
the commentary. We have no hope of an education in which the two are at variance; we have all hope in one in which they agree. To illustrate this, let us consider,

then, when we look beyond the enclosure to the uncultured wilds, all is barrenness together. We repeat it, we have great confidence in the potency of an early Christian education--a con

divine adaptation of the Gospel to the desired end, on observation, and on the express statements of the Word of God. And so it is that even where we have seen the child of godly parents going astray, we have trembled, indeed; but we have trembled less for him than for others whose early days had been spent in scenes of ungodliness. We knew that there were instructions in his mind which he could not forget-which would not forget for himthat a mother's voice would be heard, in its tender whispers, louder than the raging voice of passion-that there were divine seeds in that heart, dormant still, but that must yet spring to life; and that, sooner or later, the cry would be heard from those lips: "My Father, my Father, be thou the guide of my youth."

IV. The Tendency and Result of Timothy's Instruc-fidence based at once on our knowledge of the tions. They were able to make him "wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." The language of Paul here is remarkable, and must not be passed over without a momentary notice. It evidently teaches that Christ is the great theme of the Old Testament as well as of the New, and that it is in the way of knowing and believing in him as the divinely qualified and divinely appointed Messiah and Saviour that we are made wise unto salvation. Such had been the experience of Timothy. Through the instruction of his parents, while he was yet a child, he had become intimately acquainted with the Old Testament Scriptures; the consequence of which was, that when Paul came to Lystra, in his missionary travels, and proclaimed Jesus as the Christ, his familiarity with ancient type and prediction enabled him at once to see and to appreciate the apostle's argument; and he showed that he had believed Moses by believing Christ. Through the many labours and prayers of his parents, followed by the ministry of Paul, he was now animated by the same unfeigned faith as before had dwelt in his grandmother Lois, and in his mother Eunice.

And, in general, it may be affirmed, that where there is similar parental fidelity and prayer, there will, sooner or later, be similar success. Parents often give way to despondency in the matter of their children's education too soon. They expect immediate fruit; and because this is not always, or even commonly, vouchsafed, they forthwith begin to slacken their efforts. But surely there is enough, both in Scripture and experience, to quicken us on to cheerful and unfaltering effort. First, let us realize the solemn fact of our children's immortal existence-let us remember that when yonder sun shall have become dim with age, and this earth shall have perished in its sheet of fire, they shall still be conscious--livingactive; and that it will greatly depend on our exertions whether their immortality shall prove to them the greatest blessing or the heaviest woe. Next, let us bear in mind that the Gospel is the only remedy for the moral and spiritual evils under which our nature groans. It alone is able to make wise unto salvation. We may, indeed, present the Gospel, and it shall be refused; but if we withhold it, the universe contains no other remedy. Moreover, is it not true, that in the great majority of instances where the saving truth is instilled by the parent into the tender minds of his children, confirmed by example, and sanctified by prayer, it is, sooner or later, followed and rewarded by the best results? There may occasionally be strange and mysterious exceptions, just as, in the best cultivated orchard, you will sometimes meet with a barren tree, but the exceptions are rare; and

We have sometimes thought that in the for mation of the coral islands in the Southern Seas, we discovered a fit illustration of the history of our Christian tuition of the young. You know that the soil of those islands, after they emerge above the deep, is formed very gradually. Every rising tide leaves its scanty deposit of mud and wreck. There is long barrenness in the slowly accumulating soil, until there is seen gathering over its surface a ver dant vegetation, and even lovely flowers spring up from hidden seeds that had been dropped perchance by some passing sea-fowl or bird of prey. Now, you have something of this gra dual preparation, followed at length by sudden verdure, in the hearts of children. Every lesson you impart is just the deposit of so much soil. There may be long and wearisome barrenness, but the propitious moment at length arrives when the labours and prayers of years are graciously rewarded; for the Spirit has given efficacy to the long-slumbering truth, and the life of faith and holiness is begun. He who " from a child had known the Holy Scriptures," is made "wise unto salvation."

Hitherto we have spoken exclusively of the efforts of parents themselves in the training of their children; and we wish it to be understood most distinctly and unequivocally that, as regards the first few years of the child's existence, we place their efforts above those of every other being in the world.

At the sametime, we should not be stating the whole truth on this subject, did we not add that, in addition to the parents' instructions, and as powerfully subsidiary to them, the children should very early come under the care of the Church, and pass into the congregational Sabbath school. A congregation without a Sabbath school is not complete in its spiritual machinery. And I scarcely know anything better adapted to second the instruc tions of the fireside, than a well organized and


eliciently conducted system of juvenile instruction here. A well appointed band of Sabbath school teachers forms the right arm of a Christian minister. A well attended, well conducted Sabbath school is a sure token of present, and one of the surest pledges of future, congregational prosperity.

How bright a day of promise would that be for the Church in this land, when every parent and every pastor solemnly resolved, in reference to the children of his charge, that from a child they should know the Holy Scriptures! Scotland, we believe, would not be an age older, until it was blessed with a universal pentecost!


could not see through the device) as if the step were taken at the earnest request of the university itself. Such acts of hypocrisy are inconsiderable matters in the transactions of Papists. The minute details given by Foxe, of this visitation, are very interesting. Our space forbids to mention them all. It will be proper, however, to take notice of some of them, that we may see how the commission goes through its work. Instructions are sent down to Dr Perne, the vice-chancellor of the university, a true Papist, that he must appear, with the heads of houses, fellows, scholars, &c., in one of the churches of the university, before the commission, between the hours of eight and ten, on the morning of the 11th of January 1557. In the meantime they are to search out, and have in readiness against that time, "all statutes,

THE TRIAL OF MARTIN BUCER AND PAUL books, privileges, and monuments, pertaining to the


BY THE REV. JOHN FAIRBAIRN, ALLANTON. AFTER the death of Edward VI., and during the reign of Queen Mary, the sword of Rome, so often bathed in the blood of the saints, had free scope in England, and raged with ungoverned fury. Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, and a multitude of other wit nesses for the truth, suffered at the stake, sealing their testimony with their blood, and "lighting such a fire in England as they expected, by God's blessing, would not soon be extinguished." So merciless was the fury of the Papists, and so energetic their measures, that the preaching of the Gospel was almost entirely suppressed. As in the days of Ahab, the people of God-and there were many in the landwere hidden and silent.

The University of Cambridge was suspected. Indeed, there was no great reason for suspecting it. Such of the teachers and officials there as had professed the Gospel had been already removed; and Popery was firmly seated within its walls, and in its chairs. Still, in that university, for a good many years back, there had been many eminent and learned men, natives and foreigners, infected with the heresy of the Reformation. They had with all diligence preached, icctured, laboured, written-who could tell but that some of the evil influence which they spread around might still be lurking and fermenting in quiet corners, ready to convey the poison of the Gospel over the land, pouring it forth through secret channels?

Cardinal Pole and his coadjutors thought that this had better be inquired into. It would do no harmit might do much good. They knew well enough how matters stood. They knew how firmly the university, being well purged, stood for Rome. Still, such an inquiry-and let it be a rigorous one-will We have cleared the land of have a salutary effect. the bolder of the Reformers; we must have a visitation of the university. In connection with what has already been done, it will show how fixedly we are resolved to have Protestantism thoroughly rooted out, and Popery established.

A commission of visitation is accordingly determined upon-the visitors nominated-arrangements made for their procedure. To remove all odium from the cardinal and his deputies, should anything odious be done, it is made to appear (to all at least who

university, or any of the colleges, or, finally, to any of themselves; every man, moreover, must appear Several questions may require to be personally."

put, and some oaths taken; every man must, therefore, appear in person. Thus, the visitors proceed in a very business-like way-the drift of which is very apparent.

The court is as

The 11th of January arrives. sembled; the visitors take their seats; they are seated on an elevated platform, covered over with cushions, and carpeted to the ground. The vice-chancellor sprinkles them with holy water; and proposes to burn incense before them; which, on this occasion, they decline, "though afterwards and elsewhere, they refuse it not." Why should they? If the people of Lystra would have sacrificed to Paul and Barnabas, whom they took for Mercury and Jupiter, why should not the Pope's representatives have equal honour? Because Paul and his companion rent their garments and restrained the idolatry of the Heathen, does it follow that the servants of Antichrist should refuse the worship of the votaries of Rome?

To pass over other business, which occupied the visitors three days, we come to the trial of Bucer and Fagius. The reader, unacquainted with the history, naturally supposes that Bucer and Fagius are present; at all events, that they are still alive, and have, up till this time, been preaching and lecturing-training their students, and, by all other available methods, leavening the university and the town with Reformation principles, which the visitors have come to silence and root out. Nothing of the kind. They have been dead and buried for several years. Bucer is interred in the vaults of St Mary's Church-Fagius, in those of St Michael's; which churches, till matters be brought to an issue, are placed under interdict. No religious service must be done in them. They are polluted, unconsecrated-rendered unholy by the ashes of the heretics.

How are the accused to be tried? There appears some difficulty in the matter. The reader does not see exactly how it is to be set about. The ingenuity and zeal of the visitors soon thread the difficulty, and get matters adjusted orderly. There was, indeed, a good deal of discussion; "forasmuch as the present state of the case required great deliberation and advice." Of course it did. What if Bucer and Fagius "What is your opinion, Viceshould not appear?

chancellor Perne? and yours, ye heads of houses and masters of colleges? As the matter is weighty, let every man, in due order, give his verdict."

After much debating, the vice-chancellor and all the collegians agree to the following resolutions:That the visitors be humbly requested to proceed against Bucer. Whilst he yet lived, he taught poisonous doctrines among them; was himself a sectary and famous heretic-had erred from the Catholic Church, and caused others to err; his dead body must be digged up, that inquisition may be made as to his doctrine (which, of course, could not be done in absence of the same). Inquisition being made, should his doctrine be found to be, as reported, hot good and wholesome, then the law must take course against him. There are many reasons why it should be so. For example, the law is, that the body of a heretic must not be buried in Christian burial. If respect is to be had to the glory of God, and the edification of the faithful, no room should be left for the body of a heretic to rest in. The body of a heretic is noisome and injurious to the very elements; "the place where it has been buried must be purged, and all things so ordered, as may be satisfying to the consciences of the weak," for which Popery has a most tender regard.

These resolutions are unanimously agreed upon. They are preliminaries. Order is at length taken to cite Bucer and Fagius to appear before the commission. Opportunity shall be given them to defend themselves, or to any other who may wish to appear on their behalf. This is on the 15th of January. That everything may be done with the decency which becomes so grave a court, the 18th is fixed upon as the day of appearance. Groups of people may be seen, in the meantime, around the door of St Mary's Church, the doors of the common schools, and still larger groups thronging about the market cross. The citation is posted on such public places. They are reading it-making, no doubt, their remarks upon it. It would be interesting to hear them; but they have not been preserved.

The court is again assembled; for the 18th has come. Neither Bucer nor Fagius appeared. They obeyed not the citation; they proved contumacious. But observe the meekness and courtesy of the commission; they will not proceed to judgment—" which, nevertheless, for the contumacy of these two dead men in absenting themselves, they might have done." Being mercifully inclined, they choose rather to proceed anew with the citation. This is done, and the trial adjourned till the 26th of the month, that parties may not be pressed for time.

The 26th also arrives. The court is once more assembled; the contumacy of those cited is intolerable they do not appear; business must be proceeded with this time. The vice-chancellor rises up, and, mustering "a grave face," reaches to the president of the commission the process lately published. He reports, at the sametime, that it had been duly served" executed according to the effect and purport of the same." After a pause, the Bishop of Chester, one of the visitors, gets upon his feet and takes speech in hand. He shows that the law must, of necessity, be put in force. As an individual, he

would rather it were otherwise; but he must sacrifice his own feelings to the public good. "For, however," he remarks, "we ourselves are inclined to mercy in our hearts, than the which we protest there is nothing under the sun to us more dear and acceptable, yet, notwithstanding, the very law rises up in revenge; so that the common salvation of you all, which the law provides for" (a law unheard of, except in Popery and Puseyism), “must be preferred before the private charity of our minds. But if God, as he is slow to wrath and judgment, will wink at it," (i. e., at the preaching of the Gospel); " yet, notwithstanding, if we, upon whom the charge of the Lord's flock leans, should permit so execrable crimes to escape unpunished, we should not live in quiet one hour."

Having finished his speech, the bishop pronounced sentence. Bucer and Fagius were condemned for heresy. The punishment which, in these days, Papists inflicted upon Protestants, was burning to death at the stake. Order is given that the bodies of the condemned should be dug up-degraded from their holy orders, and delivered over to the secular power "to be executed." "For," adds the historian somewhat facetiously, “it was not lawful for such innocent persons (as the visitors), abhorring (as they did) all bloodshed, and detesting all murder, to pat any man to death."

The magistrate obeys, as he must, if he would live in peace a little longer, or, indeed, live at all. A fit place is prepared-a stake erected-the bodies of Bucer and Fagius, in their coffins, are fastened to it with chains. A fire is kindled; many condemned books are also thrown into it, that the heresy of the Reformation may be consumed root and branch.

It is well known that during the reign of Mary, the measures of the Papists were characterized by energy and bloody cruelty. Great numbers suffered to the death. Popery flourished-imbrued its hands in blood-was full of restless activity. We shall conclude with an extract from Latimer, who suffered in this persecution, which casts some light on the subject, and which is not so old-fashioned but that it may be useful even now. Times may soon come when such preaching will be required :—“ And now I would ask a strange question: Who is the most diligent bishop and prelate in all England, that passeth all the rest in doing his office? I can tell; for I know him who it is; I know him well. And will ye know who it is? I will tell you; it is the devil. He is the most diligent preacher of all other; he is never out of his diocese-ye shall never find him unoccupied. Call for him when you will, he is ever at home-the diligentest preacher in all the realm; he is ever at his plough. He is ever applying his business; ye shall never find him idle, I warrant you. And his office is to hinder religion-to maintain superstition-to set up idolatry—to teach all kind of Popery. Where the devil is resident, and hath his plough going, there away with books, and up with candles; away with Bibles, and up with beads; away with the light of the Gospel, and up with the light of candles, yea, at noonday. Down with Christ's cross, up with purgatory pick-purse-up with him, the Popish purgatory, I mean. Away with clothing the

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naked, the poor, the impotent-up with decking of
images, and gay garnishing of stocks and stones; up
with man's traditions and his laws-down with God's
traditions and his most holy Word. Down with the
old honour due to God, and up with this new god's
honour. All things must be done in Latin. God's
Word may in no wise be translated into English."

From the above may be gathered the estimation in
which the labours and memory of Bucer and Fagius
were held by the Papists. The reader may be curious
to know in what light they were regarded by some of
the most celebrated Reformers. In regard to Bucer,
Calvin expresses himself in the following terms:—

"Martin Bucer, a most faithful doctor of the Church of Christ, besides his rare learning and copious knowledge of many things-besides his strength of intellect, his extensive reading, and other many and various virtues, in which he is scarce excelled by any now living-has few equals, and excels most; has this praise peculiar to himself, that none in this age has used exacter diligence in the exposition of Scripture."

Beza, in his work entitled "Beza Icones," thus speaks of him :

"This is that countenance of Bucer-the mirror of mildness tempered with gravity-to whom the city of Strasburg owed the reformation of her Church; whose singular learning, and eminent zeal, joined with excellent wisdom, both his learned books and public disputations, in the general diets of the empire, shall witness to all ages. The German persecution drove him into England. He was honourably entertained by Edward VI. He was for two years chief Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, with greatest frequency and applause of all learned and pious men until his death."

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Where are they? With the years beyond the flood.
It is the signal that demands despatch.
How much is to be done! My hopes and fear
Start up alarm'd; and o'er life's narrow verge
Look down-on what? A fathomless abyss-
A dread eternity! how surely mine!
And can eternity belong to me,
Poor pensioner on the bounties of an hour?

Biographical Sketch.





MR BALMER was much beloved by his people. There were a few who, at first, had objected to his settlement over the Berwick congregation, but their objections were soon dissipated, and their hearts won, by the affability and gentleness of his demeanour, and the faithfulness of his ministry. He was exemplary in the discharge of all the duties of his station. made conscience of preparation for the pulpit his sermons being well, and even elaborately, studied, and studied, moreover, in a spirit of prayerfulness and dependence—while, during "Bucer," says Foxe, in his Book of Martyrs, the week, in visitations, in classes for the young, "what by writing, but chiefly by reading and preach-in congregational and district prayer-meetings, ing openly-wherein, being painful in the Word of he watched for souls, and assiduously disGod, he never spared himself, nor regarded health-charged the duties of his calling. Nor were brought all men into such admiration of him, that neither his friends could sufficiently praise him, nor his enemies in any point find fault with his singular

life and sincere doctrine."

"Paul Fagius," says Beza, "born in the Palatinate, became most skilful in the Hebrew tongue. Being called to the ministry at Isna, he published many ancient and profitable Hebrew books. Being invited to Strasburg, he there discharged the duties of a teacher with great applause. The same persecution drove him and Bucer into England, where he was preferred to a professor's place in Cambridge, and soon after died." Besides the above, many other testimonies have been borne by eminent men to the learning, piety, worth and zeal, of Bucer and Fagius.

PREPARATION FOR DEATH.-If you forget anything when your sea is full, and your foot in that ship, there is no returning again to fetch it. Have all things in readiness against the time that you must fall through that black and impetuous Jordan; and Jesus-Jesus who knoweth both these depths, and the rocks, and all the coasts-be your pilot. Rutherford.

his labours without reward. He was not without evidence that he had many souls for his hire, and the comforting and building up of

many more.

Mr Balmer (says his biographer) was careful, while not neglecting his ministerial duties among his people, to give himself to reading. We have before us a list of the books he had read, marked by himself from month to month, commencing in 1808, and continued to 1843. While it comprises a good deal of the popular literature of the day, it shows that he was especially given to that kind of reading which might furnish him more richly for the work of the ministry-that he did not neglect to keep up his acquaintance with the classics, and was a diligent student of the Scriptures in the original languages. The list contains, on an average, about twenty volumes in the half year. Some, perhaps, may read more, but few, we believe, to better purpose. It was his habit to have always some book in the course of reading, not for cursory perusal, as a source of relaxation, but as a subject of study, that he might make himself master of its contents; and it was a very common question with him to his friends and brethren in the ministry, introductory often to much pleasant discussion, and comparing of notes in regard to their opinions of authors, "What book are you reading just now?

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He visited London in 1819, and again in 1823, for the purpose of supplying the pulpit of his friend, Dr Waugh. Both times, on his way home, he spent a few days at Leicester with the celebrated Robert Hall, and his reminiscences of their conversation, partially published some years ago by Dr Olinthus Gregory, have been published entire in an appendix to his Memoir. Hall had a high opinion of Mr Balmer, and invited him on both occasions to preach for him.

In the year 1826, he entered into the marriage relation with Miss Jane Scott, daughter of Mr Alexander Scott of Aberdeen; and by this union, which was truly one of mutual affection and esteem, his comfort and usefulness were greatly increased.

already mentioned, he did at the beginning and end of every week, he showed peculiar simplicity and assurance of faith, and solemnity, tenderness, and heavenliness of affection. In no part of his public duty was the fine union between the virtues of the professor and the graces of the "man of God" so apparent. The charm of sanctity which hallowed all his official accomplishments and acts was here traced to its source, in the deep devoutness of his character. His affectionate interest in his class was never so strikingly manifested as in the earnestness and pathos with which he implored on their behalf all the blessings of Christian salvation and ministerial endowment, and the fatherly solicitude with which he deprecated, one by one, the sins and evils which "most easily beset them." The language of Somethese prayers was, indeed, "fitly chosen." times it almost appeared as if it were premeditated; a supposition, however, which, considering the propriety and refinement of his spoken style, and his intimate familiarity with the devotional language of Scripture was probably unfounded. He almost dents; and certainly, though this was no doubt far never criticised the language of prayer in his stufrom his thoughts, his own example was better than any directory.

Mr Balmer was a man of peace, and had no fondness for anything that savoured of war. He was never so much at ease as when engaged in the unostentatious and unobserved discharge of ordinary duties, or when mingling in the society of friends. For instance, although a In his general intercourse with his students, there Voluntary, he scarcely at all meddled with was the same striking simplicity and kindness which that controversy, when it raged so fiercely indistinguished him in the professor's chair. He was the land. His biographer says:—

Mr Balmer was slow to take part in the conflict. He had cherished in his heart, as friends and brethren in Christ, many members and ministers of the Established Church. He was never, perhaps, altogether satisfied in his own mind with some of the arrangements of Dissenting societies. He felt that the popular voice, which in them is so powerful, was sometimes fickle and unreasonable. And he lamented the hardships to which many of their ministers were subjected, in consequence of the want of a liberal spirit, or of the means of exercising it, on the part of those on whom they were dependent for support. He, however, attended some meetings, and addressed one at Jedburgh.

In April 1834, he was chosen, by the Synod, Professor of Systematic Theology. With characteristic modesty he would have declined to accept of the appointment, had not his friends strongly urged him to the contrary. He could not understand, he said, why he had been chosen in preference to others in the connection, whom he had deemed so much superior to himself. But having the office pressed upon him, he did not feel himself at liberty to refuse. It appeared as a call from the Lord, and he did not doubt but that IIe who gave the call would give him the strength to follow it. Accordingly, he devoted himself with all diligence and earnestness to the discharge of the duties of his new position; although the care of the ministry, with which his professorship was conjoined, must have rendered his labours excessive. He was a general favourite with the students they regarded him with reverence and esteem. In his published Memoir an interesting and evidently truthful sketch of his professorial course and character is given from the pen of one of his students; part of which we subjoin :

In conducting the devotions of the class (which, as

at pains to put himself on the most friendly terms with all, by inviting them, at the opening of each session, to bring their difficulties, of whatever, kind to him, when he was always ready with his counsel and help. He was also in the habit of inviting his whole class, once, at least, in the course of each session, in small parties to his residence; and seemed never happier than when in their society. The slight reserve, arising not from pride, but from self-diffidence, which marked his demeanour on other occa sions, was then completely dissipated; and without losing that calmness and dignity which were so peculiar to him, he gave way to the most cheerful and unconstrained flow of conversation, calling up reminiscences of his college and hall life, speaking without any scrupulous delicacy of living men and with the greatest frankness, and displaying someopinions, answering all manner of eager inquiries what of a mild and simple humour, which but rarely broke out amid the graver duties of his public office.

His professorship, however, was destined in Providence to be the source of his greatest bitterness. Our readers are aware of the unhappy controversies, on the question of the atonement which have for some years agitated the Secession Church, and in which Dr Balmer,* of necessity, bore a prominent part. It is, of course, not within our province to adjudicate on these controversies, nor is it our wish. Suffice it to say, that several of Dr Balmer's brethren, dissatisfied with his views on that sub'ect, as expressed in a preface written by him to a work of Edward Polhill, and afterwards in his Statement to the Synod, publicly attacked them. It was a subject on which he appears to have long had doubts, and to have been much perplexed; and we find him taking every oppor tunity of asking upon it the opinions and advice of men whom he esteemed among others, of Robert Hall. The end of the discussions which

He had received the degree of D.D. in the year 1840, from the University of St Andrews.

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