THE NEW YORK HOTEL, BROADWAY, (OCCUPYING THE WHOLE BLOCK,) Between Washington Place and Waverly Place, NEW YORK. AMID all the modifications which the public taste has undergone, and all the material improvements that have been made during the last ten years, this favorite House has continued to maintain its reputation, as occupying the highest rank among American Hotels. Its situation combines many advantages both for strangers visiting the city, and for citizens occupied in business, and wishing to avoid the annoyances of housekeeping. The Astor and Mercantile Libraries, and the Cooper Institute, are in the immediate vicinity of the Hotel; on the other side, the University of New York, Washington Parade Ground, and the Fifth Avenue are equally convenient. The table is always supplied with every luxury which one of the richess markets in the world can afford. In short, no pains nor expense are spared by the undersigned to contribute to the comfort of their guests, and at the same time make them feel perfectly at home, without the apprehension that they will be required to conform to any needless "regulations." That these various advantages are appreciated by our patrons is sufficiently proved by the fact that there are several families now at the New York Hotel, who have boarded at it for periods varying from seven to fifteen years. Although few first-class hotels in the world enjoy a larger patronage than the NEW YORK, the proprietors always manage to reserve a few superior suites of rooms for families or individuals requiring special accommodations; otherwise it would be useless to make any announcement like the present. D. M. HILDRETH & CO., Proprietors. ÆTNA INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CASH CAPITAL, $3,000,000. Losses Paid in 50 Years, - $24,000,000. United States, State and City Stock, and other NEW YORK OFFICE, Nos. 165 and 167 BROADWAY. L. MORTON, General Agent. SAMUEL B. RAYMOND, General Agent, Western Branch Office, Chicago, III. ~~ C. H. BRUSH, Agent and Manager, PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 400 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn. This Company continues to insure Merchandise, Stores, Dwellings, Household Furniture, Ships in Port and their Cargoes, Rents, Leases, and other insurable property against loss or damage by fire, upon the most reasonable terms compatible with safety. LOSSES Have been paid by the Company since its organization, to Policy Holders, amounting in the aggregate to over ONE MILLION DOLLARS. AGENCIES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE UNITED STATES. Fastern Agency Department, THOMAS JAMES, Actuary. A. STODDARD, General Agent. Western and Southern Agency Department, "The Underwriters' Agency," THE National Life Insurance Company OF NEW-YORK. No. 212 Broadway, Corner of Fulton Street, (KNOX BUILDING.) ASSETS, Jan. 1, '69, $440,000. Dividend to Policy-holders, 50 per cent. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OFFERED TO INSURERS IN THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. All Policies non-forfeiting on principle of Massachusetts non-forfeiture Law. All Policies incontestable after five years. Note taken for one half the annual premium. No interest charged on semi-annually or quarterly premiums. S. M. BEARD, S. C. HERRING, J. A. ISELIN, S. T. TRUSLOW, ROBERT CROWLEY, T. B. VAN BUREN, BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ELI BEARD, J. O. HALSEY, E. A. JONES, H. J. RAYMOND, J. C. DIMMICK, HOWELL. SMITH, CHARLES CURTIS, OFFICERS. EDWARD A. JONES, President. JONATHAN O. HALSEY, Vice-Pres JOHN A. MORTIMER, Secretary. JOHN C. DIMMICK, Attorney and Counsel. HIRAM B. WHITE, M. D, Medical Examiner. Residence, No. 5 Green Avenue, rear Fulton avenue, Brooklyn. At office daily from 2 to 3 o'clock P. M. CALL OR SEND FOR CIRCULAR. |