

nance, while an attempered joy shone in his fine expressive eye. Sir William Fordyce looked as he felt, delighted; the ladies were on their feet, when the doctor, calm and collected, approached Miss Cummyng, and said,

The Turks have no manufactures that can be styled peculiarly their own; but in making tobacco-pipes they excel other nations. Their dyers are eminent for the brilliancy of their colours, and there is one tint" Best beloved, my Henrietta, our unequalled by any country. It re- wishes are sanctified: fear nothing!" sembles the scarlet extracted from He took her hand; she grew very cochineal, but is richer. Tradition pale, trembled, and the tears started tells, that the soldiers of the Cross into her eyes. "Sister," said Sir taught the Gael to prepare a beau-William, taking her other hand, and tiful and indelible scarlet from a small yellow-flowered wild plant, called suku or red perhaps it bears some affinity to the Turkish dye. At their turning-lathe the Turks employ their toes to guide the chisel, and they shew a diverting dexterity in those pedipulations.


The late Rev. Dr. James Fordyce married a lady, whose paternal name was Cummyng. The description given of this marriage in a Memoir of her just published is amusing. Miss Cummyng had petitioned for a delay, out of which it was determined to surprise her. She was told that a party was expected in the evening. The guests were each saluted with an appropriate compliment; and the whole party appeared to be entirely at their ease, except that Miss Cummyng felt a beating at her heart, which she could neither define nor understand. She observed that the dress of her Cicero was as gay as the sober costume of a Scotch kirk minister would admit: his habit was entirely new, and he wore light grey silk stockings; gold shoe, knee, and stock buckles; and his full-curled wig was newly and becomingly arranged. A smile of chastened pleasure irradiated his serene counte

with gentle force raising her from her chair, "all here unite to make you happy; and you are above affectation." She was led to the chapel belonging to the mansion. It was lighted up and prepared for the solemn occasion. The mysteries of the day were at an end; the bride resumed herself; and every one knelt devoutly round the altar. The Dean of , who had been engaged to perform the ceremony, began, and continued to pronounce the words with impressive solemnity, till the doctor had to say, "With my body I thee worship," when he substituted the words, " With my body I thee honour." The dean repeated "worship;" the doctor repeated" honour." Three times the dean reiterated "worship;" and as often the doctor, in a voice which inspired awe, repeated "honour." The dignitary paused; a momentary red suffused his cheek, but he proceeded, and the ceremony was concluded.


So late as the time of Henry III. of France, the dowager queens of that country were styled reines blanches, from the white mourning which they were used to wear. "Henry," says L'Etoile in his Journal, "went to salute the white queen." That queen

was Elizabeth of Austria, widow of ready to encounter the gainsayer."

Charles IX.


Taliesin, the Welch bard, was a foundling. He was discovered, like Moses, a castaway on the waters, in a weir on the coast of Merionethshire. The infant bard was wrapped in a leathern wallet.


The king was charmed by this intrepid defiance, and immediately confirmed the assumed honours. Henry VII. was descended from this illustrious knight, being the son of Edmund Earl of Richmond, son of Sir Owen Tudor, who was the son of this courageous Sir Tudor Vaughan ap Grono.


On the celebrated mountain of Pen Maen Maur is an ancient forti

treble wall; within each wall, the foundation site of more than one hundred towers, all round, each about 18 feet diameter within; the walls about 18 feet thick. This situation must have been impregnable. The

Was a worthy of the brilliant era of Edward III. Without any title of hereditary or legal origin, he as-fication, surrounded with a strong sumed the style of Sir Tudor ap Grono. The king, being informed of this presumption, sent for the eccentric self-derived knight, and demanded of him by what power he assumed a prerogative which belonged only to royalty. The Welchman re-entrance, which is steep and rocky, plied, that "he preserved that right in virtue of the laws of King Arthur. In the first place, he was a gentleman; secondly, he had a large estate; thirdly, he was valiant and resolute; and if any man," he continued," shall doubt my valour, I throw down my glove in test of courage, and stand

ascends by many windings: one hundred men might defend it against fifty times their number; and within its walls there is room for twenty thousand men. This is supposed to have been a place of refuge before and subsequent to the massacres of the Cambrians by Edward I.


of Hampstead Heath offended my olfactory nerves, and even the Green Park seemed to me less verdant than a Kidderminster carpet. "I will leave," said I, "this abode of dirt, smoke, skim-milk, and knavery." I said so, and as I act as quickly as I speak, it was not long ere I commenced my operations. I must also

A PLAGUE on all speculators, say || sy hats, unaffected innocence, and I, more particularly on the specula- pure air, until the very atmosphere tor on change of climate! I had read, Mr. Editor, of emigration to America and to Van Diemen's Land, aye, and to other lands, until the goodly streets of London, the rows of houses, and shops from which the eye is regaled with prints and jewels, and the nose with mock-turtle and à la mode de Paris, became at length hateful || to my senses: for, sir, I read of tell you in your ear, Mr. Editor, that purling streams, new-mown hay, gip- || I am married; and that, long before Vol. III. No. XV.

I read of purling streams, Mrs. Jug- || the attention knew no bounds. They compelled me to visit them at their lodgings at the Bull Inn, Bishopsgate; and at length getting on the blind side of Jane's venerable mamma, once, twice, thrice, I visited them at M, and at length I married her daughter.

Jenny, as I have said, frequently urged me to live in the country; and while a tear stood in her blue eye, would tell me, she was sure I should be happy there, and she should be so happy too, that at length I became in love with a pastoral life. I could neither hunt nor shoot, but then I could read, and her father would bring me the newspaper every Saturday night; and then her mother-Alas! while we were plan

gins, my deary that is, tried hard to inoculate me with a love of a country life, particularly of a life in that part of the country in which she was born and bred. But perhaps it may not be amiss to inform you how Jenny and I became acquainted. I was one day crossing Tower-Hill, when I beheld as pretty a country wench as ever fattened a pullet, accompanied by two males, whom I took to be her father and brother. She was about four feet three high, with a pair of blue eyes, cherry cheeks, a divine smile, white teeth, and a nimble pace. Her accompaniments, had I to describe them two hundred years ago, as coming from the distance of a hundred miles from London, would have given some play to my descrip-ning and thinking of this journey, tive powers. As it is, it will be sufficient to state, that their dresses were only of the same cut as many of our would-be country gentlemen on the 1st September; not so well fitted indeed, but saving the bronze of their countenances and their gloveless hands, they might have been taken for Londoners, somewhat, 'tis true, behind the fashion. The lady was much more fashionably at-ing letters, and Jenny would be so tired. I have said that you might have imagined them Londoners, and so you might until they opened their mouths: you then forgot it all in the difficulty of understanding their patois, which with some pains I managed to comprehend, as they came forward to address me, begging to know how they could obtain a sight of the Tower, the lions, and all that; and as I was never behindhand in civility when a pretty girl was in the case, I conducted them not only to see the beasts, but the Armoury and the Jewel-Office. Their gratitude for

both her parents died: but then Jenny had a brother and his wife and two sisters, these would be such good neighbours! for they were only parted by some ten miles, to a countryman nothing, but to a Cockney a long way to a tea-party. Well, but my Jenny grew poorly, and her sisters were often poorly, and then they would write to each other such mov

glad to hear from them, that she watered every line of their letters with her tears; not that I ever saw ought but the effect, when she would blame the cold for the redness of her eyes. At length Munden began to tire, Incledon ceased to charm, and the Park to please. Urged by the solicitude of Jenny and my fancied love for vernal scenes, I determined to live with our own people. A journey of one hundred and fifty miles with a wife, two children, a cockatoo, and a pug-dog, was a rather awful undertaking; but we were not to be daunt

honours men! There on a donkey's back came our best carpet, on which many an infant foot had danced. On the head of a tall Irishwoman flou

once bargained for by my deary at Covent-Garden market; while the immortal Pitt, Nelson, and George III. had become the property of a vertuloving mechanic, who, in his haste to possess his king, had insensibly become his decapitator, and who, on seeing me, crossed the way, in hopes I might have been a mender of monarchs.

Thank heaven I could not say that I was without a ducat; for the money was presently handed to me, the duty paid, and soon after a postchaise was at the door. Betty was perched on the dickey, with the cockatoo on her fist like an ancient falconer, or Leonora in the Padlock. Myself and Jenny occupied the chaise, Gertrude on her lap, Bobby occupied my knee, and Rover. lay between our legs, save and except that ever and anon, with dangling and heated tongue, he strove hard for a share of the front window.

ed by trifles. It was not long before a proof of the bill, explaining our future designs, was put into my hands. "To be sold by auction, all that elegant and fashionable household fur-rished roses, geraniums, and myrtles, niture, plate, linen, and china, a piano-forte by Broderip, &c. &c. &c. the property of Andrew Juggins, Esq. leaving London." Surprised as we were at the splendid appearance which our humble furniture made in the catalogue, we were almost knocked up with disappointment when we heard that our goods had been knocked down for a sum less by a hundred pounds than we expected. But as we had wisely imagined that we must give "plenty for our whistle," we determined to make up for this deficit when we resided in the country, and this trouble was soon forgotten. What the poor wretch feels whose little all must go to satisfy a ruthless creditor, I can well imagine, for even in my situation I felt considerably annoyed at this parting with my household gods. 'Tis true, I avoided the scene as much as possible; but one day being obliged to speak to the modern Langford, I was compelled to behold my ancient friends tumbled over the floor.Scarcely indeed had I approached the scene of action, when looking-we posted all the way, until our arglasses and chairs, once my own, met rival at M―: how often we paid my sight, and the fellows who bore for fresh fish and young chicken of them, knowing them to have once olden time; how often we were inbeen my property, gave me an im- formed "I'm ostler," or " I'm champudent sort of recognition, as much bermaid;" how frequently we heard as to say, "I have your ancient Lares!" "Chaise on, next turn;" or how often On the head of a ragged urchin, II taxed the bills. Suffice it to say, recognised one of my rose-wood card- that we reached in safety the house. tables, at which many a canne one taken for us, and to which we were partner" once sat: how often has its warmly welcomed by all our relations. green baize been ruffled by the To a man, sir, who has lived in a knuckles of the decided rubber- small genteel house in Pentonville player, the three by cards or four by or Walworth Crescent, with a front


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I shall not trouble you, sir, with the scenes of extortion and the little miseries which we encountered, as


garden of the size of a hearth-rug, || of the neighbourly conduct of people

and a back garden almost as big again, you may imagine that a large old house and half an acre or more of pleasure-ground must have been an acquisition. I was delighted, and for a time I was fully occupied in painting my dwelling, and having purchased the Gardener's Multum in Parvo, in learning when to rake borders and plant box-edging. With the assistance of a gardener, I made my garden much prettier than that at Hornsey Wood, or my friend Duncan's at Highgate. But now for the sociabilities of the place. I had read in the novels of Smollett and Fielding

resident in small market-towns in the country, where, at the first inn in the place, a parlour was dedicated for a club, at which the parson, the doctor, and the lawyer met to smoke their pipes. I was fully aware that modern refinement had succeeded in banishing these friendly meetings; but yet there were such things as reading-societies and tythe-feasts, where, at least, I expected to give and take some little share of conviviality: but in this it seems I was mistaken.

(To be concluded in our next.)

A NOBLEMAN APPREHENDED ON HIS OWN WARRANT. THE yew, the holly, and the pine- || gay elegance and successful power. tree produce their most thriving Their contemporary, the Earl of plants and most durable timber on Dunmore, frequently passed the sumthe highest hills. This property is mer and autumnal months at Inverecognised by the ancient bards, who, rary castle, or at Glenfinart in Arin Gaelic poesy, call those trees gyleshire, and generally wore the "waving nurslings of the storm;" plaid manufacture of the country in and, like them, it appears that the appropriate style; professing, that mountain garb has acquired distinc- besides being the most convenient tion amidst the blasts of adversity. attire for a sportsman, it procured to The act of Parliament prohibiting him amusing adventures. Of these the Highland phelibeg and accoutre- we are enabled to give a specimen. ments, excited the public attention One morning, just as his lordship to their supposed analogy with inde- was setting off for the moors, an expendence of spirit, valour, and har-cise-officer applied for a warrant to dihood; and not only was the attach-apprehend a noted smuggler, who ment of natives to their picturesque had dangerously wounded a supercostume raised to enthusiasm, but visor while officiating in his duty. southern noblemen and gentlemen The delinquent was supposed to have caught the flame, and eagerly sought passed from Ayrshire into the district commissions in the 42d regiment. of Cowal, and, as on former occasions, When the unavailing proscription disguised as a Highlander, to be was repealed, many southerns of con- lurking among the hills. Lord D. spicuous rank adopted the kilt as a granted the warrant, and proceeded light and becoming hunting dress; in search of grouse, attended by his and Archibald Earl of Eglinton and gamekeeper. He had hardly enterthe late earl led this fashion with ed the shooting-ground when a young

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