
elders of this Church, thus affording ample opportunity for its examination and discussion, and that as it now stands it embodies the results of criticisms and suggestions from all quarters of the Church, and considering further, as appears from the Report of the Committee of the Synod, that the collection is one to which no serious objections have been made, whilst it has been universally allowed that as a whole, it is admirable, and that the accompanying music is of a very high order; the Synod do appoint a Committee of their number to consider the emendations suggested in the report, and give effect to the same in so far as they commend themselves to their judgment, and generally to complete the volume for publication, and authorize them to issue them for the use of the congregations within the bounds; and hereby strongly recommend that when bymns are employed in divine worship, this collection be adopted."

A second motion was made by Mr. W. K. Coubrough, and seconded by Dr. Leone Levi, as follows:

"Thank the Committee, especially Mr. Watson, for their labour in preparing this hymn-book, and remit the same to the Presbyteries in terms of the Barrier Act." After reasoning, which continued till a very late hour, it was resolved to take the sence of the House on the two motions by a show of hands, which being done, there appeared a large majority in behalf of the first motion; wherefore the Synod did and hereby do resolve in terms of said motion. On the motion of Dr. Duncan the thanks of the Synod were given to Dr. Hamilton and the office-bearers of Regent Square Congregation for the use of their Church, and for the admirable arrangements made for the convenience of this Synod since it first convened, and to all the families of the various Churches in London, who have shown so much kindness and hospitality to the members of Synod during the present sittings.

The Minutes of this Diet were then read and sustained, and ordered to be attested with the other Records by the Moderator and Clerks; and the Synod having, in the kind providence of God, now brought its business to a close, was addressed by the Moderator, who declared this Synod closed, and indicted the next Synod to be held, as already resolved on, at Manchester, in the Grosvenor Square Church there, on the third Monday in April, 1867 years, at 6 o'clock p.m.

The following is the Moderator's closing address:-Fathers and brethren, by the

good hand of our God upon us, we have come to the close of our sittings; and I beg to congratulate you on the fact that we have reached the close of our work in an unprecedented manner. I remember no Synod of our Church in which we have done so much real business, with so much harmony and so much facility. It is not for me to criticise the results of the de iberations. I have had, and have now, but one duty to discharge; I have tried to the best of my power to do this, to moderate in your proceedings. I only crave leave to say, therefore, that in my opening address I asked your forbearance in my attempt to discharge that duty, and I have got it; and from my heart I thank you. I asked also for your prayers, and you have responded, and I thank you more heartily still. If in anything I have exceeded my duty, or acted in such a way as to offend the feelings of the least of the brethren, I heartily beg you will pardon me, and forgive and forget as I hereby do. For the progress we have made in all our operations we have manifest reason to thank God. Let us do it, and let us do it now; let us continue to do it; and let us even abound in thanksgiving. Let us thank God, and take courage. Experience worketh hope. This God is our God for ever; his bounty never ebbs, his strength never tires. He is mighty to save. that we have got, is simply an earnest and slight foretaste of his abundant riches, which all lie open and all but untouched before us. Our gettings from God, up to this time, are only a few bunches of the goodly grapes that grow in gladsome clusters in the glorious land that lies still all unpossessed beyond. And now fathers and brethren, I dismiss you to your more habitual work. I hope that, like myself, you will go back to your flocks refreshed, strengthened, encouraged, gladdened by our meeting. As iron sharpeneth iron, so doth the face of a man his friend. Let us preach Christ in the pulpit and out of it, "as go we" and after we have gone to a place; Christ, and him crucified; Christ dead, dead for sin; Christ the substitute, and Christ the security; Christ dead, and we dead in him, cead to sin, dead to pride, dead to ambition, dead to wealth, dead to the world, alive to God, with God, possessed with a life hid with Christ in God. The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord light up his countenance on you and give you peace. And as I began so I close, by saying, Peace be with all those that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.


Notices of Books.

Life of John Welsh, Minister of Ayr. By the late Rev. JAMES YOUNG. Edinburgh: John Maclaren.

We have read the life of Welsh very carefully, and we can speak of it in terms of the highest praise. Mr. Young spent many years in gathering, arranging, and verifying his materials, and throughout, his work bears evidence of having had expended on it an extraordinary amount of labour and care. Few biographies of old worthies have received such justice at the hands of their authors; and it may be said that Mr. Young has done for Welsh all that is possible to be done. It is amazing what he has succeeded in gathering together concerning one about whom so little was known. Welsh was one of the most active and famous men of his day, having borne a leading part in the religious controversies and changes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and lived on terms of friendship with many of the best men of that time; and a thorough biography of such a man could not have been written without throwing much light upon the general history of the period in which he lived. Hence, Mr. Young's book gives an admirable picture of the religious, political, and social condition of an epoch which is involved in much obscurity, but which exerted an incalculable influence upon subsequent times. We wish for so genuine a work the circulation it deserves.

A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus. By J. G. MURPHY, LL.D., T.C.D. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark.

venerable books of Moses. Dr. Murphy has proved his title to an honourable place in that little band of Belfast professors who logical, philosophical, and historical litehave contributed so largely to the theorature of the day.

The House of Herod; or Judah's Sceptre Departing. Edinburgh: Inghis & Jack.

This book has the merit of novelty. In a series of short chapters it describes the career of the Herod dynasty, showing, by the way, its relation both to olden prophecy and to the insitution of the Christian economy. The idea is a good one, and, as designed for the general reader, is well carried out. The plan of the work is simple; its aim is unambitious; and the style is clear. For his historical facts the author seems to have been indebted mainly if not solely to Josephus, but as his purpose evidently is to give, not a critical and exhaustive history, but simply a plain and connected narrative for ordinary Bible readers, we must not be too exacting. He has contributed in a pleasing way to the elucidation of certain portions of the Gospel history, and he has shown how a similar treatment of political and social life of the men and manners that ruled in the world, and influenced the Church for good or ill, might do much to enable many to read their Bibles with more intelligence and interest than they now do. His reflections on the events that he records

are equally pious and appropriate, and no one can read his little work without benefit.

Scenes and Characters in a Scotch Pas-torate. By the Rev. J. R. M'GAVIN, D.D. London: J. Nisbet & Co.

This is the second contribution of Dr. Murphy to the critical exposition of the Pentateuch. His Commentary on the Book of Genesis appeared about three years ago, This is a deeply interesting book, and and was well received by Biblical students. will be found useful by ministers in the The present volume will, we believe, add discharge of pastoral work. There is noto the reputation which the author has thing more difficult in the ministerial life acquired, for sound scholarship and la- than to learn how to meet the varied cases borious and honest workmanship. It is a of sorrow and sin which claim the pastor's very satisfactory performance, showing an aid. We have here the experience, as emintimate acquaintance not only with the bodied in facts, taken from his "official literature that has grown up around the case-book," of one who has evidently fulBook of Exodus, but with recent contro- filled the duties of a long and active minisversies for which it and its companion try; and many hints may be obtained from books have furnished the materials. We it by those who are earnestly engaged in cordially recommend it to ministers and the same work. We learn not only somestudents and to all who wish to obtain thing of the miseries of human life, but more than a superficial knowledge of the something of the wondrous power of the

Gospel to adapt itself to all imaginable con- interesting papers which have for their ditions of the soul. Perhaps the volume has suffered to some extent by the modesty of the writer, who carefully suppresses the ego. It would have been more lively and effective in style if he had introduced more of the personal element.

Manual of Devotion. By ST. AUGUSTINE.
Translated by the Rev. MARCUS DODS,
A.M. Second Edition. Edinburgh:
Inghis & Jack.

title "Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood." OUR OWN FIRESIDE is full of varied and excellent reading, and is well illustrated. THE WATCHWORD is a new periodical issued in connection with the Free Church, and seems to be the exponent of the views held by Drs. Gibson and Begg, and other friends. It promises well. THE RAINBOW is edited by Dr. W. Leask, and contemplates specially the "Revealed Future of

It forms a

the Church and the World."
repertory of prophetic and millenarian
literature, and is conducted in the spirit of
charity. THE PULPIT ANALYST is a new
Monthly, and is designed for " Preachers,
Students, and Teachers." It seems to be

The Prayer that teaches to pray. By the Rev. MARCUS DODS, A.M. Second Edition. Edinburgh: Inghis & Jack. We know of no better closet companion than St. Augustine's "Manual of Devo-ably conducted, and if it proceeds as it has tion." The translation by Mr. Dods is everywhere excellent; and the appearance of the book is suitably attractive. We noticed at some length the first edition of Mr. Dods' exposition of the Lord's Prayer. It is an admirable little work, bearing evidence throughout of a thoughtful and culWe trust it will go through

tivated mind. many editions.

The Lord's Law and Day. A Review of
Dr. Macleod's Speech. By the Rev.
MACAULAY. Glasgow: T. Murray &

begun, it is sure to command the attention of many. THE HOUSEHOLD promises to be a useful family magazine, containing much that ought to be known by all house-managers. THE IMPERIAL BIBLE DICTIONARY, edited by Dr. Fairbairn, has reached its 21st part, and continues to exhibit that soundness of view and thoroughness of execution which distinguish it from some other productions DAILY BIBLE ILLUSof the same kind. GTRATIONS, by Dr. John Kitto, is a work so well known and appreciated that it needs no recommendation from us. A new edition, under the care of Professor Porter, is being issued in shilling parts. A DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, by Brown, of Haddington, edited and revised by his son Dr. Wm. Brown, and now published in shilling parts, is a thoroughly sound and useful work, and considering the handsome form in which it is produced, is remarkably cheap. THE GARDENER'S MAGAZINE is as varied, lively, and useful as ever. OLD JONATHAN is a valuable help to the pastor or Christian visitor, containing much excellent matter and unusually fine woodcuts.

We can only say at present that this is a full and searching reply to the speech of the Queen's Chaplain, exhibiting much knowledge of the subject, considerable reasoning power, and a great command of language.

Preaching Christ Crucified. A Sermon by
The Bright Morning Star. A Farewell
Sermon. By the Rev. ANDREW CRICH-
TON, B.A. Edinburgh: John Maclaren.

Two powerful sermons from young men
whose present performances give promise
of an honourable future. Particularly
able is the sermon of Mr. Dykes, who dis-
"and well worthy
the careful study of those on whom that
onerous duty rests.

courses on


MAGAZINES AND SERIALS. CHRISTIAN WORK maintains its character as a solid and practical publication. The April Number contains some able articles and much valuable religious information. The SUNDAY MAGAZINE grows better as it grows older. One contributor to it-a vicar-is causing something like a sensation by a series of unusually able and

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JUNE, 1866.





Ir is often alleged, that as the Bible, and the Bible alone, is the religion of Protestants, no other standard of truth should be used in the Church; that to set up forms of human composition as tests of orthodoxy is to infringe on the supremacy of Scripture, and practically to deny its perspicuity and perfection, by assuming that men can invent forms of expression more clear and distinct, or more perfect and better fitted to be standards of truth than the inspired Word of God. Again, it is said, that the enforcement of such tests is a violation of the freedom of inquiry and thought in religious matters; that it is to impose a human yoke on men's souls, to make the entrance of the kingdom of heaven narrower than Christ has left it, and to exalt human theories and modes of expression to a supremacy that keeps men's consciences in an unwarrantable state of bondage. It is not denied by those who urge these objections, that the Reformers and their successors, for more than one hundred years, while contending for liberty of conscience, and maintaining against the Papists the Bible as the only rule of faith, did not scruple to compose and employ Confessions of Faith; and so far were they from seeing in this anything inconsistent with their principles, that in those very documents they embodied very clear and emphatic statements of the sole authority of Scripture and the right of private judgment. But then it is said that they were really inconsistent in this; that they did not carry out their principles to their legitimate and necessary results; and that practically they did by the imposition and maintenance of human standards to some extent infringe upon that supremacy of Scripture and that liber of conscience which theoretically they asserted; and that the thorough carrying out the principles which alone justified the revolt from the Church of Rome would require the abolition of such standards as remnants of her tyranny. Such is the point of view from which all authoritative Confessions of Faith are regarded by not a few in the present day. Now it is not denied, that in some respects the Reformers failed to carry out to their full and fair extent the principles of Protestantism, and especially that right views on the subject of toleration and religious liberty were long of being established, either in theory or in practice, even among Protestants. It may be admitted further, that Church standards have sometimes been defended on grounds, and have often been used in ways, inconsistent with Protestant principles. But with all these admissions, it is still maintained that when they are rightly and judiciously framed and properly used, they do not deserve the abuse often poured upon them, and are thoroughly consistent with the inestimable ProNo. 222.-New Series.


testant principles of the supremacy of Scripture and the right of private judgment.

We propose at present to consider them in relation to the former of these principles, the supreme authority of Scripture, reserving for a future occasion their bearing on the right of free inquiry and private judgment. The supremacy of Scripture is undoubtedly one of the great fundamental principles of Protestantism. This truth was reasserted and brought to light by the Reformers in opposition to the Church of Rome, which exalted tradition and the decisions of the Fathers and Councils to an authority equal to that of Scripture. Now, it is alleged, that a full recognition of the principle, that the Bible alone is the religion of Protestants, is fatal to the establishment or maintenance of any human compositions as tests of soundness in the faith. But we who use such documents maintain, as earnestly as any man can do, that the Word of God is the only rule of faith and practice, the only infallible and authoritative standard of truth; and we will not be satisfied with a mere assertion of the inconsistency of our practice with our principles. The burden of proof lies on those who oppose Church standards on this ground; and we are entitled to put it as a question to them, Wherein are we inconsistent in the use of them? Do we give to our Confessions a co-ordinate authority with Scripture, as the Papists do to tradition? No; we maintain that Scripture alone is the rule of faith. Do we, like the Papist, claim for the Church the exclusive right of interpreting Scripture, and say that Scripture must be understood as the Church standards have explained it? No; we maintain that the Spirit who inspired the Word also interprets it; and that the Spirit is given for this purpose, not to Churchmen alone, but to all who seek his aid. Do we expect or desire men to give implicit faith to the Church's standards, and not to inquire or examine whether they are true or not? No; we exhort all to search the Scriptures, whether these things are so, and to receive nothing as true unless they shall find it to be taught in ScripWhat, then, is the true position and use we assign to Church standards? It is a very different one from that which belongs to the Bible. They are subordinate standards; and as such stand to the Church not only in a different but in an opposite relation to that of the Bible. They have no original or independent authority, as Scripture has; they derive all their authority from it; they are only accepted and maintained because they are in accordance with Scripture; this is the test by which they must be tried; and whenever it is made to appear that they are at variance with it they are to be rejected or amended.


The Church holds the Confessions in a very different way from that in which she holds the Bible. Indeed, she does not so much hold the Bible as she is held by it; the Church is created by the Bible, upheld and preserved in existence by it, controlled and guided by it in everything. But, on the other hand, the Church creates her own standards, and has them absolutely under her own control. While the Word of God holds and models the Church, the Church, on the other hand, holds and models the Creeds; the Bible makes known to us things that are true, and that are to be believed on the authority of God; the Creeds make known to us things that are believed by the Church, because found in the Word of God. When the faith of the Church is found at any time to be at variance with the Bible, she is bound to alter her faith to bring the two into harmony; when a like disagreement occurs between her faith and her Confession, she is bound to remove it, not by altering her faith, but by altering her Confession so as to agree with her altered faith. Hence the Church has been always ready to do this; and has in many instances discarded an existing Confession in favour of one that

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