
The following extract and abstracts will serve all one, however, could fail to discern the critical site ordinary purposes.

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ing on salt.

duty accru Amonnt of


salt import

Quantity of



1792 213,541 1,779,510

630,895 5,257,156
247,622 2,027,33%






361,123 2,958,411

443,550 3,670,077

488,617 2,513,411

721,355 3,542,872

ation into which Portugal would be thrown by the absence of her prince-ulterior occurrences jus tified the predictions indulged on this head.

Portugal, separated from her sovereign by the vast expanse of the ocean, deprived of all he wonted resources yielded by her distant posses sions, and of the benefits of trade, by the blockade of her ports; governed by enemies then held to be invincible, seemed to have reached the term of her political existence, and to be condemned never to resume her place among independent nations.

In this desperate crisis, the heroic inhabitants e; 345,770 2,823,718 the kingdom lost neither their honor, nor courage. 391,134 2,977.902 nor their attachment to their king; of these neithe 544,206 2,755,524 the pressure of adverse fortune, nor the immense 687,347 3,421,319 power of the enemy, could deprive them. They 686.454 3,608,948 exerted themselves, in fact, in the most energet 792,838 3,872,995 manner as soon as a favorable opportunity offered 686,799 3,433,996 The Portuguese, with the aid of their allies, rern. 765,804 3,782,328 vered, by the most severe sacrifices, their politica 862,694 4,262,704 existence; restored, with generous loyalty, the 6,017 48,945 throne and the crown to their monarch; and impar. tial Europe must confess, (although justice is no always done), that it owes to them, in great part. the victories since gained in favor of the freedom and independence of thrones and nations.

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731,508 4,597,033

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

855 449 4,311,767

598.496 2.975,995

It is more easy to conceive than to delineate the 18164 1,076,933 5,367,478 internal condition of Portugal, in the midst of cir714,466 3,557,925 cumstances so new, and after efforts so extraordi 765,537 3,823,410 nary and so general a convulsion. 13,694,065 77,751,024


The quantity of salt exported, without benefit of drawback, from 1st Oct. 1804, to 30th Sept. 1819, was only 47,805 bushels.

The ruin of the country begun by the emigration of the inhabitants, who followed the prince, or who sought to escape the suspicion of co-operating in the systematic persecution of the enemy, was ag gravated by the two fatal invasions of 1809 and 1810, and by the losses inevitable in an obstinate contest of seven years duration.

The bounty on pickled fish and salted provisions exported, from the commencement of the government to the 30th September, 1819, amounted to Commerce and industry, which can flourish only $486.930 73; and the allowances to vessels em in the shade of peace, and public security and tran. ployed in the fisheries, in the same time, were quility were not only abandoned, but seemed an $2,330,517 88--total amount of bounties and al-nihilated by the unlimited freedom of trade allow. lowances $2,817,448 61.

Portuguese Manifesto.

Manifesto of the Portuguese nation to the sovereigns and nations of Europe.

ed to foreign nations in the ports of Brazil; by the disastrous treaty of 1810 (with England); by the decay of manufactures: by the nearly total destruc tion of both the mercantile and military marine; by the absolute want of protection and encourage. ment for these two important sources of nationa! prosperity.

The Portuguese nation, animated by the most ardent and sincere desire to maintain the political Agriculture, the basis of the wealth and strength and commercial relations, which have united her of nations, deprived of the hands which war mo hitherto with all the governments and communities nopolized; destitute of the capital which feeds it of Europe, and having particularly at heart to con- and which was often diverted to more pressing tinue to merit, in the opinion of the illustrious men purposes; having no longer the vital power which of all countries, the esteem and consideration which it had been accustomed to derive from national inhave never been withheld from the loyal and honor- dustry, and the active circulation resulting from exable character of the Portuguese, has thought it ternal and internal commerce,-languished in a indispensably necessary to offer to the world a suc-fatal lethargy, and our country presented to the cinct, but candid exposition of the causes that have astonished observer the deplorable picture of mise. produced the memorable events which have just ry and famine. occurred in Portugal; of the real spirit which has The sensible diminution of the public revenue, influenced the nation, and of the only end to which caused by the ruin of the population and the exall the changes made, or intended to be made, in tinction of commerce and industry; by the irrepa the internal structure of the government, are di-rable loss of the immense sums which the enemy rected. The Portuguese nation hopes that this ex-wrested from the unhappy Portuguese, and by the position, in correcting the false notions which may excessive expenses of the war which obliged the have been formed respecting those events, will con-nation to contract new and enormous debts,--gave ciliate the kind attention of sovereigns and people. the mortal blow to public credit, already shaken by All Europe knows the extraordinary circumstan- the scandalous malversation of the treasury agents, ces which, in 1807, forced his majesty, John VI, as well as by vicious systems of administration. then prince regent of Portugal, to withdraw with is royal family to his transatlantic dominions. This ineasure was then deemed highly advantageous for the cause of the general liberty of Europe. No

If the Portuguese had not cherished for their prince and his august dynasty, a love bordering on adoration,-if they had not desired to obtain from his justice and goodness alone, the reforms and

amendments which such a condition of things imperatively required, it would have been very easy for them to assign limits to the royal power, and dictate to him conditions conformable to the urgenry of things.

But the character of the Portuguese was not to be belied. They preferred looking to their prince for all that was wanted, rather than exhibit to Europe, already dismayed by recent calamities, the spectacle of a turbulent and impatient nation, or to appear to take advantage of circumstances in order to display a spirit of revolt and insubordination. A silent and peaceful endurance of evils was the rule of their conduct; confidence in the virtues of their prince, the foundation of their hopes.

power. It would, therefore, be unjust and absurd to pronounce what they have done illegal, and to stigmatize their conduct with the epithet-rebellion. Philip IV, too, denounced the heroic risings of the Portuguese, in 1640, as rebellion! It is not less preposperous to ascribe the late revolution to the influence of a faction. All points considered and weighed, the Portuguese cannot doubt that their patriotic efforts have not only entitled then to the favorable opinion, but also to the applause of all the enlightened nations and all the monarchical cabinets of Europe.

It would be a subject of deep chagrin for the Portuguese people, if the sovereign princes with whom they have always maintained a good underBut-and it is painful to declare it-their hopes standing, should abuse their power to the end of have been completely disappointed, and the pa-imposing laws on them, or repressing the efforts of tience of the Portuguese reached the point beyond a nation incapable, from geographical position, of which it would not seem possible for a proud and courageous nation to go-a nation, penetrated with the sense of its ills, and not ignorant of the means of remedying them.

disturbing the peace of other countries; a nation which has never interfered in the internal affairs of others, and which counts upon the known justice of the princes of Europe. But if the hopes of PorThe Portuguese, knowing the heart of their so- tugal in this respect be deceived, she will risk evevereign, flattered themselves that he would prepare ry thing in defence of her just rights. No nation," the necessary reforms, as he had sometimes encou- firmly resolved to be free, has ever failed to become raged them to hope-but this expectation proved so; this is what encourages the Portuguese; and if illusory; the ministers of the court of Rio Janeiro they cannot compass the object, they will perish all, have diverted the mind of the king from these im-to the last man, rather than survive the loss of their portant cares, and evinced displeasure whenever a independence. They look, however, to a happier patriot dared to publish his sentiments on the sub-consummation. ject, and shew the necessity of making Portugal

again the seat of government.

Thus, the Portuguese began to lose their confidence in the only remedy that remained. The idea of seeing their country reduced to the condition of a colony afflicted them; and all felt it to be impossible that the affairs of a monarchy could go on well at such a distance from the centre of action, when the perversity of men, the violence of the passions, and the inconstancy of the elements, might obstruct their march,

What was the Portuguese nation to do in such a state of things? Suffer and hope? She had suffer. ed and hoped in vain for many years: Sigh, remon strate, complain? She had sighed, but her sighs were not heeded-Not heeded! No-they were cruelly stifled. She had remonstrated and complained, but her prayers and complaints could never penetrate as far as the throne. The king was constantly told that his people were content and faithful.

Governors and Legislators.

The following has been obligingly communicated by a member of congress, who spared no pains to make the statement accurate.

Compensation of the governors and legislator, of the

states, 1821.

1. New Hampshire
2. Massachusetts
3. Rhode Island
4. Connecticut
5. Vermont
6. New York
7. New Jersey
8. Pennsylvania
9. Delaware
10. Maryland
11. Virginia

per annum.
2,666 67

Legislators per diem. $2.00 2.00

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12. North Carolina













18. Louisiana
19. Indiana
20. Mississippi
21. Illinois
22. Alabama
23. Maine

[blocks in formation]

13. South Carolina
14. Georgia
15. Kentucky
16. Tennessee
17. Ohio

The authors of this manifesto insist, in the face of Europe, upon the unalterable fidelity of the nation; but they must remark that contentment was incompatible with a situation like theirs. They can shew that late events had not their origin, as has been insinuated, in the principles of an absurd and disorganizing philosophy, nor in the chimerical pursuit of an unlimited freedom; but in the conviction of public distress and the desire of relief. The Portuguese have aimed at establishing the throne on the solid basis of law and justice; they had no wish for innovation, but sought to replace things upon the footing on which they formerly existed in Portugal. The governor of Rhode Island is paid at the In 1139, they gave the crown to their first mon-pleasure of the legislature-usually about 400 dolarch, and enacted the first fundamental laws of the lars per annum-and perquisites about 200 dollars. monarchy, in the assembly of the cortes of Lamigo; The legislators are paid by their immediate conin 1385, they called John the 1st to the throne on stituents, usually about one dollar per dim. conditions which be accepted; in 1640, they gave the crown to John IV, who also respected their liberty; in fine, during the long period of five hundred years, the Portuguese had their cortes, and it was then that they attained the summit of glory and

24. Missouri

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The foregoing tabular view of the compensation of the several governors and legislators, of the U. States, is derived from such sources as are believed to be entitled to full credit; and is offered for publication under an impression that it will be interesting to many readers. To render the table more complete, it might perhaps be added, that the salary of the president of the U. S. is 25,000 dollars per annum-and the pay of members of congress eight dollars per diem.

Army of the United States. Statement of the allowances to different grades of .officers, by the month-laid before the house of representatives, Feb. 7.




Total monthly

Major general



Brigadier general



Adjutant general



Inspector general



Assistant adjutant



Assistant inspector

[blocks in formation]

Deputyquartermaster general 60

Assistant deputy Q. M. gen. 40
Surgeon general

Laws of the United States. Resolution, providing for the admission of Missouri

into the union on a certain condition. of the United States of America in congress assembled, Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives That Missouri shall be admitted into this union on an equal footing with the original states, in all respects whatever, upon the fundamental condition, that the fourth clause of the twenty-sixth section of the third article of the constitution, submitted on the part of the said state to congress, shall never be construed to authorize the passage of any law, and that no law shall be passed in conformity thereto, by which any citizen of either of the states in this union, shall be excluded from the enjoyment of any of the privileges and immunities to which such ci tizen is entiled, under the constitution of the U. States: Provided, That the legislature of the said state, by solemn public act, shall declare the assent of the said state to the said fundamental condition, and transmit to the president of the United States, on or before the fourth Monday in November next, an authentic copy of the said act; upon the receipt whereof, the president, by proclamation shall an. nounce the fact: whereupon, and without any further proceeding on the part of congress, the admission of the said state into this union shall be considered as complete.

JOHN W. TAYLOR, Speaker of the house of representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the senate, pro tempore.

208 33 1-3 257 33 1-3 Washington, March 2, 1821.-Approved:

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166 33 1-3
100 96 1-3

Assistant surgeon general



Apothecary general


Assit. apothecary general



Judge advocate


Com. gen. of subsistence



Com. gen. of purchases


Deputy commissary general

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JAMES MONROE. An act to authorize the president of the United States to borrow a sum not exceeding five millions of dollars.

Be it enacted by the senate and house of representa. trves of the United States of America, in congress assembled, That the president of the United States be, and he is hereby, empowered to borrow, on the credit of the United States, a sum not exceeding five millions of dollars, at a rate of interest, payable quarter-yearly, not exceeding five per centum per annum, and reimbursable at the will of the government, at any time after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five; to be applied, in addition to the moneys now in the treasury, or which may be received therein, from other sources, during the present year; to defray any of the public expenses which are, or may be, authorized by law. The stock thereby created shall be transferable in the same manner as is provided by law for the transfer of the public debt.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the bank of the United States to lend the said sum, or any part thereof; and it is hereby further declared, that it shall be deemed a good execution of the said power to borrow, for the secretary of the treasury, with the approbation of the president of the United States, to cause to be constituted certificates of stock, signed by the register of the treasury, or by a commissioner of loans, for the sum to be borrowed, or for any part thereof, bearing an interest of five per centum per annum, transferable and reimbursable as aforesaid, and to cause the said certificates of stock to be sold, provided that no stock be sold under par.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the secretary of the treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, with the approbation of the president of the United States, to employ an agent or agents for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to the loan authorized by this act, or of selling any part of the

stock to be created by virtuc thereof. A commis- made in conformity with the first section of an act sion of not exceeding one-eighth of one per centum making further provision for the sale of public on the amount thus sold, or for which subscriptions lands, passed the twenty-fourth day of April, one shall be obtained, may, by the secretary of the thousand eight hundred and twenty: And provided reasury, be allowed to such agent or agents; and a also, That the right of relinquishment hereby given um not exceeding four thousand dollars, to be shall, in no case, authorize the party relinquishjaid out of any moneys in the treasury, not other-ing to claim any repayment from the United States: vise appropriated, is hereby appropriated for that object, and subscription certificates, and certificates of stock, and other expenses incident to the due execution of this act.

And provided also, That where any purchaser has purchased, at the same time, two or more quarter sections, he shall not be permitted to relinquish less than a quarter section.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the interest which shall have accrued before the thirtieth day of September next, upon any debt to the United States, for public land, shall be, and the same is hereby, remitted and discharged.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That so much of the funds constituting the annual appropriation of ten millions of dollars for the payment of the principal and interest of the public debt of the United States, as may be sufficient for that purpose, after satisfying the sums necessary for the payment Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the per of the interest, and of such part of the principal of sons indebted to the United States, as aforesaid, the said debt, as the United States are now pledg-shall be divided into three classes; the first class ed annually to pay and reimburse, is hereby pledg to include all such persons as shall have paid to the ed and appropriated for the payment of the inte- United States only one-fourth part of the original rest, and for the reimbursement of the principal of price of the land by them respectively purchased the stock which may be created by virtue of this or held; the second class to include all such peract. It shall, accordingly, be the duty of the com-sons as shall have paid to the United States only missioners of the sinking fund to cause to be ap- one half of such original price; and the third class plied and paid out of the said fund, yearly, such to include all such persons as shall have paid to sum and sums as may annually be necessary to dis-the United States three-fourth parts of such origicharge the interest accruing on the said stock, and to reimburse the principal, as the same may be come due, and may be discharged in conformity with the terms of the loan. And they are further authorized to apply, from time to time, such sum or sums towards discharging, by purchase, and at a price not above par, the principal of the said stock, or any part thereof; and the faith of the United States is hereby pledged to establish sufficient revenues for making up any deficiency that may here. after take place in the funds hereby appropriated for paying the said interest, and principal sums, or any of them, in manner aforesaid.

JOHN W. TAYLOR, Speaker of the house of representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the senate pro tempore. Washington, March 3, 1821-Approved:


nal price; and the debts of the persons included in the first class shall be paid in six equal annual instalments: and the debts of the persons included in the second class shall be paid in six equal annual instalments: and the debts of the persons included in the third class shall be paid in four equal annual instalments; the first of which instalments in each of the classes aforesaid shall be paid in the manner following to wit: of the third class on the 30th day of September next; of the second class on the 31st day of Dec. next; and of the first class on the thirtyfirst day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two; and the whole of the debt aforesaid, shall bear an annual interest at the rate of six per cent. Provided always, That the same shall be remitted upon each and every of the instalments aforesaid which shall be punctually paid when the same shall become payable as aforesaid.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in all An act for the relief of the purchasers of the pub-cases where complete payment of the whole sum lic land, prior to the 1st day of July, eighteen hundred and twenty.

tained shall authorize any discount upon payments made by a transfer of former payments under the provisions of the first section of this act.

due, or which may become due, for any tract of land purchased from the U. States aforesaid shall Be it enacted by the senate and house of repre- be made on or before the thirtieth day of Septemsentatives of the United States of America in congress ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, assembled, That in all cases where lands have been a deduction at the rate of thirty-seven and a half purchased from the United States, prior to the first per centum, shall be allowed upon the sum remainday of July, eighteen hundred and twenty, it shalling unpaid: Provided, That nothing herein conbe lawful for any such purchaser, or other person or persons being the legal holder of any certificate, or certificates, of land, on or before the thirtieth day of September, eighteen hundred and twenty- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That each and one, to file, with the register of the land office every individual or company, that has laid off, on where any tract of land has been purchased, a re- any lands by him or them purchased of the United linquishment in writing of any section, half section, States, any town, a part or the whole of the lots quarter section, half quarter section, or legal sub-whereof have been sold, shall be entitled to the division of any fractional section of land so pur. benefits of this act in relation to a half quarter, or chased, upon which the whole purchase money has quarter section of land, on which such town may not been paid, and all sums paid on account of be situated, and of all lands by him or them owned the part relinquished shall be applied to the dis- contiguous to and adjoining said half quarter, quarcharge of any instalments which may be, or shall ter section, or section, on which said town is situathereafter become due and payable upon such land, ed, upon condition only, that each and every perso purchased, as shall not have been relinquished, son, who has purchased of him, or them, a town and shall be so applied and credited as to complete lot, or part of a lot, or land in and adjoining the the payment on some one or more half quarter sec- same, shall be entitled to a remission of all interest tions where the payments by transfer are sufficient that has accrued, and to a discount of twenty per for that purpose: Provided, That all divisions and centum on the amount unpaid, and to discharge cub-divisions, contemplated by this act, shall be their debt by bonds with security, in equal annual


instalments of four years, from the thirtieth day The military appropriation act, provides for the of Dec. next. Nor shall the provisions of this act be construed to extend to any person or persons pay of the army and subsistence of the officers, claiming title to land, under the provisions of an 954,555 dollars 86 cents, in addition to the unexact passed the third day of March, eighteen hun-pended balance of 180,880 dollars, 78 cts. For three months gratuitous pay for disbandej dred and seventeen, entitled "an act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands for the encou-officers and soldiers, 60,000 dollars." ragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive." Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That, for failure to pay the several debts aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, and for the term of three months after the day appointed for the payment of the last instalment thereof, in each of the classes aforesaid, the land so purchased or held by the respective persons indebted to the United States as aforesaid, shall, ipso facto, become forfeited, and revert to the U. States.

For forage, 41,541 dollars. Clothing, 290,468 dollars 97 cents.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That no person shall be deemed to be included within or entitled to, the benefit of any of the provisions of this act, who shall not, on or before the thirtieth day of September next, sign, and file in the office of the register of the land office of the district, where the land was purchased, or where the residue of the purchase money is payable, a declaration in writing, expressing his consent to the same, and shall pay to the register, for receiving, recording, and filing the same, fifty cents.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall be, and hereby is made the duty of the several registers and receivers of the land offices of the United States, according to the forms and instructions which shall be given in their behalf by the treasury department, to assist in carrying this act into execution, to keep full and faithful accounts and re cords of all proceedings under the same; and, within the term of three months after the said thirtieth day of September next, to transmit to the said department a correct report of the quantity of land elinquished to the United States; the quantity on which full payment shall have been made; and the quantity on which a further credit shall have been given, distinguishing the amount of the debt on which further credit shall have been allowed; and the registers and receivers, respectively, shall be entitled to receive fifty cents from the party relinquishing, for each half quarter section, quarter section, half section, section, or legal subdivision of a fractional section, so relinquished.

For medical and hospital department, 250,335 dollars 65 cents.

For quarter master gen.'s department, 352,855 dollars. Contingencies, 317,868 dollars.

For completing barracks at Baton Rouge, and
transportation of ordnance, &c. 35,000 dollars,
For the military academy 17,036 dollars 22 cents.
For fortifications, 302,000 dollars.

For national armories, 360,000 dollars.
For the ordnance service, 23,663 dollars.
For invalid pensioners, 315,000 dollars 75 cents.
For half-pay pensions of widows and orphans,
30,000 dollars.

For indian department, 230,205 dollars 44 cents.
For revolutionary pensioners, 1,200,000 dollars.
Several other items are enumerated for expen-
ses of indian treaties, &c.

The naval appropriation act, provides for the subsistence of the officers and pay of the seamen, 983,325 dollars 25 cents.

For provisions, 337,831 dollars.
For medicine, &c. 32,000 dollars.
For repairs of vessels, 375,000 dollars.

For improvement of navy yards, &c. 25,000 dlls:
For ordnance and ordnance, stores, 25,000 dollars.
For contingent expences, 200,000 dollars
For pay, &c. of marine corps, 169,393 dollars.
For clothing same, 30,686 doilars 31 cents.
For fuel, of same, 6,857 dollars 50 cents.
For contingencies of do. 14,000 dollars.
For completing small vessels, 10,000 dollars.
For clearing the river Thames, (in Conn.) 150,060

Imprisonment for Debt.

Report of the committee of the house of representativez of the United States, appointed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing imprisonment for debt on process issuing from the courts of the United States. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That no lands The committee to whom was referred a resopurchased from the United States on or before the first day of July, eighteen hundred, and twenty, lution directing them to inquire into the expediwhich are not already forfeited shall be considered ency of abolishing imprisonment for debt on process issuing from the courts of the United States, as forfeited to the government, for failure in completing the payment thereon, until the said thirtieth report-That the practice of imprisoning the body day of September next; and all the lands which of a debtor, though sanctioned by very ancient shall be relinquished to the United States, as afore-usage, seems to have had its origin in an age of barsaid, shall be deemed and held to be forfeited, and, barism, and can only be considered an ameliorawith all other lands which may become forfeited tion of that system by which the person of the under this act, shall be sold according to the pro-debtor was subjected to be sold. Were it not visions of the act entitled "An act making further wholly repugnant to every principle of free govprovisions for the sale of the public lands," passed the twenty-fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty.

Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That no land which shall be surrendered under the provisions of this act, shall be offered for sale for the term of two years after the surrender thereof.

Speaker of the house of representatives.
President of the senate, pro tempore.
Washington, March 4, 1821-Approved:


ernment, and incompatible with every sentiment of generous humanity, the exposure to sale of the debtor might seem more tolerable than his subjection to imprisonment. Policy and individual interest appear to combine to justify the servitude of the debtor, in preference to his seclusion from society and his confinement in a dreary dungeon. By the former system the profits of the labor of the debtor, brought into the common stock, would contribute to augment the wealth of the nation, and might eventually reimburse to the creditor the amount of his demand. It would certainly avoid those expences which are annually incurred by subsisting

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