
verie well, and so I maye passe my accompte untill that tyme, and delyver in our bookes to the Auditor according to the indenture.

Yesternighte (my good Lorde) Mr. Fanshawe shewed me the indenture signed by her Matie, and your honorable letters, whereby your Lp. requireth that I sholde put in suerties, and therin I take your ho. meaninge to be that I sholde seale the other parte of the indenture to her Matie; for at the firste entrance into my office I procured verie sufficient suerties to be bounde to her Matie in MMli, and my selfe was bounde in Mli before the Barons of the Exchequer, althoughe my predecessors and their suerties were bounde only in vc li in the Chauncerie and not in the Exchequer and ever sithence I was officer I have made the subjectes better payment of their monyes from tyme to tyme then ever any Mynte Master did heretofore; which I can justly prove by the bookes, recordes, and otherwise, so that none hathe juste cause to complaine, althoughe some of my malicious adversaryes have informed the contrarie, whose name or names I humblie desire to knowe that they maye answere the same.

I acquaynted your Lp. at my laste being with your honor with diverse thinges, and lefte them with you in wrytinge, with a humble praier to your Lp. to have in remembrance, for that they tende whollie to the profit and good of her Matie and the realme, and wilbe verie pleasinge to all her good subjectes; and therewithall offered to gyve her Matie MMi a yere for the same, and good assurance for performance thereof. Besides, I am her Maties goldsmith, and serve her everie yere above Mli worth of plate and chaynes of golde, which she gyveth awaye, and somtymes thrice so muche; and nowe she oweth me xc ijli, which is another verie good assurance to her Matie; and there is but onely xvd due to her Matie upon every pound weight for coynage of crowne golde, which will not be above xxxli a yere, yf there come thre tymes so muche golde to the Mynte to be coyned as of late yeres hathe done. Notwithstanding, I humblie praie your Lp. to contynue

my good Lorde as you have alwaies done, and yf your Lp. doe not thinke that I have alredy gyven sufficient securitie, I will gyve her Matie suche further securitie as before I have offered, and performe any thinge as your Lp. shall thinke mete for me to doe therein. And so, humblie craving pardon for my over bouldnes, I comyt your Lp. to the blessed protection of thalmightie. London, this xxj of June, 1593.


[The subsequent account has no date, but it appears to have accompanied the preceding letter, and applies to the gains by the Mint, and to the allowances and charges of the Master, during the years 1587, 1588, 1589 and 1590. It is a valuable document in connexion with the monetary affairs of the kingdom at that period.]

Indorsed "An Abstract of the whole gaynes (in the Mynt) arisinge to her Majestie in foure yeres paste: and of the Master his allowances and charges.

"Wheareof a coppie was given to the Lo. Threasorer, to Mr. Chauncelor, and to Mr. Fanshawe."

A Breefe both of the severall quantities of golde and silver coyned within her Maties Mynt betweene the laste of Februarye, 1586, and the firste of March, 1590, which is foure whole yeares; and of all suche proffittes as have therebye growne due to her Matie: and alsoe of all suche fees and other duties and charges (by her Matie) within that time allowed and paide out of the same, as by the perticuler accomptes thereof will appeare.

There was coyned in golde monies within the said foure yeres 19391lwt 09oz 02dwt 11grs, of which her Maties gayne, being xvd uppon every llwt, did amount to

Cxxjli iiijs iiijd

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A Breefe aswell of all manner of allowances geven to Richard Martyn, Workmaster of her Maties monees, uppon the severall quantities of golde and silver within the saide time coyned, as alsoe of all necessaryes incydent to th'office by him in that time borne.

He hath been allowed for the charges here under mentioned (uppon everie pound weight of the said 1939llwt 09oz 02dwt 11grs of golde coyned within the saide foure yeres) the sum of iiijs ixa, which amounteth to

He hath also been allowed towards the charges following uppon everie llwt. of the saide 63,900llwt 03oz 11dwt vjgrs of silver coyned within the saide time the sum of xiiijd, which cometh to

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

CCCClxli xiijs xd

MMMvije xxvijli xs iiijd

iiijm Clxxxviijli iiijs ijd

CClxvjli xiiijs

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[ocr errors]

uppon everie llwt thereof for the wast in melting iijd, in all amounting to Alsoe to his deputie there, is for his fee during the said iiij yeres, Cxxli; to his clarke there, lxxxli; to his melters and two laborers, Clxli; to the clarke of the yrons, xxvjli xiijs iiijd; and for making the potts and coppels, liijli vjs viijd, in all amounting to For fine silver, leade, stronge water, tooles, and other necessaryes to make golde and silver assayes For the moyetie of the diett for th'officers of the Mynt

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For coles, yron pottes, stampes, and other necessarye provisyons for the Mynt

Sum of these foure yeares allowances

Whereby it maye appeare that he hath clerely loste, in the saide foure yeres by his office of Workmaster in her Maties Mynt, the sum of

The which maketh, on yere with another, clerely lost

MMvije iiijxx xvli xijs viijd


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Cvjli xiijs iiijd



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MMMMiiijc xvijli

CCxxviijli xvs xd

lvijli iijs xjd ob.

CAMD. SOC. 12.

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