's L. L iv. 1 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2.

CLOY. An old form of the word claw; to stroke with the claw, Cymb. v. 4. CLUBS. In an affray in London, the cry used to be, "Clubs! clubs"--whether to part, or join the combatants, As You L. v. 2, Hen. VIII. v. 3. COACH-FELLOw. A horse employed to draw with another. By metaphor, a close companion, Mer. W. ii. 2. COALS. "To carry coals;" to submit to any degradation; the lowest menials being the carriers of wood and coal, Hen. V. iii. 2, Rom. J. i. 1. COASTING. Sideling, conciliating, enticing, Tr. Cr. iv. 5.

COBLOAF. Minshew says: "It is a little loaf made with a round head, such as cob-irons, which support the fire," Tr. Cr. ii. 1.

Cock. A subterfuge oath, used instead of the name of the Deity, Ham. iv. 5, (Song.)

Cock. The name of a small boat; a cockboat, Lear iv. 6.

COCKATRICE. A fabulous serpent, crest

ed like a cock; supposed to kill with its looking, Tw. N. iii. 4, Rom. J. iii. 2, Rich. III. iv. I.

COCKLE. A weed in corn-fields, Love's L. L. iv. 3.

COCKLED. Used by Shakespeare for enshelled. Fr. Coquille, Love's L. L. iv. 3.

COCKLE HAT. A cockle shell worn in the hat was the distinction of a pilgrim, Ham. iv. 5, (Song.)

COCKNEY. The ordinary use of the word is as a cant name for a Londoner. Shakespeare uses the word for a cook, Lear ii. 4; and for an affected, conceited fellow, Tw. N. iv. 1. COCKREL. A young cock, Temp. ii. 1, Rom. J. i. 3.

COCK-SHUT TIME. Twilight. The time for ensnaring woodcocks, that then come out to feed, Rich. III. v. 3. COCTUS. Cooked, boiled, sodden, Love's L. L. iv. 2.

COFFIN. The raised crust of a pie, Tit. A. v. 2. "Custard-coffin," Tam. S.

iv. 3.

COG. To cheat, to play falsely with dice, Mer. W. iii. 3, Love's L. L. v. 2.

CoIGNE. The corner-stone of a building, Macb. i. 6, Corio. v. 4.

COIL. Bustle, tumult, confusion, Temp. i. 2, Two Gen. V. i. 2, Much Ado

V. 2.

COLBRAND. A Danish giant, overcome by Guy Earl of Warwick, John i. 1, Hen. VIII. v. 3

COLLECT. To gather by observation, 2
Hen. VI. iii. 1.
COLLECTION. Conclusion, or conse-
quence drawn, Ham. iv. 5, Cymb. v. 5
COLLIED. Smudged with coal, black-
ened, discoloured, darkened, Mids. N.
i. 1, Oth. ii. 3.

COLLIER. Formerly a word of insult,
Tw. N. iii. 4, Love's L. L. iv. 3, Rom.
J. i. 1.
Used meta-

COLLOP. A piece of meat.

phorically for a portion, Win. T. i. 2, i Hen. VI. v. 4.

COLMES-KILL. An island in the Hebrides, Macb. ii. 4.

COLOURS. "Fear no colours." A military term, meaning, Fear not the enemy, Tw. N. i. 5.

COLT. To trick, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 2.
CO-MART. Bargain, covenant, treaty
Ham. i. 1.

COMBINATE. Contracted, betrothed,
Mea. M. iii. 1.

COME OFF. In modern vulgar parlance, to "come down with" [money), Mer. W. iv. 3. Used in the modern artistic sense of "come out," "stand forth clearly," Tim. A. i. 1. COMFORTING. Used in its legal sense, "comforting and abetting," Win. T. ii. 3.

COMMA. Used to indicate the minutest stop, Tim. A. i. 1. As a link of amicably harmonious connexion, Ham. v.



In the latter instance, commentators have explained the allusion as being to the smallest point in punctuation; but we take it to be "comma," the term applied by theoretical musicians to "the least of all the sensible intervals in music" showing the exact proportions between concords. Tuners of organs and pianofortes use the word thus to the present day. For a farther explanation of "comma," as a musical term, see Hawkins's Hist. of Music, p.p. 28, 122, and 410, Novello's edition, 1853. The context of the passage in "Hamlet," shows the far greater probability that Shakespeare had in view a term referring to concord, than one alluding to the method of stopping. COMMODITY. Convenience, advantage, interest, John ii. 2. COMMUNICATION. Used in the sense of comment, animadversion upon, Hen. VIII. i. 1.

COMPANION. Used as a term of contempt, Corio. iv. 5, Jul. Cæs. iv. 3. COMPARATIVE, Dealer in comparisons and witticisms of analogy, 1 Hen. IV. i. 2. & iii. 2.

COMPASSED WINDOW. A recessed, or bow-window, Tr. Cr. i. 2.

COMPASSIONATE. Used in the sense of

complaining, Rich. II. i. 3.

COMPETITOR. Used in the sense of a confederate, a colleague, Ant. Cl. i. 4, & ii. 7, & v. I.

COMPLEMENT. Full observance, Mer. W. iv. 2. Accomplishment, completeness, Love's L. L. i. 1 & iii. 1. COMPLEXION. Temperament, constitutional tendency, Ham. i. 4. COMPOSURE. Combination, agreement, Tr. Cr. ii. 3.

COMPROMISED. Used in the sense of promised with each other, or mutually agreed, Mer. Ven. i. 3. COMPTIBLE. Sensitive, susceptible, Tw. N. i. 5.

CON. To know, to learn, Tw. N. i. 5, Mids. N. i. 2. To study to express, Tim. A. iv. 3. CONCEAL. Simple's blunder for "reveal." It would be gratuitous to explain this, but that one of the commentators gravely proposed inserting what he called the correct word,-to the despoiling us of that pleasant passage, Mer. W. iv. 5.

CONCEIT. Fanciful contrivance, thought, Mids. N. i. 1, Love's L. L. ii. 1, Ham.

[blocks in formation]

iv. I.

CONFINELESS. Boundless, Macb. iv. 3.
CONFINER. One who lives on the confines
of another country; a borderer, Cymb.
iv. 2.
CONFUSIONS. Launcelot's blunder for
"Conclusions," Mer. Ven. ii. 2.
CONGEST. To heap together, Lover's
Comp. 37.

ring, or agreeing in, Hen. V. i. 2.
CONTAIN. Used in the sense of retain,
Mer. Ven. v. I.

Commonly used formerly for contemptuous, or scornful, Much Ado ii. 3.

CONTINENT. That which contains, or
encloses, Ham. iv. 4.
CONTINUATE. Uninterrupted, Oth. iii. 4.
CONTRIVE. To pass, spend, or


away, Tam. S. i. 2, Lover's Comp. 35. CONTRIVE. In the sense of scheme, plot, devise injuriously, Mer. Ven. iv. 1, As You L. iv. 3. Contrived," Hen. V. iv. 1. CONVENTS. Comes together, accords, agrees, suits, Tw. N. v. I. CONVENTED. Summoned, Mea. M. v. I, Hen. VIII. v. 1, Corio. ii. 2. CONVEY. A polite verb, for, to steal, Mer. W. i. 3.

CONVEYANCE. Fraud, manoeuvring, 3 Hen. VI. iii. 3.


Passed off, made appear,

Hen. V. i. 2. CONVICTED. Overpowered, defeated, destroyed, John iii. 4. CONVINCE. To overcome, overwhelm, Macb. i. 7 & iv. 3, Peric. i. 2. CONVIVE. To be convivial, to carouse, or feast together, Tr. Cr. iv. 5. COOLING CARD. A card, in gaming, that cools an adversary's courage. Applied metaphorically, 1 Hen. VI. v. 4. COPATAIN HAT. A tall, high-crowned hat, Tam. S. v. 1.

COPE. To engage, As You L. ii. 1, Lear
v. 3, Tr. Cr. ii. 3, Ham. iii. 2.
COPE. Covering; the canopy of heaven,
Peric. iv. 6.

COPE. To requite, Mer. V. iv. 1.
COPHETUA. An ideal African king. See
Ballad in Percy's Reliques, Love's L.
L. iv. 1, (Letter,) 2 Hen. IV. v. 3, Rom.
J. ii. 1.

COPY. The main source, abundance; Lat.
Copia, Com. E. v. 1.
CORAGIO. From the Ital.; an encour-
aging exclamation, Temp. v. 1, All's
W. ii. 5.
CORANTO. A brisk dance, Tw. N. i. 3,
All's W. ii. 3, Hen. V. iii. 5.

CORINTHIAN. A debauchee. The city of Corinth was proverbial for being a licentious city, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4. CORKY. Dry, withered, Lear iii. 7. COROLLARY. A crowning number or quantity; amply, or even more than enough, Temp. iv. 1.

CORPORAL. Used for corporeal, Love's L. L. iv. 3, All's W. i. 2, Macb. i. 3 & 7, Hen. V. i. 1, Ju. Cæs. iv. 1, Cymb.

11. 4 CORROBORATE. Probably Pistol's mistake for "corollarate" (from corollary); in which case, he would mean brought to a conclusion, "done for," Hen. V. ii. 1. CORSE'. Used for corses, for the sake of the metre, 2 Hen. IV. i. 1. COST. May be used elliptically; meaning "cost me." Some editors think it a misprint for "coast," explaining that word, to hover over or about in pursuit of. But possibly "cost" is a misprint for "foot," in the sense of "to clutch," as it is used in "Cymbeline," where the allusion is also to an eagle, 3 Hen. VI. i. 1.

COSTARD. The head, Mer. W. iii. 1, Lear iv. 6.

COTED. Overtook; came side by side with. From Fr. Coté, Ham. ii. 2. COTED. A form of "quoted," Love's L. L. iv. 3.

COT-QUEAN. A coddler, a potterer in household affairs, Rom. J. iv. 4. COTSALL. Cotswold, in Gloucestershire, Mer. W. i. I.

To do

COULTER. Lat. Culler, cutter; a ploughshare, Hen. V. v. 2. COUNTENANCE. Specious appearance, deceptive show, Mea. M. v. I. honour to, to pay hospitable attention to, Tam. S. iv. 1. Patronage, favouring support, Corio. v. 5. COUNTER. To "un counter," in hunting, is to trace the scent backwards, Com. E. iv. 2, Ham. iv. 5. COUNTERFEIT. Resemblance, likeness, portrait, Mer. Ven. iii. 2, Tim. A. v. 1. Ham. iii. 4.

COUNTERPOINTS. Counterpanes, Tam. S.

ii. 1.

COUNTERS. These were formerly used as aids in reckoning and casting accounts, Win. T. iv. 2, Tr. Cr. ii. 2, Cymb. v. 4. "Counter-caster," Oth. i. 1. COUNTY. Count, or Earl, All's W. iii. 7, Tw. N. i. 5, Rom. J. i. 3. COURAGE. Used in the sense of spirit, resolution, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2, Corio. iii. 3.

COURSER'S HAIR. An allusion to the superstition that horse-hair laid in water would become alive and turn to venomous reptiles, Ant. Cl. i. 2. COURT-CUPBOARD. A movable buffet, or closet, Rom. J. i. 5. COURT HOLY-WATER. A proverbial expression, signifying flattery; also, words, not deeds, Lear iii. 2. Cov. To smooth, or caress, Mids. N. iv. I.

COYSTRIL, or COISTREL. A low fellow, Tw. N. i. 3, Peric. iv. 6.

COZIER. A cobbler, a tailor; also, a botcher, Tw. N. ii. 3.

CRAB. A wild apple roasted, and put into ale; a favourite old indulgence, Mids. N. ii. 1.

CRACK. A sprightly, forward boy, 2
Hen. IV. iii. 2, Corio. i. 3.
CRANTS. Garlands, Ham. v. 1.
CRARE. Craft, small sailing-vessel, Cymb.
iv. 2.

CRAVEN. A dastard, a recreant, Tam. S.
ii. 1, Hen. V. iv. 7, 1 Hen. VI. ii. 4 &
iv. 1.
CREDENT. Credible, to be believed, Mea.
M. iv. 4, Win. T. i. 2, Ham. i. 3.
CREDIT. Used formerly for oral intelli-

gence; what we now call "a verbal message, "Tw. N. iv. 3. A light, or

CRESSET. Fr. Croissette.

beacon; so called, because it was fixed upon a cross, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1. CRESCIVE. Growing, increasing, Hen. V. i. 1.

CRESTLESS. Those who have no right to armorial bearings, 1 Hen. VI. ii. 4. CRISP. Winding, curled, curved, Temp. iv. 1, Mer. Ven. iii. 2. 1 Hen. IV. i. 3, Tim. A. iv. 3.

CRONE. An old woman, Win. T. ii. 3. CROSSES. Coin. So called because stamped with the cross, As You L. ii. 4, Love's L. L. i. 2. CROSS-ROW. The Alphabet was formerly printed in the form of a cross; and used to be called the Christ-cross, cris-cross, or cross-row, Rich III. i. 1. CROW-KEEPER. A scare-crow, Rom. J. i. 4, Lear iv. 6. CROWNER'S-QUEST. The grave-digger's córruption of coroner's inquest, Ham. CRUSH A CUP. A drinking phrase. As we now say, "Crack a bottle," Rom. J.

V. I.

i. 2. CRUZADO. A Portuguese gold coin; stamped with a cross, and varying in value at different periods, Oth. iii. 4.

CRY. Pack. "Cry of curs,' Corio. iii. & iv. 6. Used in this sense, and in that of yelping complaint, Oth. ii. 3. CRY AIM. See AIM.

CRY ON. To cry on Victory, to cry on Havock, to cry on Murder, are used by Shakespeare; and the verb seems to stand for hailing, invoking, or proclaiming, Rich. III. v. 3, Ham. v. 2, Oth. v. I.

CRYSTALS. A term for eyes, Hen. V. ii. 3.

CUBICULO. An affectation of Sir Toby's for chamber, or lodging, Tw. N. iii. 2. CUE. Theatrical term. The last word of a preceding speech, Mids. N. iii. 1. CUISSES. Armour for the thighs, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1.

CULLION. A despicable fellow, a stupid lout, Tam. S. iv. 2, Hen. V. iii. 2, 2 Hen. VI. i. 3.

CULLIONLY. Base, rascally, Lear ii. 2. CUNNING. Skill, skilful, knowing, Ham. iv. 7, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4, Peric. iii. 2. CURB. To crouch, truckle, bend; Fr. Courber, Ham. iii. 4.

CURFEW. The 8 o'clock evening bell (Fr. Couvre feu) instituted by William I. of England, Temp. v. 1, Rom. J. iv. 4, Lear iii. 4, Mea. M. iv. 2. CURIOSITY. Scrupulousness, Lear i. 2. CURIOUS. Scrupulous, precise, Tam. S. iv. 4.



gardens were laid out in "Knots," or beds, cut into quaint and fantastical shapes, disposed with formal symmetry, Love's L. L. i. 1, (Letter.) CURSORARY. Used for cursory; hasty, Hen. V. v. 2.


Ill-tempered, cross, vicious, Tam. S. i. 1 & 2, Much Ado ii. 1, Lear ii. 1, Rich. III. i. 2. CURTAIL DOG. Primarily, a dog belonging to one not qualified for the chase: and therefore obliged to have its tail docked; subsequently, applied to a dog unfit for sport, Mer. W. ii. 1, Com. E. iii. 2, Pass. Pilg. xiii, CURTAL. The same word, slightly altered, applied to a horse, All's W

ii. 3CURTLE-AX. A cutlass, or short, broadbladed sword; Fr. Coutelas, As You L. i. 3, Hen. V. iv. 2.

CUSTOMER. A name for a common woman, All's W. v. 3, Oth. iv. 1.


A term of contempt, Tw. N. ii. 3,

A docked horse was called a "Cut," 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1. CUT AND LONG TAIL. Meaning every sort of dog. Used metaphorically for men of all degrees under that of Esquire, Mer. W. iii. 4. CUTLERS' POETRY. Mottoes inscribed by cutiers on their knives, Mer. Ven. v. 1. CURSE. A thief; the purse formerly hung from the girdle, Ham. iii. 4. CUTS. "To draw cuts," was to draw lots, or papers cut into lengths; the longest being the prize, Com. E. v. 1. CUTTLE. A cant name for a cut-purse's knife; and applied to the thief himself, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4.

CYPRUS. Spelt also, Cypress. The stuff which is now called crape, Tw. N. iii. 1, Win. T. iv. 3, (Song.)


DAFF. A form of "Doff." To dash off, to put away, Much Ado ii. 3 & v. 1, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1, Lover's Comp. 43. DAGGER. The dagger was formerly worn behind the back, Rom. J. v. 3. DAGGER OF LATH. The wooden weapon used by the" Vice" in the old “ Moralities," Tw. N. iv. 2, (Song,) 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4, 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. DAGONET. Sir Dagonet was the clown, or fool to King Arthur, 2 Hen. IV.

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DANGER. To be in a person's "danger," meant to be in his debt, Mer. Ven. iv. 1.

DANK. Damp, moist, Mids. N. ii. 3, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 1, Jul. Cæs. ii. 1, Rom. J. ii. 2.

DANSKERS. Danes, Ham. ii. 1. DARE. To daunt, to scare. Larks are frightened or bewildered, and caught by a mirror put upon a piece of scarlet cloth, Hen. VIII. iii. 2. Also used in the sense of a challenge, or defiance, Ant. Cl. i. 2.

DARNEL. A pertinacious weed, believed to injure the sight. Botanice Lolium perenne: called also "Ray grass,' Hen. V. v. 2, Lear iv. 4. DARRAIGN. To make ready to fight, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2.

DATES. Used in cookery, All's W. i. 1, Tr. Cr. i. 2.

DAUB. To smear, 1 Hen. IV. i. 1, Lear ii. 2. Also to feign, to put on a manner, Lear iv. i. "Daub'd," Rich. III.

iii. 5. DAUBERY. Imposture by trumpery shows, Mer. W. iv. 2.

DAW. Used to signify a silly fellow, as well as the bird so called, Corio. iv. 5, Oth. i. I.

DAY-BED. A couch or sofa, Tw. N. ii. 5, Rich. III. iii. 7.


melancholy; dark, secret; earnest, eager, Peric. iii. (Gower.) DEARTH. Formerly was used for dearness, Ham. v. 2. Elsewhere, in its usual sense of scarcity, Ant. Cl. ii. 7, Corio. i. 1. DEATHSMAN. The Executioner, 2 Hen. VI. iii. 2, 3 Hen. VI. v. 5, Lear iv. 6. DEATH TOKENS. Spots on the skin indicating the plague, Tr. Cr. ii. 3. DEBATE. Contention, fighting; Fr. Débattre, 2 Hen. IV. iv. 4. DESITOR-AND-CREDITOR. The title of certain old treatises upon commercial book-keeping, Cymb. v. 4 Used as a sneering nickname, Oth. i. 1. DEBOSHED. Debauched, degraded, Temp. iii. 2, All's W. ii. 3 & v. 3. DECEIVABLE. Deceptious, Tw. N. iv. 3, Rich. II. ii. 3.

DECK OF CARDS. A pack, 3 Hen. VI.

V. I..

DECKED. Sprinkled. To deg is still in provincial use for to sprinkle. Daeg, Icelandic, means a shower, Temp. i. 2. DECLINE. To pass through various forms, as in the grammar, Rich. III. iv. 4, Tr. Cr. ii. DEEM. Surmise, notion, Tr. Cr. iv. 4. DEFEAT. "Defeat thy favour," is, obliterate thy natural look, Oth. i. 3. DEFEATURES. Defects or injuries of feature, Com. E. ii. 1 & v. 1. DEFEND. To forbid; Fr. Défendre, Much Ado ii. 1, Oth. i. 3. DEFIANCE. Denial, rejection, Mea. M.

DAY-WOMAN. The dairy-maid. "Dey," or "Day," formerly meant the dairy, Love's L. L. i. 2. DEAL. Simply a quantity, whether great or small. "No deal," is no quantity, none at all, Pass. Pilgrim xiii. DEAR. From the Sax. Dere,-dire, or hurtful, Tim. A. v. 3, Tw. N. v. 1. DEAR. Momentous, most important. ! "Dear account," Rich. II. i. i, Rom.

J. i. 5. "Dear cause, "Lear iv. 3.

DEAREST. Derest, direst, Ham. i. 2, Sonnet 37.

DEARN. (Spelt also, Derne.) Variously

used by old writers for dreary, lonely,

[blocks in formation]

DEFY. To disdain, refuse, renounce, Mer. W. ii. 2, John iii. 4, 1 Hen. IV. i. 3, As You L. (Epil.) DEGREES. It is not easy to assign a precise meaning to the word in this passage; and Mr Collier's MS. corrector alters it to "diseases," which gives a meaning-but does not seem to be the right word here, from its having a bald, flat effect, and from its being used twice immediately after. Had the present editors felt justified in substituting a word, they would have been disposed to print decrees," as nearest to that in the original editions, and affording the exact required sense, 2 Hen. IV. i. 2.

DELATIONS. Intimations, informations, Oth. iii. 3.

DELIGHTED. For delightful, Oth. i. 3, Cymb. v. 4.

meaning than mereo, Corio. i. 1, Oth. i. 2. Shakespeare uses the word in its more ordinary and modern sense, Macb. iv. 3.

DEMISE. To grant, Rich. III. iv. 4. DEMURELY. Gravely, solemnly, Ant. Cl. iv. 9.

DEMURING. Looking demurely, with sobriety, Ant. Cl. iv. 13.

DEN. "Good den," a corruption of "Good e'en." It was formerly proper to say "evening" any time after midday, John i. 1, Much Ado iii. 2, Rom. J. ii. 4

DENAY. To deny, 2 Hen. VI. i. 3. Denial, Tw. N. ii. 4.

DELIGHTED. This word, which affords an inconsistent sense here, we take to be a misprint in the Folio for "delated;" a word that,-in Shakespeare's way of using words for his own purpose derived from the Latin, and in his way of combining various significations in a single term.-would imply "conveyed and accused." Delatus is explained in Ainsworth's Lat. Dictionary to mean both "carried" and "accused;" and Bacon speaks of the "time wherein sound is delated." If this were the Poet's word here, we should feel the passage to mean "a spirit accused of Sin and whirled through space to bathe in fiery floods,' &c." In confirmation of our conjecture, we may refer to Shakespeare's expression, extravagant and erring spirit," in "Hamlet," where "extravagant" is used in its classical sense of wandering out of bounds, and "erring" is used in the combined senses of straying, erratic, and of sinful, guilty, given to error. DEMERITS, and Merits," formerly had sometimes the same signification: Demerit being classically derived from demereo, which had an even stronger

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DENIER. A French piece of money of lowest value, Tam. S. i. (Ind.), 1 Hen. IV. iii. 3, Rich. III. i. 2. DEPART. For departure, Two Gen. V. v. 4, 3 Hen. VI. ii. i. Depart and part were formerly used discriminately, Love's L. L. ii. 1, Rom. J. iii. 1. DEPARTING. Severing, separation, 3

Hen. VI. ii. 6.

DEPOSE. To cite, to make deposition, Rich. II. i. 3.

DEPRIVE. To disinherit, Lear i. 2. DEROGATE. To lower oneself, Cymb. ii. 1. Degenerate, degraded, Lear i. 4. DESCANT. An antiquated term in music, meaning to make variations upon a given theme, or ground, Two Gen, V, i. 2, Rich. III. i. 1 & iii. 7. DESIGN. To distinguish, point out, Rich. II. i. 1.

DESIRE. For desire the delay of. To pray for a longer or more distant day, is still a term in legal use, Hen. VIII.

11. 4.

DESPATCHED. Despoiled, bereft, Ham. i. 5.

DETERMINATE. Brought to a crisis, or conclusion, Oth. iv. 2, Rich. II. i. 3, Sonnet 87.

DEVESTING. Undressing; Lat. Devestio,
Fr. Devetir, Oth. ii. 3.
DIBBLE. A gardener's tool to set plants,
Win. T. iv. 3.

DICH. A peculiar form of "do it," or

may it do." An expression not met with elsewhere, Tim. A. i. 2. DICKON. The familiar of Richard; like the modern, Dick," Rich III. v. 3, Scroll.)

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DIE. Used in the sense of suffer, undergo, Lear v. 3.

DIET. To pursue a regimen by absti nence, Two Gen. V. ii. 1. DIFFUSED, Irregular, disorderly, Mer. W. iv. 4, Hen. V. v. 2, Lear i. 4. DIRECT. Used in the sense of to delegate, Peric. i. 2. DIRECTITUDE. A blunder of the servant (who wishes to use a fine word for discreditude- simply, discredit, Corio. iv. 5.

DISABLE. Disparage, undervalue, As You L. iv. 1, 1 Hen. VI. v. 3. DISAPPOINTED. Unappointed, not prepared, Ham. i. 5. DISCANDYING. Melting like sugar, uncandying, Ant. Cl. iii. 11 & iv. 10. DISCERN. This is the word in the original; which Theobald altered to "deserve," an alteration adopted by all editors since. But in restoring the word "discern," we feel that it gives the sense consistent both with what Malcolm has previously said of Macbeth's having "once been thought honest," and with what he afterwards says in taxing himself with vices. Moreover, it supplies the verb required before "wisdom," which all the editors miss, they themselves having banished it. Shakespeare often makes one verb do double duty in a sentence; thus the present passage appears to us to mean

"you may discern something of Macbeth's once-believed virtue in me, and [may discern] the wisdom of betraying me to him," Macb. iv. 3. DISCLOSED. Hatched, Ham. v. i. DISCONTENTS. Malcontents, 1 Hen. IV.

V. I.

DISCOURSE. Used for power of discursive ratiocination, Ham. iv. 4, Tw. N. iv. 3. DISEASE. Uneasiness, inconvenience, discomfort, discontent, Lear i. 1, i Hen. VI. ii. 5.

DISEDGED. The edge of the appetite
blunted; sated, Cymb. iii. 4.
DISLIMNS. Obliterates, dissolves, Ant.
Cl. iv. 12.


DISMES. Tenths, or tens, Tr. Cr. ii. 2. DISNATURED. Unnatural, Lear i. 4. DISPOSE. Disposal, John i. 1. Order, arrangement, Tr. Cr. ii. 3. Disposition, deportment, Oth. i. DISPOSED. In the mood for mirth, Tw. N. ii. 3, Love's L. L. ii. 1. DISPOSER, AS, of old, "to be disposed" meant to be gaily inclined, so, by 66 my disposer" Paris probably means to call Cressida his inciter to gaiety and merriment, Tr. Cr. iii. 1.

DISPUNGE. Discharge, spunge-like, Ant. Cl. iv. 9.

DISSEAT. To unseat, dethrone, Macb.

v. 3.


Disorder, sickness, Com. E. v. i, Peric. v. 1. Disarrangement, perturbation, Mids. N. ii. 2, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 1 & v. 1, Rom. J. ii. 3. DISTRACTIONS. Detachments, separate parties, Ant. Cl. iii. 7. DISTRAUGHT. The old participle for distracted, Rom. J. iv. 3, Rich. III. iii. 5. DIVIDANT. Divisible, Tim. A. iv. 3. DIVISION. A term in music. A florid

passage of sequent notes, Hen. IV. iii. 1, Rom. J. iii. 5. DIVULGED. Publicly reported, or spoken of, Tw. N. i. 5.

DOFF. To do off, or put off, Tam. S. iii. 2, John iii. 1.

DOLE. A lot or portion dealt out, 2 Hen. IV. i. 1, Mer. W. iii. 4. In the sense of grief or dolour, Ham. i. 2. DOLPHIN. Dauphin was anciently so written, 1 Hen. VI. i. 4.

DO ME RIGHT. A pledge used in drinking. Part of an old catch, 2 Hen. IV. v. 3, (Song.)

DOTANT. One doting; a dotard, Corio.

V. 2.

DO TO DEATH. To kill, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 1. DON. Do on, put on, Tit. A. i. 2, Ham. iv. 5, (Song,) Ant. Cl. ii. 1. DOUBLE-DEALER. Formerly applied to those who played false in love or marriage. Punningly used, Much Ado v. 4, Tw. N. v. I.

DOUT. Do out, put out, Hen. V. iv. 2, Ham. i. 4 & iv. 7.

DOWLE. A feather; the downy fibre of a feather, Temp. iii. 3. DOWN-GYVED. Hanging like fetters, or gyves about the ankles, Ham. ii. 1. Doxy. A wench, Win. T. iv. 2, (Song.) DRABBING. Following bad women, Ham. ii. 1.

DRAFF. Refuse, hog-wash, Mer. W. iv. 2, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 2.

DRAUGHT. A common sewer, Tim. A. v. 2, Tr. Cr. v. I. DRAW. A sporting word, to track game by the scent. "To draw dryfoot," means to track without the scent, Com. E. iv. 2. "Drawn fox," hunted fox, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 3. 'DREST. For addressed; in the sense of prepared, making ready, Tr. Cr. i. 3. DRIBBLING. A depreciating term in archery, Mea. M. i. 4. DROLLERY. A puppet-show, Temp. iii. 3.


DRUG. An old form of the word drudge,
a scullion, Tim. A. iv. 3.
DRUM. John, or Tom Drum's enter-
tainment;" a proverbial phrase for ill
usage, All's W. iii. 6 & v. 3.
DRUMBLE. To boggle, to dawdle, Mer.
W. iii. 2.

Duc DAME. Jaques' parody-burden of
Duc ad me," lead him to me," as
a sneer at the "Come hither" of
Amiens' song, As You L. ii. 5.
DUDGEON. The handle of a dagger,
made of box-wood, Macb. ii. 1.
DUELLO. The code of laws for duelling,
Tw. N. iii. 4, Love's L. L. i. 2.
DUKE. Leader, or captain; Lat. Dux,
Hen. V. iii. 2.

DULLARD. An insensible lout, Cymb. v. 5. Lear ii. 1.

DUMB. To make dumb, Peric. v. (Gower,) Ant. Cl. i. 5.

DUMP. A mournful song, Two Gen. V. iii. 2, Much Ado ii. 3, Song.) DUN'S THE MOUSE. A proverbial saying, of which the meaning is obsolete, and remains "dun," or dark to all the commentators. In the line following, there is an allusion to an old rural sport called "Dun is in the mire," where Dun is the name for a cart-horse, represented by a log of wood, hauled at by the company to extricate him from his supposed sticking in the mire, Rom. J. i. 4.

DUNG. Used contemptuously to signify productions of earth needful for the nourishment of man, Ant. Cl. v. 2. DUNGY. Employed with similar signification; the one passage serving to elucidate the other, in the poet's use of the words "dung" and "dungy" in this play, Ant. Cl. i. I.

DUP. To do up, to lift open; some doors formerly requiring to be raised in opening, like port-cullises, Ham. iv. 5, (Song.)

DURANCE. "A robe of durance" a garment made of durable stuff. There is also a punning reference to durance, as meaning imprisonment, 1 Hen. IV. 2, Com. E. iv. 3.



EACH. "At each" here stands for "cach at end of each;" and has the sense of the word ECHE, Lear iv. 6. EAGER. Sour; Fr. Aigre, Ham. i. 5. Keen, piercing, Ham. i. 4. Sharp, tart, 3 Hen. VI. ii, 6.

EANING. The season for producing offspring, Mer. Ven. i. 3. EANLINGS. Young lambs just born,

Mer. Ven. i. 3.


EGAL. Equal; Fr. Egal, Tit. A. iv. 4. EGCS FOR MONEY. A proverbial expression, meaning "Will you submit to be cheated or bullied?" Win. T. i. 2. EGLANTINE. The sweet brier, Mids. N. ii. 2, Cymb. iv. 2.

EGMA. A wilful alteration of enigma,
Love's L. L. iii. 1.

An allusion to the story of Thyamis, a robber-chief and native of Memphis; who, knowing he must die, would have stabbed his captive, Chariclea, the woman he loved, Tw. N. v. I.

EISEL. (Spelt also, Eysil.) According to some authorities, vinegar; to others, wormwood. Used by Shakespeare to signify a repugnant draught," Sonnet


EKE. To add to, As You L. i. 2., Hen. V. iii. (Chor.)

EKE. Also, likewise, Mer. W. i 3 ii. 3.

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ELD. Old age, Mea. M. iii. 1, Mer. W. iv. 4, Tr. Cr. ii. 2. ELEMENT. Used formerly to express the whole visible expanse of air and heaven, Tw. N. i. 1, Jul. Cæs. i. 3. ELEMENT. Elementary knowledge, initiation, Hen. VIII. i. 1. Shakespeare has satirised the fantastic use of the word "element in his time, Tw. N. iii. 1, and has given an instance of that fashionable whim, Tw. N. iii. 4. He alludes to another then prevailing idea respecting the "elements" as forming (morally and physically) component parts of human beings, Tw. N. ii. 3, Jul, Cæs. v. 5, Ant. Čl. v. 2, Sonnets 44 & 45.


To twist or entangle the hair, Lear ii. 3. "Elf locks," hair thus matted, Rom. J. i. 4.

EMBALLING. Carrying the ball at a coronation, Shakespeare's invented word, Hen. VIII. ii. 3.

EMBARQUEMENT. Embargo, or impedi ment, Corio. i. 1o.

EMBOSSED. Run down, foaming, swollen, raised, 1 Hen. IV. iii. 3, Ant. Cl. iv. 11, All's W. ii. 6, Tim. A. v. 2. EMBOWELLED. Exhausted, emptied, All's W. i. 3, Rich. III. v. 2. Embalmed, 1 Hen. IV. v. 4. EMBRASURES.

iv. 4.

For embraces, Tr. Cr.

EMMANUEL. Formerly prefixed to deeds
and letters, 2 Hen. VI iv. 2
EMPERY. Sovereign command, empire,
kingdom, Cymb. i. 7, Tit. A. i. 1 & 2,
Hen. V. i. 2, Rich. III. iii. 7.
EMPIRICUTIC. For empirical. Charla-
tanish, quackish. One of Menenius's
characteristically coined words, Corio.

ii. 1.
EMULOUS. Jealous of superior authority,
Tr. Cr. ii. 3.

ENACTURE. Action or effect, Ham. iii. 2.

ENCAVE. To hide, Oth. iv. 1. ENFEOFF. To grant as a feoff, to yield possession, to give up, 1 Hen. IV. Ill. 2. pas

To till, or plough, Rich. II. iii. 2. Metaphorically used, Ant. Cl. i. 4. EARING. Cultivation; figuratively employed, Ant. Cl. i. 2. EARTH. Used for the body, the corporeal or material part of man, Rom. J. i. 2 & ii. 1, Sonnet 146. There is probably an allusion also to the sense "earth" bears as land, in the first of the above sages; old Capulet meaning to say that, having lost all his other children, his daughter Juliet is now his sole offspring, and sole heiress. ECHE. The same as eke; to lengthen out, Peric. iii. (Gower.) ECSTASY. Madness, Macb. iv. 3, Temp. iii. 3, Com. E. iv. 4, Ham. iii. 1 & 4. EDWARD SHOVEL-BOARD. A shilling of Edward the Sixth's reign; a broad coin; and used in playing the game of Shovel-board, Mer. W. i. 1. See SHOVEL-GROAT.

EFFECTS. Intended actions, Ham. iii. 4. EFTEST. Readiest, quickest, easiest,

Much Ado iv. 2.

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grease of an animal is called seam; and a hawk was said to be enseamed, when too fat for flight, Ham. iii. 4. ENSEAR. iv. 3. ENSHIELD. For enshielded; covered, as with a shield, Mea. M. ii. 4. ENTERTAIN. To keep in service, Two Gen. V. ii. 4 & iv. 4, Mer. W. i. 3. ENTERTAINMENT. In military pay, All's W. iv. 1, Corio. iv. 3. ENTRANCE. This word is explained by the commentators to mean here, trance, reverie, musing; but it may be a mis print for "countenance," which suits sense and rhythm better, Peric. ii. 3. ENTREAT. Frequently used, formerly, for to treat well, or ill, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4. Rich. II. iii. 1, Tr. Cr. iv. 4. ENTREAT. Used also in the sense of to invite, to entertain, Tr. Cr. iv. 5. ENVIOUS. Formerly was used for hating, bearing ill will, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4. ENVIOUSLY. Pettishly, wrathfully, Ham. iv. 5.

To sere, or dry up, Tim. A.

ENVY. In sense of hatred, or ill will, Hen. VIII. ii. 1 & iii. 1, Mer. Ven. iv. 1, Corio. iii. 3.

EPHESIANS. Jolly comrades, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 2, Mer. W. ív. 5.

EQUIPAGE. Supposed to be a cant term for stolen goods, Mer. W. ii. 2. ERRING. In its Latin sense of erratic, wandering, Ham. i. 1, Oth. i. 3. ERST. Heretofore, As You L. iii. 5, 2 Hen. VI. ii. 4.

ESCHEWED. Shunned, avoided, Mer. W.

V. 5.

ESCOTED. Paid. From the Fr. Escot, a shot, or reckoning, Ham. ii. 2. ESIL. By some supposed to mean Yssell, Issell, or Izel, a river near Denmark; by others to be the same word as Eisel. (See EISEL.) But, in both instances, used by the poet to indicate a difficult or disagreeable draught, Ham. v. I.

ESPERANCE. Hope, Fr., regularly adopted by Shakespeare, Tr. Cr. v. 2, Lear iv. 1. Percy's motto and battle-cry, 1 Hen. IV. ii. 3 & v. 2.

ESPIALS. Spies, 1 Hen. VI. iv. 3, Ham.

iii. I.

ESTATE. Used as a verb. To confer, bestow, or endow, Temp. iv. 1, Mid. N. i. 1, As You L. v. 2.

ESTRIDGE. Ostrich; which was formerly spelt Ostridge, and previously Estridge, 1 Hen. IV. iv. 1, Ant. Cl. iii. 11. In both passages peculiarly appropriate: in the one, as the badge of the Prince of Wales,-and what Old Fuller calls the "Gallant's feather;" in the other, as the largest of birds.

ETERNE. Eternal, Macb. iii. 2, Ham. ii. 2.

EVEN. To level, to make equal, or plain,

All's W. i. 3. Lear iv. 7, Cymb. iii. 4. EVEN CHRISTIAN. A term used for Fellow-Christian, Ham. v. 1.


"Not ever;" not always; not on all occasions, Hen. VIII. v. 1. EVERLASTING. The Buff jerkin, on account of its durability, was called "Everlasting," Com. E. iv. 2. EVIL. The "Evil," or "King's Evil," a scrofulous disease, supposed to be cured by the royal touch.-Dr Johnson, when a child, was touched by Queen Anne. The pretension to the power is said to have originated with Edward the Confessor, Macb. iv. 3. EXCREMENT. From the Lat. Excresco, to grow out of. Applied to the hair, and the beard, Love's L. L. v. 1, Mer. Ven. iii. 2, Win. T. iv. 3, Com. E. ii. 2, Ham. iii. 4.

EXEMPT. Removed apart, Com. E. ii. 2. EXERCISE. The week-day sermon of the

Puritans was called an "Exercise"
Rich. III. iii. 2.

EXHIBITION. A college term. A stipend,
an allowance of money, or maintenance,
Two Gen. V. i. 3, Öth. i. 3 & iv. 3,
Lear i. 2

EXIGENT. For exigence, Jul. Cæs. v. 1. Termination, or extremity, 1 Hen. VI. ii. 5.

EXORCISMS. Conjurations. To exorcise was used (in its strict sense, to summon out of for to conjure; and as often applied to raising as to laying spirits, or casting them out, 2 Hen. VI. i. 4. "Exorcist," All's W. v. 3, Jul. Cæs. ii. 1.

EXPECT. For expectation, Tr. Cr. i. 3.
EXPEDIENCE. Haste, celerity, expedi-
tion, Rich. II. ii. 1, Hen. V. iv. 3.
Enterprise, undertaking, 1 Hen. IV. i.
1, Ant. Cl. i. 2.
EXPEDIENT. Quick, expeditious, Rich.
II. i. 4, John ii. 1, As You L. iii. 1.
EXPIATE. Elapsed, closed, Rich. III.
iii. 3. To close, to conclude, Sonnet 22.
EXPOSTULATE. To question, to discuss,
Two Gen. V. iii. 1, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 5,
Ham. ii. 2.

EXSUFFLICATE. Despicable, contempt-
ible, abhorred, Oth. iii. 3.
EXTENDED. Law term. Seized, Ant.
Cl. i. 2.

EXTENT. Ditto. Seizure, As You L.
iii. I. Assault, Tw. N. i. 5.
EXTERN. For external, Oth. i. 1.
EXTIRP. For extirpate; to root out,
Mea. M. iii. 2, 1 Hen. VI. iii. 3.
EXTRACTING. Shakespeare uses this
word (as he frequently uses words) in
the strict sense of its classical deriva-

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tion. By an extracting frenzy,' Olivia means a frenzy (her infatuation for Viola) which drew her out of all thoughts but one, Tw. N. v. I. EXTRAUGHT. Extracted, derived, 3 Hen. VI. ii. 2.

EXTRAVAGANT. Used in its strict ety

mological sense; wandering out of, Ham. i. 1, Oth. i. 1.

EYASES. Nestling hawks, Ham. ii. 2.
EVAS-MUSKET. A young sparrow-hawk,
Mer. W. iii. 3.
Temp. ii. 1.

A tender hint of green,

EYELIADS. Eye-glances; Fr. Eillades, Mer. W. i. 3, Lear iv. 5.

EYNE. Eyes, Mids. N. i. 1, Peric. iii. (Gower.)


FACED. Patched. A "faced Ancient"
was a patched standard, or ensign, 1
Hen. IV. iv. 2.

Rebellious, factious, turbulent contumacious. Ital. facinoroso, All's W. ii. 3.

FACT. Deed, guilt. Mea. M. iv. 2 & v. 1, Win. T. iii. 2, Peric. iv. 4 [In some editions "feat."]

FACTIONARY. A partizan; and adherent to a faction, Corio. v. 2. FACULTIES. Medicinal powers, All's W.

i. 3.

To answer, suit, fit, Tw. N. ii.
2, Love's L. L. v. 1.
FADING. The burden of a song, Win. T.

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FAITHED. Believed, given credence to, Lear ii. 1.

FAITORS. Malefactors, ill-doers, traitors, 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4.

FALL. As an active verb. To let drop, As You L. iii. 5, Rich. II. iii. 4, Ant. Cl. iii. 9.

FALSE To falsify, to be untrue to, Cymb. ii. 3.

FAMILIAR. A demon or spirit; supposed to attend at call, Love's L. L. i. 2, 1 Hen. VI. iii. 2 & v. 3, 2 Hen. VI. iv. 7. FANCIES. A name for favourite ballads, gay and fanciful, 2 Hen. IV. iii. 2. FANCY. Love, Mids. N. iv. 1, Mer. Ven. iii. 2, (Song,) Tw. N. v. 1. A love-sick person, Lover's Comp. 9. FANCY-FREE. Love-free, Mids. N. ii. 2. FANG. To lay hold of, gripe, Tim. A. iv. 3.

FANGLED. Insignificant, frivolous, Cymb.

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Macb. i. 3, Tw. N. i. 1. FANTASTICOES. Coxcombs, Rom. J. ii. 4. FAP. Cant term for drunk, Mer. W. i. i. FARCED. Literally, stuffed; Fr. Farci. Swollen, pompous, Hen. V. iv. 1. FARDEL. A burden; Itai. Fardello, Ham. iii. 1. A parcel or bundle, Win. T. iv. 3.

FASHIONS. A corruption from Fr. Farcins. Farcy, a sort of leprosy in horses, Tam. S. iii. 2.

FAST AND LOOSE. A cheating game, practised by vagrants and gipsies, Ant. Cl. iv. 10.

FAT. Used for distasteful, nauseous, Tw. N. v. I.

FATHOM. Depth, capacity, Oth. i. 1. FATIGATE. Fatigued, exhausted, Corio. ii. 2.

FAVOUR. Countenance, feature, appearance, look, Tw. N. ii. 4, Rich. II. iv. 1, Jul. Cæs. i. 2, Macb. i. 5, Oth. i. 3. FAY. Faith. "By my fay," a common oath, Tam. S. 2, (Ind.), Rom. J. i. 5, Ham. ii. 2.

FEALTY. Fidelity, Two Gen. V. ii. 4.
FEAR. Alluding to the personage so
called in some of the old Moralities,
Tr. Cr. ii. 4, Ant. Cl. ii. 3.
FEAR. Used actively.

To scare, to

frighten, Mea. M. ii. 1, Ant. Cl. ii. 6, Venus & Ad. 183.

FEAT. Dexterous, neat, elegant, Cymb. v. 5, Lover's Comp. 7.

FEATED. Made feat, elegant, well-fashioned, Cymb. i 1.

FEATLY. Cleverly, Temp. i. 2, (Song,) Win. T. iv. 3.

FEATURE. Countenance, general appearance, As You L. iii. 3, Ant. Cl. ii. 5. FEDERARY. An accomplice, a confederate, Win. T. ii. 1.

FEE. A regular stipend, Ham. ii. 2. FEEDERS. Servants, retainers, Ant. Cl. ii. 11, Tim. A. ii. 2. Caterer, or provider of food, As You L. ii. 4. FEEDING. Pasture-land, Win. T. iv. 3. FEE-FARM. For ever. A grant in feefarm, is a grant in perpetuity, Tr. Cr. iii. 2. FEE-GRIEF.

A sorrow peculiar to one person exclusively, Macb. iv. 3. FEERE. (Spelt also, Fere, and Phere.) Companion, husband, or wife, Tit. A. iv. 1.

FEE-SIMPLE. A tenant in fee-simple, was one holding lands and tenements, and to his heirs for ever, Mer. W. iv. 2. FELL. Hide, or skin with hair, As You L. iii. 2, Lear v. 3. The skin of the head, the scalp, Macb. v. 5. FELL. Savage, inhuman, Tw. N. i. 1,

Mids. N. v. 1, 1 Hen. VI. v.wheels,

FELLIES. The outer circles of

Ham. ii. 2.

FELLOW. Equal in companionship, whe

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