
the three writers who have published the Memoirs | him, when treating of the antique history of anof the Jacobites. They have confined themselves other land. He brings to his task all a foreigner's only to one party, whose history, however, must impartiality, with few of a foreigner's prejudices. always be interesting to Scotland and to Scotsmen. Had he referred more to his authority, and told the Commencing with the statesmen of the days of sources of his knowledge, we would have had James the Second, we have a continued biographi- greater confidence in his narrative, and given a cal narrative to the death of the last of the chiefs more implicit respect to his speculative opinions. of the '45. In regard to the mode in which this These in general are just, liberal, and philosophie; has been accomplished, we have-barring the Ja- and while the romance of history is not lost by procobite leaning-much to praise, and but little to saic dulness, the writer never rides the pegasus of condemn. imagination, to excite a "thrilling" interest, by a burst of forced and metaphorical conceits.

Both Mr. Jesse and Mrs. Thomson have the merit of adding, from unpublished papers, someMrs. Thomson's work is one which has agreeathing new to what is already known. That which bly disappointed us. It is a genuine book, a little is old they have placed in an intelligible garb, and too pompous and ambitious in its style for memoirs, dragged considerable information from the obscuri- yet written with an earnest honesty of feeling, that ty of volumes which the world had forgotten. But, goes far to palliate its errors of opinion. We bewhile Mr. Jesse displays great industry, he has lit- gan to read it, in a spirit of hopeless resignation, tle discrimination. All that has been written on determined honestly to discharge the task of only the subject he has given us-truth, falsehood, ex- judging it on trial. We anticipated that it would aggeration, nonsense-compiled, with great fideli- have been a production of the same school, as that ty, from every source accessible to investigation of all the lady writers on Scottish history-feeble and industry. With the indifference of a practised in statement, erroneous in its facts, sickly in its writer, he is not ambitious of originality. Provided thought, but above and beyond all, with an intolthe book is made, it matters not to whom belongs erable mouthing of the most maudlin sentiment. the merit of the writing; and accordingly, every We have found it, however, a book, with regard to third page is a quotation of the interesting passages facts, carefully compiled-drawn not merely from in all the pamphlets, histories, and memoirs which the ready sources patent to all, but from the secrehave enlightened the world on the history of Jaco-cy of ancient cabinets, in which was entombed a bitism. By using his scissors rather than his head, Mr. Jesse has furnished us with a better book than a stricter attention to originality, or a higher intellectual activity, would, in all probability, have given us. It is only to be regretted, that in the preference bestowed on his quotations, he has not labored at all times for the honor of his sagacity, and has inserted much to increase the volume rather than the interest. In regard to what is original, we might have had a more distinct narrative of those minutie that illustrate personal character, national manners, and the feelings and opinions of the time. Much of the general speculation-in high Cambyses vein-not very consistent or profound, might, with advantage, have been supplanted by a few of those numerous anecdotes which escaped the industry of Forbes, Scott, and Cham'bers, and which, though still circulating in society, are fast dropping into oblivion. The Jacobitism of the volumes is, moreover, evidently not native here, and to the manner born. It has, with him, only the appearance of being the medium for fine writing, like those old airs that musicians take, in order to produce upon them a thousand new variations.

Yet, after all, Mr. Jesse's book is interesting and instructive. The greater part is occupied with the history of Prince Charles. There is also a full sketch of the life of the old Chevalier, the father of the prince, more complete and accurate than any other we know of in the English language. Add to these the Memoirs of the Countess of Albany, the wife of Prince Charles-of the Cardinal York, his brother, the last and best of the Stuart line since the days of James the First-of the gallant old Balmerino-of the Earls of Kilmarnock and Cromartie-of Lord George Murray, and the celebrated Flora M'Donald.

Mr. Klose's book is one with greater pretensions to originality, and is confined exclusively to the history of the young chevalier, with a prefatory sketch of the character of the Stuart reigns. Mr. Klose, though a foreigner, has fallen into a few of the blunders which might have been excusable in|

large collection of interesting correspondence, now, for the first time, made known to the world. We see that this lady has spent a large portion of her time in the study of books containing the history of the events of which she treats; she cites them as one who loves them and knows them well; she borrows from them a crowd of piquant passages and interesting anecdotes, drawn principally from forgotten sources. Freshness and animation reign throughout; and in the passages most Jacobitical in their tendency, the good nature, good spirit, and agreeable writing silence rebuke. She has never allowed what she terms "a leaning for the unfortunate cause of the Stuarts" to pervert the impartiality of history. Neither do we meet with any cruel outrages upon logic, or any perversion of those great principles on which rests the column of British freedom, erected with such painful effort, and guarded with such unsleeping zeal.

The work has evidently been revised by persons capable of saving the writer from mistakes. When we find a lady versant in the technical jargon of the Scottish law, and rivalling Bailie Macwheeble himself in the correct description of "fee and liferent," and of all the mysteries of "dispositions of lands, heritages, tenements, annual rents, together with the goods, jewels, gear, utensils, horses, sheep, cattle, nolt, corn, and others pertaining and belonging to," &c., &c., (vol. ii., p. 301, and vol. ii., p. 180-6,) we are scarcely in error in supposing that some modern bailie has given the aid of his inspiration to the history. There are, however, some errors in regard to localities that might have been avoided, by a judicious employment of any bailie who, (according to Mrs. Malaprop,) by being "instructed in geometry, might know something of the contagious countries." Thus we have the village of Logierait, near Dunkeld, transmuted into Logaret, (vol. i., p. 87.) The house of Stewart of Gairntully, is changed into "the house of Stewart of Grandutly," (vol. i., p. 155,) which might be confounded with Stewart of Grandtully -a different family. The river Earn becomes Eru, (vol. i., p. 181,) and the Trosachs are trans

muted into Trosaêhs, (vol. ii., p. 156.) Many other blunders of the same kind-some typographical and others editorial-we do not mean to dwell upon in regard to a work which possesses so many recommendations.

peal of the act of settlement was ever imminent, and it was by the doings there that the Stuarts had ever a chance of a second restoration.

On this subject all our three historians are either erroneous or mute; and we regret to add, that Mrs. Mrs. Thomson, by not giving a history of Prince Thomson is the greatest offender of the three. We Charles, has ample space for separate memoirs of are surprised that she has omitted a history of the the subordinates. Her first volume contains an Jacobite intrigues in the days of William, and of admirable biography of the Earl of Mar, in which the policy of that sagacious manarch. Of the still we are carried back to the old parliament of Scot- more interesting events of the reign of Anne, little land, and enlightened as to all the details of the is told, and that erroneously. Parties are confoundrise, progress, and suppression of the rebellion of ed; and the crimes of the tories are mercilessly laid the '15. We have also a memoir of the young upon the whigs. Yet unless there be a correct and Earl of Derwentwater, who closed his short career, even minute account of the intrigues at court, the amid universal sympathy, on the scaffold; of the first rebellion, in its origin, is absolutely unintelligiMaster of Sinclair, whose opposition to Mar and ble; and the second, in its apparent imprudence, graphic history of the insurrection, have saved his criminal and dishonest. The first was the result of memory from the oblivion that his insignificance passion, a start of phrensy, on the part of the bafotherwise would have ensured him; and, finally, fled intriguers of the last ministry of Anne. The of Cameron of Lochiel, the most patriotic, disinter-second, where the cloak required to be made after ested, and bravest Jacobite of them all. The sec-it began to rain-where an insurrection was raised ond volume commences with the biography of the without a regiment organized, can only be redeemEarl of Nithsdale, who was saved from the scaffold ed from being a crime, as great in morals as in law, by the heroic intrepidity of his wife; of Viscount by the state of parties at '45. To tell that Charles Kenmure, and the Marquis of Tullibardine; of Sir raised his standard at Glenfinals-gained the battles John Maclean, an illustrious obscure, of whom the of Preston and of Falkirk-was routed at Colloden world has heard little and cares less, and of whom -hunted in the Hebrides, and finally escaped, is to all that is necessary to be said, may be summed up tell us half the story, upon which no judgment can by saying, that he was one of the officers of Cla- be pronounced on the character and conduct of the verhouse, and was out in the '15. The latter half chevalier. The same difficulty surrounds us here, of the volume is, however, occupied with two that fetters the judgment in regard to the history of names, with which Scotland once rang from side to Mary. Compassion for misfortune perverts the side-Rob Roy and Fraser of Lovat. The former, truth of history. It represents the victims of their though at the battle of Sheriffmuir, could scarcely own excesses as abandoned to party fury, instead be enrolled among the Jacobites. At the same of being condemned by all the majesty of national time, we like to read his history, though it might justice. Thus the men who wanted an excuse to have been told with somewhat less of the tone of a begin the tragedy of their country, appear as marsermon on human frailty. Of the life of Lovat, we tyrs by the heroism of their death. Our only recan only say that it gives a good but rather stilted source is in what Mr. Klose alone has attempted. and grandiloquent portrait of that extraordinary Before we can strike the balance of good and evil being, who, with all the vices of human nature, in the history of the Stuarts, we must recall the could simulate virtue so admirably, that he some-story of their expulsion-the succession of abuses times convinced himself that it was real. Of this of obstinate and enormous error-of fatal folly, incomparable rascal, we meet with a new incident by which a family, delivered to all the elements of somewhat peculiar. It appears that, besides being decay, marched rapidly to its ruin. We had a an outlaw, prison-breaker, and perpetrator of every long experience of its incapacity. By that light crime, including rape, perjury, assassination, arson, we are enabled to reduce to its level, a romantic treason, he was guilty of rather successful hypoc-story, which, by exhibitions of courage and generrisy. He took holy orders when he found time osity, would otherwise ennoble human infirmity, hanging on his hands in France, joined the Jesuits, dignify the nature of vice, and make ambition virand attracted vast crowds to the evangelical sermons of the Curé of St. Omer! Of the third volume, we need only mention, that it contains a very full memoir of Lord George Murray-of Flora M'Donald-of the Earl of Kilmarnock-of the Duke of Perth, and of Charles Radcliffe, brother of the Earl of Derwentwater.

The most defective passages in these three books are the history of party. While nothing is left to be desired in regard to the history of persons, we have little or nothing of the doings of those great parties that divided the empire. While we have a faithful narrative of the antics of the puppets, we are told nothing of the people who pulled the strings. The mode in which the whigs and tories of the days of William and Anne conducted themselves, relative to the exiled princes, constitute by far the most interesting chapter in the history of Jacobitism. They exhibit a series of intrigues without example in profligacy, unparalleled in blunders. The battles of the cabinet and the senate rise in interest above Sheriffmuir or Culloden. It was in the cabinet alone that the danger of a re


The two prominent characters in the volumes under consideration, are the old chevalier, the son of James the Second, and Prince Charles himself. They are interesting contrasts; the gloomy, desponding, unambitious father-the sanguine, gay, light-hearted, and enthusiastic son. Both were engaged in unsuccessful rebellions, and have thus afforded us an opportunity of comparing their capacities

both were the victims of domineering necessities, enabling us to contrast their powers of endurance, and their philosophy. Where, against hope, the son struggled so nobly, and with his ragged mountaineers advanced within three days' march of London, we are often driven to suppositions as to the fate of the empire had Charles been the leader in the '15; a better account would, at least, have been transmitted to posterity as to the conduct of the war; force of character would have obtained its accustomed preeminence, and the penalties of treason would not have been incurred without a provocation equal to the punishment.

Of the causes of the first rebellion we shall after

wards have something to say. The immediate reverse, with all its dread apparatus of punishagent who took the management which produced ment, had not yet made prudent. Scott has well the ruin, was one of those restless men unfit for a sketched the scene in Waverley, though he has leader, and unwilling to be a subordinate. The placed it at a later date. Never was there a gathEarl of Mar was one of the adventurers of the pe- ering in Scotland for such an object, which disriod, whose estates had suffered a quick process of played a greater array of ancient names. The decay under the forfeitures of the civil wars. He hunting was changed into a council of war, opened had entered life with a determination to retrieve his by the Earl with a long harangue, apologetic of position, if it were possible, by honor--if not, by his past tergiversation, and energetic with the any means consistent with safety. It embarrasses promise of future resolution. Assurances of a historians now to ascertain the causes of that exten-general rising in England, and of aid from France, sive influence exercised by this intriguer in the mingled with appeals to those national feelings so north. Ambitious mediocrity, insatiable vanity, a powerful with such an audience, carried away at sublime genius in a coterie, an assumption of skill the last all the suggestions of prudence; and the in all things, were his principal characteristics, whole assembly committed themselves by an oath while selfishness and expediency were his princi- of fealty to the Stuarts. ples of action. After some rather dishonorable The cause, at this juncture, had much of the trimming, he had allied himself with the tory party, elements of success. A party unbroken in spirit and partook of their disgrace. Like Oxford and by defeat; resolute, active, united; an unpopular Bolingbroke, he made an attempt to ingratiate him- foreigner on the throne, estranging the affections self with the German sovereign, and forwarded to of the ancient nobility of England by crowding him a letter, which, for fulsome adulation, was too his court with the obscure officials of his petty strong even for the German appetite of George the principality, wriggling themselves into the governFirst" I beg leave by this to kiss your majesty's ment of a nation of whose very language they hand, and congratulate your happy accession to the were ignorant, and stilting themselves into greatthrone." The vile columnies of slanderers had as-ness, by measures which compromised the security persed his character, he said; wicked insinuations of their master and the peace of Europe;-diswere made against his loyalty. His own services content universal; the tory chiefs constituting the to his country, his share in promoting the union of ministry of Anne pursued with forfeiture, and the crowns, and the consequent imposition upon threatened with death; the absence of any statesScotland of the act of settlement-which the Scot-man of capacity to direct with energy the defence tish parliament had never passed-his exertions in of government; the abundant supply of funds in baffling intrigues adverse to the Hanoverian succes- the hands of Mar; these were advantages which sion in the days of Anne, with lavish promises of in abler hands would have sent the Hanoverian his determination to secure it now, were topics on Elector to learn the philosophy of patience in his which he dilated only a few months prior to the cele- hereditary dominions. brated hunting match at Bræmar, at which he unfurled the flag of the Stuarts. (Mrs Thomson, i., p. 51.)

But no Claverhouse with ruthless energy, no Montrose with his rapid movements was there, to give life to a party who only wanted a leader. Not contented with this, he exerted his great in- Now when they had all the materiel of war, they fluence with the Scottish chiefs, to procure an ad- wanted the gallant youth, who, in the '45, often dress of congratulation to the new monarch on his reduced to his last guinea, was obliged to carve his accession This address was signed by heads of way to a throne with three thousand mountaineers the clans, who subsequently became parties in his armed with scythes. But the supple courtier rebellion. But it was all to no purpose The could neither command the respect of his followers German elector, in ascending the throne of a great by his wisdom, or inspire them with confidence in empire, was only a German elector still. His his military skill, which he began to acquire when views were early bounded by the confines of his circumstances elevated him to command. Throughpetty principality, and he could never realize an es- out all Scotland, however, to the north of the timate of the nation whom necessity had compelled Forth, the flame of rebellion spread with amazing to call him to be their chief. England was too big speed, and the incompetent commander found himfor him; and his politics were based upon the nar-self at the head of a well supplied army of ten row prejudices of his education. To the throne he thousand men. carried all the petty resentments of a schoolboy, Had Charles Edward been so equipped in the and, in their gratification, forgot the prudence be- '45, the retreat from Derby might have been coming a monarch whose power rested upon the changed into a victorious march on London. But quicksands of a disputed succession. To have se- the leaders of the rising in '15, knew better how cured the attachment of Mar, would have only cost to write gloomy letters of anticipated disaster, the easy gift of some bauble honor, or lucrative ap- than to gain victories or animate soldiers with their pointment. To have done so, would have been to prospect. Every scheme was discussed with the extinguish in its origin any chance of immediate verbosity of diplomatists negotiating a treaty; and, insurrection. in general, the tide had passed before they had All hopes of honorable or dishonorable ambition | resolved to unloose their moorings. The impatient being thus cut off-all excuses for allegiance be- Highlanders, instead of an immediate onslaught, ing crushed by threats of impeachment and at-were turned for a long period into Perth, to sow, tainder for past misconduct-all the hereditary in inglorious inactivity, the seeds of vexation and feelings of his family to the Stuart race, being disappointment. The capacity of Mar for the strengthened by all manner of insults to himself; leadership, may be judged of by two extracts from -disappointed ambition-baffled hopes-safety-his letters-the one exhibiting the trifling society false honor-all concurred to one object; and the he resorted to, in the midst of a rebellion, and the famous Bræmar hunting-match was held. Here, other the childish impertinence he indulged in, the Earl invited all the chiefs of influence whom when charged with such momentous responsibili hereditary principles had made Jacobite, and whom ties.



He was very fond of the praises of women; but | tion of King Charles the First and Second," with appears to have had a surfeit :the view of not committing any violation of the rules of etiquette, in the important ceremonial for the chevalier.

"The only inconvenience I had by Kate Bruce lodging in the same house with me was, it brought in too many women upon me, and some of these brought in others, and to this minute I cannot with discretion get quit of them."—(Thomson, i., p. 183.)

Having the pen of a ready writer, he threw off an abundance of rebel proclamations at Perth; and he chuckles heartily at the fact, that "besydes other dispersings, I did yesterday cause putt in fiftein copies of it in the Lords of Sessions Boxes." (Thomson, i., p. 183.)

The old chevalier landed in Scotland when all necessity for his presence had passed-when dissensions had destroyed all unity of action-and cowardice had consummated the ruin which incapacity had made sure. The chevalier himself was but little calculated to exhilarate the drooping spirits of the rebels. From the moment of his landing to his speedy flight, he never ceased to use his handkerchief to dry the incessant torrent of his tears. His whole conduct in Scotland reminds one of the blubbering of a child. At the first interview with his followers, he addressed them in the following style of lachrymose rebuke:

"He had come among them, he said, merely that those who were backward in discharging their own duty, might find no pretext for their conduct in his own absence. For myself, it is no new thing for me to be unfortunate, since my whole life from my cradle has been a constant series of misfortune; and I am prepared, if it so pleases God, to suffer the extent of the threats which my enemies throw out against me."-(Jesse, i., p. 54.)

The effect of this mode of speech, and the appearance of the man himself, have been graphically described in a work supposed to be written by the Master of Sinclair, who was in Mar's camp, a continual thorn in the side of his commander.

"The chevalier had a speech grave, and not very clearly expressive of his thoughts, nor over much to the purpose; his words were few, and his behavior and temper seemed always composed. Neither can I say ever saw him smile. If he was disappointed in us, we were tenfold more so in him-we saw nothing in him that looked like spirit. He never appeared with cheerfulness and vigor to animate us; our men began to despise him; some asked if he could speak. I am sure the figure he made dejected us; and had he sent us 5000 men of good troops, and never himself come, we had done other things than we have done."(Spottiswoode Miscellanies.)

The news of the advance of Argyle, spread consternation among the leaders of the rebel force, while the Highlanders, chafing under an inactivity so foreign to their character, insisted on being led to immediate action. A retreat was ordered-the chevalier shedding tears over the miseries of his position, and whining, as usual, against the men who had risked their all for him. "Instead of bringing him a crown," he groaned, "they had brought him to his grave." The indignant Highlanders were dragged along the coast sullen and dejected. They were at last deserted by the chevalier, Mar, and the instigators of the rebellion, who took shipping for France, leaving the miserable dupes of their incapacity to a universal military execution, which crushed the impotent resistance of undisciplined despair.

The defeat of the rebels, and the horrors of their execution, had less effect in laying Jacobitism in ruins, than the appearance, character, and conduct of the old chevalier. All enthusiasm vanished-all the lofty ideas of the chivalrous valor announced as one of his characteristics, were chased away by the miserable reality-all the tory anticipations of his complying spirit in religion were disappointed. They had licked the dust in vain. They had, to no purpose, thrown themselves into the hopeless struggle of determined loyalty, against the settled power of an usurper. On their country they had brought the devastations of a civil war; on themselves they had dragged a retribution either in their victory or their defeat. The nature of the latter was exemplified by the event; the former could be correctly guessed, when they found in their future king, a weak, impracticable man, who would yield nothing-concede no point to civilization and established freedom, whose counsellors were Jesuits, and to whose favor the surest passport was his confessor.

On his return to France, his first act was nearly as foolish as his conduct in Scotland. He dismissed from his service the only Englishman who could conduct it, and give his cause respectability. Bolingbroke had submitted to the degradation of being appointed "secretary of state" to a monarch who could not obtain the means of life but from eleemosynary aid. He had, with his usual skill, negotiated with the court of France for the effective assistance of all its power. He was in constant communication with the Earl of Mar, when that commander was leading his victims on to ruin. Yet the first act of the chevalier on his return was his written dismissal on a miserable His conduct was as disheartening as his appear- scrap of paper, from "all his honors and emoluance and his words, and exhibits to us the fate ments!" The kingly heroic style," says Bothat awaited us in the successful issue of his enter- lingbroke in his noted letter to Wyndham, "of the prise. While at Scone, among the presbyterians paper was, that he had no farther occasion for my of Perth, he would not allow a protestant even to services, accompanied by an order to deliver up all say grace before him-ostentatiously retaining a the papers in my office to Ormond, all which might confessor to repeat the paternosters and ave-marias. have been contained in a moderate sized letter Notwithstanding all Lord Mar's anxiety, too, in case." Horace Walpole, describing the feeling collecting the necessary ribbons, and "making a of Paris, also tells us the cause of Bolingbroke's crown, in pieces, at Edinburgh, and bringing it disgrace. They use poor Harry most unmerciover here," he deferred the important mummery fully, and call him knave and traitor: and God of his coronation, as he could not take the usual knows what. I believe all poor Harry's fault coronation oath. A day or two before the flight was, that he could not play his part with a grave of the Jacobite army from Perth, we find this able enough face; he could not help laughing now and commander busying himself in getting together, then at such kings and queens." "a collection of all papers relating to the corona


The consequence was immediately visible in the

conduct of the English tories. Although the letter to Wyndham was not published at this period, yet that it was printed and circulated we can have no doubt. There are some passages in this letter drawn by the hand of a master. Denounced as a traitor, he throws back with insulting sarcasm, the scorn and contempt of a man who knew his accusers. He did worse than this, by pounding in the crucible of a dry logic which he seldom used, the doctrines of divine right and passive obedience, which constituted the Stuart creed. These doctrines, hitherto kept in abeyance, were now held up to the ridicule of mankind, with every bitter personality necessary to the enlivening a political disquisition.

of the cavaliers was never displayed by their descendants to the Brunswick race; from being royalists they became aristocrats, and, partly by the aid of popular excitement, partly by the force of their own influence, their history for a hundred years is the opposition to any extension of regal preroga tive.

The long domination of Walpole, the great leader of the second generation of the whigs, reconciled the country to its new sovereigns. His sagacious schemes, so wise in their object, so unjustifiable in the means by which they were attained, broke up the parties of the days of Anne, and fused them into new combinations. The statesmen who had clung to the hope of a Stuart restoration as the means of power, abandoned at last the impracticable representative of the dynasty to his fate. They found him unfit for a master, too obstinate for a tool, too helpless for an ally, too dangerous as a friend. His cause was left to find adherents amid the wild glens and mountains of the north, where attachment could linger on unaffected by the shocks of party tactics, or the tortuous policy of ambitious politicians. Here the highland chieftains, living in their solitudes, without communication except with their ex

settlement of feeling, and reconciliation of opposing interests in the south, could drink Jacobite toasts with enthusiastic shouts, and find vent to feeling in treasonable harangues against the German lairdie.

The most amazing effect was produced by this manifesto of the exiled tory chief. The chevalier's ingratitude to Bolingbroke wiped out the sin of George the First in regard to his attainder; the natural weakness of understanding which the chevalier inherited, held out no encouraging prospect in success, and the mixture of gross licentiousness with fanatical observance of the punctilios of his religion, displayed a character not of a kind to invite the enthusiastic devotion of a Protestant empire. The more minute accounts which daily arrived of the character of the man, and of his priestly coun-iled brethren in France, and ignorant of the silent sellors, completed the disgust which the sarcasms of Bolingbroke had excited, and led the tories to the conclusion, that the worst lot for themselves as for their country would be the restoration of such a king. This was not the last attempt at the overthrow Thirty years, with its many changes, had exof the German sovereigns, prior to the memorable pired; age had crept over the chevalier; a new '45. Wherever Great Britain had a quarrel, the generation had arisen, a new king sat upon the emissaries of the chevalier appeared to hatch it into throne of the British empire, and the career of life, and excite compassion by an exhibition of his Walpole had closed. The long period of fiftysores. The iron-headed Swede, Charles XII., en- seven years had swept over the ruins of the Stuart raged at the conduct of George the First, had deter- monarchy, when another of the line made a last atmined, at the head of 10,000 troops, to make a de- tempt to recover his inheritance. A striking episcent on England. A cannon-shot stopped the sode it is in the dull history of the reign of George career of the royal madman, and the hopes of the the Second, when a youth, attended by seven folchevalier now rested upon the barbarian power of lowers, landed in the wilds of Moidart, to shake Russia. This having proved a broken prop, he re- the government of the greatest of modern nations, paired to Madrid to implore the compassion of and to embarrass the world with the problem of his Alberoni. The result was a new expedition, of success. Without a friend to counsel him to prowhich general history makes no mention, under the ceed with his father's entreaties ringing in his guidance of the once popular Duke of Ormond, and ears, to think of the hopeless enterprise as a dream having for its object a descent on Scotland. The with all the adherents to his family, in the land elements conspired against the adventurers; most to which he came, protesting against it unless supof the ships were shattered ere they had properly ported by 10,000 bayonets-without the knowledge got to sea; and two only could proceed to their or assistance of the court of France, the pretender destination, where the Earl of Seaforth, Tullibar- landed in the Western Isles, which he was so soon dine, and the Earl Marischall, had no sooner landed to traverse as a hunted wanderer. History has than they were obliged to seek safety from the pur- few chapters so romantic; fiction cannot embellish suing royalists, among the coverts of the Western it, and poetry attains its loftiest flight when enIsles. gaged in the narrative of facts. Had success All attempts to restore the Stuarts having thus crowned the enterprise it would have been repartaken of the usual fatality of his race, the chev-nowned as one of the astonishing feats in history; alier resigned himself with great composure to his but a civil war without the probability of triumph, destiny. Occupied with his mistresses and his con- is a crime greater than all others, since no other is fessors, he gave up, without a sigh, the hopes of so productive of enduring calamity. It annihilates royalty; and the tories of England, instructed by his example, forgot him and his principles. The quarrel with Bolingbroke laid all hope of tory support forever in the dust, and the decaying faction of the Jacobites beheld themselves left alone to dream of a restoration. The tories changed their tactics with their circumstances, and the calls of an overruling necessity-they abandoned the pretender, and they were defied by the reigning monarch. They could no longer, therefore, enroll themselves as the defenders of royal prerogative, because they had no monarch to seek their assistance; the loyalty

all reverence for justice, all the amenities by which humanity has incorporated into warfare the gentle spirit of compassion, forbearance, and generosity; it generates a ferocity which resents not merely a present injury, but a worse calamity in a foreseen future of destruction on the scaffold; it leaves behind it the bitter feuds which disturb a nation's repose for successions of generations; in short, it ranges on opposite sides, if not brethren joined by the ties of blood, at least the citizens of a common country, entailing upon many of them the ruin of their fortune, and a perpetual exile. No cause, how

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