CHRIST THE COMFORTER. SEE PLATE. THIS picture is a homily of the most convinc- || in heaven over the sinner that repenteth. Having ing character. Christ, the deliverer from sin and death, is throned on high, while round him are lived the life of the world, and felt the penalty of the law, he has compassion on the children of men. grouped in various attitudes of contrition and hu- | And there are none who are positively debarred mility, the widow and the fatherless; the martyrs of sin and the world. "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me shall not perish, but have eternal life!" and these words of blessed promise are faintly shadowed forth in the picture. See, from off the negro's wrists the chains of slavery are falling; and bonds more tight and painful far than even these-the bonds of disobedience and indifference-are loosened by His power. Hark, the triumphant shout in heaven, echoing far and wide through the ether, "Glory, glory, glory be to the Highest; and on earth peace, good will towards men." The victory over the world has been accomplished; another sinner has been saved. And looking to another phase of the subject, what a glorious and beneficent boon is that promise made by the Saviour, "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest!" There is no condition attached to the merciful invitation; it is simply, Come! And if ever sound were welcome to the ears of weary pilgrim, this must be doubly so to the tired traveller of life. How the words rest in the memory and sink in the heart! Upon the throne in heaven the Comforter is seated in radiant glory, ready to welcome and receive all who supplicate his mercy. Having suffered death upon the tree for the fallen sons of Adam, he is ever at the right hand of Power to intercede for them. Feeling and knowing the manifold temptations that beset humanity, he is ever ready to pardon and protect all who turn to him; for there is joy the privilege of his saving grace. The poor and miserable have a friend and comforter in Christ, for "he hath chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised." This picture is the production of Ary Scheffer, a Dutch artist of considerable celebrity; its exhibition on its first appearance excited the greatest sensation among both the public and the lovers of the fine arts. The genius of Scheffer is of that profound and imaginative class which is so often copied, without success, by the second-rate followers of the German school. Though a Dutchman by birth, his productions are all of the most warm and life-like description; such, indeed, as cannot fail to absorb attention and secure regard. To such a mind as that of Scheffer's, the execution of the grandest conceptions and most difficult and outré situations becomes a matter of necessity, the outwelling of the great soul within; and the production of such a design as this is sufficient to immortalize the name of the artist, should he never produce another. The varied expressions depicted in the countenances of the figures are managed with great skill and judgment, while the composition of the whole bespeaks the most poetic taste and feeling. Ary Scheffer well deserves the praises of the judicious admirers of art. His designs have in them a sentiment and power that will never die. |