THE BAG OF THE BEE. About the sweet bag of a bee Two Cupi'ds fell at odds ; And whose the pretty prize should be They vow'd to ask the Gods. Which Venus hearing, thither came, And for their boldness stript them ; And taking thence from each his flame,... The Olio, Or, Museum of Entertainment - Pagina 1191831Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | English poets - 1801 - 454 pagina’s found in Herrick's poems, and ought to have been inserted amongst the extracts from that author.] ABOUT the sweet bag of a bee Two Cupids fell at odds...their boldness stript them, And, taking from them each his flame, With rods of myrtle whipt them. Which done, to still the wantons' cries, When quiet grown... | |
 | George Ellis - 1803 - 474 pagina’s
...[To be found also in " Wit a sporting in a pleasant Grove of " new fancies," collected by HB 1657 J ABOUT the sweet bag of a bee Two Cupids fell at odds...their boldness stript them, And, taking from them each his flame, With rods of myrtle whipt them. Which done, to still their wanton * cries, When quiet grown... | |
 | G. W. Fitzwilliam - 1806 - 216 pagina’s
...Take thou that heart, Castara !~for 'tis mine. THE B4G OF THE BEE. BY HERRICK. ABOUT the sweet-bag of a bee Two Cupids fell at odds ;. And whose the pretty prize should be '^** '' \ . •, 'Which Venus hearing, thither came, :' *';,V&hd for their boldness stript them, 'S&nd,... | |
 | 1809 - 744 pagina’s
...can she shine j Ours are the great Originals divine. THE BAG OF THE BEE. (From an old English Poet.} ABOUT the sweet bag of a Bee Two Cupids fell at odds j And whose the pretty prize should be They vow'd to ask the Gods. Which Venus hearing thither came,... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1810 - 280 pagina’s
...measure, He must of light To th' utmost mite Make payment for his pleasure. XXX. THE BAG OF THE BEE. ABOUT the sweet bag of a bee Two cupids fell at odds...came, And for their boldness stript them ; And, taking thence from each his flame, With rods of myrtle whipt them. POEM XXX.] This little elegant composition... | |
 | 1817 - 524 pagina’s
...its proper place Shines like a glory 'bout thy face. The Bag of a Bee. To have the sweet bag of the bee Two Cupids fell at odds, And whose the pretty...; Which Venus hearing, thither came, And for their boldnesse stript them, And taking from them each his flame, With myrtle rods she whipt them ; Which... | |
 | Sir John Mennes - 1817 - 568 pagina’s
...its proper place Shines like a Glory 'bout thy face. i The Bag of a Bee. To have the sweet Bag of the Bee Two Cupids fell at odds, • . And whose the pretty...; Which Venus hearing, thither came, And for their boldnesse stript them, And taking from them each his flame, With myrtle rods she whipt them ; Which... | |
 | 1828 - 456 pagina’s
...Where no foot hath A path : There will I spend And end My wearied years In tears. THE BAG OF Till: BEE. About the sweet bag of a bee, Two Cupids fell at odds ; And whose the pretty prize should be, They vowed to ask the gods. Which Venus hearing, thither came, And for their boldness stript them ; And... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1823 - 330 pagina’s
...doe my best to win when'ere I wooe ; That man loves not who is not zealous too. THE BAG OF THE BEE. ABOUT the sweet bag of a bee, Two Cupids fell at odds : And whose the pretty prize shu'd be, They vow'd to ask the Gods. Which Venus hearing, thither came, And for their boldness stript... | |
 | Robert Herrick - 1825 - 334 pagina’s
...doe my best to win when'ere I wooe ; That man loves not who is not zealous too. THE BAG OF THE BEE. ABOUT the sweet bag of a bee, Two Cupids fell at odds ; And whose the pretty prize shu'd be, They vow'd to ask the Gods. Which Venus hearing, thither came, And for their boldness stript... | |
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