CITY OF NEW YORK. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Bureau of the Receiver of Taxes, ΤΟ ΤΑΧΡΑΥERS: COURT HOUSE, PARK, 32 CHAMBERS ST., Dec. 6, 1869. Notice is hereby given that an additional one per cent. will be added on the 15th inst. to all taxes unpaid previous to that day. On 'the 1st of January following, interest at the rate of twelve per cent. will be added, to be calculated from the 7th day of October, 1869, to the date of payment. BERNARD SMYTH, Rec. ÆTNA INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. (At Market value,) Cash in hand and in Bank. Real Estate. Mortgage Bonds. Bank Stock. $592,629 57 253,319 14 894,700 00 1,307,330 00 United States, State, and City Stock, and other Public Securities 2,102,953 00 Total. LIABILITIES. Claims not due, and unadjusted..... L. J. HENDEE, President. WM. B. CLARK, Ass't Sec'y. E. J. BASSETT, GENERAL AGENT. J. C. HILLARD, $5,150,931 71 $289,553 98 J. GOODNOW, Sec'y. SPECIAL AGENTS. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, NEWARK, N. J. ORGANIZED 1845. ASSET'S: OVER $16,500,000. Charter Perpetual. Strictly Mutual. LEWIS C. GROVER, President. Life Policies of every class issued on the most favorable terms. Purely mutual; no Stockholders control its business or share its profits. It is conducted exclusively by the insured members to whom it belongs. All the Directors attend regular meetings of the Board and supervise the business. Each one is member of an acting Committee, meeting often for the same purpose. No Director or Officer is allowed to receive commissions on business or loans. Careful in selecting risks, the Company guards the lives of its members. It does not encourage exposures known to be hazardous to health or life. It does not knowingly give permits to violate the laws of God or man. Conducted with prudence and care, it loses nothing on its investments. Its expenses are less than those of any other American Company. All receipts beyond losses, expenses, and obligations are annually returned. Dividends for the surplus are made to the members on the percentage plan. They are large as the largest, and very favorable to new members. They are so made that all can understand how their business is conducted. The Directors earnestly seek the best interests of the insured members. All who desire to insure in and become members of a Company thus conducted, are invited to do so. Application can be made to the Company, or its agents, who will furnish Publications and Statements without charge. EDWARD A. STRONG, Secretary. WM. F. DAY, Vice-President. SAMUEL H. LLOYD, State Ag't Eastern District of New York. 137 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Hours for Medical Examinaton at the Office, daily, from 11 A. M. till 21⁄2 o'clock P. М. LIFE INSURANCE. EAGLE INSURANCE CO., OF CHICACO. Office, Tribune Building, Corner Madison and Dearborn Streets. OFFICERS. IRA Y. MUNN, Pres't. H. E. SARGENT, Vice-Pres't. F. M. HAWES, Actuary. C. HOLLAND, Secretary. BENJ. DURHAM, M. D. DIRECTORS. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. R. LUDLAM, M. D. HENRY W. BLODGETT, of Blodgett & Winston, President Milwaukee Railway Co. ROBERT HARRIS, General Superintendent Chicago & Quincy Railroad. T. B. BLACKSTONE, President Chicago & St. Louis Railway Co. SAMUEL HALE, of Hale, Ayer & Co., Iron Merchants, 74, 76 and 78 Michigan Avenue. JOHN T. LINDSAY, Attorney at Law, Peoria. Illinois, H. E. SARGENT, General Superintendent Michigan Central Railroad. IRA Y MUNN, of Munn & Scott, Commission Merchants and Elevator Proprietors. MATTHEW LAFLIN, Capitalist, 42 and 44 State Street, DANIEL THOMPSON, of Flint, Thompson & Co., Commission Merchants, 163 S. Water St., and Gen'l Superintendent City Railway. CHARLES HOLLAND, Secretary. WILLIAM H. PERRY, Vice President Commercial National Bank, and Managing Director Chiós go & Northwestern Railway. WILLIAM H. RAND, of Chicago Tribune Company. Life Insurance Exclusively. Office of the Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co., No. 35 WALL STREET, NEW-YORK, January 23, 1869. The following statement of the affairs of the Company on the 31st December, 1868, is submitted in accordance with the provisions of the charter: Amount of Premiums not marked off December 31st, 1867. $361,858,56 on Policies issued from January 1st to December 31st, 1868.. 1.151,421 90 Total Premiums... Amount of Premiums marked off as earned December 31st, 1868.. $1,513,280 46 $1,171,596 63 98,678 23 Net Earned Premiums. Paid during same period : Losses, (less salvages,) Reinsurance, and Expenses, including estimate of Losses not yet ascertained..... Earnings for the Year. Cash paid to Stockholders for Interest in July Cash paid to dealers as an equivalent for the Scrip Dividend of Mutual Companies... $1,072,918 40 754,624 47 $318,293 93 $40,426 45 ..116,125 83 $367,800 00 47.950 00 90.384 14 46,172 29 6,748 83 300,000 00 613,355 40 67,011 70 $1,539,422 36 Security Notes, not to be used in payment of Premiums, but liable for Losses in The Board of Trustees have resolved to pay to the Stockholders an interest dividend of Three and a half per cent., free of Government Tax, on and after Monday, February 1st. ELLWOOD WALTER, President. ARCH. G. MONTGOMERY, Jr., Vice Pres. ALANSON W. HEGEMAN, 2d Vice-President. C. J. DESPARD, Secretary. KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CO., ERASTUS LYMAN, President. HOME DISTRICT, COMPRISING THE STATES OF NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, RHODE ISLAND and CONNECTICUT. H. LASSING, Sup't of Agencies No. 161 Broadway, N. Y. Paid Claims by Death on Policies and Bonus, and Payment of 481,835 00 Paid Expenses, Salaries, Taxes, Revenue Stamps, Medical Examiners' Fees, Commissions, etc...... 311,895 12 Paid Dividends, Return Premiums, Purchased Policies, and Bonus 387,023 53 -$1,180,753 65 (The actuarial estimates of the value of the Policies which secure these notes is about $2,500,000.) United States and New York State Stocks.. 712,605 00 Quarterly and Semi-annual Premiums deferred, and Premiums and 649,342 54 GEORGE E, FRENCH, Manchester, N. H., for Maine and New-Hampshire. O. L. SHELDON, Rochester, New York, for Northern New York. B. J. BALL, Buffalo, N. Y., for Western New York, J. B. CARR, Philadelphia, Pa., for Philadelphia and Delaware. J. ADAIR PLEASANTS, Richmond, Va., for Virginia, North and South Carolina, etc. LEWIS, SPENCER & CO., Cleveland, Ohio, for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, etc. GEO. N. REYNOLDS, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for Wisconsin. LANDERS & Co., San Francisco, for the Pacific Coast. W. NISBET & Co., St. Louis, for Missouri. CITY OF NEW YORK. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. BUREAU OF THE RECEIVER OF TAXES, COURT HOUSE, PARK, No. 32 CHAMBERS ST., Dec. 16, 1869. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have omitted to pay their taxes to pay the same at this office before the 1st day of January, 1870. On and after that date interest at the rate of 12 per cent. per annum, calculated from October 7, 1869, to day of payment will be added. On the 15th day of January prox., warrants will be issued for the collection of all personal taxes remaining unpaid at that date. BERNARD SMYTH, Receiver. |