
the revival of pure religion; the pious instruction of the rising generation, and in particular of those who are designed to fill the more important stations in church and state; the alleviation of misery and distress in these calamitous times; and especially sending the gospel of salvation to the dark regions of the earth.

Lift up a standard, we beseech thee, against infidelity, impiety, and profligacy, which at present threaten the destruction of our holy religion. Deliver thy church from whatever corrupts its purity, divides its unity, and weakens the energy of its testimony to thy truth. Grant that 'all who are called 'christians, may be led into the way of truth; and 'hold the faith in unity of spirit, in the bond of 'peace, and in righteousness of life.' Extend the boundaries of thy church: and hasten the times, when the poor benighted Jews shall be converted to their long rejected Messiah; when the fulness of the gentiles shall come in; and when the "nations shall beat their swords into plow-shares "and learn war no more."

O Lord, we intreat thee, hear and answer these our supplications; bless our endeavours; and fill our land with truth and righteousness: that it may be for thy glory, not only to preserve us from every enemy, and to continue our privileges to the latest posterity; but also to honour us, as thy instruments, to convey thy gospel, as the richest of all treasures, along with our extensive com

merce, to the utmost borders of the earth. These and all mercies, we, poor sinful creatures, most humbly beseech thee to bestow upon us, of thy abundant goodness and mercy, through the mediation of thy well beloved Son our Saviour, who is with thyself and the eternal Spirit, One God over all, blessed for evermore. Amen.

The Doctrines of ELECTION and FINAL PERSEVERANCE stated from Scripture, and shewn consistent with exhortatory and practical Preaching, and conducive to Holiness of Life.





NOVEMBER 26th, 1786.

Fourth Edition.

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