

there are works de congruo, and works de condigno;" and he was beginning to explain the distinction, when Catherine interrupted him with great spirit: "Work here, work there-what kind of working is all this? No works can save me but Christ's." The king was so amused with the spirited answer of the young lady, and the blank look of her accuser, that he could not refrain from laughter, and afterwards contrived to convey her away secretly out of their hands. Walter Mill, an aged man, who had once been a priest, is well known as the last martyr that suffered under Popery in Scotland. Being asked if there were not seven sacraments, he answered: "Let me have two, and take the rest to yourselves." He was questioned about the mass. Christ," said he," hath put an end to all carnal sacrifices by offering, once for all, his body upon the cross." They desired him to recant. No," said he, "I am corn, not chaff. I will neither be blown with the wind nor

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bruised by the flail, but I will abide both; I
will not recant the truth." They tied him to
the stake; and while the fire was kindling, he
said: "I am a great sinner; yet it is for God's
truth contained in his Word that I suffer.
Dear friends," he cried out of the flames,
you would escape eternal death, be no more
seduced with lies of priests, monks, and friars,
and the rest of the Antichristian crew; but
trust only in God." Nor can we omit the testi-
mony of an English martyr, John Lambert, who,
after having withstood the taunts and tempta-
tions of his persecutors, was at length adjudged
to the stake. The manner of his death is almost
too horrible to relate, were it not for the glori-
ous testimony with which it concluded. "For,"
says honest Foxe, "after his legs were con-
sumed and burned up to the stumps, then he,
lifting up such hands as he had, and his finger
ends flaming with fire, cried to the people in
these words: None but Christ!-none but
Christ!' and so fell into the fire, and there
ended his life."


against Popery are perfectly innumerable. Long before Luther appeared in Germany, Wickliffe, the English Reformer, is said to have composed no fewer than two hundred volumes or tracts against the Pope. But as all this controversy availed little, until Luther preached the plain Gospel of Christ; so after all we have done, or may do, in opposing the errors of Popery (and controversy may be still highly necessary), the most effective mode of repressing the progress and thwarting the designs of the Antichristian system, is the faithful preaching of "the truth as it is in Jesus."

A BRAND PLUCKED OUT OF THE FIRE. the German of a sermon, preached by the Rev. Mr THE following touching narrative is translated from Kuntzé, one of the most devoted and useful evan

gelical ministers of Berlin, after the execution of a criminal for murder; and contains an account of the

way in which the Lord was pleased, in infinite mercy, to visit his soul with awakening and salvation. It is to be apprehended that, in too many instances, the deep anxiety and concern manifested by criminals in a similar situation may be traced to the mere workings of natural and unsanctified fear; but, at the sametime, we think that no one who reads the narrative of poor Döring, as given below, will be disposed to say that such was the case with him. It is well not to abuse the grace of God; but it is also well not to limit it. The Lord is found of those who seek him not, and even publicans and sinners have been joyfully received into the "kingdom."

"As soon as he had finished the fearful deed he resolved, in order to save his life, to deceive, by dissimulation, his judges, when it pleased God to He dreamed awaken him in a wonderful manner.

one night that the doors of his prison were opened, and that he was led out on a wide plain, where he beheld the judgment-seat of God. Full of fear he approached it. All his sins were here held before him; and the terror of his soul was such that he awoke, and rejoiced when he perceived that it had been but a dream. By singing light songs, he tried The Reformers themselves were fully aware to get rid of the deep impression the dream had made; of what constituted the main strength of their but God called him a second time by a similar dream. position, and the secret of their success-the But even this had not the power to awaken his simple preaching of Gospel truth. And even spiritual concern. When, however, on the third their enemies were not altogether blind to it. night he saw the same again, the sweat of anguish Cardinal Wolsey, on reading the Augsburg of it, and, for the first time in his life, he prostrated broke forth on his whole body in the contemplation Confession, remarked that "the Protestant himself, crying humbly for mercy. He now put all divines were stronger in the confirmation of dissimulation aside, confessed his guilt before the their doctrine regarding the righteousness of judges, and a new spiritual life appeared to begin in faith than in the confutation of the contrary his soul. But, alas! his old sins, pride and hypoopinion." Melancthon acknowledges the truth crisy, broke forth anew, and marred the work of the Lord in his heart. It seemed as if all the gracious of this remark, observing that," while in ques- drawings which he had experienced in the year and tions of natural science, it is easier to demolisha-half of the visits of his pastor, would have been in a false theory than to establish a true one, it is the reverse in questions of morals and metaphysics; there it is easier to establish the true theory than to answer all the arguments which may be advanced in support of the false one." It would have been well had this truth been more attended to in our controversies with Papists. The books which have been written

vain; and his minister almost despaired of the salvation of this grey-headed malefactor. The day now came when his sentence of execution was to be announced to him. On the previous evening his minister visited him, read the 90th Psalm, and dwelt especially on the words: "Teach us so to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom;" but this also was apparently not accompanied by any effect. When, however, entering next day into the

presence of his judges, he read, in the seriousness of those present, the appointment of his last hour in this world, he at once listened quietly to his sentence, then sunk upon his knees, and thanked God for the mildness of it (a simple capital punishment by the sword). They asked whether he would like to petition the king for a reprieve, but he answered, "No! I desire nothing but the grace of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." With this moment, which fixed to a few hours the end of his existence, a perfect change seemed to have come upon poor Döring. He asked pardon for all the past from the judges, governor of the prison, and his pastor, and made once more an humble confession of his crimes, in order (as he said) to unburden his loaded conscience. When returned to his prison, the first thing he did was to call upon the Lord to grant him grace and pardon, and to bless abundantly the short time he had still to live as a preparation for eternity. The forenoon, and the first hours of the afternoon, were spent in the consideration of the Word of God and of some hymns. At four o'clock, he partook of the Lord's supper together with some of his relations. The feast of Jesus was felt to be solemn, and was much blessed to Döring's soul. Soon afterwards, Döring, deeply affected, took leave of some of his friends; and the hours of the evening, till ten o'clock, were spent in Christian conversation, when he was earnestly admonished to examine his heart's state, lest he robbed himself of the short space still granted him. It was represented to him, that though he could deceive men with a form of godliness, he could not do so before the eternal Judge, in whose presence he had to appear in a few hours. The pastor left Döring at a late hour, to give him time to order his affairs, with which he occupied himself till one o'clock, and then went to bed, but could not find much time for rest. At six o'clock in the morning the minister again entered his cell, and held morning worship with him. The day was spent in religious contemplations, when he enjoyed the peace of a pardoned sinner. At nine o'clock in the evening his judge visited him again; and when he felt some disquietude, he asked his dear pastor to tell him when the hour of his leaving his present place approached, and then to engage with him again in prayer. He remembered now, with deep emotion, him whom he had sent, two years before, so unprepared into eternity; and he seemed shaken by the thought of meeting soon this soul before God's judgment-seat. The last prayer in his present prison was now offered up, and his chains were brought; and when a bystander expressed his sorrow that he was still to be burdened with chains, he answered: "Do put chains on me O! I have deserved far more!" He then took leave of the superintendents of the prison, and at ten o'clock he entered a carriage, with his minister and some other persons, to be conveyed to Spandow, a fortress near Berlin, where he was to be executed next morning. Having arrived there, and being freed from his chains, he was told that in a few minutes his last day would begin, which being unable to enter upon otherwise than in prayer, he fell upon his knees and was commended to the Lord and his grace. He had marked a passage in his Bible (1 Tim. i. 13-17), which he asked his minister to contemplate with him; which being done, he felt both humbled and refreshed. Luke xxiii. was read to him, and especially verses 42 and 43, which made a deep impression on his soul. Tears streamed from his eyes, and he besought the pastor to engage with him in prayer, that the Lord would speak to him also these gracious words: Verily, I say unto thee, To-day thou shalt be with me in paradise." He himself cried again and again for it, and was graciously answered. It was now two o'clock, and Döring being bodily and mentally greatly worn out, he was admonished to take a little

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rest to gain strength for his last difficult day. He obeyed, and slept some hours. When risen again, morning worship was held with him, wherein he poured out his soul in prayer before the Lord, asked again for pardon and salvation, and prayed for the king, his judges, and his children. In the meantime came the chaplain of the prison, of whom Döring asked liberty to see his stepson, a delinquent in the same jail. His request was complied with; and while they were telling him how sad his son's spiritual state was, the young man himself entered the cell, and here were confronted the father who was so soon to be executed, and the son an inmate of the same prison. The father said: "I cannot blame thee for the whole guilt of thy crimes. I myself bear part of it; for thou never sawest anything good from me or thy mother." He now admonished him, in the most touching terms, to leave his wicked ways. Both criminals knelt then together, and the dying father prayed for his unhappy son, that God might have mercy upon him. He then called on his son to promise him, in the sight of God, before whom he himself was soon to appear, that the last day of his father would become the day of his true penitence, and turning to the Lord; which the son did with many tears. From this time Döring desired nothing else but to be prayed with. During the time that he was conveyed to the place of execution, he prayed earnestly for himself; and when arrived there, some words of comfort and strengthening were addressed to him. In nis outward appearance, he was already like a dying man-his feet could not carry him any farther, and his eyes were failing. When conveyed to the place where he was to hear once more his sentence read, the minister directed his attention in these, the last moments of his life, again to Jesus, his Lord and Saviour. He repeated with audible voice, then a part of a hymn-knelt before his judge-listened quietly to the sentence, and when again asked whether he desired to petition, perhaps once more, the king, he answered, "No." The faithful pastor then approaching, called upon him to hold his last prayer on earth. He could but utter, with streaming eyes and a stammering voice, single words, -"Lord, Saviour, have mercy," when he was interrupted by the minister going on:-" Lord Jesus, to thee this poor sinner comes now; have mercy upon him; sprinkle him with thy holy and precious blood; wash him from all his sins; stretch forth to him thy merciful hand, and lead him, thou thyself, through the dark vale of death into thy glory!" In a few moments his head fell under the sword of the executioner. For "The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord."

WELCOME! all wonders in one sight,
Eternity shut in a span;
Summer in winter, day in night,

Heaven in earth, and God in man.'
Great little One, whose all-embracing birth
Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.

CONSCIENCE. When a man stands condemned at the bar of his own conscience, it is of small importance to his happiness to be thought innocent by all the rest of the world.-Dr Moore.

It is always one step towards amendment to be convinced that we want it.-Miss Burney.





there be many little streams. Let not ours be dry. Let missionaries be sent to every land."

The last native who spoke, observed:"Friends, there are some amongst us who have been pierced with balls. Now, let our guns be rotten with rust; and, if we are pierced, let it be with the Word of God. Let us have no more cannon balls; but let the Word of God be the ball we shoot to other lands."

OUR readers must have attended many interesting missionary meetings, and have heard many eloquent speeches delivered at them; but we question whether any such meetings were ever more interesting, or any speeches delivered at them more eloquent and effective than those of which we subjoin specimens. The meetings we refer to were held in the South Sea Islands, and the speakers were converted natives. Soon after their conversion, they instituted mission-membering others, they did not forget themselves.

ary societies to aid in carrying to others the glorious Light which had dispelled their own darkness; and every year a May meeting was held, in connection with each of the associations, at which suitable addresses were delivered. And the heartiness which they exhibited in the cause, and the liberality with which they gave to its support, were such as might well put to shame the coldness and niggardliness of many in our Christian Churches at home. As one instance, we may state, in connection with the association at Raiatea, the funds contributed amounted the first year to £500, and the next to no less than £1800. At the first meeting of this association, the following, among other speeches, were delivered:

Tamatoa, the king, who occupied the chair, said :"Remember what you used to do for your lying gods. You used to give them all your time, your strength, your property, and even your lives. Then you had nothing of your own; it was all the evil spirits'. If you had a canoe, or mats, or pigs, or cloth, or food-it all belonged to them. What a great work had you then to do in building marais; your property was all consumed in the worship of the gods. But now, all our property is our own, and here are our teachers in the midst of us. God sent them. He is of great compassion. And they left their own land to come here. Now our eyes are open, and we see it is all false, all paraupoke-word and work which end in death. Let us do what we learn. Let us take pity upon other lands. Let us give property willingly, with our whole heart, to send them missionaries. It is but a little work for the true God."

As soon as Tamatoa had resumed his seat, Puna, a native of a very consistent character, rose to nominate a secretary for one of the districts, and then said :

"Friends, I have a little question. In your thoughts, what is it that makes the heavy ships sail? I think it is the wind. If there were no wind the ships would stay in one place; but while there is wind, we know the ships can sail. Now, I think the money of the great Missionary Society is like the wind. If there had been none, no ship would have come here with missionaries. If there is no property, how can missionaries be sent to other countries-how can the ships sail? Let us then give what we can."

And it is delightful to see how the meeting was

improved to their own spiritual good. While re

Tamatoa concluded his address by saying:

lands, and then, by our wickedness, drive it away "Let us not assist in sending the Gospel to other from our own. Remember, there were many drowned who helped to build the ark. Take care, lest after sending the Gospel to others, you die in your own sins. Let us not be like the scaffolding, which is useful in building the house, but is afterwards thrown

into the fire."

And another said :

"We are now become a Missionary Society, and we are to give our property, that the Word of God may be carried to all lands; but let us ask, Is it in our hearts? has it taken root there? If not, how can we pity others?"

At the next meeting of the Society, Pahi, the secretary, after reading the report, said:

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"My heart was rejoiced while I was reading the report. A thousand bamboos from one district! Fourteen hundred from another! Well done, my friends! Let us not be weary or lazy, but let us double our diligence. We are constantly praying, Let thy Word grow;' but if we do not use the means, how can the Word grow? What would you think of a man whose canoe was fast on the beach, and who kneeled down, and prayed to God that his canoe might reach the sea? Would you not call him a foolish man, and desire him to stand up and drag his canoe? And shall not we act as foolish a part, if we pray, and do not use the means for making the Word of God to grow. Prayer and the means must go together, and then we may expect that all will know the Word of God."

Fenuapeho, the president of the Tahaa Society, said:

"You have given your property. Perhaps some of you gave it from custom, and some of you grudgingly; and if so, God will not be pleased; but if you gave it with your hearts, you may pray with propriety that God would not take away your teachers, and that he will send his Word to every land.”

To this another added that :-

"A little property given, with the heart, becomes big property in the sight of God."

Tairo said :

"Let us now hold fast the Word of God, and die with it in our hands."

"My friends," added another, "let us all rejoice Tuahine, one of the deacons of the church, then together. We have become one great family this stood up, and spoke thus:

"Kings, chiefs, friends, and all of you; we have heard much speech to-day; do not be tired; I also have a little to say. Whence come the great waters? Is it not from the small streams that flow into them. I have been thinking that the Missionary Society in Britain is like the great water, and that such little societies as ours are like the little streams. Let

day. Hitherto we have lived as strangers, and with evil dispositions towards each other, and we are reduced to a very few by regarding Satan's parau (word or customs); but now we are men. God saw the great crookedness of this land, and sent his Word to make it straight. He saw the great ruggedness of this land, and sent his Word to make it smooth. Oh! those who have died cannot now partake of our joys. Let us rejoice, and be diligent."

A chief, named Padu, began his address by saying, that formerly the place on which they stood was sacred, and not a person dared to venture upon it; but that now those foolish customs had fallen, and they were all assembled there to serve Jehovah, adding:

"When evil grows in any place (alluding to a district in which some persons had been disposed to war), let us not take the spear and the gun, but let us quench the evil with the light of God's Word."

"Angels," said Uaeva, "are rejoicing at our meeting to-day; and the ministers in England, with the good people there, will rejoice when they hear of our meeting this day. But let us not think that giving our property will save our souls. There is but one way of salvation, and but one Saviour-Christ Jesus."

although theoretically infallible, and of course unchangeable, is actually subject to the humanizing influences of modern civilization; that its spirit, if not its creed, is changed; and that by mild, conciliatory treatment, it may be made a useful ally, instead of a dreaded foe. Such men have no dread of Popery, because, in fact, they have no great dislike to it; and could it only be tamed, so as to be a docile and quiet tool in the hands of statesmen-could it be detached from the side of political agitation, and enlisted on that of order and obedience to the law, it might be come as useful an engine of government as any other, and a great deal more powerful than some, by reason of its better organization, and more accommodating principles. But the very extent to which this opinion prevails in society, and especially among those whose influence governs the country, is itself a proof that our fears on this subject are far from being groundless or imaginary; for when we look abroad over the

At a meeting held in Takaa, another island, the world, and wherever our eye rests-in Europe, in following addresses were delivered :

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Fenuapeho." We have not hitherto collected much property, but let us add our prayers to that which we have given. The Gospel cannot be conveyed to distant lards without means. This is the way; pray with the heart and give with the hands. To pray without iving, is a lying prayer. Do not put down your names without meaning to give. Let not your hearts go back. There are few inhabitants now on this land to what there were formerly. We only of all our families are left-brands plucked out of the burning.'

Vahineumi.-"That we collect property to increase the funds of the parent Society is good. We are all collected together this day to promote the work of God. Let us be diligent. Beware lest any of us become like Ananias and Sapphira, keeping back that which belongs to God."

Meduarea." The great tree has grown; the shade has stretched to numerous lands; it has not grown by the sword, but by the prayers of those in Great Britain, who sent us this Word. Recollect what we have heard preached to us this morning. We have sent a few of our number to adjacent islands, and they have been blessed by Jesus. Let us continue to pray for the extension of this kingdom; let us not withhold. There are numerous nations still in darkness, who are murdering their children and destroying each other."

America, or the British colonies-we see the Church of Rome imbued with fresh zeal, animated with eager hope, and putting forth all its strength, in one mighty and simultaneous effort, for the recovery of its former ascendency, and the extension of its cause:--when we consider the talent and wealth that are embarked in the enterprize-the high aspirations and historical recollections by which it is sustained-the union, the discipline, and the organization which concentrate the whole power of the body on every given point of attack-and the support on which it may confidently reckon from most of the kingdoms of Europe the connivance which it may expect from all;-when we consider these things, and then, turning our eyes homewards, discover indifference, or a disposition to compromise and conciliate, existing in the very land which was once deemed the bulwark of Protestantism, the citadel of civil and religious freedom; when we witness there the sad decay of pristine zeal and stedfast faith, the miserable struggle of mere political parties, and, saddest of all, the divisions of the Protestant Church; when we see these things, let no man accuse us of yielding to groundless alarms, if we discern, in the signs of the times, the dark omens of trials and tribulation to the witnessing remnant of the Church of Christ.

But we must equally guard against the opposite extreme-of yielding to unbelieving distrust or heartless despondency, in regard to the cause of Christ. Some are apt to become faint-hearted, and, from very Raahoe."Let us not begin at the top of the tree-fear, to give up the struggle as unavailing, when the let us begin at the root. Let our hearts be found in this work. Look at the little ants; we are less wise than they. Let us be active, and give our property in this good cause. Let the Church members give, that those who are still in heathen darkness may become members of the Church of Christ. Let the baptized give, that those who are still worshipping idols may cast them away, and be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit."


[FROM "Warning against Popery," an admirable Discourse, just published, from the pen of Dr James Buchanan.]

On this, as on every other subject, there are two extremes, one on the right hand and the other on the left, into which men are apt to fall. Some make light of the danger, and regard those as mere alarmists who profess to be apprehensive of the return of Popery; they may even think it possible to hold dalliance with it, and, by a dexterous stroke of policy, to disarm it. They tell us that the Church of Rome,

powers of the enemy are seen marshalling the host, and appear in a formidable aspect. But be not afraid: "Greater is He that is with you than all that can be against you." A season of trial you may have, and such a season as shall winnow the chaff from the wheat, and thoroughly purge the floor; and it is not unlikely that the last may be the greatest and deadliest effort of the Man of Sin-his rage may be hottest just before his fall. But the Beast is already wounded; and that wound is mortal-he has been wounded by "the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God;" and although he still survives, and is only exasperated by what he has suffered, he will never regain his former strength, but, sooner er later, must fall before Him who was ordained of old "to bruise his head." There may be much uncertainty as to the precise mode in which the prophetic word will be fulfilled; but as to the fact that Antichrist shall be destroyed, and that a fixed, determinate time is appointed for his destruction, no doubt is left in Scripture. The duration of his kingdom is limited, and is expressed in three different forms by forty-two months or one thousand two hundred and sixty days-or a time, times, and half a time (corresponding to three years and a half, which


make forty-two months and one thousand two hundred and sixty days); in other words, it is to last one thousand two hundred and sixty years from its commencement, and could we be as sure of the precise time from which this term began, as we are of the length of its duration, we could fix on the very year when "the Lord will destroy him with the brightness of his coming." Many kings and kingdoras may confederate their forces, and unite in supporting his cause; but they cannot avert nor long protract his doom. Nay, the very union of worldly powers in his defence will be the forerunner and pledge of his swift destruction; for no mortal hand shall smite that fated power; on the contrary, multitudes will throw around it the shield of their protection, and "shall give their power and strength to the Beast; they shall make war with the Lamb, and the LAMB SHALL OVERCOME THEM, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings."-Rev. xvii. 13, 14. And then from heaven and earth shall arise that sublime "Alleluia; salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: for true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. Alleluia; for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth !"-Rev. xix. 1, 2, 6.


and his thoughts were troubled, and his words went up towards a cloud, and his thoughts pulled them back again, and made them without intention; and the good man sighs for his infirmity, but must be content to lose that prayer; and then he must recover it, when his anger is removed and his spirit is becalmed-made even as the brow of Jesus-and then it ascends to heaven upon the wings of the holy Dove, and dwells with God, till it returns like the useful bee, laden with a blessing and the dew of heaven!-Jeremy Taylor.

Basket of Fragments.

THE USE OF MEANS.-God never promised to save by miracles those that would not save themselves by means.-Henry.

MEMORY TOO RETENTIVE OF EVIL.-Our memories, as corrupted by the fall, are like those ponds where the frogs live, but the fish die.-Cripplegate Lectures.

INFERIOR MINDS.-There are minds, as well as lands, of so harsh and crabbed a disposition, that little can be made of them.-Bishop Horne.

NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS.-He who thinks to save anything by his religion, besides his soul, will be a loser in the end.-Bishop Barlow.

It may

HUMILITY COURTING OBSERVATION.-That humility which courts notice is not FIRST-RATE. be sincere, but it is sullied. Do not sound a trumpet, nor say: "Come and see how humble I am."-Cecil. OPINION OF OTHERS.-If any slight thee, be neither dejected nor provoked; and do not value men accordto their esteem of thee, but according to their

Let no believer, then, be faint-hearted in the hour of conflict. Antichrist may prevail for a time, but he shall ultimately be destroyed. "Her plagues shall come in one day, and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." This is predicted in Scripture (Rev. xviii. 8), and held forth as the object of our faith and hope; for in HIS defeat Christ's victory is insured. We may not fix the time, nor is it needful that we should; but there is a time fixed in the counsels of God when Babylon shall fall, and when all the king-ing doms of this world shall become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ. There may be many trials awaiting us before that time arrives; but although our persons may suffer, the cause shall be victorious; and, meanwhile, there must be no COMPROMISE, no ALLIANCE, no ENCOURAGEMENT-nothing that would connect us, in any degree, with the power of Antichrist: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her plagues."-Rev. xviii. 4.


ANGER is a perfect alienation of the mind from prayer;
and therefore is contrary to that attention which
presents our prayers in a right line to God. For so
have I seen a lark rising from his bed of grass and
soaring upwards, singing as he rises, and hopes to get
to heaven and climb above the clouds; but the poor
bird was beaten back with the loud sighings of an
eastern wind, and his motion made irregular and in-
constant descending more at every breath of the
tempest than it could recover by the libration and
frequent weighing of his wings, till the little creature
was forced to sit down and pant, and stay till the
storm was over; and then it made a prosperous flight,
and did rise and sing as if it had learned music and
motion from an angel, as he passed some time through
the air about his ministries here below. So is it with
the prayer of a good man; when his affairs have re-
quired business, and his business was matter of dis-
cipline, and his discipline was to pass upon a sinning
person, or had a design of charity, his duty met
with the infirmities of a man, and anger was its in-
strument; and the instrument became stronger than
the prime agent, and raised a tempest and over-
ruled the man; and then his prayer was broken,

true worth.-Adam.

PAROCHIAL VISITING.-A house-going minister makes a church-going people.-Dr Chalmers.

RAILING. There is no kind of revenge so poor and pitiful as railing; for every dog can bark: and he that rails, makes another noise indeed, but not a better.-Dr South.

A DAY OF RECKONING.-Men may cheer themselves in the morning, and they may pass on tolerably well, perhaps, without God at noon; but the cool of the day is coming, when God will come down to talk with them.-Cecil.

"BOAST NOT THYSELF OF TO-MORROW."-At a Christmas party one observed, that if they should ever meet again, something was to be done. Another exclaimed: " If we shall meet!-we will meet;" but he was the only one who died in the interval!


POPERY REFUTED BY COMMON SENSE.-Some of the Irish are so far enlightened by Sunday schools and Bible societies, that they can exercise their reason in resisting the abominations of Popery. One of them being lately asked by his priest, a curate, why he did not come to confession, said to him, "Please your reverence do you ever confess?" "Yes, I do, to the rector."-" And do you pay?" "Yes." "And to whom does the rector confess?" the bishop.' ."" And does he pay him?" "And to whom does the bishop confess?" the vicar-general."-" And pays him?" "Yes.""And to whom does he confess?" "To the Pope." "And pays?" "Yes."-" And to whom does the Pope confess?" "To Jesus Christ."-" And does he pay anything?" "No." "Then please your reverence," said the man, "as I am very poor, I think I shall go to Christ at once."



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