
Private persons seldom possessed any books whatever, even monasteries of note, had only one missal. It is said that Lupus, abbot of Ferrieres, in a letter to the Pope, A D. 855, beseeches him to lend him a copy of Cicero de Oratore, and Quintilian's Institutions, "for," says he, "although we have part of those books, there is no complete copy of them in all France."

The price of books was so high, that persons of moderate fortune could not purchase them. A countess of Anjou paid for a copy of the Homilies of Haimon, Bishop of Halberstadt, two hundredsheep, five quarters of wheat, and the same quantity of rye and millet. And even so late as the year 1471, when Lewis the eleventh of France borrowed the works of Rasis, the Arabian physician, from the faculty of medicine in Paris, he was obliged to deposit in pledge a quantity of plate, and procure a nobleman to join with him as a surety in a deed, binding himself under great forfeiture to restore it. When any person made a present of a book to a church or monastery, in which were the only libraries during these ages, it was deemed a gift of such value that he offered it on the altar, pro remedio animæ suæ, in order to obtain the forgiveness of his sins. In the reign of Henry the sixth, Caxton, the first promulgator of books in England, established a press at Oxford; but the University press being discovered to be so remote from the seat of Government, and too great a distance from any sea-port, other presses were established at St. Albans and the Abbey of Westminster; in the latter place Caxton printed his first book, the game of Chess. His next performance was the "Dictes and Sayenges of the Philosophers, translated out of French, by Antone erle Ryvyres, Lord Seerles, émprynted by Wyllyam Caxton at Westmestre, 1477." Having brought our account down to the production of the first books in England, we shall here close this article on the subject, as most of our readers are aware that the present improved stage in the art of constructing books is the result of experience gained by many men through succeeding ages.



For the Olio.

In the parish of Warlington in Surrey, the following custom existed a few years since, it referred to the rites performed in honour of Pomona.

Early in the Spring the boys go round to the several orchards in the parish, and

whip the apple-trees, in order to procure a plentiful crop of fruit, and after having done it, they carry a bag to the house, when it is usual for the owner of the trees, or orchards, to reward them with a gift of meal, they then depart to perform the same ceremony at the next orchard, or premises where there is apple trees.


Ar this place our forefathers observed a practice towards scolds and lewd women, to prevent the many evils that arose in the town from their strifes, fightings, defamations, &c. and the many other disturbances such as shoutings and bawlings which they might commit. It is as follows, when they are taken, they are immediately adjudged to the goging stode, (which goging stode answers to the cucking or ducking stool resorted to in early times, at the punishment of scolds when they were ducked in thewater for their shrewish propensities,) there to stand with naked feet, with their hair hanging dishevelled, for as long a time as would enable them to be seen by persons passing that way, according to the will of the chief bailiffs. J. О.


THIS festival is of high antiquity, and quity, the early Christians observed it it by using agreat number of lights, in remembrance, as it is supposed, of our Saviour's being declared by Simeon, " a light to lighten the Gentiles:" hence the name of Candlemas-day. In superstitious times, an imaginary power over the elements was ascribed to wax-tapers, similar to that which the early Greeks and Romans attributed to torches.

From candlemas the use of tapers at vespers and litanies ceased, until the ensuing All-Hallow Mass. In Ray's collection of Proverbs, is the following:

"On Candleırasday,

Throw candle and candle-stick away."

It used to be considered in early times, that if it was clear and sun-shiny on this day, that it portended hard weather would follow; but if gloomy and foul, it presaged a mild and gentle season would ensue. Observe the following old saw to this effect:

If Candlemas day be fair and bright,
Winter will have another flight:
If on Candlemas day it be shower and rain,
Winter is gone and will not come again.


THIS practice is treated of by Butler, in his account of the festival under this head

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as it used to be observed. But a more modern writer having given the details of this religious rite as she witnessed it in 1820, we give it in her words. "The ceremony takes place in the beautiful chapel of the Quirinal, where the Pope himself officiates, and blesses, and distributes with his own hands, a candle to every person in the body of the church; each going individually, and kneeling at the throne to receive it. The ceremony commences with the cardinals, then follow the bishops, prelati canons, priors, abbots, priests, &c. down to the sacristans and the meanest officers of the church. When the last of these has gotten his candle, the poor conservatori, the representative of the Roman Senate and people,

receive theirs.

This ceremony over, the candles are lighted, the pope is mounted in his chair and carried in procession, with hymns chaunting, round the anti-chapel: the throne is stripped of its hangings, the pope and cardinals take off their gold and crimson dresses, put on their ordinary robes, and the usual mass of the morning is sung. The Benediction of the Candles takes place in all the parish churches.Lady Morgan's Italy.

Science and Art.


THE method adopted by the Indians to obtain ice, about the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer or further north, is very ingenious. In India it hardly ever freezes naturally. They dig pits in the ground above two feet deep, which they line with dried sugar canes or Indian corn. On this they place very shallow dishes made of unglazed and very porous earthen ware, and filled with soft water, that has been boiled. They are deposited in the evening, and in consequence of the evaporation from the outside of the dish es, a considerable portion of the water is found frozen next morning. The ice is collected before sunrise, and rammed into a cellar underground, and lined with straw, where in consequence of its own accumulated cold it freezes into a solid



THE compound action of digestion in man and the larger animals, is by many but imperfectly understood. The food is taken into the mouth, where it is masticated and mixed with the saliva; it is then swallowed and conveyed into the stomach, where it remains till it becomes converted into a kind of pul, known by

the name of chyme. This chyme passes gradually into the intestinal canal, where by a certain action of the bowels, and the agency of the bile, the juices of the pancreas or sweetbread, and perhaps other means yet undiscovered, it is separated into two distinct substances; one a liquid matter, similar to milk in appearance, called chyle, and a solid matter of greater consistence, which is protruded along the canal, and gradually thrown out of the body as excrementitious. The chyle is absorbed by the lacteals passing into the thoracic duct, from which it is conveyed into the left subclavian vein, mixes with the blood, and is gradually conveyed into that important liquid. The blood circulates through the whole body, and furnishes materials to all the organs to supply their waste, and continue their functions; from it too all the different liquids of the body are secreted. Thus digestion serves to increase the quantity of blood, from which, as from a storehouse, every thing necessary for the supply of the animal is drawn.



THE following anecdote is recorded in history. Titus Quintus Flamininus, the Roman General, after having defeated Philip, King of Macedon, caused a proclamation to be made at the Isthmic games, where universal Greece was assembled, that all the Greek cities which had been subject to the Macedonian yoke, should thenceforward, be free and independent, and exempt from tribute. On the annunciation of such joyous and unexpected tidings, so loud a shout of exultation was raised by the countless multitude around, that some birds which happened to be flying over the scene were stunned with the noise, and fell stu

pified to the ground.


For the Olio.

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AT an interview that took place between his late Majesty George the Third, and the highly talented President of the Royal Academy, the late Benjamin West, when he was commissioned to paint the picture of the Battle of the Boyne, the king persuaded him to make a study of the elder Angelo, the celebrated horseman and fencing-master, for the equestrian figure of King William, for that well known composition; saying, "few painters place the figure properly upon the horse, and Angelo is the finest horseman in the world." Mr. West adapted...... . and Mr. Angelo sat for the figure accordingly, upon his own horse,



It is a curious coincidence, but through a fortuitous circumstance, the same person sat to the sculptor as a model for the equestrian statue of King William now standing in Merrion Square, Dublin.Angelo Reminis.


THE town of Chartres was besieged by this renowned warrior, and at last capitulated. The magistrate of the town, on giving up his keys, thus addressed his Majesty, "This town belongs to your Highness by divine law, and by human law." "And by cannon law, too," added Henry.


For the Olio


If fools and wise men are allied,
By strong and natral ties;-

Philosophers at once decide,
"Tis folly to be wise,"



THE City of Rio Janeiro and its environs, are infested by these disagreeable vermin to such a surprising extent, that, at meal times, is not at all uncommon to see them sporting round the room, nor do the canine race take any heed of them, as they may be often seen feeding off the same heap of garbage. The dental powers of these rats are very great, even to such an extent, that a thick clumsy door of hard wood is often perforated by them in a single night.


When Queen Elizabeth, in her progress through the Kingdom, stopped at Coventry, the Mayor attended by the Aldermen, addressed her Majesty in rhyme, in the following words :

We men of Coventry,
Are very glad to see,
Your Royal Majestie,
Good Lord, how fair you be!

To which her Majesty was pleased to return the following gracious answer :

My royal Majesty,
Is very glad to see,
Ye Men of Coventry,

Good Lord, what fools ye be!


THESE two worthies were considered, even by their personal friends, to be the vainest men of the age. The Doctor once said to the Ex-chancellor in one of their social meetings, "Erskine, I mean to write your epitaph when you die." Lord Erskine replied, "Doctor, it is almost a temptation to commit suicide."


Is the second month of the year, and was so placed in the calender by Numa, who was chosen by the people of Rome to succeed Romulus as their King. This month was considered by the Romans as under the protection of Neptune, who had dominion over the waters. Numa Pompilius called this month Februarius, because of the God Februus, who presided over the purifications, or because of Juno surnamed Februa, for in this month, the Lupercalia was celebrated in honour of her, when the women were purified by the priests of Pan Lycæus, who were called Lupercals. During this month, the Romans held their feast called Terminalia, in honour of Terminus the god of Bounds. They also held their feast Equiria in the Campus Martius, which was soleninized with a horse-racing. This month is also said to have derived its name from the Feralia, sacrifices that were offered to appease the manes of the Gods. Our Saxon Ancestors called February Sprout Kele, by Kele meaning KeleWurt, known as cole-wurt, or the kale of the cabbage tribe, which was considered as the greatest pot herb then used, and given as a wholesome sustenance to Husbandmen. The Romans, when they were without practitioners in medicine, had so good an opinion of this herb, that they caused large quantities to be planted for its medicinal properties, as a remedy against sickness. It has been observed by a modern writer, that if this month was not the precursor of Spring, it would be the least pleasant season of the year, November not excepted, from the thaws taking place, attended with a mixture of cold and damp. Pisces or the fishes, is the Zodiacal Sign for this


J. R.J.

Diary and Chronology.

FEBRUARY.-For the origin of this month, see page 79.






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Feb. 1 Our saint who is recorded to-day was a native of Ulster; she is said to have flourished in the early part of the sixth century, and to have founded several nunneries, and became patroness of Ireland.

1824-Expired on this day Dr. John Lempriere, the
author of the Classical Dictionary, and Universal
Biography. The former work is universally es-

2 This saint was a native of Rome. He became arch-
bishop of Canterbury in the year 611. It is said
of him, that he caused the whole of Britain to ob-
serve Easter after the rules of Rome, and caused a
uniformity in religion. He died A D. 619.
1626-On this day the ill-fated King Charles the
First was crowned at Westminster, with his Queen,
by archbishop Abbot.

3 St. Blase was bishop of Sebaste in Armenia; he suf-
fered martyrdom A. D. 316, under the persecution
of Licinius, by command of Agricolaus, governor
of Cappadocia. He is the patron saint of the
wool-combers, who, in several parts of England,
have a procession to commemorate the bishop for
his being the discoverer of the art of wool-combing.
1794 On this day a dreadful accident occurred at
the Haymarket theatre, when sixteen persons lost
their lives.

4 St. Andrew Corsini was a member of the illustrious family of Corsini of Florence; he was consecrated to a devout life by his parents before birth. When bishop of Fiesoli he practised great austerities. His death took place A. D. 1373.

1554-Anniversary of the burning of John Hooper, bishop of Gloucester, before the door of his cathedral in that city, in the reign of the bigoted Mary.

1746-Died on this day the Rev. Robert Blair, the author of the celebrated poem "The Grave." 5 Our saint was a native of Sicily; suffered martyrdom by order of Decius, about the year 251. 1790-Expired on this day, Dr. William Cullen, the eminent physician of Edinburgh. Dr. C. is said to have raised the Edinburgh University to an unequalled height in medical science.

1316-Anniversary of the death of Richard, viscount
Fitzwilliam. This nobleman by his will bequeathed
to the University of Cambridge £100,000 South
Sea Stock, to erect a museum; he also left the
University his collection of books, paintings, and
drawings to be placed therein.

6 To St. Vedast we have a church dedicated in Lon-
don; he died a bishop, A. D.539.
1685-Expired on this day, at Whitehall, Charles II.
æt. 55, in the 37th year of his reign; his death
took place 25 years after his restoration.

7 Thursd St. Richard

8 Friday St. John of Matha, died A.D. 1213 Moon's last quarter, 55m af 7 even.

A.D. 249.

9 Saturd St. Apollonia died, 10 SUND. Sexagesima Sunday LESS. for the DAY Morn. 3 ch Genesis Even. 6

St. Soteris

-7 This saint, who was king of the West Saxons, died

A. D. 722.

1823-Mrs. Anne Radcliffe, the authoress of several romances, died on this day; the production of this talented lady which is most esteemed is the "Mysteries of Udolpho."

8 1576-Born on this day, Robert Burton, the author of the celebrated work the "Anatomie of Melancholie," which may be considered as a treasure for its learning, pleasant humour, and sterling


8 1811-Expired on this day the celebrated astronomer Dr. Maskelyne.

10 St. Soteris was a relation of St. Ambrose; she died a virgin martyr in the 4th age.






Or all the Lord Mayors of London, for the half century of Mr. Wilkes's public career, none could be mentioned less acquainted with the polite customs of life than Alderman Burnel, who had raised himself from a very obscure grade to great wealth, and to the civic chair. He was of the Right Worshipful Company of Bricklayers.

Wilkes was an amateur of marrow pudding, and so was Alderman Burnel. At a private dinner, of about twenty-four guests, at the London Tavern, where his Lordship presided, all the marrow puddings had vanished, excepting one single dish.

Wilkes was yet engaged upon some favourite morceau, with his eye on the marrow pudding, when, unfortunately for both parties, the alderman attacked this too, and Wilkes began to consider that his VOL. I.


share would be none; so, not able to restrain his vexation, he exclaimed, as the Alderman was returning to the charge, "My lord-why-surely-you are helping yourself with a trowel."

When the patriot, John Wilkes, lived at the corner of South Audley-street, with one front looking into Grosvenor-square, he had the misfortune to have the glass composing his parlour windows destroyed by the Mount-street rioters. These windows were, perhaps, the most valuable of any in the world, for the whole of the lower sashes, composed of very large panes, were of plate glass, engraved with Eastern subjects in the most beautiful taste. These were naturally the more valued by Mr. Wilkes, as they were the ingenious labour of his daughter.

When Horne Tooke heard of this memorable smash, he smiled, and observed, "Through my old friend, Jack, many a mob has done these things for others now the visitation comes upon himself;" adding, "but I am sorry to hear this tooO! the mischievous rabble !"


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