

Feb. 15th, The Trinity Guild, not St John Totty, Knt, signed, but brought Natha: Philpott,



Will Gressingham, Wardens.

March 5th The Corporacón

in by

William Eager,

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[blocks in formation]

John Kennedy,

of Will Wemersley, Master.

WillTM Metcalfe,







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March 5th The Corporacón

March 16th The Corporacon of Nich: Banks,

March 16th The Corporacon

Painters & Stayners,

not signed.

March 19th The Corporacon of Willm Lingar,

Sheermen, signed & John Prue,

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24 March, 1673.

I gave you an Account by the last post at large of what I had donne in pursuance of yr Directions, since wch yesterday, after ye King's Dinner, I went with my Lord Arlington to reade yr Excellencie's Report to his Maty about ye Mills of Kilmanham, who was pleased to heare it with patience & Attention, saying yt he had now gratifyed Sr Maurice by hearing what were his pretension, but yt you should now goe on to Recover his Right by Lawe, & bid my La Arlington & my self signifye his pleasure to y1. Excellency accordingly; his Maty was very well satisfyed with ye Account you had given, & said my La of Essex is a man yt may be believed blindfold; whereupon I tooke ye liberty to saye, yt I was extreamly glade to finde his Maty satisfied with ye Goverment; he answered, not only satisfyed, but abundantly satisfyed. I further told his Maty, that ye Voyce of ye Towne was yt you were to be Recalled; his answer was, yt they wch said so were Rogues, & bid me Laye a Wager of it, & yt he would goe my halves.



28 March, 74.

I receaved yesterday yrs of ye 11th instant, & according to yr Excellencie's Directions I have comunicated ye Contents of it to Sr Henry Capell, & wth him discoursed ye same wth my La Arlington, Sir Maurice Eustace, formerly Lord Chancellor.

who gave me a sight of those 2 yr Excellency wr'tt to him upon the undertaking & ye seditious petition. I gave you my weake opinion by ye last post as to y' proceeding upon ye first, & how cautiously yt matter is to be handled; but I finde my Lord Arlington resolved to show yr Letter upon yt subject to his Maty by ye very first opportunity, so yt you will quickly finde what Impression yr thoughts make upon his Maty thereupon. I can not well judge, I confess, of any thing Ranelagh saith, finding him a very bold affirmer of things & as forward to sweare as to speake of ym; but I know 'tis his Interest to keepe Essex in his place, & I feare that Ormond is not of yt minde as to his particular, nor 82,a who is Extreamly Sick of ye Gout & not out of great danger, as likewise is Treasurer, I can not tell whether ye latter will dye; but he will not last long, labouring under greater difficulties then I feare he will ever master. The other day, discoursing wth Ranelagh upon ye generall opinion how unable he would be to goe through wth his undertaking, he said yt by his Mate's orders he could quickly discharge himself, & if . . . . would dispose of ye money any way 'twas all one to him, & yt he could produce orders for what he had donne, & prayed you to dispatch his account, & yt if he thought himself in any danger he could quickly gett himself d charged. Pray saye nothing of this, for I make good use of these things here to doe you service, I assure yr Excellency, & I hope yr Excellency wilbe no looser by my being here. The other day, walking in ye Mall wth King yt I might discover whether Ormond was tampering, wth ye assistance of Duke, to give Essex his place, being informed that Carlingford had bin imploy'd to Duke for yt purpose, I asked King whether it was pleasing to him ye removeing of ye Troops; he said Yea. I asked him whether he thought it not best to remove some of ye Companies of ye guards upon duty to ye Frontiers of ye Irish? He said Yeas, by all means, for yt he heard many of ym were Tapsters, Hostlers, & Shopkeepers, wch would be easily seen. Then I proposed to him ye Removing 4 Companies at first, weh he Exceedingly aproved off, & bid me tell you so. I had

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some particular reasons for this, wch I will give you at my comming over, & by divers other discourses of yt kinde I finde that King will never heare of Ormond's his pretensions yt way.

I have by ye Tuesday post to give yr Excellency an Answer about ye Friars, &c., & if not yt day by ye next of ye other affaires, & to see ye promoters of yt petition put into y' Hands yr owne way after a long & chargeable journey..

I will not stirr till I receave yr leave for yt purpose, but most readely doe you all ye service in my power, either here or there.

Sr Maurice Eustace hath been wth me, & desires yr Excellency not to take any ill Impression of him, but yt he willingly will submitt ye Mills to you; however, I advise yr Excellency to goe on & Seize ym into his Maties hands. Arlington had a Cruel dispute wth Anglesey yesterday, & told him yt he was a Knave, wch is too true. His Ma1y went this day to Hampton Court, & Returns to night. Next Thursday he intends to Newmarkett for 20 dayes, & La Arlington promiseth to give his resolution about ye petitioners before his departure. I dout not but yt his Maty will stick to yr Excellency & bring ym to reason, to their shame. This is all at present from, &c.



Charles R.

Right Trusty and Right Welbeloved Cousin and Councellour, Wee greet you well. Whereas Wee have been informed of certaine disorders fomenting in Our Citty of Dublin to create disturbances upon y account of ye late Rules for regulating that and the other

a Confirmed by letter from Arlington, of March 31.

Corporations of Our Kingdome of Ireland. And Whereas the procuring of hands to a Petition against a Law is in it self an Act of Sedition, especially when prepared to be addressed to such a Power as cannot change the Law, though never soe greivous. Wee having taken the same into Our consideration, and that the said Rules, as farre as wee can take notice of them, are extreamely usefull to Government in many respects, and that if Wee should think fit to give way against any complaints, though they may seem very specious, might yet in the consequence disturbe Our whole Government there. And that the said Rules are of equall credit and Authority with the Act of Settlement, the attempt of breaking any part whereof Wee look upon as very dangerous and prejudiciall to Our Service. Wee have, therefore, thought fit to direct and require you, as Wee doe by these Presents, to use such means as you shall think fit for the effectuall suppressing all Preparations to such a Disorder in the same manner as you would doe any other Sedition, and that you give Order to Our Atturney or Sollicitor Generall there to proceed by information against the Principall movers in this businesse, if you should think it for Our Service. Neverthelesse, Our pleasure is, that you enquire and certify unto Us, with what convenient speed you may, what Numbers there are of persons living in any of the Corporati ons of that Our Kingdome within the benefit of the words [and others] in the second Rule, that may give occasion of offence, to the End that Wee may be informed whether there may be any seeming grounds for these complaints. And for soe doing this shall be your Warrant. And soe Wee bid you heartily farewell.

Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 31st day of March, 1674, in the Six & Twentieth yeare of Our Reigne.

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