[blocks in formation]

"My heart is sad for thee, love,

For lone thy way will be;

And oft thy tears will fall, love,
For thy children and for me.
"The music of thy daughter's voice

Thou'lt miss for many a year;

And the merry shout of thine elder boys
Thou'lt list in vain to hear.

"Where we knelt to see our Henry die,

And heard his last faint moan,
Each wiped the tear from others eye-→→→
Now each must weep alone.

"My tears fall fast for thee, love;
How can I say farewell?

But go: thy God be with thee, love,
Thy heart's deep grief to quell.

"Yet my spirit clings to thine, love—
Thy soul remains with me,

And oft we'll hold communion sweet
O'er the dark and distant sea.
"And who can paint our mutual joy,
When, all our wanderings o'er,

We both shall clasp our infants three
At home, on Burmah's shore?

"But higher shall our raptures glow
On yon celestial plain,

When the loved and parted here below
Meet, ne'er to part again!

"Then gird thine armour on, love,

Nor faint thou by the way

Till the Boodh shall fall, and Burmah's sons
Shall own Messiah's sway!"

"And gird thine armour on, love."-" And so," says Dr Judson, "I will endeavour to do; and while her prostrat form finds repose on the rock of the ocean, and her sanctified spirit enjoys sweeter repose on the boson of Jesus, let me continue to toil on all my appointed time, till my change too shall come."

In all the missionary annals, there are few things more affecting than this. Mrs Judson's beautiful lines remind us of Bishop Heber's verses addressed to his wife: "If thou wert by my side, my love;" but they are superior in deep natural feeling. How exquisite the references to her husband's anticipated loneliness: "The music of thy daughter's voice thou'll miss for many a year;"-and to the death of their boy: "Each wiped the tear from others eye-now each must weep alone."

The New York Evangelist, after giving the above, justly remarks:

"These verses make us think of the refinement, the exquisite sensibility, the tender affection, the deep and fervent piety, of many a missionary wife among the Heathen. Some of the most admirable women ever born have laid down their lives there, and some are still shedding the sweet light and grace of their holy, patient example, where few besides the Saviour can see and appreciate their labours. Oh, great will be their reward in heaven, when, from every ingredient of bitterness and trial in their earthly pilgrimage, there shall spring a harvest of eternal blessedness and glory! There will be no dearer, sweeter remembrances in heaven, than those of the painful, earthly trials of their self-denying

desert path for Christ.

"Dr Judson is an old Christian soldier, but he never heard a more animating and sustaining word amidst his conflicts than the parting song of his wife. It will ring in his ears till he die, and then again he will hear her angel voice in heaven."


SOME people slept, even with Paul in the pulpit. Look at that young man mentioned in the 20th of Acts. He is getting drowsy even while the place rings with the apostle's startling eloquence. Now he nods. Now he is clean over. But he got a terrible awakening. And not only so.

That young man got some notoriety, more than he could have well dreamed of. Towards a couple of thousand years he has been held up as one that ventured a nap, during preaching, and got a terrible waking up to help him remember the wrong of it, and to give others warning of the danger of it.

Yet think ye would not have so far to fall, ye sleepers, even should the modern appendages of the pew not hinder your toppling over, and, therefore, there is less danger of damage in your case. And I give in that it is so; yet be entreated, if not in fear of broken bones, yet be entreated to let past sanctuary slumbers suffice, by the dishonour thus given the house of God, by the grief you give the preacher, by the unloveliness of such an example, by the great comfort Satan takes in such a use of the tabernacle of the Lord.


road by a man who had formerly lived with as a serA UNIVERSALIST clergyman was once robbed on the vant. After his arrest, the preacher asked the man how he could be so base as to rob his old employer. The robber's answer speaks volumes against the soul destroying heresy: "You yourself tempted me to commit this offence against the law; for I have often heard you say, both in public and private, that all men will enjoy everlasting bliss after death, and that there is no such thing as eternal punishment in the next world. You thus removed my greatest fear, why should I dread the less?”


Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright, But look'd too near, have neither heat nor light.Webster.

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lived very ill,
It was said of one who preached very well and
it was pity he should ever go into it, and when he
that when he was out of the pulpit
was in the pulpit it was pity he should ever come
And yet I deny not but dissolute men, like unskilfu
out of it." But the faithful minister lives sermons.
horsemen, which open a gate on the wrong side, may,
by the virtue of their office, open heaven for others,
and shut themselves out.-Fuller.

He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man had need to be forgiven.-Herbert.

prives itself of the true end of getting-it loses the Covetousness, by a greediness of getting more, deenjoyment of what it has got.-Sprat.

Whatever parent gives his children good instruc tion, and sets them at the same time a bad example, may be considered as bringing them food in one hand and poison in the other.-Balguy.

Daily Bread.


"Redeem the time."-Eгн. v. 19.
Infinite joy or endless woe

Attends on every breath;
And yet how unconcern'd we go
Upon the brink of death!

The time that is now idled and talked away-the time that is now feasted and complimented away, that is unnecessarily sported and slept away, that is wickedly and presumptuously sinned away-how precious will it one day seem to all! How happy a bargain would they think they had made, if at the dearest rates they could redeem it? The profanest mariner falls a-praying when he fears his time is at an end. What a liturgy would death teach the trifling time-despising gallants, the idle, busy, dreaming, active, ambitious, covetous lovers of this world, if time could be entreated to return!-Baxter.


"The heart is deceitful above all things."-JER. xvii. 9.
Far worse than all my foes I find
The enemy within-

The evil heart-the carnal mind-
Mine own insidious sin.

You read of the deceitfulness of the tongue, and of the deceitfulness of riches, and of the deceitfulness of beauty, and of the deceitfulness of friends; but yet the heart is deceitful above them all. Nay, you read of the deceitfulness of Satan, yet truly a man's heart is a greater deceiver than he; for he could never deceive a man, if his own heart did not deceive him. How common is it for men to boast of the goodness of their hearts! "I thank God, though I do not make such a show and pretence as some do, yet I have as good a heart as the best." O do but hear Solomon in this case: "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool." Will any wise man commit his money to the cut-purse? Will he trust a cheat?Mead.


"They shall look on Him whom they have pierced, and shall mourn."-ZECH. xii. 10.

Jesus, seek thy wandering sheep;
Make me restless to return;
Bid me look on thee, and weep-

Bitterly as Peter mourn.

O shall Christians be more sparing of their tears for Christ, than Christ was of his blood for them? We cry out against the Jews and Romans as hardhearted men for piercing Christ, and being unconcerned at his sufferings; but what softer are our hearts, if we can see how our sins put him to death, and not be grieved nor weep? Lord, send thy Spirit to touch my heart, and then it will melt into a stream of tears for sin, that cursed thing that butchered the Lamb of God.-Willison.


"It is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of mirth."-ECCLES. vii. 2.

When anxious cares would break my rest,'
And griefs would tear my throbbing breast,
Thy tuneful praises, raised on high,
Shall check the murmur and the sigh.

Go often to the house of mourning, and be not unseasonably or immoderately in the house of mirth. When you observe what is the end of all men, "the heart will be made better by it." But excess of carnal mirth doth infatuate men, and destroy their wisdom, seriousness, and sobriety. Remember that time is posting on whether you work or play.-Baxter.


"This is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world."— JOHN iv. 42.

Jesus, the Sinner's Friend, to thee,

Lost and undone, for aid I flee,
Weary of earth, myself, and sin;

Open thine arms, and take me in!

I remember the time when, if I could have gone to heaven by my education, civility, forms of prayer of mine own making or by my father's copy, I woul not have made use of Christ; but at last I found that there was salvation in no other, and sailing by the gates of hell in my apprehension, I also found that no voice but the voice of Christ would still the voice of desperation. There is no paradise without this tree-no light without this sun-no God, no glory, no heaven, no happiness, without this Christ, in this world.-Mayhew.


"If we suffer, we shall also reign with him."-2 Tr. ii. 12 Thrice blessed, bliss-inspiring hope!It lifts the fainting spirits up

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It brings to life the dead,

Our conflicts here shall soon be past, And you and I ascend at last

Triumphant with our Head.

Will I venture nothing, suffer nothing, for the crown of glory that fadeth not away ?" My dogwill follow my horse's heels from morning to night, tak: many a weary step through mire and dirt, rather tha leave me, though at night all he gets by it is but bones | and blows. If my soul had any true greatness, any sparks of generosity in it, how would it despise the sufferings of the way, for the glory of the end! How would it break down all difficulties before it, whilst, by an eye of faith, it sees "the Forerunner, who is already entered," standing, as it were, upon the walls of heaven, with the crown in his hand, saying: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things." Come on, then, my soul, come on.-Flavel.


"They rest from their labours,—Rev. xiv. 13.
Who trusting in their Lord depart.
Cleansed from all sin, and pure in heart,
The bliss unmix'd, the glorious prize,
They find with Christ in paradise.

The time is coming when thy heart shall be as thou wouldst have it; when thou shalt be discharged of these cares, fears, and sorrows, and never cry out, Oh! my hard, my proud, my vain, my earthly heart. any more; when all darkness shall be banished from thine understanding, and thou shalt clearly discover all truths in God, that crystal ocean of truth; when all vanity shall be purged perfectly out of thy thoughts, and they be everlastingly, ravishingly, and delightfully entertained and exercised upon that supreme goodness and infinite excellency of God, from whom they shall never start any more like a broken bow. And as for thy pride, passion, earthliness, and all other the matters of thy complaint and trouble, it shall be said of them as of the Egyptians to Israel: "Stand still, and see the salvation of God." Thes corruptions thou seest to-day, henceforth thou shalt see them no more for ever: when thou shalt lay down thy weapons of prayers, tears, and groans, and put on the armour of light, not to fight but triumph in.- Ibid.

Edinburgh: Printed by JOHN JOHNSTONE, residing at 12 Windsor Street, and Published by him at 2, Hunter Square. London: R. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS. Glas gow: J. R. M'NAIR & Co.; and to be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom.




AN artist admitted an intimate friend into his love of God. There are but few indeed that
studio just as he had prepared his canvass for an can say they have improved their opportunities
historical painting. His friend stood by in of mental and moral culture to the extent of
silence, but not void of thought, while the out- their ability. Many, in looking back, are re-
ine was roughly sketched in chalk. He ob-minded with shame and pain of invaluable op-
served the conception of the artist's mind
gradually developing itself, and imperfectly
announcing the order of the objects-the posi-
tion and prominence which one alone was to
assume. He was permitted to watch the pro-
gress of this interesting work from day to day,
from month to month-the additions and im-
provements, the lights and the shades which
art and taste suggested, till at length he saw
the "last touches" given to it; and then it stood
before him a finished painting, the visible em-
bodiment of the "idea" the artist had first
formed in the mysterious workshop of his own
imagination. Here he saw, by analogy, no
inapt illustration, in the contrast between the
rough outline and the finished painting, of the
difference between the human mind in its cul-
ivated and uncultivated state. If the one, he
thought, is interesting, the other is incompara-
bly more so; for the work of the most gifted
artist is but a representation, a mere shadow,
composed of colours skilfully combined-of
light and shade artfully contrasted. The mind
is a living immortal reality. The painting is but
a creation of human art-an ingenious formation;
but the mind is its creator: and the progress of
the mind, from its first untutored state to the
last embellishments it may receive, should, to
say the least, be as diligently and anxiously
prosecuted as the perfection of any work of art
by which genius aspires at renown; for does it
not involve a far higher and more momentous

portunities and facilities they once enjoyed, and can never recover. It is well if such reflections induce them to prize their still remaining privileges. It is not yet too late to gain improvement, and it will be a hopeful symptom to desire it. Even to look up to something higher and better than they have yet attained, will stimulate the mind, and call forth its aspirations. Let them, for instance, imagine the different thoughts and feelings with which a rustic, utterly ignorant of astronomy, would gaze upon the starry firmament, and those which would fill the mind of such a man as Sir Isaac Newton or Sir John Herschell. Yet let them not overlook the fact, that even that rustic, under proper culture, might have been the rival of those great philosophers. Or let them trace backward the progress of the astronomer, and contemplate the mind of Newton when he acquired the first lines of science-when he was a child handling his hornbook, and learning the power of letters and figures—and then contrast with that state the same mind, when, by years of studious application, it had reached the sublimest regions of science, and possessed itself of nearly all the treasures of human knowledge. In the former case we look upon the little precious embryo, just deposited in the ground, and beginning to germinate, and in the latter we behold the same seed grown into a beautiful plant, or majestic wide-spreading tree. contrast, indeed, is vast; but the progress was slow and gradual. It took place not by large Every view, therefore, that can be taken of accessions, sudden strides, or fitful efforts, but this intellectual contrast, whether it relates to was gradual, like the rising light, which inthe development of mental power, the culti-creases more and more to the perfect day. vation of the moral feelings and sentiments, or the conformity of the entire man to the will of his Creator, is deeply interesting and instructive. One thought that makes it so is, that we who make the comparison, or contemplate it when it is presented to us, ought ourselves to become specimens of this gradual and happy progress of mental and moral improvement. Every one is liable to become the subject of such a comparison; and he must himself sometimes make it to his own joy or grief, according as he feels conscious that he has sought or neglected the cultivation of his mind. But this consciousness will become increasingly sensitive on all that relates to his moral state-his preparation for immortality, and the opportunities he has enjoyed of correcting his sins and errors, and advancing in the knowledge and No. 50.


Every one should be aware that it is by gradual improvement the mind develops its powers and increases its treasures. Those in the humblest stations should be taught the important fact, that their minds are as susceptible of improvement as others. The path of advancement is closed to none, and the way of virtue and piety is especially open to them. Why should any doubt or despair? They may not reach the highest pinnacles, but they may aspire to something far higher and better than they have yet attained. Let the desire be fostered, let the purpose be formed, and let the work be commenced. Time will show, when they pause to make the comparison, that progress has been made. Every step upwards widens the prospect, and brings us nearer the summit. Mark the rough stone just hewed in February 6, 1846.

the quarry; but placed under the hand of the statuary, it is daily advancing to the image of a man. Had it remained in the quarry, it had never been transformed into that beautiful image. Yet the change is the result of assiduous labour and repeated strokes. The chisel has been plied day by day, week after week, and now the last touches have given it the perfect figure of a man. The material was merely susceptible of the form; the powers that produced it were genius, taste, perseverance, and such like. These powers themselves belong to mind; and in their progress, from their first to their highest state, present an analogy to the wonderful and beautiful works they create.

sees and apprehends nothing beyond a few sparkling objects, which awaken no thoughtful admiration, excite no grateful adoration, and, most probably, afford not half so much pleasure as would an exhibition of fire-works; while the other sees in these very same objects matter for endless admiration, deep thought, and fervent adoration of that great and glorious Being who created and supports the whole. The ignorant and irreligious man may read the same Book of God as the devout and experienced believer; but how different are the sentiments awakened in their different minds! Ask the converted man who, in his unconverted state,ha opportunities of reading the Bible, and did read it, with what sentiments and feelings he reads it now? He will tell you that since his eyes were opened, and his mind initiated into the truth and love of God by the teaching of his Spirit, the Bible has become to him what the starry firmament is to the philosopher-full of wisdom and benevolence. It is as if he had received a new sense. Old things have passed away, and all things are become new.

If it is so in the development of the intellectual powers, it is obvious that it cannot be different in reference to our moral and spiritual capabilities. Here the rough materials are to undergo a change as striking as any already noticed, and transcendently more important. In this work a Divine Agent takes a share, and comes, both directly and by appointed instrumentality, to effect a new creation. The soul, in its affection, desires, pleasures and pains, These pages will probably meet the eye of no hopes and fears, is to be progressively wrought one who has not personally experienced some into a meetness for a perfect state. The jewel part of the process. Some mental culture is is buried, and must be dug out; it is incrusted, enjoyed by all our readers. But our object is and must be cleansed; it is rough, and must be to direct attention to the most essential-to polished. What a contrast is presented between that moral and spiritual advancement which the first lines of truth impressed upon the con- admits of no substitute in natural knowledge science, and the last acquisitions of devout and or intellectual improvement. These may exist holy affection, as the same spirit plumes its where the first lines of moral excellence are wings for its departure to the regions of the not laid down. And where such is the case, blessed! Once it was like the shapeless clay how distant must be that perfection in holilying in the field, or the unhewn timber grow-ness, without which no man shall see the ing wild and luxuriant in the forest, or the metal that was mixed with stone and rubbish, but which skilful labour has wrought into a splendid edifice, imposing to the sight, commodious for habitation, and fit to be the residence of royalty.


carry it forward to the day of Jesus Christ. Ardent, zealous, devoted Christians, on you the Divine Artist is tracing his own moral linea

Watch over them. Take heed that nothing interpose to blur or obliterate them: for he designs them for immortality, and his eternal glory depends upon their perfection and perpetuity.

But it may be the reader is conscious that the work of moral renovation is not merely commenced, but advanced some stages, and still going on. Let such be excited to redoubled ardour, and to more fervent prayer, Here it will be evident, that though some-that he who has begun the good work may still thing depends upon the nature of the materials, yet more depends upon the process to which they are subjected, and the agent that undertakes the work. The mind, without education,ments. is a field without culture. It is not simply unproductive: it will be overgrown with noxious weeds. Ignorance has a positive effect. It is not simply a negation of knowledge: it is essentially the substitution of error for truth. If this remark is true in reference to the general culture of the mind, and all the subjects of natural knowledge, it is most strictly and emphatically true in reference to the highest and most important kind of cultivation. The contrast between an ignorant and a learned man is not greater, more striking, or on the one side more lamentable, and on the other more pleasing, than the difference between a man ignorant of true religion, and one well instructed and experienced in the same subject. The one looks on the Word of God just as a rustic does upon the sky in a clear moonlight night. He


BY THE REV. W. K. TWEEDIE, EDINBURGH. It was lately our lot to see the Pope going in procession from his palace on the Quirinal Hill to the Vatican, and the slowness of the pageant afforded his loving subjects, and us his hereditary enemies, an opportu nity of studying his outer man at least. The Pope's outward bearing is that of a monk lifted from s cloister to a palace, and not quite at ease in his new position; and certainly Bonaparte's witticism, applied


to his brother, is equally applicable to Gregory XVI. If royalty be written on the forehead of monarchs, he might travel the world incognito. Yet, what is defective in dignity is made up by benevolence; and the vivas of the thousands of his subjects who knelt before him, were but the proper responses to an affability so great as Gregory's. He received with all possible patience the petitions which were showered into his carriage by the poor and the miserable; and seemed, at least, to read some of them. His blessings were lavishly conferred in answer to the yells of "Santo Padre, vostra benedizione!" uttered by all classes on their bended knees.

Arrived at St Peter's, with his suite of cardinals, his body-guard of Roman princes and nobles, and his thousands of a mob, the Pope proceeded to his religious duties in that edifice, which is certainly one of the noblest ever reared by men for worship. He was dressed in a petticoat of cambric or muslin, reaching down to the ancle, and richly worked; over his shoulders hung a tunic or capot of purple silk, tastefully, rather than richly, embroidered. His head was bare, except the zuchetto which covered the tonsure of his monkhood. Little ceremony attended his descent from the carriage, and numbers crowded around him, unmolested by his guards, to see him, and receive his blessing. He entered the church under the guidance of a motley escort of churchmen and cavalry-a strange medley of what should have been peaceful, but what was warlike, and proceeded to the Chapel of the Virgin, where his cowl was laid aside, and he seemed to be engaged in prayer to the Virgin Mary. This ceremony lasted for about ten minutes, when another saint received another, but a shorter act of devotion, from a fellow-creature, the man called infallible. Gregory next proceeded to kiss the toe of St Peter, which he did with less ardour, but as much devotion, as most of his subjects; and to show his devotedness to this prince of the apostles, he orthodoxly placed his uncovered head beneath the statue's foot. The scene finished by another prayer before the high altar, by the shrine of St Peter; and however much we may reprobate the object of such impious doings, we cannot but admit that Gregory acted his part so as to entitle the scene in St Peter's Church to the praise of a wellmanaged one. It was, of course, impossible for him, amid the din and the parade of his followers, to command his mind into devotion, even though he had been addressing God in Christ, and not a fellowcreature. But the mimicry of devotion was there; and men who can substitute the religion of sense for the religion of spirituality, seek nothing but the exterior.

When the Pope re-entered his carriage, one of the crowd, who stood by the door, uttered familiarly and bluntly the usual prayer for his blessing. Gregory laughed good humouredly, and gave it, while the crowd joined in something which began in a laugh and ended in a cheer. The whole ceremonies of the day led to this conviction, that the old man of the Vatican is, in himself considered, a harmless and an imbecile being. He resembles an old wife in more respects than his petticoat, and is of importance only inasmuch as he serves for the nominal head of


a system which spreads with worse than upas influence over the souls and consciences of millions. The interests of the Papacy are managed, and its cruelties inflicted, by ten thousand agents scattered over the world-the head of the system may be an old man in his dotage, or a sensualist, dead to everything but pleasure.

The day of All Saints is one of the gala days of Rome, when cardinal, prelate, priest, and friar swell the levee of the Pope; and it is on occasions like this that one sees most conspicuously the falsehood of Popery. No argument impresses us so strongly as an argument addressed to the eye; and here we have the most signal refutation of that system of errors, called religion. In gazing on the gorgeousness and splendour of these men, all of whom, from the sovereign to the page, rank among ministers of religion, we cannot escape from the conviction, either that that is not Christianity, or that Christianity is an imposture. Surely no hardihood but a Papist's would aver that the Saviour of the lost-he who was born, lived, and died in poverty, and was so obscure that historians just knew of his death-sanctioned or ordained such pageants. Such order upon order; such empurpled pomp; such aspirant priestcraft; such bustling of earthly dignities, mingled with the prostituted rites of religion; such ceremonies upon ceremonies; such cringing obsequiousness on the one hand; such lordly dignity on the other;-can be no part of that system which makes humility the clothing of a Christian. Independent of its principles, one sees, in such things, that Popery, is Antichristian. It is the mere foppery of religion; and all this trooping of princely priests proclaims, as plainly as a revelation from heaven could do, that these men have no connection with the Saviour, except that they continue to uphold what he came to destroy-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. Popery as seen at Rome, is the very antagonist of religion as seen in the Bible; and while such a thing is obtruded upon man as Christianity, one need not wonder that Infidelity abounds; one may rather wonder that one believer should be found in a land so overrun and overlaid by superstition and the spirit of this world. The ceremonies of Romanism refute it, even to an enemy's wish.


But the worship of Rome is equally Antichristian. In fact, the man that knows Christianity best will deny to the Papist, who adheres to all the dogmas of his creed, the very name of Christian. At Rome, in particular, the Pope, and all the people, from the cardinal chamberlain downwards, glory in the worship of the Virgin Mary; and their religion is not that of the New Testament, but a new and perfectly different creed, which may be named Virgin-Maryism, but certainly is not the religion of Jesus. Roman time is divided by the hours at which the Virgin is worshipped. The day begins with the aveMaria. It regulates all assignations and engagements. Her image, and its attendant lustres, often kept constantly burning, glare at the corner of nearly every street. The most splendid churches in Rome are dedicated to her. As if painting were not enough, poetry is called into her service; and we sometimes find, below these images, this invitation to passers-by

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