
such to a valet, but not to a gentleman. He said | name, and call it wrong, but not affront; for a man it was civil, and I said it was not. Leicheston who is resolved to die in defending his own honor, seeing us both very hot, and ready to come to may receive wrong indeed, but not an affront; and blows, taking me by the hand, said, Go with me, as to me, I never yet received an affront, nor do I sir, to a chamber, and let this company alone;" to think to be so base as ever to receive any." Then, which Blackhall agrees; but the captain follows after further demonstrations of cordiality between them, refuses to drink with them, but sits down, Blackhall and the captain, the soldiers are brought and again reiterates his demand, when Blackhall in unarmed, to testify their friendship also; and tells him that, if at first the request had been Blackhall says, "I did take each of them by the made with kindness, it would have been complied hand very kindly, and drank to them, and they to with, but having been made in a disdainful man- me. They were in all five-and-twenty; and a ner, and refused, he could not now with honor minister called Mr. Patrick Galloway, who had grant it, lest it should seem that fear, not com- been lately banished out of Ireland, in the insurplaisance, had been the cause; adding, "And I am rection that the Irish made against the Scotch in resolved not to do anything prejudicial to my the north of Ireland; whereby ye may judge if I honor, neither for fear of death nor hope of re- would not have been a good prize to these soldiers ward; but at the next meeting, whensoever it is, of the unholy covenant. They would have been I shall freely tell you, for then I hope our party better rewarded for taking a priest nor [than] for a will not be so unequal as it is now, and therefore lord." He then diverges to the praise of John will not then be ascribed to fear or baseness, as it Gordon of Leicheston, who had stood by him so is now. stanchly in his extremity, saying, "He was a very gallant gentleman, and as personable a man as was of any name in Scotland; tall, well-proportioned, with a manly countenance, which his generous heart did not belie. For without any other obligation, but only because he did casually meet me in the court, and civilly did bring me in by the hand to their company, he resolved to share with me of life or death, and did embrace my cause as if it had been his own; showing no less interest for my life than he would have done for his own."


"With this answer he went from us to his company; and, as we thought (that is, Leicheston and I,) if not contented, at least paid with reason. In the mean time Leicheston did call for Finnan haddocks (or fish like whitings, but bigger and firmer.) The mistress did give four to her servant to roast for us. When they were roasted, the captain did take them from her, and ate them up, with his soldiers. The servant came and told ns that the captain would not suffer her to roast any for us, nor bring us those she had roasted for Whereupon I said to the mistress, in great When the worthy father had accomplished the anger, Goodwife, I pray you give me some had-object of his mission, he joyfully prepared to leave docks, and I will go into your hall and roast them, France; but if, in his native country, he met with or some better thing for them, for I will not be so dissipated, quarrelsome people, he was exposed in braved by your captain. My money is as good as that where he was now sojourning to greater danhis, and therefore I will have haddocks for my ger from a multitudinous array of robbers. "I money, or know wherefore not. She said, You passed on my way," says he, "asking in the vilshall have, sir, but you shall not go in among lages, as I passed, if they did hear anything of them who are bent to kill you. I pray God deliver voleurs [robbers] on the great way. Their my house from murder. I would give all I have answer was commonly, It is marvellous how you in the world to have you safe out of my house. I have escaped them, for the way is all covered with shall go and roast the haddocks, and bring them to them. These were no comfortable news to me, you myself; which she did, and we did eat them, who had all my money upon me in gold." But if and drink to the health of one another without any it was practicable for one man so to fortify himtrouble; for our resolution was taken, to sell our self as to be impregnable to multitudes, Blackhall skins at the dearest rate that we could, if it be had done so. Behold his account of his travelling hoved us to die; for Liecheston had already arsenal. "I had behind my saddle a great cloaksworn to die or live with me." bag, in which were my new clothes and cloak, and a new hat; and at the top of my saddle two Dutch pistols, with wheelworks; and at my two sides two Scotch pistols, with snap-works; and a very wide musket, charged with nine pistol balls, hanging from my neck; and a good sword at my side." It was not to be wondered at that, so accoutred, robber after robber passed him unmolested; but it must be remembered, that we have only his own word for the statement, that they had ever any design to meddle with him. The following is one of his escapes :

The captain is then represented as returning to them, sitting down and renewing his first demand, to which he receives the same answer, and departs in great wrath to his soldiers. Then Leicheston's servant comes and tells his master, in Irish, that they were making ready to compel Blackhall to tell who he was, or kill him ; upon which Leicheston and Blackhall take measures for their reception. But the captain having delayed to come, Blackhall sent Leicheston to show him that it would be a blot against his honor to bring twenty men against two, and offering rather to fight with him hand to hand. Whereupon the captain was highly delighted with his courage, and said, "I did never meet with a man of greater resolution, wherefore I shall honor him wheresoever I shall see him; and tell him I need not fight combats to show my courage: it is well enough known in this country where I live, and I believe so be his where he is known." And shortly after the captain came to Blackhall, and said, "I am come to crave your pardon for the affront that we have done. Good sir, said I, be pleased to change the

"When I was passing Fleurie, the taverners, as their custom is, cried, Monsieur, we have good wine and good oats; will you give your horse a measure of oats? to whom I answered, My horse hath dined, and myself also: I will not light down. Then a strong, young fellow did come out of a tavern, who said to me, Monsieur, it is very dangerous for you to go through the wood alone in these times: if you will stay but a little, my master is in the tavern drinking a chopin with another gentleman; they will convoy you through the wood. I answered him, saying, I do not fear

After a multitude of difficulties and dangers, which we cannot follow out in detail, the father returned with his ward to France; and here he found a new impediment in her intractable, haughty temper. With true Highland pride, the damsel thought that crowned heads were her only earthly superiors; and in the palaces of the French nobility, as different from her own rude home as a peer's mansion in London is from a farmer's cottage at the present day, her Highland blood boiled against the etiquettes and deferences to which the highest of the young nobility of France gave implicit obedience. Being placed in the family of

any man, neither in the wood nor out of it; and | you to the port, but to send you to them by shiptherefore I will not stay one moment for any com-wreck, that they may get the spoil of her. And pany. I suspected that they might be voleurs; and to show that this is their meaning, said he, if the he also then said, Since you have so good courage, ship come well to the port, or eschew shipwreck, I will go with you. The way, said I, is free to they get up in anger, crying, The devil stick her, all men. But why do you not wait upon your she is away from us!" master, to come with him, seeing, as you say, the danger is so great? Oh, said he, they are two, well mounted, and fear no voleurs. I believe you, said I. So we went on until we entered into the wood, and then my fellow redoubled his pace, to come nearer to me; which I seeing, turned the mouth of my musket towards him, and commanded him to stay there. Wherefore that? said he. Because I will so, said I: thou shalt not make me thy prey. Therefore, if thou advance but one foot, I shall discharge my musket into thy belly. He stood, and said, You need not fear, having so good a baton in thy hand. I fear no man, said I; but I will make thee fear if thou remove one foot for-the Countess of Brienne, to be trained for attendward until I be out of the wood. In the mean time I was ever advancing forward, and mine eye towards him. So, seeing that I did hold my gun bent towards him, he turned his back to me, and went into the thick of the wood, and I did not see him any more. Then the peasant, who all the time had kept a good distance from me, but so as he did both see and hear what was passing betwixt us, said, God be blessed, sir, who inspired you with His grace to distrust this voleur, and hold him back from you; for if you had suffered him to come near you, he would undoubtedly have got hold of your clothes, and pulled you down from your horse, and stabbed you. Behold, he is hiding himself in the wood: you have saved your own life and mine; for how soon he had killed you, he would have killed me also, for fear I might have discovered him hereafter."


On his way back to Scotland, the father was wrecked on the coast of Holy Island; and he gives the following most expressive account of the state of society among a people who profit by shipwrecks:-"The country people convened the next day, to take the goods which the sea had cast to the land; amongst which there was a caseful of castor-hats, with gold hat-bands, for which the minister of the parish, a Scotsman, named Lindsay, and a gentleman dwelling near the island, did fight; and the minister did sore wound the gentleInan; and the common people did get away the case, and broke it, and every one took away what he could get of it, whilst the church and the state were fighting for it in vain." He then mentions, "that the tempest having ceased, we went a walking in the island, and did go to the governor, Robin Rugg, a notable good fellow, as his great red nose, full of pimples, did give testimony. He made us breakfast with him, and gave us very good sack, and did show us the tower in which he lived, which is no strength at all, but like the watch-towers upon the coast of Italy. We did take him with us to our inn, and made him the best cheer that we could. He was a very civil and jovial gentleman, and good company; and among the rest of his merry discourses, he told us how the common people there do pray for ships which they see in danger. They all sit down on their knees, and hold up their hands, and say, very devoutly, Lord, send her to us; God, send her to us! You, said he, seeing them upon their knees, and their hands joined, do think that they are praying for your safety; but their minds are far from that. They pray God, not to save you, or send

ance at court, we are told that "Both the count and countess, for the queen's sake, were very civil to her; but the more they honored her, the less did she respect them. Whether that proceeded from pride, thinking that and much more was due unto her, or from inadvertency, not reflecting upon their civilities, which is called a kind of brutality, I know not; God knoweth. But what I have seen with my own eyes, and heard with mine ears, that I write here, and nothing more; for I have seen my Lady of Brienne sit in her own carriage, without her gate, upon the street, fretting a whole quarter of an hour for Mademoiselle de Gordon, sending and sending over and over again for her to go to the mass; and which did highly displease me, when she was at the carriage, stepped into it, not opening her mouth to make any excuse for making the lady stay for her, no more than if she had been mistress of the carriage, and the lady but only her servant. This I have, with much grief, seen more than two or three times; and that lady did complain to me of her as often as I did go to see her."

We must conclude with a specimen of the extremities to which the damsel's pride reduced her, notwithstanding the anxiety of her courtly friends to serve her; premising, for the reader's comfort, that the whole ended in her being received into the queen's household.

"When they arrived at St. Germain, the queen knew not how to dispose of her, because the number of her filles [maids of honor] was complete, and Madame de Brienne would not meddle with her any more. The queen told her that she, having no vacant place for her, would place her with Madame la Princesse. She answered her majesty very courageously, saying she had never done anything to displease her relatives, who, she knew, would be highly displeased, hearing that she, who came to France to wait upon her majesty, had descended to serve the Princess of Condé; and prayed her majesty to excuse her, if she refused to do what her relatives would disavow in her. The queen did not take it ill of her, this her generous answer, but did pray monsieur the prince, and madame, to keep her with them as a friend, until she could take her to herself, which at the present she could not do. They, to oblige the queen, did accept of her as a friend, and made her sit at their own table, where she remained in that posture until the princes-to wit, Condé, Conti, and Longueville-were sent prisoners to Bois de Vincienne; and then the princess would

"The alligator is a formidable-looking creature. it is true, but he is generally harmless. His office is to prowl in the sluggish waters of this southern region, pick up what he can, and digest it into excellent oil for the illumination of our houses."

Is not this the perfect type of a penny-a-liner? Are not his looks-his office-his brilliant result, as burning in the columns of the press-all shadowed forth in this? The Egyptians were a wise people. We call them barbarous idolaters for worshipping the crocodile. They put jewelled rings in his ears, and built a city-Crocodilopolis

not keep her any longer, but, a few days after into a code his grand panacea-his never-failing their imprisonment, sent her to Madame de Bri-" punch on the head"-with the most beneficent enne in a sedan; and Madame de Brienne would effect. not receive her, but sent her to my Lord Aubeny, who sent her back to Madame de Brienne, and bade tell her that he had no woman in his house, and therefore could not receive her without disparagement of her honor and his. Madame de Brienne would not let her come within her house, but sent for Madame de Ferrand, a councillor's lady, and prayed her to take the young lady in her carriage, and deliver her to Madame de la Flotte in the Palais Royal. When they arrived there, it was near nine o'clock at night. Madame de la Flotte, seeing them come to her at that time of night, and thinking that this lady-to wit, Madame de Ferrand-had been but one of Madame de Bri--in his honor. A hideous, ravenous, filthy enne's gentlewomen, did claw her up soundly for bringing Mademoiselle de Gordon to her at that time of night." But Madame de la Flotte, when she saw she was mistaken in the lady, asked her pardon, and showed her how she could not possibly receive Mademoiselle de Gordon that night, A "FORLORN HOPE."-Marshal Bugeaud has but would next day; and back she was taken to hit upon a new expedient for capturing Abd-el-kaMadame de Brienne, who, late as the hour was, der. He has taken his dog. The cunning Marrefused to let her in, and Madame de Ferrand shal evidently thinks that his only chance of findwas at last constrained to take her with her to her ing out Abd-el-kader's hiding place is by following own house; Blackhall remarking," So Mademoi- in the track of his dog. It would make a fine selle de Gordon might have learned, by Madame picture for Versailles-" The French army marchde Brienne's unkindness towards her, how im-ing to Victory," and a poodle at the head of it.— provident a thing it is to neglect powerful persons, Punch. able both to do good and evil."

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We would do more than protect-we would suggest that they be fed by a regular supply of men, women, and children. We-in merry England here-compare peasants, their wives and families, to our game, our birds and partridges : why should not the folks on the border of Black Creek make alligators game, and so fatten then upon live Indians? But this will come. A sense of the value of alligators is evidently gaining ground.

"We must allow them to be killed only at a proper season, when they are fattest, and not permit their destruction at the season when they lay their eggs."

wretch he seems to us; but the Egyptians, doubtless, knew of his oil, and treating him like an unacknowledged genus, worshipped him for his hidden light.-Punch.

THE APPEALS IN THE LORDS.-A foreigner would be very much struck by the air of calm decency that pervades the hearing of appeals in the house of lords. Three peers are sufficient to form a house, and these three are not required to keep awake during the proceedings; so that the chairman generally goes off first, into the arms of Somnus, and his example is speedily followed by his two supporters. Lord Brougham, who never will go to sleep under any circumstances, generally smuggles the last new novel under his papers, and amuses himself with a quiet read;" or, while pretending to take notes, he is not unfrequently rattling off some "copy" for one of the numerous works that he always has in the hands of the printer. The counsel go quietly on with their speeches, utterly regardless of the inattention they experience; and the whole affair has an aspect of sober quietude that is peculiarly imposing on all who witness it. We shall look in some day, and give a verbatim report of the proceedings.



REFORM OF THE LAW.-Chancellors, ex-chancellors, and queen's counsel, are members of a society for the reform of the law. They meet and denounce the wickedness of costs, and then hie away to practice. This reminds us of a passage in Borrow's Gipsies of Spain :-" And now, my dears," says the head of the family to the younger branches-" now you have said your prayers, go out and steal."-Punch.


Louisiana has passed an act for the protection of Mexico; thus offering a premium to those heroes all debtors who are willing to take arms against who, at home, are not "worth powder and shot." -Punch.

Thus, doubtless, there will be alligator preserves; and to poach alligators' eggs in the south, will be made as criminal as to poach the eggs of pheasants in the west. Foreign states besought Bentham for constitutions-why do not the folks of Montreal apply to Mr. Grantley Berkeley for a short, concise, stringent law-or a set of laws, like a set of razors-one for every week-day, and a DETERMINED SUICIDE.-Sir Robert Peel intends particularly sharp one for Sundays, for the pro- to persevere in endeavoring to carry the Coercion tection of alligators? Surely he might work Bill.-Punch.



"As newmarus inquiries have been maid both at my privit ressddence, The Wheel of Fortune Otel, and at your Hoffis, regarding the fate of that dear babby, James Hangelo, whose primmiture dissappearnts caused such hagnies to his distracted parents, I must begg, dear sir, the permission to ockupy a part of your valuable collams once more, and hease the public mind about my blessid boy. "Wictims of that nashnal cuss, the Broken Gage, me and Mrs. Plush was left in the train to Cheltenham, soughring from that most disagreeble of complaints, a halmost broken Art. The skreems of Mrs. Jeames might be said almost to out-Y the squeel of the dying, as we rusht into that fashnable Spaw, and my pore Mary Hann found it was not Baby, but Bundles I had in my lapp.

was scrouging round us by this time-pawters & clarx and refreshmint people and all. What's this year row about that there babby?' at last says the Inspector, stepping hup. I thought my wife was going to jump into his harms. Have you got him?' says she.

"Was it a child in a blue cloak?' says he. "And blue eyes!' says my wife.

"I put a label on him and sent him on to Bristol; he 's there by this time. The Guard of the Mail took him and put him in a letter-box,' says he: he went 20 minutes ago. We found him on the broad gauge line, and sent him on by it, in course,' says he. And it'll be a caution to you, young woman, for the future, to label your children along with the rest of your luggage.'

"If my piguniary means had been such as once they was, you may imadgine I'd have had a speshle train and been hoff like smoak. As it was, we was oblidged to wait 4 mortial hours for the next train (4 ears they seemed to us,) and then away we went.


"When the old Dowidger, Lady Bareacres, who was waiting heagerly at the train, that owing to that abawminable brake of Gage, the luggitch, her Ladyship's Cherrybrandy box, the cradle for My boy! my little boy!' says poor, choking Lady Hangelina's baby, the lace, crockary, and Mary Hann, when we got there. A parcel in a chany, was rejuiced to one immortial smash; the blue cloak,' says the man? Nobody claimed him old cat howld at me and pore dear Mary Hann, as here, and so we sent him back by the mail. An if it was huss, and not the infunnle Brake of Gage, Irish nurse here gave him some supper, and he's was to blame; and as if we ad no misfortns of our at Paddington by this time. Yes,' says he, lookhown to deplaw. She bust out about my stupid im-ing at the clock, he's been there these ten parence; called Mary Hann a good for nothing minutes.' creecher, and wep and abewsd and took on about her broken Chayny Bowl, a great deal more than she did about a dear little Christian child. Don't talk to me about your bratt of a babby,' (seshe;) where's my bowl?-where 's my medsan?where 's my bewtiffle Pint lace?-All in rewins through your stupiddaty, you brute, you!'

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"But seeing my poor wife's distracted histarricle state, this good-naturd man says, 'I think, my dear, there's a way to ease your mind. We'll know in five minutes how he is.'

"Sir,' says she, 'don't make sport of me.' "No, my dear, we 'll telegraph him.'

"And he began hopparating on that singlar and ingenus elecktricle inwention, which aniliates time, and carries intellagence in the twinkling of a peg-post.

"I'll ask,' says he, for the child marked G. W. 273.'

"Bring your haction against the Great Western, Maam,' says I, quite riled by this crewel and unfealing hold wixen. Ask the pawters at Gloster, why your goods is spiled-it's not the fust time they've been asked the question. Git the gage haltered against the nex time you send for medsan-and meanwild buy some at the Plowright.' they keep it very good and strong there, I'll be bound. Has for hus, we 're a going back to the cussid station at Gloster, in such of our blessid


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"You don't mean to say, young woman,' seshee, that you 're not going to Lady Hangelina: what's her dear boy to do? who's to nuss it?'

"You nuss it, Maam,' says I. Me and Mary Hann return this momint by the Fly. And so (whishing her a suckastic ajew) Mrs. Jeames and I lep into a one oss weakle, and told the driver to go like mad back to Gloster.

"I can't describe my pore gals hagny juring our ride. She sat in the carridge as silent as a milestone, and as madd as a march Air. When we got to Gloster she sprang hout of it as wild as a Tigris, and rusht to the station, up to the fatle Bench.


My child, my child,' shreex she, in a hoss, hot voice. 'Where's my infant? a little bewtifle child, with blue eyes-dear Mr. Policeman, give it to me a thousand guineas for it.'

"Faix, Maam,' says the man, a Hirishman, ' and the divvle a babby have I seen this day except thirteen of my own—and you 're welcome to any one of them, and kindly.'

"As if his babby was equal to ours, as my darling Mary Hann said, afterwards. All the station

"Back comes the telegraph, with the sign' All Ask what he's doing, sir,' said my wife, quite amazed. Back comes the answer in a Jiffy—

"C. R. Y. I. N. G.'

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"He was eating pap! There's for youthere's a rogue for you-there's a March of Intelleck! Mary Hann smiled now for the fust time. He'll sleep now,' says she. And she sat down with a full heart.

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"If hever that good-natered Shooperintendent comes to London he need never ask for his skore at the Wheel of Fortune Hotel, I promise youwhere me and my wife and James Hangelo now is; and where only yesterday, a gent came in and drew this pictur of us in our bar.

"And if they go on breaking gages; and if the child, the most precious luggage of the Henglishman, is to be bundled about in this year way, why it won't be for want of warning, both from Professor Harris, the Commissioner, and from

"My dear Mr. Punch's obeajent servant,


From the Art-Union.


imitable representation will naturally give rise, we supply a brief account of the process and its invention.

THROUGH the courtesy of H. Fox Talbot, Esq., Early in October, 1833, the inventor, H. Fox we are enabled to present, with this number of the Talbot, Esq., F. R. S., was amusing himself in Art-Union, an example of the "sun-pictures," of sketching, by the aid of Wollaston's camera luthe method of the production of which this accom- cida, passages of the enchanting scenery of the plished gentleman is the inventor. It will be re- shores of the Lake of Como. But the results efmembered that we have from time to time called fected by this means were unsatisfactory, insomuch attention to these truly wonderful representations, as to lead to the conclusion that the use of the inin our notices of Mr. Talbot's work, "The Pencil strument required a certain knowledge of drawing, of Nature." By the public these "sun-pictures" which the operator unfortunately did not possess. are still misapprehended-still "misnomered;" The rejection of this instrument by Mr. Talbot inwe shall accordingly, in this notice, show what duced him to make trial of another instrument, the they are not, and endeavor to explain what they camera obscura, which prompted the wish that the are, as it is yet far from generally accepted that beautiful imagery which it displays could be made they result from the action of light alone, and are a fixed and permanent picture or impression upon not produced by some leger-de-main of art. On the paper. Reflecting on the known chemical influtheir first appearance, artists who were not as yet ence of light, it occurred to Mr. Talbot that a certain cognizant of the discovery were utterly at a loss to action might be exerted upon paper in a manner so pronounce upon them-they could, at once, under- entirely subject to the degrees of light and shade stand that they were charactered by nothing like by which it was promoted, as to bear a strict rehuman handling; there was no resemblance to semblance to the forms on which the light fell; touch, for the eye to rest upon-they resembled and "although," says Mr. Talbot, "I knew the nothing that had ever been done, either in the fact from chemical books that nitrate of silver was broad or narrow styles of water-color washing- changed or decomposed by light, still I had never they had nothing in common with mezzotinto-seen the experiment tried, and therefore I had no nothing with lithography-nothing with any idea whether the action was a rapid or a slow one known method of engraving. By the artist alla point, however, of the utmost importance, since, this was determinable, but still the main question if it were a slow one, my theory might prove but was unsolved. By the public they were consider- a philosophic dream."

ed drawings, or some modification of lithography, Early in the year 1834, Mr. Talbot began to reor mezzotinto-and this is still extensively believed. duce his speculations to experiment by employing It cannot be understood that these are veritable a solution of the nitrate of silver for the purpose Phoebi labores-that no two are exactly alike, and of preparing the paper; but the result was unsatisthat to copy them surpasses all human ingenuity, factory, and not less so was an experiment with inasmuch as they are a transfer to paper of the the chloride of silver already formed. The effect masses and tracery of light and shade by a means was then tried of the formation of the chloride utterly inimitable by the ordinary resources of art. on the paper, by first washing the paper with a On every print or plate, of what kind soever, strong solution of salt, and afterwards with nitrate the trace of manipulation is perceptible; but an of silver; but this proceeding was not more satisexamination of a sun-picture by a magnifying glass factory than the others. serves only to render the problem more difficult of solution, if the mind of the inquirer be occupied with art without reference to nature.

whereas that which was really necessary to the desiderated end was an imperfect chloride. The result of this step was a facility in obtaining dis tinct and very pleasing images of such things as leaves, lace, and other flat objects of complicated forms and outlines, by exposing them to the light of the sun; but the paper was not yet sufficiently sensitive for the purpose of obtaining pictures with the camera obscura.

In the course of numerous experiments, Mr. Talbot discovered that the paper was rendered more sensitive by the employment of a weaker soA due consideration of these productions sug-lution of salt than he had before used, having hithgests to us at once those works which are essen-erto erred in the formation of a too perfect chloride; tially the triumphs of the Dutch school-as the nearest approach which the labors of the human hand have ever effected to the sun-picture. No detailed comparison can be instituted; but we are here taught and there is no appeal from the precept-that finish is by no means incompatible with breadth. How skeptical soever the eye may be, there is nothing inharmonions in nature; therefore the closest imitation of nature is the nearest approach to the beautiful; and she is, consequently, At Geneva, in the autumn of 1834, Mr. Talbot outraged in proportion to any amount of discordant prosecuted the inquiry by varying the experiments hardness which may exist in professed representa- in many ways. His attention was directed to tions of truth. iodide of silver by a remark of Sir H. Davy, as to These photogenic drawings are not extensively a superior susceptibility in the iodide; but, in known in proportion to the importance of the discovery. The picture which accompanies this number of the Art-Union, as an example, will, to those to whom the art is entirely new, afford some idea of the style in which these productions are brought forward, and will, at the same time, support the observations we have already made on the subject. To meet the inquiries to which the in

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making the trial, the result was the contrary of the statement of Sir H. Davy-that the iodide of silver was more sensitive to light than the chloride. It proved itself not only less sensitive than the chloride, but did not in any way respond to the influence of the strongest sunshine, but would retain its original tint (a pale straw color) for any length of time unchanged in the sun. By this fact the operator was convinced that little dependence could be placed on the statements of chemical writers with regard to this particular subject-in fact, those aids and resources which are available

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