
on the sofa, with the unfinished letter | the arm? Ah! kissing the miniature before him? A handsome fellow, certainly; again, and bathing it in tears. Well, well, well dressed, too, if a Frenchman ever can these things look a little foolish, perhaps, be so; but look at those vile polished-leath- to the unimpassionate observer; but they er boots, the white satin stock, the broach have their merit. They give proof of and cross chains, the one supporting the ardent affection; they calm and even fortify watch, the other the eye-glass. Could the heart; for a man really and truly in any but a Cockney or a Continentalist ever love would fight your lord superior, Asmosport such an attire? Is it not strange, deus, after all, that a Frenchman, however handsome and accomplished he may be, never can attain to what we call the look of a

And all the band

He brings to aid his guilty hand.'

gentleman? The manner and appearance But what is this I see? Unhappy maniac, of our friend come very near it; but he he levels the weapon at his own head! has at present a strange, wild, and unsettled Powers of mercy! help, stop, while an inair, wanting as much the power of stern stant remains, the suicide hand raised to and deep resolve as the wildness of despair murder body and soul! Alas! 'tis too late! his bright but tearless eyes seem glazed at Yon fiery flash and fierce report tell that intervals, and passing streaks of livid hue the deed is done the crime committed! distort his fine features. What can this Oh, sight of guilt and horror! The noble mean? methinks the sight of the lovely features, convulsed and blackened, are scatpicture to which his looks so often turn, tered around, and the couch is already should calm the tumult of his breast. Well, steeped with blood! And, hark! the rush the letter is finished, evidently addressed to of attendants, roused by the report of the the original of the picture, à Mademoiselle deadly weapon; the wail of women, the Henriette d' Ardagnac, a noble name. A frantic scream of maternal despair! But love-affair; a miniature of the same lady all efforts are vain. On earth there is no worn round the neck and now pressed hope, though in heaven mercy may yet madly to the lips! faith, she is well worth avert the it! I have often kissed miniatures and locks of hair myself; but always with delight and glee, and never with the maddening anguish depicted in the convulsed features of this gentleman. What is it, Asmodeus? I have surely seen all the passions that ever shake the human breast in full activity, but here none can be distinctly traced; and this frightful exhibition seerns produced rather by a fierce contest between mixed particles of all the good and evil powers, than by the passing sway any dark or hostile influence may have gained over a true and noble heart.

"Oh! I think I begin to guess; that neat little mahogany case; those well-finished barking-irons, pretty articles for French workmanship, seem to solve the mystery, but should not account for a shaken frame and convulsed features. An invitation to a ball before breakfast may not be the most agreeable thing in the world; but must be taken quietly, like other necessary evils. A rival, no doubt, wishing to carry off la belle Henriette, who is well worth it, and well worth fighting for too. Loading the pistols already? This is quite contrary to rule; they should be loaded on the ground by the seconds. And what means all this gesticulation, and raising of

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'Canon fixed against self-slaughter.'

Away from the scene of horror that a fiend only could have exposed to view, and which nothing will ever obliterate from the eyes by which it was so unwillingly beheld.

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Asmodeus explain the tragedy we have just witnessed. Let us hope that there are circumstances to palliate, if possible, a deed so frightful, a crime so heinous. I have seen many a gallant man fall by hostile arms in fair and honest fight; but such sights, however appalling, are still redeemed by the pride, pomp, and circumstances of glorious war; for

Noble is the death from noble foe

In the fair field received, when the broad star
Is high in heaven; yet more, when slow

The golden west receives his sinking car;
For then those mild, majestic beams bestow
Their softest radiance on the bed of war;

And soldiers close their eyelids on the scene,

E'en like the sun, sad, solemn, and serene.'

But to witness, what is a thousand times worse than an actual execution, a man falling by his own hand, becoming his own executioner, and rushing wildly before the tribunal of eternal judgment while breaking God's high commands, is a soul-har

rowing sight that ought to shake any nerves be united for ever; when Henriette, in deriving life and impulse from a merely passing from her private box at the Opera, mortal heart. Unveil the cause of this and leaning on her lover's arm, was rudely frightful drama." jostled, and without apology, by a man "It is soon done. Françoise de Ber- dressed in the height of fashion, and decotancourt, whose death you have just wit-rated with an order that proved him to nessed, was a gentleman of ancient and hold some rank in society. Bertancourt noble family; young, wealthy, and accom- instantly resented the insult; words ran plished; beloved by his kindred, cherished high, and canes were threatened; when by friends, and courted by all. He was the pressure of the crowd separated the endowed with nearly every advantage that disputants. men most covet in the outset of life. Mix- "The busy part of the following day ing with the most brilliant society of Paris, had hardly commenced, when Bertancourt he saw, and, like the rest of the world, ad- was already waited upon by a gentleman, mired the beautiful Henriette d'Ardagnac, who announced himself as Capitaine de la the original of the portrait that so forcibly Ferailleur, the friend of Colonel Fortépée, struck you. He sought her love, and did and sent to demand immediate satisfaction not sue in vain. His elegant person, man- les armes à la main, for the insult offered ners, and accomplishments, gained her af- to the latter at the theatre. Bertancourt fections; while his wealth, merit, and expressed his regret at being unable to station in society, readily secured the fa- comply with the colonel's demand; not ther's consent. This, however, was coupled only because he was himself the insulted with one condition, which, though it be- party, but was, besides, under a pledge came the source of future misfortune, was never to send or accept a challenge,-nevdeemed of little import at the time, and er, in fact, to fight a duel. Captain de la did not for an instant cloud the happiness Ferailleur, assuming the air of considerate with which the lovers looked forward to courtesy usually displayed on such occatheir approaching union, the day of which sions, declared that it was not for him to give was already fixed. But Fortune had de- any opinion on M. de Bertancourt's resolucided otherwise. The Marquis d'Ardagnac tion; he had only a painful duty to perform; had, when a boy, seen his father die after but, having the highest possible respect long days of agonized and hopeless suffer- for Monsieur de Bertancourt, and confiding, in consequence of a wound received ing in the generous and acknowledged in a duel; and this heavy calamity, with the gallantry of Colonel Fortépée, he would grief of his almost broken-hearted mother, give him twenty-four hours to consider the instilled in his youthful mind the most matter: if, at the expiration of that time, a deadly aversion to duellists. The feeling meeting was not appointed, he should then strengthened with his strength, and grew be under the afflicting necessity of prowith him to manhood; and he formed an claiming to the world-what he could not early resolution of never entering into yet believe himself that a gentleman rankbonds of friendship or connexion with any person who should have fought a duel; and, anxious as he was for the alliance with Bertancourt, he only consented to receive him as his daughter's suitor, on the pledge solemnly given, that he would never send or accept a challenge.

"Bertancourt, of a happy and cheerful disposition, hating and envying no man, having no wish to injure or offend any one, believing himself without enemies-for envy lies mute while its objects are in prosperity-readily gave a promise which he thought there could be little difficulty in keeping.

"Time flies fast; and, borne along on Hope and Love's expectant wings, it flew faster still with the happy and betrothed pair. A few days more, and they were to SEPTEMBER, 1844. 5

ing deservedly so high in general estimation as Monsieur de Bertancourt had declined to give honorable satisfaction to a cavalier always distinguished for his polite readiness to meet any adversary entitled to the honor of arms.

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Having delivered this speech in better terms than I can repeat it, he took his departure; leaving Bertancourt to make some rather unpleasant reflections. tied by a pledge, confident also in the clear and rational goodness of his cause, above all, fortified in his determination by the approbation of his intended father-in-law, who bestowed the highest praise on his conduct, he resolved to trust to the justice and common sense of the world, and to persevere in the line he had adopted.

"The result followed quickly; and nev


er was the triumph of envy, malignity, | when even the worthless could treat him worthlessness, and a base subjection to the thus. Personally the bravest of the brave, prejudices of the world, more distinctly and who in a fair field would have dared shown than in the speedy victory they hosts of foes, he wanted the moral courage achieved over truth, justice, and common to defy the code of honor he had at the inThe twenty-four hours had scarcely stigation of others attempted to oppose. elapsed, without bringing the acceptance He could not, in fact, resist the world's of the challenge, when Bertancourt was scorn, which he had drawn down upon himalready proclaimed a poltroon in all the self. He knew it to be unjust, felt fully brilliant circles of Paris. The astonish-conscious of his own nerve and power of ment was universal, the good and the wor- daring in arms, saw clearly that envy was thy grieved, many refused to believe that the mainspring that influenced the majority so accomplished a cavalier could want the of those who took an active part against paltry degree of courage required for fight- him, but felt equally conscious of his own ing a duel; but the refusal of the challenge inability to live as a dishonored man in the could not be denied, and society acted its eyes of the world. Instigated by this feelworthy part accordingly. Bertancourt's ing, goaded on by the unworthy treatment friends forsook him, his acquaintances he had experienced from those who had avoided him; envy and malice, that his formerly courted his society, he rushed prosperity and the favor of the world had home and committed the dreadful deed you repressed, burst forth with all the glee of witnessed." triumphant infamy; cowardice grew bold. "In fact, then, another victim to the where it fancied that vulgarity could be false code of honor. The practice of dueldisplayed with impunity, and from every ling was surely derived from, and can only quarter the very finger of scorn was pointed be upheld by, your lord superior, Asmodeus, at the man who had been the favorite of by Satan himself." the most brilliant circles. His betrothed "He! he he! excuse my laughing, and her father left town, and report said Captain Sabertash, but I think I have heard that Henriette had even accepted an apolo- you speak less generally and evince more gy from Colonel Fortépée in such very discrimination. courteous terms, as to make the latter hope you know, with those chivalrous institutions for more than mere forgiveness. The ca- to which you have just ascribed a great tastrophe could not be long delayed; and part of modern civilization, was upheld by when we saw Bertancourt, he had just re- the church, churchmen even entering the turned from a brilliant party, to which he lists by proxy; and the practice may have had been invited before the dispute at the been beneficial in a dark age by preventing theatre, and at which the very master of the commission of greater crimes; for a tiltthe house had turned his back on the once- ing-match between the barons was, after honored guest. The ladies he addressed all, less destructive than an inroad of lawanswered briefly, curtseyed lowly, and less marauders that carried fire and sword sought the conversation of other persons; into cots and hamlets, and laid waste entire some of the gentlemen he spoke to replied baronies. Nor does it follow that my lord with 'ohs,'ahs,' slight smiles and nods, superior, who knows more than you sussome with only grave and surprised looks, pect, is an indiscriminate upholder of the while others bowed themselves away with- practice as now existing. Indeed, I have out further notice. One envious scoundrel, heard him express great contempt for it, who had courted Bertancourt in prosperity, and declare that the recruits he obtained, borrowed money from him, and tried to whether directly or indirectly, through the rise into notice by being looked upon as medium of duels, were not only too few to one of his intimate associates, but hated deserve notice, but generally of the most him with all the mean and rancorous ma- wretched description, vulgar bullies or fade lignity so natural to the vain, pretending, pretenders, hardly worth picking up. 'Your and incapable, offered, with feigned sym- extreme sticklers for punctilio,' said my pathy, to lead him from the room, whisper-respected master on one occasion, are ing in his ear, though loud enough to be generally men who have little else to stickle heard by the nearest parties, that all his friends regretted to see him there.'

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"A look of scorn was Bertancourt's only reply; but he felt himself fallen, indeed,

Duelling originated, as

for.' I have not, as you know, the honor to be a member of the great Satanic council, or I should be better employed than in making the fashionable world pass through



and who will answer for the conduct of the worthless men who now act, at least, with discretion; what will keep the master passion of envy within bounds? Should society, however, continue to improve, and rise above the practice of duelling, the case will be greatly altered; such an abolition of the practice would ill suit my master's views, for it would prove his empire to be on the decline, and his vocation drawing to an end. But to effect this result, society must change its character and conduct; must resent as an insult to itself what is

a magic lantern for your amusement; but I can safely assert that my swarthy sovereign would be as happy to see duelling put down by legislative interference, if that were possible, as he would grieve to see society rise above the practice. Were duelling crushed to-morrow by act of parliament, should we not see the vile passions that discretion keeps, at least, within some bounds, displayed in full luxuriant malignity? Should we not see envy, hatred, and uncharitableness, undermining character and the best relations of private life? We know how quickly calumny circulates and now sought to be resented by the pistol; slander augments; how willingly ladies must punish every display of vulgarity, and gentlemen listen to what is termed a rudeness, malignity or envy, by instantly little harmless scandal; and how many per- excluding the offender from all respectable sons actually make their way in society by intercourse with the world; must brand the merely retailing the tittle-tattle of malignity, mendacious libeller, the man who may only always embellished for the gratification of be worth caning, though not worth going to some mean passion or for the amusement cane, the envenomed backbiter, the false of the worthy listeners; and, knowing this, boaster and detractor of female character, my master would willingly leave beauty, with indelible marks of deserved infamy. merit, innocence, the worth and conduct When this reform shall be effected, then which excite the respect and admiration of duelling will cease of itself, and then will the good, the great, and the just, exposed my great master have ample cause to without protection to the assaults of vulgar- mourn, for it will almost toll the knell of ity, or the machinations of envious malice. his power. The more these passions extend, the more ciety as the essence, or elegant extract, But, looking at fashionable sothey are encouraged and cultivated, the whence the conduct of the general mass more his empire extends, for they consti- may be best estimated, we deem ourselves tute its very foundation, so that he is not in no immediate danger. How, indeed, likely to vote for the continuance of a prac- could we? tice that imposes, at least, some trifling check on their growth."

"But you forget, Asmodeus, that we have courts of law, and many have courts of honor also."

which a so-called affair of honor is treated Take only the manner in place. If one of the parties have fallen, and spoken of after a meeting has taken judges and juries are in the greatest possi"He! he he! excuse me for laughing, is, perhaps, the only rational part of the ble haste to acquit the survivor; and this but you are pleased to be merry. satisfaction would it be to a father, brother, duel, they could not, without palpable injusWhat whole proceeding, as in the case of a fair or husband, to receive from a jury some tice, do otherwise; but how does society three-and-sixpenny damages as compensa- proceed? tion for an insult injurious to character, real cause of a duel, and treat the actual Do they ever inquire into the offered to a lady by a sneer, smile, wink, offender, whether the result be fatal or not, nod, or innuendo, that, though perfectly as he deserves? No such thing. A meetplain in society, could hardly be established ing once over, both parties are declared to by proof before a legal tribunal? Or who, have acted like men of honor, are every having received the lie direct, or had a where received as good fellows, shaken glass of wine thrown into his face, would heartily by the hand, and a veil is, by genappeal to a court of honor for satisfaction? eral accord, thrown over the original cause It is true such extreme cases do not often of quarrel; that is, vulgarity, rudeness, inhappen; the regular duellist is now an un- solence, or falsehood, are again received known character, civilization is extending, into universal favor, merely because a low and the pistol, though a feeble weapon and envious ruffian, perhaps, has fired at enough, continues to exercise some influ- and endangered the life of a gentleman ence; much, as I have said, to my master's whom he had previously insulted. If any regret, who thinks he could do much bet-one be blamed, it is in general the chalter without it. But let arms be laid aside, lenger, though he is mostly the injured and


insulted party. I say generally, for it has
happened that envy, usually the moving
spring in all such cases, has prompted
worthless persons to follow up insult by an
immediate cartel; and a cane has been in-
flicted on those who deserved, in reality,
no other notice, but from whom a subse-
quent challenge could not well be refused.
You have an Anti-duelling Society, com-
posed of brave, honorable, and upright
men, for I have seen the list; but why at-
tempt to strike at effects instead of causes,
why not form a society for the suppres-
sion of the base feelings that lead to du-
elling instead of forming it against the
paltry practice itself? Let society form a
league in favor of high worth, character,
and feeling, let talents and acquirements
be appreciated, a high standard of manners
be substituted for the modern Sliding Scale
of Manners, and you will never again hear
of another duel between gentlemen."
"A plague on this bell, it almost pulls
me out of my chair!" [Enter John.]
"Did you ring, sir?"

listened, when a boy, in this place, from a father's lips. In order to acquire the accurate means of illustrating by his art the history of our Saviour, he departed for the Holy Land, and died on the homeward voyage. This tablet is erected by his affectionate sister, in 1844." Sir David Wilkie is placed on the east, and the monument to his father and mother, by Chantrey, on the west of the pulpit-each of them within a few inches of it.Court Journal.

CONVENT ON MOUNT CARMEL.-A Carmelite Monk, from Mount Carmel, has put the whole charitable world of Paris into a state of commotion, and has excited the sympathy of all classes and all creeds. Upon this celebrated mount a convent has been erected à l'instar of that of St. Bernard, for the establishment of a body of friars, and for the accommodation of travellers visiting that part of the world, there being no inn in that remote neighborhood. The funds for the construction of this convent were collected by a monk of the name of John Baptiste, who left the mount eleven times, barefooted and on foot, travelled over a great part of Asia, Africa, and Europe, addressing himself to charitable persons of all denominations, and returned eleven times loaded with his gatherings. More than seventy thousand pounds were collected in this manner, with which the convent was erected, the first stone of it being laid in 1828. But a wall was wanting to enclose the monastery and the grounds that surrounded it, to protect it from the attacks of the Arabian robbers and wild beasts who were Teo old to recommence his travels, the staff of constantly molesting the poor defenceless monks. John Baptiste was taken up by a brother of the order, Charles, who, by the order of the general, "Good, good; all right. You may go was sent to Paris, where he arrived a few months to bed." [Exit John.]" By Jove! Cal-back, to raise a subscription for the erection of a deron may have been nearer the truth than he suspected when he wrote his wild tale of Life a Dream."


What is all this racket in the

"I have heard none, sir; only the printer's devil was here an hour ago asking for more MS., but seeing you reclining in your chair, and fancying you might be asleep, I did not like to disturb you, and desired him to return in the morning.'

MONUMENT TO SIR DAVID WILKIE.-The monument to Sir David Wilkie is now erected in the church of Cults. It is truly an exquisite work of art, designed and executed by a man whose strength of mind, brilliant imagination, correct. taste, accurate principles and graceful position, are all fully brought out in the admirable and striking likeness of Sir David. The drapery, too, is in excellent harmony with the other parts of the monument. The inscription is as follows:"Sacred to the memory of Sir David Wilkie, R. A., Principal Painter in Ordinary in England, and Limner for Scotland, to King George IV., King William IV., and Queen Victoria. Born at Cults, 18th November, 1785. Died 1st of June, 1841; buried at sea, off Cape Trafalgar. As the painter of domestic scenes, his works were the ornament alike of the palace and the cottage. Through life he was guided and animated by those sacred principles to which he had often

wall, and the purchase of some property round the monastery, which had been taken from them by the Turks. This mission is likely to be accomplished to the full content of the monks; for already a considerable subscription is raised, by means of a lottery, the objects of which have been given by all the artists and literary characters in Paris. A chamber in the Luxembourg has been put at the disposal of the committee for the exposition of these objects, which are daily visited by the public.-Court Journal.

VOICE LOZENGE.-If we are to believe what we are told by those who should be well informed upon the subject, one Dr. Stolberg, of Frankfort fame, has bequeathed the secret of his voice lozenge-with presents of which he was wont to secure the friendship of the first vocal artists of his day-to a gentleman of large wealth in this country, who has determined to cause the advantages contained in the recipe to be made as extensively beneficial as it is possible to render it. For such purpose he has already distributed an immense quantity of boxes, at a price just sufficient to cover their cost, and the result has been a sale altogether unprecedented in the history of specifics.-Evening Paper.

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