
Bullock, Walter L. The Genesis of the English Sonnet Form. PMLA., XXXVIII, 729-744.

Rev. by F. Neri in La Cultura, Iv, 231 ff. Signior Neri thinks Wyatt's form, and consequently the English form, was due to madrigal influence; but is this probable if Wyatt was deliberately setting out to introduce the Italian sonnet form-quite separately from the madrigal, which he shows that he also knew well enough-into English poetry? (B)

Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. With 150 drawings by E. McKnight Kauffer. London: Nonesuch Press, 1925.

Bush, J. N. Douglas. Classical Lives in "The Mirror for Magistrates." SP., XXII, 256-266.

Bush, J. N. Douglas. Martin Parker's Philomela. MLN., XL,


Campagnac, E. T (ed.). versity Press, 1925.

Mulcaster's Elementarie. Oxford Uni-
Pp. xxiv, 292.

Rev. in LTS., Dec. 17, 1925, p. 881; by J. E. G. de M. in Contemporary Review, cxxvIII, pp. 805-807; in N & Q., Vol. 149, p. 413. Campbell, W. E (ed.). The Last Letters of the Blessed Thomas More. Introduced by Cardinal Gasquet, and Edited, with Connecting Narrative. Catholic Library. Roehampton: Manresa Press, 1925. Pp. xviii, 123.

Cawley, Robert Ralston. Drayton's Use of Welsh History. SP., XXII, 234-255.

Chamberlin, Frederick. The Sayings of Queen Elizabeth. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1923. Pp. lxi, 324.

Rev. by Alwin Thaler in University of California Chronicle, 1925, pp. 225-228. See this Bibliography, 1924, p. 453; 1925, p. 324.

Chamberlin, Frederick. The Wit and Wisdom of Queen Bess. London: Lane, 1925.

Based on the author's The Sayings of Queen Elizabeth.

See infra Neale, J. E., and this Bibliography, 1925, p. 324. Rev. in Saturday Review, CXL, 633.

Clarke, Henry Lowther, and Weech, W. N. History of Sedbergh School, 1595-1925. Sedbergh: Jackson and Son, 1925.

Notice in LTS., Sept. 10, 1925, p. 585.

Contains material about Lupton.

Crofts, J. E. V (ed.). The Pleasaunt Historie of Lazarillo de
Tormes. Drawen out of Spanish by David Rouland of
Anglesey, 1586. Percy Reprints. Oxford: Blackwell, 1924.
Rev. by Paul Dattin in Rev. Ang. Am., II, 438; by John Freeman
in London Mercury, XII, 545-546. See this Bibliography, 1925, p. 335.
D., K. W. Miles Blomefield. LTS., Sept. 10, 1925, p. 584.
Daniel, Mary Samuel, and Osborne, F. M. Two Elizabethans.

I. An Elizabethan Wordsworth (by Mary Samuel Daniel).
II. An Elizabethan Schoolmaster (by F. M. Osborne).
Dublin Review, CLXXVI, pp. 108-119.

The first referred to is Samuel Daniel; the second, Richard Mulcaster.
Neither study is important.

Dickins, Bruce (ed.). The Testament of Cresseid. By Robert Henryson. Edinburgh: The Porpoise Press, 1925. Pp. 46. Notice in LTS., June 18, 1925, p. 419.

Dormer, Ernest W. Gray of Reading, sixteenth Century Controversialist and Ballad-writer. Reading: Bradley and Son, 1924.

Notice by A. F. P. in History, IX, 358-359. See this Bibliography, 1925, p. 312.

Draper, W. H. Donne's Devotion and Death's Duell. The Abbey Classics. London: Simpkin and Marshall, 1925.

Durham, Herbert, Lord Bishop of. Richard Baxter. Contemporary Review, CXXVII, 50-58.

Elton, Oliver (ed.). Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. XI. Oxford University Press, 1925. Pp. 169.

Rev. in LTS., Dec. 31, 1925, p. 907.

Contains L. C. Martin's Forgotten Poet of the Seventeenth Century, and Janet Spens's Chapman's Ethical Thought.

England's Helicon. Reprinted from the Edition of 1600 with

additional Poems from the Edition of 1614. Haslewood Books. London: Etchells and Macdonald, 1925. Pp. ix, 256.

Rev. in LTS., Apr. 9, 1925, pp. 257-8; see also letter by Hugh MacDonald, LTS., Apr. 23, 1925, p. 284; and reviewer's reply, LTS., Apr. 30, 1925, p. 300; reply to reply by Hugh MacDonald, May 7,

1925, p. 316, and letter by M. St. Clare Byrne. Further letters by Gwendolen Murphy, Henrietta C. Bartlett, and Hugh MacDonald, LTS., May 14, 1925, p. 335, and May 21, 1925, p. 352.

Fausset, Hugh l'Anson. John Donne: A Study in Discord. New York: Harcourt, 1923. Pp. 318.

Rev. by Richard Aldington in New Republic, XLII, 164-165; for other reviews see Book Review Digest, 1925. See this Bibliography, 1925, p. 312.

Feasey, Eveline I. William Baldwin. MLR., xx, 407-418. Fellowes, E. H. The English Madrigal. London: Milford, 1925. Pp. 111.

Notice in LTS., Nov. 19, 1925, p. 774. Has to do mainly with Elizabethan music.

Fleming, W. K. Some Truths about John Inglesant. Quarterly Review, CCXLV, 130-148.

Shows that numerous passages in Shorthouse's novel are lifted bodily from Evelyn, Hobbes, Aubrey, Ward, Burton, and other writers of the period of the Rebellion.

Forsythe, R. S. The Passionate Shepherd, and English Poetry. PMLA., XL, 692-742.

Traces the influence of Marlowe's poem, especially in "the invitation to love" theme.

Gaselee, Stephen (ed.). Nicholas Monardes, Joyful Newes out of the new found world. Translated by John Frampton (1677). With an Introduction by Stephen Gaselee. Tudor Translations, Second Series. Two vols. London: Constable, 1925. Pp. xxxvi, 177; 188.

Rev. in LTS., Aug. 20, 1925, p. 541.

Gawthorp, Walter E. St. Mildred's Court Burial Ground. N & Q., Vol. 148, p. 230.

Burial place of Thomas Tusser, author of Five Hundred Good Pointes of Husbandrie.

Goitein, H (ed.). The Utopia. By Sir Thomas More. Translated By Ralph Robinson. The New Atlantis, 1622. By Francis, Lord Bacon. The whole Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and a Glossary, by H. Goitein. Illustrated by S. Langford Jones. Broadway Translations. London: Routledge, 1925.

Gollancz, Sir Israel. Ben Jonson's Ode to "The Phoenix and the Turtle." LTS., Oct. 8, 1925, p. 655; see also letter by Percy Simpson, LTS., Oct. 15, 1925, p. 675.

Prints a hitherto unknown prelude to The Phoenix and the Turtle from the Salusbury manuscript in the National Library of Wales, together with An Elegie meant upon the Death of Ben: Jonson by Sir Thomas Salusbury, also previously unknown.

Goodspeed, Edgar J. The Making of the English New Testament. University of Chicago Press; Cambridge University Press, 1925. Pp. ix, 129.

Rev. in LTS., July 2, 1925, p. 446; for other reviews see Book Review Digest, 1925.

Gosse, Sir Edmund. Silhouettes.

Silhouettes. London: Heinemann; New

York: Scribner, 1925. Pp. 413.

Rev. LTS., Oct. 8, 1925, p. 653; in Saturday Review, CXL, 350; by Robert Jordan in Nation & Ath., XXXVIII, 20-21; in Mercure de France, CLXXXIII, 545-548. For additional reviews see Book Review Digest, 1925.

Contains brief essays on Lyly and his "Euphuism," Camoens, and a few other Renaissance subjects.

Greg, W. W. A Collier Mystification. RES., 1, 452-454.

Exposes an attempt on Collier's part to make Dyce responsible for Collier's own dishonesty in the matter of two manuscript poems in Edgerton 2623. To one of these, headed "The Hermit's speech," Collier apparently added "Finis G. P." and subsequently tore away his own forgery.

Grierson, H. J. C. The Background of English Literature and other Collected Essays and Addresses. London: Chatto and Windus, 1925. Pp. vii, 290.

Notice in LTS., Dec. 10, 1925, p. 865.

Contains criticism of the metaphysical poets.

Guppy, Henry. William Tindale and the Earlier Translators of the Bible. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. IX, No. 2, July 1925, pp. 542-584.

Hammond, Eleanor Prescott (ed.). The Chance of the Dice. Eng. Stud., LIX, 1-16.

A poem in crude rhyme royal edited from MS Bodl. Fairfax 16, foll. 148 ff. Miss Hammond associates it with Ragman Roll in the same manuscript, both being also in Bodl. 638 (included in Wright's Anecdota Literaria and Hazlitt's Early Popular Poetry). The poem

here printed exchanges the mediaeval interest in fortune for the modern interest in the individual and is likened by the editor to Colyn Blowbole's Testament, the Hye Way to the Spittal Hous, and to Skelton.

Hannah, Robert. Francis Bacon, the Political Orator. In Studies in Rhetoric and Public Speaking in Honor of James Albert Winans (New York: The Century Co., 1925. Pp. 299),


A careful and interesting essay developing the idea that Bacon's greatness in political oratory was also the exemplification of carefully formulated rhetorical theory.

Harris, J. Rendel. New Appreciations of George Fox. Swarthmore, Pa.: The Swarthmore Press, 1925.

Rev. in LTS., July 9, 1925, p. 457.

Harrison, G. B (ed.). Anthony Munday. English Romayne Life. Bodley Head Quartos. London: Lane, 1925. Pp. xxi, 106. Rev. in LTS., Mar. 19, 1925, p. 193; by R. B. McKerrow in RES., I, 376; in Nation and Ath., XXXVI, 719.

Harrison, G. B (ed.). John Marston. The Scourge of Villanie. Bodley Head Quartos. London: Lane, 1925. Pp. xiii, 126. Rev. in LTS., Aug. 27, 1925, p. 555.

Harrison, G. B (ed.). Samuel Daniel. A Defence of Ryme (1603) and Thomas Campion. Observations in the Art of English Poesie (1602). Bodley Head Quartos. London: Lane, 1925. Pp. vii, 46; 44.

Rev. in LTS., Sept. 10, 1925, p. 573.

Harrison, G. B (ed.). Thomas Nashe. Pierce Penilesse: His Supplication to the Divell. Bodley Head Quartos. London: Lane, 1925. Pp. xii, 138.

Rev. in LTS., Mar. 19, 1925, p. 193; by R. B. McKerrow in RES., I, 376; in Nation and Ath., XXXVI, 719.

Harrison, T. P., Jr. Googe's "Eglogs" and Montemayor's Diana. University of Texas Bulletin. Studies in English, 5 (University of Texas Press, 1925. Pp. 209), 68-78.

Hartmann, Cyril Hughes. The Cavalier Spirit, and its Influence on the Life and Work of Richard Lovelace, 1618-1658. London: Routledge, 1925.

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