Wished yourselves unmarried again; Or, in a twelve-month and a day, Repented not in thought any way; But continued true and in desire, As when you join'd hands in holy quire. If to these conditions, without all fear, Of your own accord you will freely... The Olio, Or, Museum of Entertainment - Pagina 1101831Volledige weergave - Over dit boek
 | 1848 - 744 pagina’s
...word ; Or since the parish clerk Mid Amen, Wish'd yourselves unmarri'd agen ; Or in a twelvemonth and a day Repented not in thought any way ; But continued true and in desire, As when you join'd hands in holy quire. If to these conditions, without fear, Of your own accord you will freely... | |
 | Gentleman of the Inner Temple, Sir Bartholomew Shower - 1735 - 402 pagina’s
...t Or fines the Parijb-Clerkfaid Afneri Wijhed your felves unmarried agen 3 Or in a Twelve-month and a Day Repented not in thought any Way ; But continued true and in Defire, At when you joined Hands in holy Quire. If to thefe Conditions, without all fear, Of your own... | |
 | 726 pagina’s
...word ; Orfmcethe parilh-clerk faid amen, Wifhed yourfelves unmarried again ; Or in a twelvemonth and a day, Repented not in thought any way ; But continued true, and in defire, At when you joined hands in holy quire. If to theft conditions, without any fear, Of your own... | |
 | Francis Grose - 1787 - 378 pagina’s
...word ; Or fince the parifh clerk faid amen, Wifhed yourfelves unmarried agen ; Or in a twelvemonth and a day, Repented not in thought any way ; But continued true and in defire, As when you join'd hands in holy quire. Jf to thefe conditions, without all fear, Of your own... | |
 | John Britton, Edward Wedlake Brayley, Joseph Nightingale, James Norris Brewer, John Evans, John Hodgson, Francis Charles Laird, Frederic Shoberl, John Bigland, Thomas Rees - 1803 - 890 pagina’s
...Repented not in thought any way ; But continued true in thought and desire, As when you join'd hands in holy quire. If to these conditions without all fear, Of your own accord you will freely swear, A whole Caramon oj Bacon you shall receive, And bear ii hence with love and good leave; For this is our... | |
 | 1807 - 556 pagina’s
...Repented not in thought any way j But continued true in thought and desirej 7 As when you join'd hands in holy quire. If to these conditions without all fear, Of your own accord you will freely swear, A whole Gammon of Bacon you shall receive, And bear it hence with love and good leave; For this is our... | |
 | 1807 - 556 pagina’s
....--..ßut continued true in thought and desire, -: . - ; " As when- you join'd haflds in holy quire. • H to these conditions without all fear, : ;••. Of your own accord you will freely iwear, • \ ' ¡ '-' A whole Gammon of Bacon you shall receive, . .• And bear it hence with love... | |
 | John Britton, Edward Wedlake Brayley, Joseph Nightingale, James Norris Brewer, John Evans, John Hodgson, Francis Charles Laird, Frederic Shoberl, John Bigland, Thomas Rees - 1810 - 842 pagina’s
...Repented not in thought any way ; But continued true in thought and df sire, As when yonjoin'd hands iu holy quire. If to these conditions without all fear. Of your own accord j'ou will freely swear, A whole Gammon of Bacon you shall receive. And bear it hence with love aryl... | |
 | R. B. - 1811 - 184 pagina’s
...; Or since the parish clerk said Amen, Wished yourselves unmarried again, Or in a twelve-month and a day, Repented not in thought any way, But continued true, and in desire, As when you join'd hands in Holy Choir; If to these conditions without all fear, Of your own accord you will freely... | |
 | Francis Grose - 1811 - 334 pagina’s
...Or since the parish clerk said amen, Wished yourselves unmarried agen; • Or, in a twelvemonth and a day, Repented not in thought any way; But continued true and in desire, As when you join'd hands in holy quire. If to these conditions, without all fear, Of your own accord you will freely... | |
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