

The Right Hon. Lord Romney,

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And all the other Worthy Governors and
Subscribers to this Excellent and
Useful Inftitution;



Preached at their Request,

And published by their Order,
Is, with all due Refpect and Esteem,
Dedicated and Infcribed,


April 28, 1759





N an age, when Vice is, in fome refpects, become fashionable, and that of lewdness especially treated with fmiles, not degraded with due indignation; it cannot feem strange, that an attempt like the prefent, fhould meet with fome ridicule, and be liable to fome objections, as well from the gay, as the grave; from the thinking as the thoughtlefs. And as there is a variety of motives, which may induce men to give to charitable institutions, so are there motives no lefs various, which may withhold them from giving; and of consequence, lead them to decry a de fign, folely because they mean not to fupport it.

But as we hold not, with a noble Lord *, ri dicule to be any test of the truth; and conceive that light mirth is as indecent as weak, where the life and falvation of fellow-creatures are concerned; we fhall not be difcouraged from any good purpose by its random fhafts, or diverted from any benevolent defign, by its loud and unmeaning madness.

The fuccefs and encouragement, which the present inftitution hath met with, in the short * Lord Shaftesbury.



time fince its commencement, from the Great and the Good, abundantly speak its utility; and we are pleafed to obferve, that very few, if any charitable proposals, have made a more rapid progrefs in the fame compass of time *.

As the purpose of the worthy Patrons and Managers of this Charity is only to do good, and to render an important fervice to Religion and their Country; they will never be inattentive to any observations of the wife and well-meaning; never be backward to confider any objec-: tions, which speculation may propofe; or to admit any useful hints, which seriousness and fobriety may urge, for the advancement of the good work, and furtherance of its utility.

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We remember, that when the Plan for this inftitution was laid before the world, fome, either ignorant, as it fhould feem, of human nature, or averse to the benevolent defign, urged that it was chimerical and abfurd; that no objects would ever prefent themselves; or, if they did, that the reformation of fuch was impoffible."

The doors of the house were no fooner opened, than this objection was powerfully. removed indeed, by the number of pitiable fufferers who flew joyfully to the first harbour, where they could be admitted, and where, in.

For this we refer to the general printed account of the charity.



full proof that the reformation of fuch is nothing ideal, their behaviour, in the general, hath been excellent and exemplary; and all the figns and fruits of reformation, which could be fancied or formed, have and continue to fhew themselves:

Surely they who have talked of this defign, as "of a scheme to wash Ethiopians white," must have been very inattentive observers of human nature; muft have confidered but very fuperficially the end and defign of the religion. of Christ.

For all the world knows the mifery and diftrefs of these objects and every man who reflects on the true condition of humanity, muft know, that the life of a common prostitute, ist as contrary to the nature and condition of the female fex, as darkness to light and however fome may be compelled to the flavery of it, yet we can never imagine every line of right and virtue obliterated in the minds of all of them. And indeed, as the voluntary entrance of those who are now in the house is a fufficient proof of their wearinefs and deteftation of this way of life, and a ftrong recommendation in their favour: fo from many letters *, and many affecting incidents, which have already happened in the house, it appears, beyond all contra

Concerning thefe,a more fatisfactory account may be had from Mr. Dingley, who is in poffeffion of the manufcript letters referred to.

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