
that city train'd up their youth most for warre, and thefe in their Academics and Lyceum, all for the gown, this inftitution of breeding which I here delineate, fhall be equally good both for




Therefore about an hour and a

halfe ere they eat at noon fhould be allow'd them for exercife and due reft afterwards but the time for this may be enlarg'd at pleasure, according as their rifing in the morning fhall be early. The exercise which I commend firft, is the exact use of their weapon; to guard and to ftrike fafely with edge, or point; this will keep them healthy, nimble, ftrong, and well in breath, is also the likelieft means to make them grow large, and tall, and to inspire them with a gal


lant and fearleffe courage, which being temper'd with feafonable lectures and precepts to them of true fortitude, and patience, will turn into a native and heroic valour, and make them hate the cowardife of doing wrong. They must be alfo practiz'd in all the locks and gripes of wraftling, wherein Englishmen were wont to excell, as need may often be in fight to tugge, to grapple, and to clofe. And this perhaps will be anough, wherein to prove and heat their fingle ftrength. The interim of unfweating themselves regularly, and convenient reft before meat may both with profit and delight be taken up in recreating and compofing their travail'd fpirits with folemn and divine harmonies of mufick

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heard, or learnt; either while the Ikilful Organist plies his grave and fancied defcant in lofty fugues, or the whole symphony with artfull and unimaginable touches adorn and grace the well-ftudied cords of fome choise compofer; some times the Lute, or foft organ ftop waiting on elegant voices either to religious, martiall, or civill ditties; which if wife men & prophets be not extremely out, have a great power over difpofitions and manners, to fmooth and make them gentle from ruftick harfhneffe and diftemper'd paffions. The like also would not be unexpedient after meat to affift and cherish nature in her firft concoction, and fend their mindes backe to study in good tune and fatisfaction. Where hav

ing follow'd it clofe under vigilant eyes till about two hours before fupper, they are by a fudden alarum or watch word, to be call'd out to their military motions, under skie or covert, according to the feason, as was the Romane wont; first on foot, then as their age permits, on horse back, to all the art of cavalry; That having in fport, but with much exactneffe, and dayly muster, ferv'd out the rudiments of their Souldiership in all the fkill of embattailing, marching, encamping, fortifying, befeiging and battering, with all the helps of ancient and modern ftratagems, Tactiks and warlike maxims, they may as it were out of a long warre come forth renowned and perfect Commanders in the fervice of

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their country. They would not then, if they were trufted with fair and hope full armies, fuffer them for want of just and wife difcipline to fhed away from about them like fick feathers, though they be never fo oft fuppli'd; they would not fuffer their empty and unrecrutible Colonells of twenty men in a company, to quaffe out, or convay into fecret hoards, the wages of a delufive lift, and a miferable remnant: yet in the mean while to be overmafter'd with a score or two of drunkards, the only fouldiery left about them, or elfe to comply with all rapines and violences. No certainly, if they knew ought of that knowledge that belongs to good men or good gover pours, they would not fuffer these things.


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