
The Citty of Dublin, ye Capital one of this Kingdome, must needs, upon that score, have great influence on all ye other Corporations, & it being ye residence of ye Governor, if he cannot be obey'd here as he ought, it may well be feared y1 Majesties Authoritie will be in great hazard to be slighted in other more remote Quarters. The originalls & beginnings of their dissentions among themselves, & ye differences between ye Aldermen & Commons of this Citty, together with my Proceedings thereupon, have bin at large explain'd to my Lord of Arlington, from whom yr Majestie may please to be informed of all ye materiall circumstances of these disorders. I cannot absolutely excuse either side, both having bin in some measure faulty; but yet this I find, that the Recorder & those Aldermen that were excluded, together wth all their Party, are ready & willing to submitt to what ever I shall ordaine, whereas ye Comons, or rather those few factious Spiritts who inflame them, are very obstinate & refractory to all my determinations & decrees.

To a Prince soe wise & experienced as yr Majtie, I need not enlarge upon ye danger that may arise from suffring ye Comon people to know their owne force, or ye inconveniences that may follow from yeilding any thing to a Populace, while they continue perverse & disobedient to Authoritie, who attribute all they soe acquire to their owne strength, whereas they ought never to hear any other doctrine but that their freedomes & immunities are ye favors & gracious concessions of their Kings.


As Cittys grow more populous, so commonly they become more untractable, & therefore, as well upon that acct as on another of more concernment, wch is ye safety of ye whole Kingdome (in all ages subject to insurrections & frequent Rebellions), I could heartily wish y1 Majestie had a good Cittadell built here at Dublin, & indeed not only on my owne opinion, but in ye judgement of all I can speake wth, tis ye most necessary worke that could be undertaken,

& will in all probabilitie for ever secure this Country to ye Crowne of England. To wch good end, if any of my endeavors can be contributory, they shall ever be emploi'd to their utmost by me, who am with all submission.

Dublin Castle, July 22, 73.

To The King.



Whitehall, July 22th, 73. Yesterday and this day a Comittee of the Councill for the affairs of Ireland mett, and my Lord Arlington laid before them the whole matter of the Rules made by yr Excy and the Councill there for regulating Corporacons, and also comunicated to their Lordsps the account you sent him about the late disorder in Dublin. Upon the whole of which my Lord comands mee to acquaint yr Exey that he questions not but by the next to bee able to send you the King's directions in these matters, and his resolutions upon the report the Comittee have resolved to make, but it being not yet digested in that manner they intend to present it to the King, I can give y1 Excy but this imperfect account of it, that I am very confident they will advise the King immediately to withdraw the suspension upon the execution of the Rules, which upon reading most of their Lordsps seemed entirely to approve of. Att the Comittee were present My La Chancell, La Privy Seale, Duke of Ormond, Ea: of Arlington, Ea: of Craven, My Lord Halifax, and St Thomas Chicheley, besides 4 or 5 Privy Councellors of Ireland, and I cannot but observe to yr

a Private secretary to Lord Arlington.

Exey, that no objection or exception was made to any Part of the Rules but by my Ld Privy Seale, though I thinke with no great



[Forwarded by Sir R. Southwell.]

26 July, 1673.

Upon Wensday morning were Read before his Majte in Councell Two Reports from yr Irish Comittee, touching the Rules for Corporacions and the late disorders at Dublyn, against wch no body opposed any thing but one who could not suppreste the opposition so long studied against them, wch made my La of Ormonde in some heat declare that the Rules were so good as none but such could serve the turne if they were to be made a-new, and that he saw nothing against them but ye opinion of one Lord in opposition to his Majtes two Councills of England and Ireland. My Lord Chancelor and Lord Halifax did also touch the point of my Lord Lts reputacon in it, and that great Officers must be supported, especially having proceeded with such Regularity that all those things were approved before their publishing. But the said Lord, disowning any animosity against ye Lord Lieut, did by way of reply to that declare that the approbačon his Majte gave was before ye publishing and not since, and that if this Report must passe, yet he would advise that the suspension should be barely taken off,

a The Earl of Anglesea.

and the Rules left to their owne validity in law; but after a very long and single opposition against them the Report was approved, as was likewise the other, but wth like contention Copies of both doe goe herewith, where you will also see what words were used to incorporate all into Orders of Councell, wch the clerk exposing on Friday morning to my Lord Chancelor and Lord of Ormond, their Löps well approved the same; but the other Lord demanding to see the Order if it were drawne barely to take of the suspension, it being not to his minde, he contended a-new with the rest of the Lords, all wch was before the sitting downe, and this caused the clerk to be cautious in issuing the order till read before his Majte, whose not coming to Councell caused this matter to be put off till Wensday next. On Friday in the afternoone the Committee met touching the Commission of Enquiry, and many points were debated touching a New Commission, and whether any thing could be found (unles in Connought) worthy of a new Enquiry, declaring it their unanimous sense that what ever might be recovered must first be applyed to the uses of the Acts, but their Lõps did put off the busines till Wensday next, hoping by that tyme to come better prepared to speake upon this doubtfull Argument.



Right Trusty and Right Welbeloved Cousin & Counsellor, Wee greet you well, Whereas Wee were pleased to referre the examination of the late difference arisen in the Corporaẽon of Our City

of Dublin in that Our Kingdome, about the Election of Coñon Councell men out of the severall Companies, to the Comittee of Our Privy Council for the affaires of Ireland, and they having reported their opinion thereupon to us, and Wee considered & approved of the same, Wee have thought fit in pursuance thereof to signify to you Our Pleasure that the last choice made by the Lord Mayor of that Our Citty of the compleate number of Comon Counsell men all at once, leaving out the ten or eleven Roman Catholiques that were chosen at the first choice, shall stand and be confirmed, and Wee doe hereby require and direct you to doe all things, and give all necessary Orders for the speedy settling of this affaire accordingly. And for soe doing this shall be your Warrant. Given at Our Court at Whitehall, the day of August, 1673,

in the Five and Twentieth yeare of Our Reigne.




An Account of the Publique Schooles within the.

Province of Ulster.



There is a free schoole for the Diocesses of Meath, with a Salary according to the Act, from the Bishop, Clergy, and Impropriators, of about 401. p añn, of which but few of the Impropriators pay any thing, which neglect tends to the disencouragemt of the School


a James Margetson, D.D., a native of Yorkshire, educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and brought into Ireland by Strafford in 1633. Successively Dean of Waterford, Derry, and Christ Church, Dublin; Treasurer of Saint Patrick's, 1660; Archbishop by patent, dated May 29, 1663. Died at Dublin, August 28, 1678.

CAMD. Soc.


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