The Life of Samuel Johnson Copious Notes by MaloneCambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012 - 284 pagina's Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: truth of which he had completely refuted; for that. my having done so might be interpreted as a breach of confidence, and oft'end one whose society I valued: ?therefore earnestly requesting that no notice might be taken of it to any body till I should be in London, and have an opportunity to talk it over with the gentleman.] TO JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. DEAR SIR, You will wonder, or you have wondered, why no letter has come from me. What you wrote at your return, had in it such a strain of cowardly caution as gave me no pleasure. I could not well do what you wished; I had no need to vex you with a refusal. I have seen Mr., and as to him have set all right, without any inconvenience, so far as I know, to you. Mrs. Thrale had forgot the story. You may now be at ease. And at ease I certainly wish you, for the kindness that you showed in coming so long a journey to see me. It was pity to keep long in pain, but, upon reviewing the matter, I do not see what I could have done better than I did. I hope you found at your return my dear enemy and all her little people quite well, and had no reason to repent of your journey. I think on it with great gratitude. I was not well when you left me at the Doctor's, and I grew worse; yet I staid on, and at Lichfield was very ill. Travelling, however, did not make me worse; and when I came to London, I complied with a summons to go to Brighthelmstone, where I saw Beauclerk, and staid three days. Our Club has recommenced last Friday, but I VOL. IV. F was not there. Langton has another wench.I Mrs. Thrale is in hopes of a young brewer. They got by their trade last year a very large sum, and their expenses are proportionate. Mrs. Williams's health is very bad. And I have had for some time a very difficul... |