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Antiquities and Literature of Asiatic Nations; also African. By Professor 6. Les Vedas. Par. J. BARTHELEMEY ST. HILAIRE. 7. The Mythology of the Hindus, copiously illustrated, and with drawings of the 8. A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature in so far as it illustrates the Primi- tive religion of the Brahmans. BY MAX MULLER. 9. The complete works of Sir William Jones, F. R. S. In 13 vols. Par CHARLES-AUG. SAINTE-BEUVE. 3. Histoire de Port Royal. SAINTE-BEUVE. 4. Vie, Poésies et Pensées de Joseph Delorme. SAINTE-BEUVE. 5. Galerie des Gens de Lettres au Dixneuvième siücle. CH. ROBIN. 6. Nouveaux Portraits littéraires. GUSTAVE PLANCHE. 7. Ouvres complites de VICTOR HUGO. 1. Sketches of the rights and customs of the Greco-Russian church. Bу Н. С. ROMANOFF. With introduction by the author of "The Heir of Redcliffe," 2. A history of the Church of Russia. By A. N. MOURAVIEFFE, chamberlain to his imperial majesty, and under procurator of the most holy governing Translated by the Rev. R. W. 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The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. By the Right Honorable WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE. 1 Vol., 8vo. pp. 554. VIII. ECLIPSES AND THEIR PHENOMENA. 1. Cosmos. A Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe. By ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT. Translated from the German, by E. C. OTTE. In 5 vols. 2. History of Physical Astronomy from the earliest ages to the middle of the nine- teenth century. By ROBERT GRANT, F. R. A. S. 1 vol., 8vo. 3. Annuaire Publié par le Bureau des Longitudes pour l'Année. N THE NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW. NO. XXXIX. DECEMBER, 1869. ART. I.-1. Ægyptens stelle in der Weltgeschicte Geschietliche Untersuchung. In 5 Buchern. (Egypt's place in the world's History). VON C. C. J. BUNSEN. Hamburg. 2. Researches into the Nature and Affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology. By COL. VANS KENNEDY. London. 3. Philosophy and Wisdom of the Hindus. By Prof. SCHLEGEL. Berlin. 4. Le Rik Veda ou livre des hymnes traduit en Francais. Par M. LANGLOIS, membre de l'Institut. Paris. 5. Antiquities and Literature of Asiatic Nations; also African. By Professor HEEREN. Berlin. 6. Les Vedas. Par. J. BARTHELÉMEY ST. HILAIRE, Paris. 7. The Mythology of the Hindus, copiously illustrated, and with drawings of the Temples. C. COLEMAN. London. 8. A History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature in so far as it illustrates the Primitive religion of the Brahmans. By MAX MÜLLER. London. 9. The complete works of Sir William Jones, F.R.S. In 13 vols. London. THE object of mythology is to effect a union between the divine and the human, between spirit and nature. But in the very effort to express in words the idea of this connection, language is enriched and developed in an extraordinary degree; and it may be asserted that if it had not been for religion, lan |