Chinese Mythology in San Francisco.
Study of Shorthand, The..
Treatment of Dependent and Delinquent Chil-
Criminal Responsibility of the Insane, The ........ Harold Wheeler..
Longfellow's Michael Angelo.-Auxiliary Literatures. -Popular Science. -Mr. James' Califor-
nian Geography..
Discovery of the Potato in Arizona, The ...........J. G. Lemmon.
The Holidays. New Words Wanted...
San Francisco Scenery.-Mr. Sandham's Pictures. -Artistic Caprices. - The Paint and Clay Club
of Boston. The Authors' Club of New York. -Mrs. Langtry. -The Raymond Tourist Party..204
St. Valentine Baskets. - Enamel Furniture.-Church Embroidery. - The Montreal Winter Car-
nival.-Village Improvement Societies. - The Town Library.-Quotation...
The International Copyright Question...
Preservation of the Water Supply.--Has a Man any Rights in Himself ?.