
take care that all Forreigners, as well Protestants as others, be admitted into Corporacons, & this is what wee think most necessary to be signified to you at ye present in those matters.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall ye 31st day of August, 1672, in ye 24th year of Our Reigne.


[Stowe, 499, fo. 30.]

[Urges a speedy investigation into the disposal of lands pursuant to the late Act of Parliament. The people, especially in Kerry, are very intractable owing to the prolonged delay.]


[Vol. i. fo. 216.]
Charles R.

Right Trusty and Right Wellbeloved Cousin & Councellour, Wee Greet you Well. Whereas Wee are given to understand that the Earle of Orrery hath applyed to you for your Lycence & permission to plant certaine greate Guns in his Castle or House of Ballymartin within that Our Kingdome, and that hee doth further pretend to Power under the Greate Seale of that Our Kingdome to fortify one other of his Houses called Charle Ville in Our said Kingdome with Forts and Bullwarkes, and to Mount and use Greate Guns on the said Fortifications, Wee cannot but take notice to you how unfitt Wee thinke it That any such Lycences should be granted,

a See Letters V, X.

And therefore Wee doe not onely well approve yo' refusal of the desire he made as to Ballymartin, But further Wee will, and accordingly Wee doe hereby sufficiently authorise and require you to give order for the recalling and revokeing in such way and forme as shall bee found necessary the said Power and Lycence soe pretended to be granted to him to fortify his House of Charle Ville as aforesaid, in case upon enquiry you doe finde that any such Lycence or Authority has been granted to him, which Wee cannot but Looke upon as a surprise of a dangerous nature upon us, if indeed Wee have att any time heretofore made him such a Grant. For which these Our Letters shall bee Your Warrant. And soe Wee bid you heartily farewell. Given att Our Court at Whitehall the 7th day of September in the 24th yeare of Our Reigne 1672.



[Vol. i. fo. 2357]


Londonderry, Sept. 13, 1672. The Applications wch I have made to my La Chancelo', haveing carryed wth them an Address to yo1 Excelley by his Grace's comunication, in ye whole account of ye late disorder here in London Derry; It will be but Actum agere to make any further representations of ye particulars of yt affaire, especially, if to ye narrative transmitted, His Grace hath comunicated also to yo' Excelley what

* Robert Mossom, DD., an Englishman. Precentor of St. Patrick's, Dean of Christ Church, Dublin, and Prebendary of York, consecrated April 1, 1616. Died at Derry, Dec. 21, 1679; buried in the cathedral.

b See Letters VII. XX.




is given in Answer to ye Rioters' Complaints; by which will appear not only ye innocency but also ye necessity of mine & ye Magistrate's proceedings. And however they may seem unseasonable at present, yet (I doubt not) but in a little process of time yor Excelley will experience them very usefull in ye clear discovery of these (Northern at least) Presbyterians' tempers. I was myself personally employed in all ye late comotions in England from first to last. And from ye experiences I had of ye first beginninge, I still hinted to ye La Lieut as lately to yo' Excelley, what I conceived of the turbulent temper of these persons, wch would upon occasion break out into tumultuous practices; And this is now made evident in part, & if not nip't in ye bud, being overaw'd by force, will hereafter shew it selfe to ye full.

But yo' Excelley can by ye just measures of prudence descern ex pede Herculem. And that yo' Excelley may not judge me heedles of that transmit to ye King before my leaving Dublin; It was upon yt reason, that, in ye Order of restraint published, it was declared to be only till his Maties Lycense should be produc't; And in ye consult with ye Maior & ye present Governors, we did verily believe, yt this order would have restrain'd their Assemblys; But their dareing impudence, out vy'd our more modest confidence; & being engag'd by Campsie's Menaces, we should have been trod on as dirt (& ye whole Ministry with us) had Magistracy been baffled by their bold Attempts. Indeed ye great learning now is yt by experimts, & this hath influence into ye State as well as ye Schools. So yt to confirme ye Representation made by me to yo1 Excelley, & by yor Excelley to ye King, concerning these peoples principles and tempers, this experimt comes seasonable & patt, wth out wch, I have reason to imagine, my intimations of danger in this place, & to this Garrison, would be no more credited at Court now then formerly; And so, ye Insolence of this party become reserv'd to a season in wch they could not be so easily supprest, as now their late Riott (to shew their conformity to ye beginnings of

[ocr errors][merged small]

ye late Comotions) they have back't (on Tuesday last) with a scandalous & factious Libell, of wch my La Chancelo' will give Yo1 Excelley an Account, transmitted to him by this post. I Humbly beg Yo' Excelleys Patronage in this Grand affaire, & protection in this dangerous place; wth out wch I must crave leave to retreat to Dublin for security to my selfe & family, where I may doe wt I cannot here, viz., pray for yo' Excelley & preach to the people in safety.

XVI-THE EARL OF ESSEX TO THE EARL OF Arlington. [Stowe MS. 499, fo. 33.]


Dublyn Castle, Sept. 14th, 1672. On Wednesday last, being the eleventh instant, I received two Lřes from ye LP, and ye same day ye duplicate of one of them arrived here too. I am very glad they are come, and give y' Lop many thanks for their soe speedy dispatch, for till I had them I would not venture one step in ye regulation of Corporacions, but now that I am soe completely instructed in that perticular I shall proceed to the perfecting and imposing of ye Rules, wherein I shall exactly pursue his Majties directions signified in his Letter.


The City here, whom I lately believd to bee in a temper of compliance one with another, and that they would of themselves have readmitted their excluded Aldermen, and composd all their differences among themselves, are now resolved to come to a hearing before the Councell Table, and in regard tis doubtfull whether the sentence of the board may be gratefull to the commonaltie, and and considering some unhappy Tumults wch were the last year about a bridge, wherein I am told 7 or 8 men were Kild, the better

a Before the 28th the Council had, on Essex's demand, restored their recorder and aldermen, accepting the new Regulations, and elected Essex's nominee, Decy, to the mayoralty. fo. 55.

to secure this City from any disorder that might possibly happen, and above all that I may not expose his Majties Authority to bee affronted, I have thought fitt to order four of the Army Troops to Towne. I confess I doe not believe there will bee any stirs among them, but, however, I am sure wee shall not be less obeyed by the multitude when they see some Soldiers among them. I have causd it to bee reported abroad that I intend by turns to see all the Army here, and that I will (to that end) constantly order four Troops to bee in Dublyn, and to change them every two moneth, but I shall only doe this till I see the City composd, and setled to. ye Rules wch I intend to impose upon them. There will bee a necessity of allowing these Troops some thing more then their ordinary Pay during the time They shall quarter in this City. Three Pence a day to each Trooper was the usuall allowance extraordinary upon the like occasions, wch for the 4 Troops will very litle exceed 600l. per Añn, but I am confident six moneths will bee as long as I shall keepe any of them here. This money if his Majtie please may bee paid out of the five hundred pound pension reserved to bee restord to the City upon my recommendation, wch I shall never give them till by their obedience and submission to his Authoritie I see they deserve such a favor from him."


Permission to give the £500 was granted Essex during the month. fo. 244.

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