
boots on, at so dead a time of the night, he resolved to apprehend him; as he did, and thereafter went forward to the searching of the house, where, after he had caused to be overturned some of the billets and coals, he first found one of the small barrels of powder, and afterwards all the rest, to the number of 36 barrels, great and small; and thereafter, searching the fellow, whom he had taken, found three nratches, and all other instruments fit for blowing up the powder, ready upon him; which made him instantly confess his own guiltiness; declaring also unto him, That, if he had happened to be within the house, when he took him, as he was immediately before (at the ending of his work) he would not have failed to have blown him up, house and all.

he said, he was moved, only for religion and
conscience sake, denying the king to be his law-
ful sovereign, or the Anointed of God, in
respect he was an heretick, and giving himself
no other name, than John Johnson, servant to
Thomas Percy. But, the next morning, being
carried to the Tower, he did not there remain
above two or three days, being twice or thrice,
in that space, re-examined, and the rack only
offered and shewed unto him, when the mask
of his Roman fortitude did visibly begin to
wear and slide off his face; and then did he
begin to conte-s part of the truth, and, there-
after, to open the whole matter, as doth appear,
by his Depositions immediately following.
The true Copy of the DEPOSITION of GUIDO
FAWKES, taken in the Presence of the Coun-
sellors, whose names are underwritten.

Thus, after sir Thomas had caused the wretch to be surely bound, and well guarded by the company he had brought with him, he "I confess, that a practice, in general, was himself returned back to the king's palace, first broken unto me, against his majesty, for and gave warning of his success to the lord relief of the Catholick cause, and not invented Chamberlain, and earl of Salisbury, who imme- or propounded by myself. And this was first diately warning the rest of the council, that lay propounded unto me about Easter last_was in the house; as soon as they could get them- twelve-month, beyond the seas, in the Lowselves ready, came, with their fellow counsel- Countries, of the archduke's obeisance, by lors, to the king's bed-chamber, being, at that Thomas Winter, who came, thereupon, with time, near four of the clock in the morning. me into England, and there we imparted our And at the first entry of the king's chamber- purpose to three other gentlemen more, namely, door, the lord chamberlain, being not any Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy, and John longer able to conceal his joy for the prevent- Wright, who, all five, consulting together, of ing of so great a danger, told the king, in a the means how to execute the same; and takconfused haste, that all was found and disco- ing a vow, among ourselves, for secrecy, vered, and the traitor in hands and fast bound. Catesby propounded to have it performed by Then, order being first taken for sending for gunpowder, and by making a mine under the the rest of the council that lay in the town, upper house of parliament; which place we the prisoner himself was brought into the house, made choice of, the rather, because, religion where, in respect of the strangeness of the acci- have been unjustly suppressed there, it was dent, no man was stayed from the sight, or fittest that justice and punishment should be speaking with him. And, within a while after, executed there.-This being resolved amongst the council did examine hin; who, seeming to us, Thomas Percy hired an house at Westminput on a Roman resolution, did, both to the ster for that purpose, near adjoining to the parcouncil, and to every other person that spoke liament-house, and there we began to make with him that day, appear so constant and set- our mine, about the 11th of December, 1604. tled upon his grounds, as we all thought we -The five, that first entered into the work, had found some new Mutius Scævola born in were Thomas Percy, Robert Catesby, Thomas England. For, notwithstanding the horror of Winter, John Wright, and myself, and, soon the fact, the guilt of his conscience, his sudden after, we took another unto us, Christopher surprizing, the terror which should have been Wright, having sworn him also, and taken struck in him, by coming into the presence of the Sacrament for secrecy.-When we came so grave a council, and the restless and con- to the very foundation of the wall of the house, fused questions, that every man, all that day, which was about three yards thick, and found did vex him with; yet was his countenance so it a matter of great difficulty, we took unto us far from being dejected, as he often smiled in another gentleman, Robert Winter, in like scornful manner, not only avowing the fact, manner, with the Oath and Sacrament as but repenting only, with the said Scævola, his aforesaid.-It was about Christmas, when we failing in the execution thereof, whereof, he brought our mine unto the wall, and, about said, the devil, and not God, was the disco- Candiemas, we had wrought the wall half verer; answering quickly to every man's ob- through: and, whilst they were in working, I jection, scoffing at any idle questions which stood as sentinel, to descry any man that came were propounded unto him, and jesting with near, whereof I gave them warning, and so they such as he thought had no authority to examine, ceased, until I gave notice again to proceed.— him. All that day could the council get nono- All we seven lay in the house, and had shot thing out of him, touching his accomplices, and powder, being resolved to die in that place, refusing to answer to any such questions, before we should yield or be taken.-As they which he thought might discover the plot, and were working upon the wall, they heard a laying all the blame upon himself; whereunto, rushing in a cellar, of removing of coals;

whereupon we feared we had been discovered; and they sent me to go to the cellar, who finding that the coals were a selling, and that the cellar was to be let, viewing the commodity thereof for our purpose, Percy went and hired the same for yearly rent.-We had, before this, provided and brought into the house 20 barrels of powder, which we removed into the cellar, and covered the same with billets and faggots, which were provided for that purpose.-About Easter, the parliament being prorogued_till October next, we dispersed ourselves, and I retired into the Low-Countries, by advice and direction of the rest; as well to acquaint Owen with the particulars of the plot, as also, lest, by my longer stay, I might have grown suspicious, and so have come in question.-In the mean time, Percy, having the key of the cellar, laid in more powder and wood into it. I returned, about the beginning of September next, and, then, receiving the key again of Percy, we brought in more powder, and billets to cover the same again, and so I went, for a time, into the country, till the 30th of October.-It was further resolved amongst us, that the same day, that this act should have been performed, some other of our confederates should have surprised the person of the lady Elizabeth, the king's eldest daughter, who was kept in Warwickshire, at the lord Harrington's house, and presently have proclaimed her queen, having a project of a proclamation ready for that purpose; wherein we made no mention of altering religion, nor would have avowed the deed to be ours, until we should have had power enough to make our party good, and then we would have avowed both.-Concerning duke Charles, the king's second son, we had sundry consultations, how to seize on his person: but, because we found no means how to compass it, the duke being kept near London, where we had not force enough, we resolved to serve our turn with the lady Elizabeth."

The Names of other principal persons, that were made privy afterwards to this horrible conspiracy.-Everard Digby, knt. Ambrose Rookwood, Francis Tresham, John Grant, Robert Keyes.

Cominissioners; Nottingham, Suffolk, Worcester, Devonshire, Northampton, Salisbury, Marre, Dunbarr, l'opham.-Edward Coke, W. Waad.

And in regard, that, before this discourse could be ready to go to the press, Thomas Winter, being apprehended, and brought to the Tower, made a Confession, in substance agreeing with this former of Fawkes, only larger in some circumstances: I have thought good to insert the same likewise in this place, for the further clearing of the matter, and greater bene

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to obtain pardon; for, speaking of my temporal part, I may say, the fault is greater than can be forgiven; nor affecting hereby the title of a good subject; for I must redeem my country from as great a danger, as I have hazarded the bringing of her into, before I can purchase any such opinion; only at your honours command I will briefly set down my own accusation, and how far I have proceeded in this business: which I shall the faithfuller do, since I see such courses are not pleasing to Almighty God, and that all, or the most material parts, have been already confessed.

I remained with my brother in the country from Allhallow's-tide, until the beginning of Lent, in the year of our Lord 1603, the first year of the king's reign; about which time Mr. Catesby sent thither, intreating me to come to London, where he, and other my friends, would be glad to see me. I desired him to excuse me; for I found myself not very well disposed; and, which had happened never to me before, returned the messenger without my company. Shortly I received another letter, in any wise to come. At the second summons, I presently came up, and found him with Mr. John Wright, at Lambeth, where he broke with me, how necessary it was not to forsake our country, for he knew I had then a resolution to go over, but to deliver her from the servitude in which she remained, or at least to assist her with our uttermost endeavours. I answered, that I had often hazarded my life upon far lighter terms, and now would not refuse any good occasion, wherein I might do service to the Catholic cause; but for myself, I knew no mean probable to succeed. He said that he had bethought him of a way at one instant to deliver us from all our bonds, and without any foreign help to replant again the Catholic religion; and withal told me in a word, it was to blow up the Parliament-house with gunpowder; for said he, in that place have they done us all the mischief, and perchance God hath designed that place for their punishment. I wondered at the strangeness of the conceit, and told him that true it was, this struck at the root, and would breed a confusion fit to beget new alterations; but if it should not take effect, as most of this nature miscarried, the scandal would be so great which the Catholic religion might hereby sus tain, as not only our enemies, but our friends also would with good reason condemn us. told me, the nature of the disease required so sharp a remedy, and asked me if I would give my consent. I told him Yes, in this or what else soever, if he resolved upon it, I would venture my life. But I proposed many difficulties, as want of an house, and of one to carry the mine, noise in the working, and such like. His answer was, Let us give an attempt, and where because we will leave no peaceable and quiet it faileth, pass no further. But first, quoth he, way untried, you shall go over and inform the Constable of the state of the Catholics here in England, intreating him to solicit his majesty, at his coming hither, that the penal laws may


we took a pair of oars, and so came up to London, and came to Mr. Catesby, whom we found in his lodging; he welcomed us into England, and asked me what news from the Constable.

be recalled, and we admitted into the rank of his other subjects; withal, you may bring over some confident gentleman, such as you shall understand best able for this business, and named unto me Mr. Fawkes. Shortly after, II told him, Good words, but I feared the deeds passed the sea, and found the Constable at Bergen near Dunkirk, where, by help of Mr. Owen, I delivered my message; whose answer was that he had strict command from his master, to do all good offices for the Catholics, and for his own part, he thought himself bound in conscience so to do, and that no good occasion should be omitted, but spoke to him nothing of this matter.

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Returning to Dunkirk with Mr. Owen, we had speech, whether he thought the Constable would faithfully help us, or no. He said he believed nothing less, and that they sought only their own ends, holding small account of Catholics. I told him that there were many gentlemen in England, who would not forsake their country, until they had tried the uttermost, and rather venture their lives, than forsake her in this misery. And to add one more to our number, as a fit man both for counsel and execution of whatsoever we should resolve, wished for Mr. Fawkes, whom I had heard good commendations of; he told me the gentleman deserved no less, but was at Brussels, and that, if he came not, as happily he might, before my departure, he would send him shortly after into England. I went soon after to Ostend, where sir William Stanley, as then, was not, but came two days after. I remained with him three or four days, in which time I asked him, if the Catholics in England should do any thing to help themselves, whether he thought the archduke would second them? He answered, No, for all those parts were so desirous of peace with EngJand, as they would endure no speech of other enterprise; neither were it fit, said he, to set any project a-foot, now the peace is upon concluding. I told him there was no such resolution, and so fell to discourse of other matters, until I came to speak of Mr. Fawkes, whose company I wished over into England; I asked of his sufficiency in the wars, and told him we should need such as he, if occasion required; he gave very good commendations of him. And as we were thus discoursing, and ready to depart for Newport, and taking my leave of sir William, Mr. Fawkes came into our company, newly returned, and saluted us. This is the gentleman, said sir William, that you wished for, and so we embraced again. I told him, some good friends of his wished his company in England, and that, if he pleased to come to Dunkirk, we would have further conference, whither I was then going: so taking my leave of them both, I departed. About two days after came Mr. Fawkes to Dunkirk, where I told him that we were upon a resolution to do some what in England, if the peace with Spain helped us not, but as yet resolved upon nothing; such or the like talk we passed at Graveling, where 1 lay for a wind, and when it served came both in one passage to Greenwich, near which place

would not answer. This was the beginning of Easter term; and about the midst of the same term, whether sent for by Mr. Catesby, or upon some business of his own, up came Mr. Thomas Percy. The first word he spoke, after he came into our company, was, Shall we always, gentlemen, talk, and never do any thing? Mr. Catesby took him aside, and had speech about somewhat to be done, so as first we might all take an oath of secrecy, which we resolved within two or three days to do; so as there we met behind St. Clement's, Mr. Catesby, Mr. Percy, Mr. Wright, Mr. Guy Fawkes, and myself; and having upon a Primer given each other the oath of secrecy, in a chamber where no other body was, we went after into the next room and heard mass, and received the blessed sacrament upon the same. Then did Mr. Catesby disclose to Mr. Percy, and I, together with Jack Wright, tell to Mr. Fawkes, the business for which we took this oath, which they both approved. And then was Mr. Percy sent to take the house which Mr. Catesby in my absence had learned did belong to one Ferris, which with some difficulty, in the end, he obtained, and became, as Ferris before was, tenant to Whinniard. Mr. Fawkes underwent the name of Mr. Percy's man, calling himself Johnson, because his face was the most unknown, and received the keys of the house, until we heard the parliament was adjourned to the 7th of February, At which time, we all departed several ways into the country to meet again at the beginning of Michaelmas term. Before this thne also, it was thought convenient to have a house that might answer to Mr. Percy's, where we might make provision of powder and wood for the mine, which being there made ready, should in a night be conveyed by boat to the house by the parliament, because we were loth to foil that with often going in and out. There was none that we could devise so fit as Lambeth, where Mr. Catesby often lay; and, to be keeper thereof, by Mr. Catesby's choice, we received into the number Keys, as a trusty honest man ; this was about a month before Michaelmas.

Some fortnight after towards the beginning of the term, Mr. Fawkes and I came to Mr. Catesby at Morcrofts, where we agreed that now was time to begin and set things in order for the mine. So as Mr. Fawkes went to London, and the next day sent for me to come over to him; when I came, the cause was, for that the Scottish lords were appointed to sit in conference of the union in Mr. Percy's house. This hindered our beginning until a fortnight before Christmas, by which time both Mr. Percy and Mr. Wright were come to London, and we, against their coming, had provided a good part of the powder; so as we all five entered with tools fit to begin our work, having provided ourselves of baked-meats, the less to

need sending abroad. We entered late in the night, and we never saw, save only Mr. Percy's man, until Christmas-Eve. In which time we wrought under a little entry to the wall of the parliament-house, and underpropped it, as we went, with wood.

third time, opportunity was given to hire the cellar in which we resolved to lay the powder and leave the mine.

Now, by reason that the charge of maintain ing us all so long together, besides the number of several houses, which, for several uses, had been hired, and buying of powder, &c. had lain heavy on Mr. Catesby alone to support, it was necessary for him to call in some others to ease his charge; and to that end desired leave, that he, with Mr. Percy, and a third, whom they should call, might acquaint whom they thought fit and willing to the business; for many, said he, may be content that I should know, who would not therefore that all the company should be acquainted with their names: to this we all agreed.—After this, master Fawkes laid into the cellar (which he had newly taken) a thousand billets, and five hundred faggots, and with that covered the powder, because we might have the house free, to suffer any one to enter that would. Mr. Catesby wished us to consider, whether it were not now necessary to send Mr. Fawkes over, both to absent himself for a time, as also to acquaint sir William Stanley and Mr. Owen with this matter. We agreed that he should (provided that he gave it them with the same oath that we had taken before) viz. To keep it secret from all the world. The reason, why we desired sir William Stanley should be acquainted herewith, was, to have him with us as soon as he could: and for Mr. Owen, he might hold good correspondency after with foreign princes. So Mr. Fawkes departed about Easter for Flanders, and returned, the latter end of August. He told me, that, when he arrived at Brussels, sir William Stanley was not returned from Spain, so as he uttered the mat

Whilst we were together we began to fashion our business, and discoursed what we should do after this deed was done. The first question was, how we might surprise the next heir; the prince haply would be at the parliament with the king his father, how should we then be able to seize on the duke? This burthen Mr. Percy undertook, that by his acquaintance, he, with another gentleman, would enter the chamber without suspicion, and having some dozen others at several doors to expect his coming, and two or three on horseback at the courtgate to receive him, he would undertake (the blow being given, until which he would attend | in the duke's chamber) to carry him safe away; for he supposed most of the court would be absent, and such as were there not suspecting, or unprovided for any such matter. For the lady Elizabeth, it were easy to surprise her in the country, by drawing friends together at an hunting, near the lord Harrington's, and Ashby, Mr. Catesby's house, being not far off, was a fit place for preparation.-The next was for money and horses, which if we could provide in any reasonable measure, having the heir apparent, and the first knowledge by four or five days, was odds sufficient.-Then what lords we should save from the parliament, which was first agreed in general, as many as we could that were catholicks, or so disposed: but after we descended to speak of particulars.-Next, what foreign princes we should acquaint with this before, or join with after. For this point we agreed, that first we could not enjointer only to Owen, who seemed well pleased princes to that secrecy, nor oblige them by oath, so to be secure of their promise; besides, we knew not whether they will approve the project, or dislike it. And, if they do allow thereof, to prepare before might beget suspicion; and, not to provide until the business were acted, the same letter that carried news of the thing done, might as well intreat their help and furtherance. Spain is too slow in his preparations, to hope any good from in the first extremities, and France too near and too dangerous, who with the shipping of Holland, we feared of all the world, might make away with us.

But while we were in the middle of these discourses, we heard that the parliament should be anew adjourned until after Michaelmas; upon which tidings, we broke off both discourse and working until after Christmas. About Candlemas, we brought over in a boat the powder which we had provided at Lambeth, and laid it in Mr. Percy's house, because we were willing to have all danger in one place. We wrought also another fortnight in the mine against the stone wall which was very hard to beat through; at which time we called in Kit Wright, and near to Easter, as we wrought the

with the business, but told him, that surely sir William would not be acquainted with any plot, as having business now a foot in the court of England; but he himself would be always ready to tell it him, and send him away as soon as it were done.

About this time did Mr. Percy and Mr. Catesby meet at the Bath, where they agreed, that, the company being yet but few, Mr. Catesby should have the others authority to call in whom he thought best; by which authority he called in after sir Everard Digby, though at what time I know not, and last of all master Francis Tresham. The first promised, as I heard Mr. Catesby say, fifteen hundred pounds; the second two thousand pounds; Mr. Percy himself promised all he could get out of the earl of Northumberland's rents, which was about four thousand pounds, and to provide many gallopping horses, to the number of ten.

Mean while Mr. Fawkes, and myself alone, bought some new powder, as suspecting the first to be dank, and conveyed it into the cellar, and set it in order, as we resolved it should stand. Then was the parliament a-new prorogued until the fifth of November, so as we all went down until some ten days before,

when Mr. Catesby came up with Mr. Fawkes the middle of King-street, found the guard to an house by Enfield-Chace, called White-standing, that would not let me pass. And, Webbes, whither I came to them, and Mr. Ca- as I returned, I heard one say, There is a tesby willed me to enquire, whether the young treason discovered, in which the king and the prince came to the parliament. I told him, lords should have been blown up. So then I that I heard that his grace thought not to be was fully satisfied that all was known, and there. Then must we have our horses, said went to the stable where my gelding stood, and Mr. Catesby, beyond the water, and provision rode into the country. Mr. Catesby had apof more company to surprise the prince, and pointed our meeting at Dunchurch, but I could leave the duke alone.-Two days after, being not overtake them until I came to my brother's, Sunday at night, in came one to my chamber, which was Wednesday night. On Thursday and told me, that a letter had been given to we took the armour at my lord Windsor's, and my lord Monteagle, to this effect: that he went that night to one Stephen Littleton's wished his lordship's absence from the parlia-, house, where the next day, being Friday, as I ment, because a blow would there be given. was early abroad to discover, my man came to Which letter he presently carried to my lord me, and said, that an heavy mischance had se of Salisbury.-On the morrow I went to White-vered all the company, for that Mr. Catesby, Webbes, and told it Mr. Catesby, assuring him withal, that the matter was disclosed; and wishing him in any case to forsake his country. He told me, he would see further as yet, and resolved to send Mr. Fawkes to try the uttermost, protesting, if the part belonged to himself, he would try the same adventure. -On Wednesday master Fawkes went, and returned at night, of which we were very glad. -Thursday I came to London, and Friday master Catesby, master Tresham, and I met at Barnet, where we questioned how this letter should be sent to my lord Monteagle, but could not conceive, for master Tresham forswore it, whom we only suspected.-On Saturday night I met Mr. Tresham again in Lincoln's-Inn walks; wherein he told such speeches, that my lord of Salisbury should use to the king, as I gave it lost the second time, and repeated the Same to Mr. Catesby, who hereupon was resolved to be gone, but staid to have master Percy come up, whose consent herein we wanted. On Sunday Mr. Percy, being dealt with to that end, would needs abide the uttermost trial.

The suspicion of all hauds put us into such confusion, as master Catesby resolved to go down into the country, the Monday that master Percy went to Sion, and master Percy resolved to follow the same night, or early the next morning. About five of the clock, being Tuesday, came the younger Wright to my chamber, and told me, of a nobleman, called the lord Monteagle, saying, Arise, and come along to Essex house, for I am going to call up my lord of Northumberland; saying withal, the matter is discovered. Go back, master Wright, quoth I, and learn what you can about Essex gate. Shortly he returned, and said, Surely all is lost; for Lepton is got on horseback at Essex door, and, as he parted, he asked, if their lordships would have any more with him; and being answered, No, is rode fast up Fleet-street as he can ride. Go you then, quoth I, to Mr. Percy, for sure it is for him they seek, and bid tím be gone, I will stay and see the uttermost. Then I went to the courtgates, and found them straightly guarded, so as no body could enter. From thence I went down towards the parliament-house, and, in


Mr. Rookwood, and Mr. Grant were burnt with gunpowder, upon which sight the rest dispersed. Master Littleton wished me to fly, and so would he. I told him, I would first see the body of my friend, and bury him, whatsoever befel me. When I came, I found Mr. Catesby reasonable well, master Percy, both the Wrights, Mr. Rookwood, and master Grant. I asked them what they resolved to do. They answered, We mean here to die. I said again, I would take such part as they did. About eleven of the clock came the company to beset the house, and, as I walked into the court, I was shot into the shoulder, which lost me the use of my arm; the next shot was the elder Wright struck dead; after him the younger Mr. Wright; and fourthly, Ambrose Rookwood. Then said Mr. Catesby to me, (standing before the door they were to enter) Stand by me, Tom, and we will die together. Sir, quoth J, I have lost the use of my right arm, and I fear that will cause me to be taken. So, as we stood close together, Mr. Catesby, Mr. Percy, and myself, they two were shot, as far as I could guess, with one bullet, and then the company entered upon me, hurt me in the belly with a pike, and gave me other wounds, until one came behind, and caught hold of both my arms. And so I remain, Yours, &c."

Commissioners; Nottingham, Suffolk, Worcester, Devonshire, Northampton, Salisbury, Marr, Dunbar, Popham.-Edw. Coke. W. Waad.

The Names of those that were first in the treason, and laboured in the mine; Robert Catesby, Robert Winter, esqrs. Thomas Percy, Thomas Winter, John Wright, Christopher Wright, Guido Fawkes, gentlemen. And Bates, Catesby's man.

Those that were made acquainted with it, though not personally labouring in the mine, nor in the cellar; Everard Digby, knt. Ambrose Rookwood, Francis Tresham, esqrs. John Graunt, gent. Robert Keyes.

But here let us leave Fawkes in a lodging fit for such a guest, and taking time to advise upon his conscience, and turn ourselves to that part of the history, which concerns the fortune of the rest of their partakers in that atominable treason. The news was no sooner spread


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